Shame on me
Ай бұрын
Whale spotted
7 ай бұрын
@Silverkite211 4 күн бұрын
Since last update, this comp started to act funny for whatever magic added by NN, I revised the comp by using better sticks and changing Yukari's card loadut, for those who care, the updated comp can be found here
@Silverkite211 12 күн бұрын
this sometimes won't work as Sekibanki will survive and wipe out your team, it's completely random as most of the times she just hangs up with less than 20k hp, low enough for your unit to get rid of her with random attacks, but when she's over 20k hp, she will wipe 1unit off or the entire team. I'm scratching this off for part III testing
@Silverkite211 14 күн бұрын
L80 Kasen needs her agility to be higher than C3 Kogasa and C3 Sekibanki, you can fill W2 Suwako with whatever card at your disposal, she's just there cause her skills are replacing the cards that I'm missing.
@Silverkite211 12 күн бұрын
Update, I'm not testing this comp anymore, I did around 100 runs and I'm not sure if it's stable or not.
@Silverkite211 21 күн бұрын
As per usual no farm proofing will be provided just trust me, I'm an engineer (.cit), at 20sp with some MacGyvering gauge 2 can be spell nuked without changing skill order, no other observations are needed. For a change and better yin integration I tested this with Mima, it werks, cards and skill usage may vary but you need two LW for gauge 3, so nope, I'm not bothering to test it even further
@Silverkite211 25 күн бұрын
Probably no need to use Tenshi spellcard on gauge 1 break, still it gives Kogasa some extra attack juice for next gauge, on gauge 2 spell card usage it's just me afraid of supposed ghost hits, last gauge will probably have the same problems with Marisa or Remilia surviving, Tenshi it's not really game for this stage, C3 Komachi could have been the perfect replacement, but the idiot in charge of screwing up the kit of newer and also old units decided to give her a single target LW, so press F for C3 Komachi and let's hope that C3 Kasen will be useful as her L80 counterpart and not a generic NN™ soup.
@Silverkite211 28 күн бұрын
EDIT NOTE: USE TENSHI SKILL FOR 2ND GAUGE, just found out it will fail despite Kogasa doing ok damage for it, if it still fails on gauge 2 then unleash Tenshi with MT spell card that gives her around 100k damage. If it's not enough, then you can easily spell nuke both 1st and 2nd gauge, leaving you with Hecatia and Kogasa doing the finishing touches instead of Tenshi, problem are the cards needed are from a certain Yuyuko C3 banner and you need 2 of them plus one Beach Senshoku Geidontei and at least one Tajikarao Barrier usage on last gauge it's required cause C3 Tenshi will be sadly and randomly delayed, if you don't want to, since L80 Yuyuko can clear gauge 1 with no support, you can easily replace C3 Tenshi with L80 Yuyuko and do some guess work for gauge 1. This is a pink heart farm, no farm proofing will be posted on "IRC with quotes and cosplayers with pronouns app" or elsewhere inhabited with more sane people
@Silverkite211 25 күн бұрын
1st september update... something it's still wrong, somehow my units are getting randomly nuked whilst enemy gauge it's fully broken, I don't get if it's a game bug or something else, cause there shouldn't be a way for them to attack, the farm works as is 99% of times, can't fix ghost hits specially when I'm sleeping and farming. I'm nevertheless replacing C3 Hecatia with C3 Youmu just for the sake of it. Ah, yes, forget about spell nuking, it only works with C5 Koishi in place of C3 Hecatia.
@Silverkite211 Ай бұрын
Couple of things, it does work replacing MV Kaguya card with anything that debuffs yin def, it does work replacing B3 Hecatia's with group yin attack card, it work-ish at 15sp, so it does-ish at 18sp, problem it's just gauge 1 and you'll need to fail proof it by yourself. I made this comp to replace another comp which involves F1 Reimu and one extra LW. MV Kaguya it's here just to make sure you'll be able to nuke the last gauge in a single turn. You can replace her with MV Koishi or MV Remilia, but you are looking at 1 extra LW on which a yin debuff card it's needed, with MV Remilia 1st gauge problems are somehow null, 2nd gauge side nuking with B3 Hecatia it's 100% fail proof, but you want to feel safe, then use Mima mt spell card. It's not a purple heart farm. Skill, target and graze uses have to stay as shown in the video otherwise B3 Hecatia will fail to nuke the sides on 2nd gauge.
