2024-12-17 (Planning & Zoning)
14 күн бұрын
2024-12-16 (City Council)
14 күн бұрын
2024-12-11 (ZBOA)
21 күн бұрын
2024-12-9 (City Council)
21 күн бұрын
2024-12-3 (Planning & Zoning)
28 күн бұрын
2024-12-02 (City Council)
Western Days 2024
Ай бұрын
2024-11-18 (City Council)
2024-11-19 (Planning & Zoning)
2024-11-04 (City Council)
Little Monsters on Main 2024
2024-10-21 (City Council)
2 ай бұрын
2024-10-07 (City Council)
2 ай бұрын
2024 City Council Pie In The Face
2024-9-17 (Planning & Zoning)
2024-9-16 (City Council)
3 ай бұрын
2024-9-9 (City Council)
3 ай бұрын
FY 2024 25 Budget Video
4 ай бұрын
2024-8-19 (City Council)
4 ай бұрын
@carnitacampbell9412 17 күн бұрын
Lewisville staffers have been doing a great job with recent city events.
@passin.timeintx8571 26 күн бұрын
I forget -- that preview music is so rude… I intend to mute it before going on but forget almost every time. 🤨😳
@bonnicrisfulli1872 Ай бұрын
NOTE: Any of the below commentary generated by myself via this comment section is not intended to antagonize, inflame, offend, disrupt, be malicious or be irrelevant in any manner. My commentary is based on observations and experience in attempting to work with the city council and the mayor and is intended to offer a differing point of view. Any allegations or inferences regarding "trolling", “negative”, “malicious” or “yelling” behavior is solely the opinion and/or bias of the person alleging such behavior. I assume no responsibility for individuals offering assertions to such. I continue to be amazed and deeply disturbed that even during this festive holiday season, the mayor, the Lewisville City Council members and some of the management staff can't see it within themselves to be ethical, honest and fair with the residents of the city they lead via these council meetings. What is even more insulting is how the city watchdogs, who are supposed to be curbing such behavior (City Attorney and Chief of Police) are turning a blind eye to this corruption and are even encouraging it by having bright smiles on their faces when it surfaces. Again, I suppose "keeping one's job" is more important than doing the right thing as they were both sworn to do. But I have a few questions of my own since staff and leadership are too afraid to ask. First, Mr. Kunke has asserted during his presentation that "all are welcome to come and volunteer on these project committees" Yet, just a few months ago when the mayor and the council were exclusively choosing their personal cronies for these committees, Mr. Gilmore stated clearly that "there is just not enough room on these committees for everyone". Can you please explain this disconnect, Mr. Kunke? Furthermore, we have seen via the presentation slides that the same names resurface on multiple committees (opportunity hoarding) and also that the wives/family members of council members were appointed to these committees (nepotism and favoritism, not to mention conflicts of interest). Again, how can you explain this Mr. Kunke? Regarding Mr. Gilmore's rather arrogant and unethical encouraging of councilmembers to leverage his personal unethical "tactics" of manipulating voting numbers to favor their cronies being appointed to boards, I would say this is a complete abomination and needs to be investigated! Secondly, I fail to understand why there was even a backyard cottage contest in the first place when the council voted recently to ban short-term rentals in Lewisville. Yet, Ms. Cade and Mr. Gilmore, two strong proponents of short-term rentals, continue to promote backyard cottages. I believe this contest was done simply to circumvent the ban and encourage STRs anyway. But then again, circumvention and under the table deals appear to be how our mayor and his council cronies believe in doing business in the city. Anywhere else and they would be investigated....... Third, regarding the manipulated voting in recommending who is elected to the appraisal district, it is this very crony system why homeowners in Denton Co. are paying exorbitant tax bills each year. I trust that there will be a bit more consideration regarding who you vote for city council and mayor this next election folks.......... Lastly, never before have I seen a group of alleged "leaders" place more love and compassion towards dogs and cats rather than toward their own fellow human beings. The city is filled with struggling and homeless people (of whom they take a callous, demonizing and condescending attitude toward) and all these councilmembers are concerned about are the animals at the animal shelter. So, how much did you contribute to the kettle this year Ms. Cade and Ms. Green? Didn't think so............ Happy Holidays.
@beetlebailey Ай бұрын
@bonnicrisfulli1872 Ай бұрын
In addendum to my earlier commentary, I would like to make 3 additional observations. In regard to the contract awards being granted by the city, it was clear that these contract approvals were already decided upon prior to the city council vote due to the mayor and councilwoman crony circle. Whether it has been by appointment to committees or via the awarding of contracts, the corrupt status quo remains of taking care of their friends via the crony circle. Further, the recusing of themselves from the vote was in my view simply window dressing to appear as if they were unbiased and not engaging in conflicts of interest. Secondly, perhaps councilman Kelly can explain why when the rest of Lewisville has concerns, they are placed in the municipal que of “we will get to it whenever”, yet, when something in affluent Castle Hills is problematic, it is rectified almost immediately. Again, it has been clear that Mr. Kelly has an affinity bias for and is only concerned with the best interest of Castle Hills (which is where he and his cronies live), not Lewisville collectively. Placing a priority on his wealthy utopia while leaving other concerns in Lewisville to fester is not why he was elected councilman. Lastly and most importantly, I would like to know why there hasn’t been a closed session meeting to discuss violations of the city charter (please see last meeting’s commentary) by city councilmembers and why this is being swept under the rug by the mayor.
