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@MarcosAntonio-z8y9h 4 күн бұрын
@ Buenas noches grandioso doctor sea amada lglesia Baptista americana y latinos que Dios bendecir el senor en las pregacion de la palabra tien fuerza...hermano,.Marcos Brazil america del sur....
@MarcosAntonio-z8y9h 4 күн бұрын
@Hello beloved shepherd bible ministery Baptist Church Thank you for sharing his video make more l like...
@MarcosAntonio-z8y9h 8 күн бұрын
@Hello my name is marcus brother Baptist Church do the Teresina Town Brazil South america what God bless the america alls pastor l'm happy to come across this video what a suprise beloved peach to World
@MarcosAntonio-z8y9h 8 күн бұрын
@Good night shepherd Bublé missionary baptist church today are watching in live from Brazil South america what God bless the couple blessed...
@freddiebriones127 3 ай бұрын
Watching here in the Philippines sir. Bro. Freddie Briones
@freddiebriones127 3 ай бұрын
Listening you sir this afternoon of your preaching sermon, just finished of our jail ministry
@freddiebriones127 3 ай бұрын
Watching here in the Philippines
@freddiebriones127 3 ай бұрын
Thanks of your challenging, ecouragement preaching sir. From: Freddie Briones Bible Baptist Church Prov. Rd. Nalasin Sto. Domingo 2729 Ilocos sur Philippines
@irasutton5425 Жыл бұрын
'promo sm'
@rickyp1991 Жыл бұрын
@jeffwilson4693 2 жыл бұрын
Bible based religion is a cult of gossip and rumor....a creature of tradition, who for the want of identity have become willing captives of their own vanity. They are neither Christian nor Jew, but posers and actors with scripts. They have not come to Jesus Christ, but to the Bible which is their God. So they play the part.
@MrMario477 2 жыл бұрын
Of course, there are false teachings of JW also there of the mormons sud or FLDS.
@r.e.4640 2 жыл бұрын
There NOT FALSE. I've studied their history on the internet. I'm a former Born-Again Baptist, and it was being a Baptist that has proved to be FALSE OVERALL.
@syncitycom7772 2 жыл бұрын
Just an arch angel. Why do you not know that there is only one arch angel. Always the scriptures say “the arch angel”
@syncitycom7772 2 жыл бұрын
Jehovah’s Witnesses teach Jesus as the only-begotten son of God. You just taught a lie to your congregation.
@syncitycom7772 2 жыл бұрын
Christ didn’t create all things but as the scriptures are clear all things were created THROUGH the Word, The One sent to earth to be Jesus, the savior. Not FROM him but THROUGH him. Very different and you and your church would do well to study that difference. You said it yourself from Hebrews 1. Good lastly spoke by means of God His Son, he made the world by means of His Son. Maybe you just never heard it that way. Study it yourself.
@syncitycom7772 2 жыл бұрын
The KJV has changed the the scriptures. Over 7000 times the Divine name of God (Jehovah in English) has been removed and replaced with LORD and GOD. some scriptures have been added (1 John 5:7 added to prove the false doctrine of the Trinity.) Some scriptures have been mistranslated such as Exodus 3:14 when God tells the meaning of His name. Not “I Am” but “I become what I choose to become” ( See Vines Expository for instance) The they use that same mistranslation at John 8:58 when he declared to the religious leaders that he existed before Abraham, not that I AM. Just a couple instances. The first one is enough to put the KJV on a lower shelf. Other translators before 1611 made sure Good name was there, but the enemy of the master was continuing to sow weeds of lies and untruth to make false Christian’s and obscure God himself and His Son. If it was wrong in 1611, time doesn’t make it right.
@syncitycom7772 2 жыл бұрын
The Bible says that the fine seed down by Jesus and His disciples in the first century would be oversown with weeds by the enemy, Satan. Jesus let them grow together until harvest so that a person wouldn’t pull wheat when they pulled weeds. In the harvest the weeds and the wheat would be discernible then. The weeds, sons of the devil, false Christian’s would flourish while the wheat, the true grain, this who filled the truth would be almost choked out but still there. ( Matthew 13:24-30,36-43) That is the truth of the Bible. The many false teaching that crept into the church along with pagan holidays have been discovered and light has been shown on them by means of CT Russell and other faithful studious Bibles readers. Don’t be so quick to dismiss that which you haven’t fully checked out on your own then from a negative false book your teach your congregation from, Jehovah’s Witnesses Answered.