@youroop Ай бұрын
I can successfully complete this game with just one knife not only this game the entire series of hitman 1 with just one knife.
@Silverkite211 2 ай бұрын
this comp won't be posted on THLW discord nor will have farming proofs.
@Silverkite211 2 ай бұрын
Cards on second spell card slots can be replaced with everything, same applies for stat stick cards, LW card on W5 Kasen can probably be replaced but I'm too lazy to try
@Silverkite211 3 ай бұрын
comp it's still under review, it will farm, W2 Suwako stat stick cards can be replaced with whatever so are Shinki sticks as she's not the main focus of this comp
@fallforusecondhand521 3 ай бұрын
Red dragon: watch! Need alarm! Red dragon 2: ow!! Red dragon dead 3: augh!! Red dragon 4: He packing!!!!!!
@Silverkite211 3 ай бұрын
Follow skill and graze order otherwise Kasen damage for first gauge will fall short, if you really don't want to, then put FR Daiyousei with 2.0 upgrades on front, use Shinki and Reimu skills as seen in this video, use Daiyousei 2.0/FR skills, switch, use Kasen skills and clear gauge 1 with not much effort. This a pink hearth only farm not tested for purple, never will.
@Silverkite211 3 ай бұрын
Skill usage has to stay as is, for clearing gauge 2 it's important that Marisa goes before Shinki, it's the same for targets. Not sure if you can replace Reimu cards with others, specially with less powerful cards cause gauge 1 clear it's pretty annoying and if you use less powerful cards you need too use another set of spellcards which will make things last longer and I don't want to.
@Silverkite211 3 ай бұрын
this won't farm, Toramaru has tank issues that needs fixing, brb
@Silverkite211 3 ай бұрын
Skill usage has to stay as is, for clearing gauge 2 it's important that Marisa goes before Shinki, it's the same for targets and focus attacks cause on gauge 2 clear Kogasa has or had small chances to survive Reimu spell card so it's important to target her. Not sure if you can replace Reimu cards with others, specially with less powerful cards cause gauge 1 clear it's pretty annoying and if you use less powerful cards you need too use another set of spellcards which will make things last longer and I don't want to.
@Silverkite211 4 ай бұрын
Stage it's a little crappy everyone buffs herself, spell card usage on T1 it's needed cause sometimes Shinki gets delayed even if she goes full graze and if the Koishers aren't spell carding grazes are needed otherwise it's a wipe, also you need to hold as many barriers as possible otherwise C5 Koishi will fail to properly clear the third gauge, targeting it's not that important, I kept it as shown on this video cause on previous tries with L80 Yuyuko I had to fumble with Okina and Hecatia surviving a bit too much and I had to discard her. You can probably replace Shinki with L80 Reimu or preferably with L80 Kasen but some adjustments are needed and I really don't want to. Not sure if C5 Koishi can be replaced, as I said I used Yuyuko before, nearly same setup, but Hecatia and only Hecatia would survive and found no way to prevent that. You can't properly spell card clear first gauge in a single go and even then gauge 2 will be sus cause Okina nopping you out, gauge 3 clear with MV Yuyuko applying wood vulnerability with Koishi using only skill 2 and Last Word (target Hecatia) it's 100% failproof
@Silverkite211 4 ай бұрын
C5 Koishi it's not that needed, I made this strategy in a couple of minutes without thoughts, she can probably be replaced with L80 Kasen, L80 Reimu, L80 Marisa or well W2 Kanako too or any unit that can break enough barriers during gauge 2, that way Shinki can easily nuke the gauge alone while leaving F1 Koishi and C5 Koishi replacement to deal with stragglers
@HindiTV-jk1de 4 ай бұрын
You truly are a GTA gamer trying Hitman for fun 🤭