@mickeyrender1305 Ай бұрын
Yea baby Kraig Parker Mickey Render
@mickeyrender1305 Ай бұрын
Kraig Parker I Am Losmoe for you Mickey Render
@mickeyrender1305 Ай бұрын
Kraig Parker Missing you Mickey Render
@mickeyrender1305 Ай бұрын
Yea baby Kraig Parker Mickey Render
@mickeyrender1305 Ай бұрын
Kraig Yes I Am lossom for you Mickey
@mickeyrender1305 Ай бұрын
Kraig Parker Missing you So Much Mickey Render
@dendiahmadi2664 Ай бұрын
Nice <3
@bonnicrisfulli1872 2 ай бұрын
NOTE: Any of the below commentary generated by myself via this comment section is not intended to antagonize, inflame, offend, disrupt, be malicious or be irrelevant in any manner. My commentary is based on observations and experience in attempting to work with the city council and the mayor and is intended to offer a differing point of view. Any allegations or inferences regarding "trolling", “negative”, “malicious” or “yelling” behavior is solely the opinion and/or bias of the person alleging such behavior. I assume no responsibility for individuals offering assertions to such. While council meetings such as these usually draw long detailed commentary from me, the actions and behaviors shown by the city council members, the mayor and their director/staff cronies at this meeting continue to be just more of the same. Again, the level of cronyism, corruption, conflicts of interest, hypocrisy, unprofessionalism and disorder defines a city that is in rapid decline and an alleged “leadership” team which cares more about their own welfare than in the welfare of the city and the people in which they are being paid to serve. Perhaps instead of dropping a dollar or two from their $200K+ salaries into the red kettle to show the public that they are “giving” to people whom they could care less about the other 364 days out of the year, they should instead pull all of their “donations” together to buy a copy of “Robert’s Rules of Order” and a textbook on municipal ethics and oversight.
@ehron214 2 ай бұрын
What are yall gonna do with the tool store??! Hope they stay in lewisville
@bonnicrisfulli1872 2 ай бұрын
NOTE: Any of the below commentary generated by myself via this comment section is not intended to antagonize, inflame, offend, disrupt, be malicious or be irrelevant in any manner. My commentary is based on observations and experience in attempting to work with the city council and the mayor and is intended to offer a differing point of view. Any allegations or inferences regarding "trolling", “negative”, “malicious” or “yelling” behavior is solely the opinion and/or bias of the person alleging such behavior. I assume no responsibility for individuals offering assertions to such. While I have seen the rather questionable depths in which select city councilmembers, the mayor and the city manager have gone over the years in an attempt to gather information about citizens, silence observations and facts that they want covered up and to retaliate against those who ruffled their feathers, the behaviors displayed via this workshop and city council meeting certainly cross the line. These individuals have tried this before on multiple occasions without success. First, the mayor attempted to bully and intimidate citizens during his quarterly mayor update meetings when they raised issues that he wanted to keep quiet, labeling them as “dangerous discussions”. Next, the mayor and city manager tried to issue directives to some of the directors both in public and in front of witnesses to “control” (aka censor) commentary that ruffled their feathers. Next, there was one of the city councilwomen who tried to bully and intimidate the speaker during the Citizen’s Speaker’s Forum into staying quiet about an issue she is obviously obsessed with, thus stealing that citizen’s time. In each case, the recurring theme has been censorship and cover up. Now, two councilmembers are going after private data and legislative language changes in an attempt to retaliate and prohibit free speech in public places under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. I agree that it is productive to gather citizen input regarding important topics via survey. The fact is people respond to these surveys with the understanding and trust that their data will be kept private if they choose to indicate so (often by an “unanimous” field). They DO NOT expect their city councilmembers, in collusion with city directors, to pressure and issue directives to committee staff via public meeting to violate data privacy rules in an attempt to acquire personal information simply because someone said something on the survey that they didn’t like or didn’t want to hear. This clearly implies retaliation, a breach of data privacy, a violation of the city’s charter (Lewisville City Charter. art. III § 3.08 and art. IV § 4.02.b) and leaves the city open to litigation. Does the city’s IT department even have a Data Security Plan in place, and is it available under a public records request? Secondly, I would like to know how councilman Kelly plans to avoid exposing the city to federal investigation and litigation when choosing to OMIT the 1st Amendment clause from the legislative language and replacing it with even more vague language which favors solely the opinion of him and his library director crony, who appears to have “encouraged” him to do to provide the perfect opportunity to oust anyone from the public library who doesn’t agree with her political views and those of the city council, or when addressing issues that both she and the city council want covered up. While these two may be cronies of Greg Abbott and Tan Parker, if this is tried in a court of federal jurisdiction (which supersedes any other municipal, county and state courts) they will lose miserably. So, I think it is time for the crony city council (aka “The Family”) to actually do their jobs without personal bias and entertain the thought of voting to remove these two councilmembers from their places for violation of the city charter (Lewisville City Charter. art. VI § 6.01) as it pertains to malfeasance and misconduct and vote to hold a new election shortly after the November election is over. Needless to say, that the Lewisville public, including myself, is tired of this corrupt behavior by elected city councilmembers who feel that the law doesn’t apply to them and that they are essentially untouchables.