@elijahushersinthemessiah7423 2 жыл бұрын
Repent or every member of your staff will die
@gurgel4missions 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Bible Missionary Baptist Church Knoxville for receiving our pastors, we are very blessed here in Brazil by this family. We love them all and we love you too! God bless you greatly.
@connileolla9050 3 жыл бұрын
@franklewis3801 3 жыл бұрын
this sermon should be a reminder of how we should live and how thankful we should be. I don't expect this to be this way in our country much longer.
@franklewis3801 3 жыл бұрын
@franklewis3801 3 жыл бұрын
one of the best Bible teachings and teacher,pastor ive had the experience to learn from
@donniemoore2998 3 жыл бұрын
Good sermon Larry, I enjoyed it!
@briankaz8786 3 жыл бұрын
The words in the Revelation tell us God is raising up an army for His great and terrible day. For example, the word “earth.” The earth quakes before them. Locusts means the army of many, and God’s camp is great. The Day of the Lord always comes after He raises an army. Who is God going to destroy? He is going to burn and conquer the kingdom that conquered Jerusalem and burned the city. The fourth kingdom continues until the son of man returns. It started on seven hills with seven legendary kings in the 8th century BC. It became a Republic. It received a wound on Capitoline Hill in 390 BC, but lived. Remember, this book was written to the seven congregations that left the land before the Roman siege as they heeded the Messiah’s warnings. They would have understood the origin of Rome. The rest of the book was for those throughout the centuries. Roman man’s kingdom became an empire after the pompous mouthed Julius Caesar conquered three tribes in Gaul and made himself a dictator for life. The Roman Empire then sieged Jerusalem. “He who takes into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword.” His power, seat and great authority moved east, and the Eastern Roman Empire exercised all the power of the first beast. The seven horns of the lamb were the seven congregations who kept the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua. The Eastern Roman Empire had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. The Eastern Orthodox religion calls down holy fire from heaven, doing a miracle in the sight of men. Catholicism caused the first beast to be worshiped; Rome. This became the Holy Roman Empire and its religion marks the forehead. This religion is the mark of the beast. Christianity is the mark of the Roman Kingdom. The Roman came from Rome and is still around today ruling and prospering in his kingdom. He rules over the western nations. No one can see it today because they are blind, but it is not a mystery if you come out it, and look in. I think we all know where Roman man’s power, seat and great authority moved to. His pagan buildings are his government buildings in Washington DC. Roman man’s false prophet still rules from the city of seven hills. In one hour the Roman Kingdom will fall from power, seat and Great authority. Projectiles and fire, mixed with poison are cast to the earth. Men break out with horrible and disgusting sores from Radiation poisoning. Blood of a dead man was poison in ancient days: poisoning wells, dipping arrows into blood of a dead man and catapulting dead bodies over walls during a siege. Americas navy will be destroyed with nuclear weapons, and the rest of the ships will be radiated. Waters will be radiated and people will die from drinking it. Fires will rage and darken the sky. A large nuclear weapon falls on the seat of the beast, and Washington DC will be destroyed, and the bottomless pit of many Asians will open, and they will continue until complete. The locusts will come upon the US. The first five trumpets and bowls are upon the US, and is chapter 18. The last two are Har Megiddo in Europe. Roman Man’s kingdom has, a city of seven hills, and ten tribes of Israel. The four living creatures are encamped in the wilderness dressed in purple and scarlet colors. They do not surround God’s tabernacle, but Roman man’s voice who sold olive oil and wine around the Mediterranean Sea in ancient times. His great economy is obviously in the western nations today, and especially the US. The people from Britain to Russia are the ten horns on the Roman beast. The Angel ascended from the east after sealing servants of Dan in their foreheads, before heading west of the Euphrates river to seal all the other tribes. All tribes are sealed. All tribes, except for Dan, are in the the Roman Kingdom, the kingdom that will quake. Dan will judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. The Roman Kingdom is going to come under great and horrible judgment. The ten tribes of Israel are horns, congregations with kings, and are the nations, tribes, tongues, and people of Europe. They are the power and strength of the Roman Kingdom and fill the armies of Europe. “Come out of her my