@Silverkite211 4 ай бұрын
First thing first, if you are lacking 8 copies of Under Cover Reporter card try to use other AGI Stat stick cards on Shinki but not on Yuyuko, if your MV Yuyuko it's fully upgraded with silver incense then you can try with Thunder Beat, Shinki somehow does fine with other cards too but. if it doesn't work, then raise SP cost up to 18 or 20. You can probably replace Shinki card with another Yang Atk up card as she has no problem regenerating P points, on gauge 3 it's important to target bottom fairy cause she tanks the damage. I did not use Koishi skill 3 for 3rd gauge cause it creates connection error problem as Shinki gets a delay which gets overwritten by Koishi skill 3, so for whatever bethesda inspired reason, the game thinks there is another attack on hold and freezes the connection, it doesn't go away if you use all grazes with both Yuyuko and Shinki, the only way is to add a 4th unit and switch Shinki to rear guard, but it's pointless to have a 4th unit as you can't switch units during 3rd gauge without waiting for 1 or 2 turns. Since this a pink heart comp use it at your own risk
@Silverkite211 5 ай бұрын
yes my comps and farms are probably too much expensive, say thanks to NN for their fantastic and completely out of touch sense of stage balancing
@Silverkite211 5 ай бұрын
This will PROBABLY work at 15sp, it will PROBABLY work with extra red rules too, but sooner or later due agility down debuffs and a certain Flandre + Kokoro tanking too much, it will fail on gauge 2 and gauge 3, so you can risk to use this at 15sp and deal with random wipes or just go 18sp cause it's definitely stable, I did not post farming proofs on THLW discord cause I farm in batches to prevent exhausting my units, you can switch L80 Koishi ST cards with other cards as long they guarantee overdamage on Flandre and Satori. Skill usage has to stay as shown in the video cause if you use Mima skills on T1 or T2 Kokoro or Satori will tank gauge 3 and you don't want this to happen. Also thanks to @koikoi_gaming for clarifications and card suggestions to deal against those RNG problems I was having while setting up a stable farm ^^
@palehorse864 5 ай бұрын
Got to give it to Lee Hong's men. Their pants had the squarest creases you've ever seen.
@oscheoroset1298 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the strats, this stage is really easy.
@maxtrapout669 5 ай бұрын
I need to use the Bathroom 🚽
@DAVIDGamer-i6q 2 ай бұрын
why certainly sir let me just key the key
@Andresitum 5 ай бұрын
Tobias broke character
@Silverkite211 6 ай бұрын
Rules are very strict, do not pick rule one otherwise second gauge damage goes out of wack, it can't be farmed at 15SP, during gauge 1 and gauge 2 breaks/nuke Koishi and Yuyuko MUST target one side each, Satori only focus on Marisa, during last gauge Koishi has to target Marisa, do not use Yuyuko LW cause she might go first causing an extra attack. You can change Yuyuko agility stick cards with yang + defense cards, rest probably has to remain unchanged, It's also not a purple heart farm. Can't even go cheaper than this in terms of units, MV Satori can probably be replaced with C3 Kogasa or LR Shinki but it will be a 4t comp with 10 attacks due not enough juice to properly clear gauge 2 without issues.
@Silverkite211 6 ай бұрын
Extra notes: Hecatia incense upgrade are not needed, I'm just in the process to upgrade her. Comp should work at 15SP too by lowering the difficulty level by adding more artificial difficulty™, but, since their HP pool nearly stays the same it's pretty pointless. It's also nice to see NN filtering the use of even more units by making everything as less f2p player as possible.
@Silverkite211 6 ай бұрын
discard this, it ain't a farm, fucking Marisa is NOW surviving t1 onslaught, 60 tries ago she fucking didn't.
