@TRUCTHANH-cs5jn 19 минут бұрын
I always feel so lonely even if I’m with my own family but…..it feels like they’re only strangers….I feel unprotected, stressed when I’m with them…..I tried to trick myself that I’m just overthinking but….it seems like I’m not….maybe….I’m really just a stranger to them….oh-wait…I’m really it…..I’m just a stranger that they might pick up on street because they feel pity for me….? I don’t even know……but I’m sure non parents could just told their child:”if you don’t want him to be your brother then you’re not my child……” oh….first time hear that…? That’s nothing surprising to me anymore…..I know it still hurt but….I’ll get used to it soon… i'm here just to share a bit of my story but i wish you guys feel better
@CFC7452 Күн бұрын
I recently made a list on my phone after I had a break down and I’ve been trying to figure out what keeps getting me upset. Well obviously all my situations in life right now and I just can’t seem to catch a break but I came to one conclusion: I just want to feel important. Not in a selfish way. I don’t want to be the center of attention. I just want to feel important to myself.
@WeirdoWolfGirl Күн бұрын
(Warning: I’m venting and may curse :3) My parents have been divorced since I was two years old, and now i’m (I’ma say 11- 15 you guess, but middle school age) I finally got friends, I never had more than 2 at once so big upgrade, but at the end of the school year (I go back and forth between my mom and dad by week) my mom says she’s moving into a different state with my little brother (he’s almost a year old and is on my step dad side) and step dad. I don’t have much reason to stay here, and my mom says she can go to court with my dad and my dad says he can go court my mom, so I feel a lot of pressure and I tried coming up with a middle ground, which means I’d stay with my dad during school year and go to my mom’s for holidays, summer, and 4 day weekends. So I’m feeling a lot of stress of this summer being my only summer with my new friends, and I don’t think a lot of people my age can relate to that kind of thing.
@Lostvr470 Күн бұрын
when people cry it dosen't mean they are weak. It means they were being strong holding it in for to long
@Wofles Күн бұрын
Checking on strangers who end up seeing this… Are you OK?
@user-xd5oc8xu1y 6 сағат бұрын
@user-rm6xw6qq3q 2 күн бұрын
Algún día volveremos a estar juntos y pondré nuevamente este tema, estaré ahí con mi oído en tu corazón ❤️ y está vez no me permitiré abandonarnos 😅
@aligonzales1480 2 күн бұрын
depression is a choice, Life is beautiful. Happiness and sadness combined. Instead of staying behind in the past, or the future. Continue so you or your children live your dream life. PS. Love you
@monstax444 2 күн бұрын
Whenever I felt a little bit at ease, whenever I felt like I'm getting better, doing better than I used to, whenever I got to genuinely smile and laugh while enjoying my time.. there always was something to clear it all up. No matter how hard I tried to keep that little hope I found, it always vanished like it didn't even exist to begin with. It's just a part of life after all, happiness and sadness are not permanent, they come and go. It's completely understandable. But it makes me wonder if searching for happiness and fighting to protect it worths the misery I have to endure afterwards.. Idk? It makes me feel helpless, feels like I'm just a person helplessly trying to find my own happiness and protect it so I can keep it just a bit longer than before. I'm in that stage rn, I'm trying my best to save it, but nothing seems to be working. It's not getting any better, I'm terrified, I'm lost, I desperately need help but it's not like I can ask for any. It's funny cuz I was laughing my heart out like 2 weeks ago with my favorite person, now I'm laying down on my bed at midnight and typing this while silently crying so I won't wake anyone up. It's funny how things can change quickly.
@ronyx13 2 күн бұрын
Now life feels so bad that instead of laughing somewhere, I get lost somewhere and miss the past. Whether you accept it or not, your life after 2020 was very bad.
