@Nalayustamiana 2 күн бұрын
Should this movie between 2nd actress and hero ep 27 and not one mention about 1st actress and the hero is surrounded by clowns this movie is getting tiresome and boring
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Why is the hero so dumb and dull
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Where is the hero useless
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Are those women stupid or whst
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Why no fight scene with the hero is this a comedy
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Why are there no scene of the hero in these episodes
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Why is the hero always spaced out in each episode
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Why are the bad guys have all the luck the heros look like idiots
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
Why is this girl even in this movie it's about his training for his parents and arranged marriage
@Nalayustamiana 3 күн бұрын
This episode the girl is really trusting of people she is pretty and dumb
@user-rs8li4iq5e 15 күн бұрын
@silviasibal309 22 күн бұрын
English translation please. Thank you
@jawa_loh 24 күн бұрын
@erickavelez5186 24 күн бұрын
what a trash of a film, I watched all this way trying to see if it would get any better, it just gets worse and worse. Not only did the woman he loves got defiled now he ended up killing his best friends father, what the hell is this....waste of time, trashy movie....
@erickavelez5186 24 күн бұрын
I love the opening music, reminds me of ipman movie
@YUIJCYIJMfj 27 күн бұрын
不再沉默 准备付诸于行动 宫崎心也(Miyazaki Shinya)先生看完海报作品之后,又在现场观看了活摘纪录片。他说:“其它国家已经制定了反对强摘的法案,但日本的电视台、新闻几乎没有报道。以前,有位政府高官的夫人在中国做了心脏移植手术,一段时间人们都在私下里谈论。什么都不报道,这本身就不正常,我希望多举办这样的活动,应该大力宣传,让更多人知道。” 图5:宫崎心先生对作品《已预订》印象最深,作品中的小孩的内脏都已经被订购,并标有价格和日期 图5:宫崎心先生对作品《已预订》印象最深,作品中的小孩的内脏都已经被订购,并标有价格和日期 东广岛市议员木村辉江写道:“感受到了每幅作品所要表达的内容,特别是《视而不见》这幅作品一语道破了我们目前的现状。我们有很多人已经知道了(中共活摘法轮功学员器官的事实),当时也谴责其不对,过了一段时间这颗心就逐渐的淡忘了。我们既然已经知道了,就必须要考虑如何行动起来。” 图6:东广岛市议员山田学(Manabu Yamada)观看海报展后,在脸书(FB)上宣传海报展的脸书图。 图6:东广岛市议员山田学(Manabu Yamada)观看海报展后,在脸书(FB)上宣传海报展的脸书图。 东广岛市议员山田学(Manabu Yamada)观看海报展后,在脸书上宣传海报展并投稿说:“面对惨不忍睹的事实,我们是选择‘去了解’还是装聋作哑呢?” 图7:东广岛市PRESS NET报社在海报展出期间介绍海报展。 图7:东广岛市PRESS NET报社 在海报展出期间介绍海报展。 东广岛市PRESS NET报社在海报展出期间,刊登了题为“让我们来关心活摘器官的问题”的文章,对海报展作了介绍。
@sukiminsukimin 27 күн бұрын
Ramainya penjahat bersenjata sedangkan pendekarnya tangan kosong konon terlalu kuat bukankah cerita seperti ini bodoh bin bahlol namanya😂😂😂akhirnya tewas
@reynalynbroaders3497 28 күн бұрын
@tomfu1337 29 күн бұрын
@bhhj-sb2iu 29 күн бұрын
有病,用庆余年范闲和婉儿当封面 😅
@user-vn8ic4xe9s Ай бұрын
@yungintkay6486 Ай бұрын
Damn she gon hurt da poor baby moving like dat smh frl🤦🏾‍♂️
@yungintkay6486 Ай бұрын
Off da jump ppl getting Dey ass beat lmfaooo😭😂💀
@dzhang1000 Ай бұрын
@alitulu3254 Ай бұрын
Çin filmleri seviyorum, izliyorum, öğreniyorum
@siewko1515 Ай бұрын
Main actor is not Zhang Ruoyun, deceiving viewers 😢😢😢
@pendi-vi9lz Ай бұрын
Mana yg sub indo
@xidongguo1463 Ай бұрын
英语挡住中文了 😅
@IrukworDavid Ай бұрын
Name of the series
@BrokenAadi-hz7ju Ай бұрын
Cute girl❤❤❤
@cheong763 Ай бұрын
@Glaozed Ай бұрын
编剧能不能有点逻辑? 34:06 这种拉丁上战场的作法,在一般战场的情况下都会败。 再说,几十万军队都轻松败给了几百人的日军,经过训练的战士没有武器就只有被屠的命,何况是手无寸铁的百姓还是瞎子上战场?
@biscuit5061 Ай бұрын
@Glaozed Ай бұрын
@Tjah358 Ай бұрын
Zaman dinasty qing
@xyliu-ic5zw Ай бұрын
@tingneikholvaiphei2842 Ай бұрын
Full epi plese
@rebojuchang2023 Ай бұрын
There is a link to the full episode in the video description.🥰
@hannanmahmoud8352 Ай бұрын
ممكن ترجمة العربية لو سمحت
@rebojuchang2023 Ай бұрын
يمكنك ضبط اللغة التي تفضلها في الإعدادات في الزاوية السفلية اليمنى.🥰
@rebojuchang2023 Ай бұрын
You can set the subtitles you want in the settings in the lower right corner of the video❤
@rebojuchang2023 Ай бұрын
You can set the subtitles you want in the settings in the lower right corner of the video❤
@rebojuchang2023 Ай бұрын
You can set the subtitles you want in the settings in the lower right corner of the video❤
@xyliu-ic5zw Ай бұрын
oh i like the tv
@xyliu-ic5zw Ай бұрын
emmm the man looks like so clever
@neilllogie3930 Ай бұрын
English subtitle please thanks
@rebojuchang2023 Ай бұрын
You can set the language you need in the settings in the lower right corner of the video🥰
@manansoni1568 Ай бұрын
HEHE Funny Chinkdis Chinkdi Chnkdi ? yes papa ? Pee in Pants ? Np Papa : Indians were there ? No pappa, Show me your pants.... HA HA HA
@jimbowu77 Ай бұрын
哪儿跟哪儿呀,#李沁 #庆余年2 #张若昀 ... 这不是倚天屠龙吗,苏有朋演的...
@aimingdeng3528 Ай бұрын
@rebojuchang2023 Ай бұрын
@xyliu-ic5zw Ай бұрын
@xyliu-ic5zw Ай бұрын