people or you will participate in her sins and receive of her plagues.” Sin is transgression of Gods law, but Roman man has persuaded the tribes of Israel to whore. That means not keeping Gods commandments. So, who has God raised up for His great and terrible day? The horseman. In 1206 AD, Genghis Khan was crowned, and the horseman with bows went forth to conquer Asia. IS THIS TRUE? In chapter 9, the locusts are like horses prepared for battle. They are Asians. The horseman wore golden colored fur hats, that when flipped up, made a band of gold around their heads. They had faces like men, but not in the west. They wore armor, and long braided hair like woman. Their large quivers full of wooden arrows looked like wings when riding their horses, and sounded like many chariots with horses going into battle. They had tails like scorpions. The scorpion was the Roman crossbow and stung with arrows. The horseman were taught as children to ride their horses up the enemy firing arrows, then turn away stinging to the rear with their bows. (((THE LOCUSTS ARE ASIANS))) They will attack the western nations, and that day comes like a snare; quickly and without warning. Communism started in Russia, and they killed one another and were given a great sword. They have great military power due to the Cold War. The communist Chinese traded with the Roman Kingdom (with seven hills, and ten tribes of Israel) and now the Asians have power to kill 40% of the [earth]. The Roman Kingdom is Revelation is the [earth] that will quake. The shape of the locusts are like unto horses prepared for battle. In one day, death, mourning and famine, and she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is YHVH who judges her, the whore, Roman man and his kingdom. The US will fall in one hour, and the kings of the [earth] in Europe, who rule over the 10 tribes of Israel, will see the smoke of her burning, and stand far off and cry, woe, woe to you great city, you mighty city of Babylon, in one hour you doom has come. Out of the smoke come locusts upon the earth. They will begin taking into captivity: men will want to die, but death will flee from them. After five months, Har Megiddo. Har - a hill or range of hills. Megiddo - a place of kings: a place of invading armies. This is when the Messiah takes the “bride,” at Har Megiddo, the Great War, when the European armies with Roman leaders are destroyed. Those raised from the dust in Jerusalem, that were slaughtered by the Romans in 70 AD, will watch this war. They will be on white horses behind the Messiah, and out of their mouths proceed the plagues of war on the Roman Kingdom; the plagues of fire and blood. The Messiah is on a white horse, with many crowns, and many horses following, and out of his mouth proceeds the sword. He is a great warrior returning to conquer the Roman Kingdom, just like Genghis Khan conquered Asia. His armies are the Asian nations. Those in Jerusalem today are the enemies of those who will hear that voice say, “come up here.” Those in Jerusalem today are not Judah and Benjamin. They are a product of the Roman occupation for over 600 years. The leaders of Europe will come together as one, as the beast that was, and is not, and they will go into destruction. The kings of the [earth] have one mind, Christianity, and will gather together with that Roman false prophet in Rome. They will believe God is with them. All their armies will go to war, and will be slain. “Come out of her my people.” The bride is not whoring; they are keeping the commandments. The ”kings“ of the east and their 200,000,000 Asian army will conquer the ”kings” of the [earth] and their armies near a city of seven hills. Then Europe will be burned by nuclear weapons; Revelation is the fulfillment of Daniel 7:11. The beast was slain, and his body destroyed and given over to the burning flame. The Roman Kingdom will finally come to its end, and those Israelites left will be gathered back to the land to keep Gods commandments. They are the nations, living creatures, horns with crowns. Go preach the gospel to every living “creature.” The king of Israel will never allow the tribes of Israel to fail away from Gods law again. The Day of YHVH is the sword, after He raises an army. Revelation 14 is the US falling, then Har Megiddo. First, Yeshua gathers the faithful, meaning those faithful to YHVH’s law. Then, the armies of Europe are gathered for destruction. Notice the horses bridal; they are Asians conquering Europe. Babylon falls, then the Horseman conquer Asia. I told you, the Messiah will take the faithful at Har Megiddo. Revelation is a repeating message, two or more witnesses. It always verifies the truth, if you found it. The warning is this: Come out of the Roman Kingdom; do not worship the Roman Kingdom or the image of the Pope in Rome, or practice his religion, and keep the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua. The bride is not a whore.
@icc69626 4 жыл бұрын