@yannalovesbacon_ 2 күн бұрын
time steps for yall :> 00:00 • 05:16 Beach House - Space Song 05:18 • 07:19 Eyedress - Jealous 07:20 • 10:45 FKJ - Ylang Ylang 10:48 • 14:39 Molina - Hey Kids (ft. Late Verlane) 14:43 • 17:39 Mild High Club - Homage 17:40 • 19:47 Mitski - Washing Machine Heart 19:49 • 24:00 Mr. Kitty - After Dark 24:03 • 28:20 The Neighbourhood - Daddy Issues 28:20 • 31:38 ROAR - I Can't Handle Change 31:41 • 34:04 Surf Curse - Freaks 34:06 • 36:35 Undertale OST: 004 - Fallen Down 36:38 • 40:02 The Neighbourhood - Softcore 40:06 • 43:04 Blank Banshee - Teen Pregnancy 43:04 • 46:06 VACATIONS - Young 46:13 • 48:47 Vundabar - Alien Blues 48:49 • 51:58 Mareux - The Perfect Girl 52:00 • 54:28 vague003 - Drowning 54:29 • 59:17 Izzamuzzic - Shootout 59:20 • 1:04:04 Cigarettes After Sex - Apocalypse 1:04:08 • 1:05:30 Ezekiel - help_urself 1:05:30 • 1:08:05 Vundabar Alien Blues 1:08:07 • 1:10:56 Claire Cottrill - Bubble Gum
@yannalovesbacon_ 2 күн бұрын
congrats for 1,555,371 views and 19.4k subscribers! i really needed this playlist. thankyou
@davehud2552 2 күн бұрын
Am so stupid to believe In my soul
@SilyCitrus 2 күн бұрын
Vent: I cant keep up the facade of being happy to others, truly i am not stable i know this, i cant show my true self because im scared, I am hiding who i am for a reason i lost so much when i showed people who i really am, I'm worried about my girlfriend, i've spent so much time with her and told her so much about me, im scared she will leave me, even tho i know she wont do anything like cheating, im scared for things to change, i wish i wasnt scared, but i always will be, but i only know who i truly am, i dont fit in, i dont know how im able to keep myself together these days tbh, i just hide it i guess, im scared of life, i wish i can still just be a kid again, I want to be able to do everything everyone else is able to do, but i cant, I was afraid of cutting myself so i bite myself as hard as i could, my mom asked what that was from and i said i hit my arm bad, i dont know anymore, im just a weirdo, if someone is reading this then thank you, you really didnt have to but still you kept staying, thank you, your amazing!!!
@SilyCitrus 2 күн бұрын
holy crap i can yap lol
@joelsimoes4689 3 күн бұрын
@sunsheythesun9401 3 күн бұрын
Я не чувствую себя причастной к этому миру. Я верю, что существуют и другие миры, в которых для меня есть место. Мне очень нравится жить, даже не в своей тарелке, я просто люблю жизнь
@xsionlokkie1 4 күн бұрын
@ismaeltorres7651 4 күн бұрын
I’m 11 turning 12.Should I be crying because my mom talks to me in a angry voice but she talks in a nice voice with my brothers and I always get in trouble for no reason sometimes and sometimes yes it are my fault but why doesn’t she get angry or mad with my brothers when they are wrong huh.. is love too much to ask for….
@Rivergames-qh6sh 4 күн бұрын
Been listening to this playlist for about 30 minutes, and I guess I’ll comment too, though mine won’t be as serious as others are, sorry I guess? TLDR (yes it’s up here) Recently my girlfriend has been really getting on my nerves, it’s not entirely her fault but I don’t know what I should do Back in December my gf got transferred to online school, we talked a bit before she confessed to me, I didn’t know how to feel about this but she was so impatient that I just said yes (a common trait that she’s impatient and I’m bendable to certain extents) so we dated for almost a month, before I realized that I didn’t actually like her, so I broke it off, we kept talking and one day she shared a google slide with me, and I learned that she has divorced parents her dad’s side has her step mom, her step mom emotionally abuses my gf’s dad, she asked for my mom to call her mom, when we did her mom called the police, and I didn’t hear from her for months, in that time I changed from a guy that can’t go two sentences without saying a sex joke, to being more respectful in hopes that I’m not wasting my life being a dumbass, eventually I got a phone number and a phone a few weeks later, I texted her and in that time it took for her to respond i learned that I do like her, so when she came back I shooted my shot, now we’ve been dating for around 3 months, and I’m starting to feel like I’m not being listened to, or like I’m bending and not standing up for myself, a few days ago she invited me to youth group and I denied because I’m not going to a strangers house, and when I finished speaking she hung up on me without another word, she keeps inviting me places 20 minutes before they happen (personally I need like a weeks notice before said thing happens) she also makes mean jokes, like when I say “that’s going to hit the self esteem bar” she says “what self esteem” and in the moment I don’t mind it, but after a while it grew on me, she says she isint making fun of me or trying to hurt my feelings, but sometimes I don’t feel like that’s true, so uh, I guess what I’m trying to say is could I get some advice from people?
@RubenLuna-bz4nm 4 күн бұрын
@luvstimetosleep 4 күн бұрын
"Dammit, don't you dare ask God to help me"Joan Crawford once said
Am I the only one who heard their name get called during one of the songs even though it is like 1 am.
@Naomiismyoc-Toruhagakure 5 күн бұрын
Is anyone else crying rn? Or is that just me? Well hopefully y’all are doing alright!
@face1826 5 күн бұрын
God bless you all. Jesus said in this life we would have troubles, but to rejoice, for He has overcome the world. Trust in Him, give Him your hearts. Don’t pray for an easy life, but rather for the strength to endure its trials :)
@ClinkoTHEclown 5 күн бұрын
My boyfriend broke up with me, I got so attached to them that now I don’t even know what I’m gonna do without them, They were my goal, my motivation.