@Silverkite211 6 ай бұрын
Card setup and unit stats are at the end of the video, sorry ^^
@ReineckeF0x 6 ай бұрын
04. march of 2024 - this video is not changing anything on Hitman 2's challenge "feeding the birds" BUT in Hitman 3 when you have also access to Mumbai (of Hitman 2) you CAN do it - trust me i got all challenges in Hitman 3 or World of Assassination as they named it ;-)
@PasificGoesblanc 7 ай бұрын
This is nice, i just started to olay touhou lost word lol, i want all the koishi i can get my hands on
@AxelWerner 8 ай бұрын
HITMAN 3 crashes like 20 times a day, HITMAN 2 contains a well known unfixed BUG for years which makes it impossible to complete all the challenges... No more #LINUX support.... yeah.... THANKS IOI !! No more money for you!!
@Silverkite211 10 ай бұрын
E1 Flandre with FR it's probably not really needed she is there cause I was testing it with a different setup and I used her to nuke gauge 1, but then I had problems for gauge 2, upon moving her with Marisa and Sakuya on rearguard things changed a whole lot so spell card nuking gauge 1 was possible, lw nuking gauge 2 ditto and had no doubts about Marisa and Sakuya safely dealing gauge 3 with no issues
@Silverkite211 10 ай бұрын
Right, card setup is completely random and are leftovers from other farms setups like Shinki setup or just defaults for event/tower clears like Satori setup which is something I used to farm current event card and another cards from story mode
@Blackcomanche 10 ай бұрын
Did you also get Silent Assassin on this?
@Vi7Vi Жыл бұрын
I wonder if I could recreate this without relic Marisa. I have all the other characters
@美奈都子スピー Жыл бұрын
u can try relic flan or smth
@Silverkite211 Жыл бұрын
first tries I was using also A6 Flandre and E1 Flandre too but it was a freaking overkill, you need a unit that can grant the damage done by MV Marisa and I only have three units in mind which are Megumu, Tsukasa and Shinmyomaru but they probably have to work together and pay attention to the sides to avoid messing up with SC restore. I don't have Shinmyoumaru, Tsukasa needs 12 more days of dojo as she's not top priority
@Silverkite211 Жыл бұрын
Card setup it's quite iffy kinda brainless as I like to call it, for gauge 1 always target Reimu, A6 Yuuka can target and do whatever she wants as she's there to assure nuking gauge 2, I think you can replace EoSD Yuuka with B3 Youmu, but not with B3 Toyohime as tried using her with different setups and it will cause last gauge staggering that can't really be solved (not with my patience), also you need Hecatia B3 debuffs so it's not feasible. Not sure if you can replace L80 Marisa with PoFV Aya and EoSD Sunny, I did try but it's pretty pointless cause they will not help Cirno nor E1 Sakuya, Cirno can and can't be there, cause a couple of tries before recording this video L80 Marisa and E1 Sakuya deleted them without giving Cirno a chance
@chipngo9758 Жыл бұрын
John Woo style gameplay😂
@DAVIDGamer-i6q 2 ай бұрын
@igotyou2537 Жыл бұрын
03/31/2023 bug still not fixed :)
@Asphyxter Жыл бұрын
If your Feeding the Birds challenge is broken, like mine was, you can complete it in the expansionpack Illusions of Grandeur.
@a-feix_ez_5158 Жыл бұрын
Not working
@Прыжоксприподвыподвертом Жыл бұрын
Каждый звук шедеврален Jesper Kyd знает толк
@Прыжоксприподвыподвертом Жыл бұрын
Саунд трек бомба честно говоря
@silversnake8054 Жыл бұрын
still not fixed.. IOI suck
@VITAS874 Жыл бұрын
You don't kill old man and agent
@VITAS874 Жыл бұрын
Actually hitman first version is be like John Wo movies.
@slingshot9781 Жыл бұрын
This guy is also playing in stealth mode, because you cannot be spotted if there's no one alive to spot you.
@IrrationalGamer 2 жыл бұрын
Good Game Mate.
@tahmidislam7652 Жыл бұрын
Good comment mate!
@dangtrunghieu1509 2 жыл бұрын
this bug is still not fixed