I'm just staying at w guangzhou at 25-29/07/24. I'm marriott Titanum member booked standard room and free upgrade to suite at level 22 unit 02 and can check in at 3pm. I'm totally agree with you the breakfast is really bad service, low quality food and tasteless.
@KnFtravelchannel6 ай бұрын
I think Titanim has different treatment than platinum a looot, much easily to have upgrade to suite. yea, the breakfast really gave us "WoW" experience 😂
@katas72286 ай бұрын
我上星期都去住咗,金會員用分換普通房。我體驗反而係服務幾好,本身冇訂早餐,前台姐姐話送埋,又upgrade咗去住22樓,但因為我中午去到check in未有房放低行李就出去玩,本身打算下午返一返去,但最尾都係夜晚先返,所以冇留意到幾點有房呢個位😂 個前台姐姐加咗我微信,有咩問佢都係秒回我有嘅,仲送咗100蚊mini bar credit俾我飲嘢 今次去住主要覺得係佢哋硬件上太老舊,例如房入面啲裝修同浴室啲污漬。另外早餐個問題唔多唔少都係唔夠位坐,對比其他地方嘅W,坐位都唔知有冇人哋一半 咁又唔洗對個牌子有太大疑惑嘅,唔同地區嘅服務都有唔同,暫時住過上海,台灣同澳門,體驗都算good,同埋啲早餐都好正