@pinebrryy 5 күн бұрын
I love rainy days because they're nice to listen to. Nice to watch. They make me feel nice for once in my life. I always get excited for rain. The unfortunate thing is, I live in an area that barely rains. Despite that, I still wait. I still wait for the rain to come back, no matter how long it takes. The best thing is, it always comes back. It comes back and I get to go back to enjoying it. I love rainy days because they always come back.
@hellobananas4339 3 күн бұрын
I wish i lived in a place where everyone doesnt know me and lay on grass while the rain flourishes around me. I hope one day we experience these things🙏💛
@mad7562 5 күн бұрын
I just failed my exam I didn't see a page that was full of questions Je me déteste
@paladindanse6204 5 күн бұрын
the worst thing about exams... But do not worry. It's just some exam. Not the first and not the last.
@paladindanse6204 5 күн бұрын
You know what's the worst? That I feel lonely even though I have many great friends and a loving family. And that even though my family loves me, I feel unloved. Because of these two things, I feel so guilty and so bad, as if I couldn't be grateful for what I have, even though I know that I have a lot and many people probably dream about it. But you know. Since that girl isn't with me, somehow everything is grayer. And it's not even her fault. Unfortunately, I was the one who ruined everything. Ah, if I could turn back time
@averielledowell4745 5 күн бұрын
Everyone keeps saying it’s gonna get better things are gonna be just fine but things just keep getting worse the feelings cutting deeper the noise louder the lights so dark that I can seem to even see it anymore
@Tokiohotel_483 6 күн бұрын
God bless everyone and I hope everyone has a good day and never give up 1. Your beautiful 2. Your pretty 3. Your body is perfect just how it is 4. People love you 5.your gorgeous 6. Your kind 7. Your respectful 8. Don’t give up on yourself 9. Don’t spread rumors 10. Don’t gossip 11. Self confidence is key 12. Don’t compare yourself to other people 13. I hope u have the best day ever 14. God bless u again 15. your smile is beautiful and gorgeous 16. Don’t blame yourself for stuff that u didn’t do 17. Don’t let any comments about u bother u 18. Your family loves your friends love you and god loves you 19. When life is hard or tough don’t end it! Believe in yourself and continue in life and keeping walking!!! 20. I’m proud of those who are fighting hard in life and in those who made it in life!!! 21. Remember what your worth and not what others think your worth 22. Be yourself not someone else 23. Don’t let other people take advantage of your kindness!!! <333 (Comes from a 10 year old girl who almost ended it but overcame it and if I overcame it then u can to❤️)
@therealitachi1 6 күн бұрын
Forgetting is like a wound, the wound may heal but it has already left a scar
@AshantiTjihavero 6 күн бұрын
I feel kinda dumb...😅
@maja-l8p 6 күн бұрын
I love you 1% I love you 2% I love you 3% I love you 4% I love you 5% I love you 6% I love you 7% I love you 8% I love you 9% I love you 10% I l o v e y o u 1 1 % I l o v e y o u 1 2 % I l o v e y o u 1 3 % I l o v e y o u 1 4 % I love you 15% I love you 16% I love you 17% I love you 18% I love you 19% I love you 20% I love you 21% I love you 22% I love you 23% I love you 24% I love you 25% I love you 26% I love you 27% I love you 28% I love you 29% I love you 30% I love you 31% I love you 32% I love you 33% I love you 34% I l o v e y o u 3 5 % I l o v e y o u 3 6 % I love you 37% I l o v e y o u 3 8 % I l o v e y o u 3 9 % I l o v e y o u 4 0 % I love you 50% I love you 51% I love you 52% I love you 53% I love you 54% I love you 55% I love you 56% I love you 57% I love you 58% I love you 59% I love you 60% I love you 61% I love you 62% I love you 63% I love you 64% I love you 65% I love you 66% I love you 67% I love you 68% I love you 69% I love you 50% I love you 51% I love you 52% I love you 53% I love you 54% I love you 55% I love you 56% I love you 57% I love you 58% I love you 59% I love you 60% I love you 61% I love you 62% I love you 63% I love you 64% I love you 65% I love you 66% I love you 67% I love you 68% I love you 69% I love you 70% I love you 71% I love you 72% I love you 73% I love you 74% I love you 75% I love you 76% I l o v e y o u 7 7 % I l o v e y o u 7 8 % I l o v e y o u 7 9 % I l o v e y o u 8 1 % I l o v e y o u 8 2 % I love you 83% I love you 84% I l ove you 85% I lo ve you 86% I love you 87% I love y ou 88% I love yo u 89% I love you 90% I love you 9 1% I love you 9 2% I love you 93 % I love you 94% I love you 95% I love you 96% I love you 97% I love you 98% I love you 99% I LOVE YOU 100%
@PVRAlone 6 күн бұрын
when your parents think they know better than anyone else what i go through they have no clue ive tried to commit before
@Heartsonlyforbailey 6 күн бұрын
I cant belive the internet comforts us more than our OWN parents will ever....
@OmarSanchez-tw1bc 6 күн бұрын
Depression isn't a trend Anxiety isn't a fad Happiness is the end goal So why do we chase the things that always end up guiding us away from it? I took a drink to ease the pain Eventually it only brought me more. I popped a pill to feel something different after it wore off, it all felt the same. Temporary sedation for lifelong anguish You see we're all kings an queens in our own right But why do we feel he or she with the heaviest crown, wins? So I say again depression is not a trend Anxiety is not a fad Happiness is the end goal. "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown"~Shakespeare
@SP33DYWasTaken 6 күн бұрын
it seems that nothing makes me happy anymore, not friends, not family, nothing that I'm interested in, what have I turned into? someone who sits in their room all day and plays on their computer? I really need to get outside more to be honest, I barely make human interactions anymore, why am I not happy? why am I depressed? why does everyone hate me? why am I? why?
@Sleepy_VR1232 7 күн бұрын
0:00 space song 5:18 jealous 7:22 ylang ylang 10:50 hey kids x not fair 14:44 homage 17:42 Washing machine heart 20:13 after dark 24:04 d@ddy issues 28:22 I can’t handle change 31:42 freaks 34:08 fallen down 37:49 are we too young for this? (Idk the song srry💔) 40:07 I’m just a kid 43:07 young 46:14 alien blues 48:51 (idk I’m very sorry) 52:02 (ik the song but idk the name) 59:22 tell me why 1:04:09 (idek) 1:05:32 alien blues (again idk why) 1:08:10 sorry I didn’t kiss you (this is a relaxing song❤️) Done y’all I tried please pin me because I spent hours on this.
@EHEMTHEFIRST 7 күн бұрын
how to slap someoone throu internet part one :'3
@CalebHowe-rq1em 7 күн бұрын
Yk what's crazy how slow life truly goes yet just how fast it flies by like I was in high-school 2 months ago I've now finished my exams and am heading to collage hopefully but I'm scared cause ik I've failed most off my gcse's cause school thinks keeping their students under control is more important than us students getting somewhere in life and my life just seems to be getting worse I started dealing trying to survive this shitty street life what most people live but don't have the power to do anything about it cause the money and now our entire system is getting more and more corrupt I'm 16 an I'm scared I'm not gunna live to see 20 That's all I had to say sry for the vent but just had to get It off my chest
@ozzythedog2.089 7 күн бұрын
When it hits you the people who you thought were your friends stab you in the back 0:00. To 0:29
@ozzythedog2.089 7 күн бұрын
When it it hits you the people who you thought were your friends just stabbed you in the back 0:00 to 0:10
@Banana4life269 7 күн бұрын
I’m sad because I pooed my pants in class on the stage and I get bullied for fart fungus 💀💀💀😭
@Your_local_gacha_kid842 7 күн бұрын
Sometimes when I go to sleep I’d wish I’d never wake up, I know people love me but I don’t love myself
@memetown5487 7 күн бұрын
Getting a fucking grammarly add mid-way through is fucked up man
@Mr.Solar_Eclipse 7 күн бұрын
Why is life so hard man?
@LyssaSohl 7 күн бұрын
Its all my fault
@brookiepeden3230 8 күн бұрын
To everyone in the comments i hope you get the chance to read this you are so beautiful, seen heard and loved even if you dont know it yet everything will be ok i know things may seem hard know but there is hope at the end of the tunnel things will get better youll one day look back on the hard experiences that you experianced and relise it all happened for a reason you will be ok God has a plan for your life just trust him. Sending you all lots of love Xxx
@samwilson2.066 8 күн бұрын
you should make more of these remix ones.
@samwilson2.066 8 күн бұрын
i love listening to these playlists as I write stories. Great motivators!
@shikari_shiro_kit 8 күн бұрын
anyone here hate me whatever how much or how, i hate myself already i'm facing family problems, suicidal thoughts, depression, even i'm only very young, like i'm just gonna turn 12 soon. and i face all of these problems trust issues anxiety PTSD(maybe) can't love makes a lot of mistakes (and it's all by accident) gets ignored ucomforted gets misunderstanded gets in a trouble everytime (or arguments) i'm nothing special though but i didn't give up yet that doesn't mean i'm strong i mean that i'm still waiting for the worse and to handle and fight with it i'm still waiting until now and then. i still try to meet other people and make friends i already have friends in real life and online but strangers on the youtube is just more understanding but yeah some of them are toxic and bad but i just need someone to stand with and support, as they also support me... i always try to be happy i'm still trying.