@michymc.2078 2 ай бұрын
thankful to these people rehabbing coyotes and informing us. Nice to see a couple doing this together ! Great pics and footage
@zeagazetotsiyon2942 2 ай бұрын
They keep recalassifying Indians as "African American" Champion's are indians. I have Houston family that married Champion's and both sides are indian. On t any 1988 reclassified "African American" This sh!t has got to stop.
@texmasich 2 ай бұрын
Faster! FASTER!!!!
@bonnicrisfulli1872 2 ай бұрын
NOTE: Any of the below commentary generated by myself via this post is not intended to antagonize, inflame, offend, disrupt or be irrelevant in any manner. My commentary is based on observations and experience in attempting to work with the city council and the mayor and is intended to offer a differing point of view. Any allegations or inferences regarding "trolling", “negative” or “yelling” behavior is solely the opinion and/or bias of the person alleging such behavior. I assume no responsibility for individuals offering assertions to such. As it is normally my tendency to offer feedback via the chat section, for the sake of brevity and reiteration, I have chosen to comment below on the recurring themes and behaviors I have seen displayed by the mayor and the city council during both the workshop session and via the council meeting itself. I reiterate that never before have I seen a mayor and city council who are so in denial and out of touch with what is currently occurring within their very own city. It has been made clear via these workshops and city council meetings that they are operating within their own personal crony bubble where the needs of Lewisville residents take a back seat to those living in affluent Castle Hills. Further, the overt level of arrogance and implied sarcasm and mockery displayed toward Lewisville citizens who have differing points of view has become so out of control that these individuals really do believe they are untouchables and are above the law. Yet, those of us who have followed these public meetings and who have seen the level of misinformation spread around the city by them, we continually see the following corrupt and unethical behaviors displayed: 1. Project management teams filled with incompetent overnight "Project Managers" who can't even provide a sound schedule timeline and completion date, not to mention approving projects to go live before they are tested and partially/fully functional. 2. The censoring of citizen's comments on social media who expose what both the mayor and the city council want to cover up. 3. The continual election and promotion of mayor and councilmember cronies to key positions within the city to ensure outcomes in their favor. 4.The continual conflicts of interest with DCTA, The Lewisville Chamber of Commerce and The United Way of Denton County by electing the mayor and councilmembers to the boards of these very same organizations who do business directly with the City of Lewisville. 5. The favoritism towards a senior's lobbyist groups whom Senator Tan Parker (one of the mayor's cronies) sends over to Lewisville to receive taxpayer dollars from. 6. A mayor and city councilwoman who continue to make unprofessional and implied sidebar comments in these meetings toward citizens whom they do not like or who call them on their behavior. 7. A City Attorney and a Chief of Police who refuse to investigate this corruption for fear of rocking the "family" boat and for fear of losing their jobs. I am truly saddened that Lewisville has come to this. The entire city is going down the drain and all these "leaders" are concerned about is patting each other on the back and using taxpayer money to feed themselves at workshop meetings. Please remember this when it comes time to vote in the next municipal election folks, unless they find a way to rig that as well..............
@DALEANGLIN-l9b 2 ай бұрын
Tune up that guitar😊!
@dalemcmenamin4864 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant, particularly for alive performance
@Hitokiri1912 3 ай бұрын
very informative, should be getting more views
@williamhalloran4218 3 ай бұрын
Had a great time!
@bonnicrisfulli1872 3 ай бұрын
NOTE: Any of the below commentary generated by myself via the chat discussion or via the comments below is not intended to antagonize, inflame, offend, disrupt or be irrelevant in any manner. My commentary is based on observations and is intended to offer a differing point of view. Any allegations or inferences regarding "trolling" or other negative behavior is solely the opinion and/or the bias of the person alleging said behavior. I assume no responsibility for individuals offering assertions to such. With that said, I continue to be deeply concerned as to how these "consultants" have partly led to the ethical decline of the city and especially its leadership, mayor and city council.........In years prior, I have never seen the City of Lewisville host a "Legislative Committee" nor does the city charter allow for the city to host such a committee which has shown to encourage unethical behavior and conflicts of interest. As this committee was described by Mr. Kunke and the political consultant, it is essentially an elegantly titled political lobbying committee, complete with a political lobbyist (aka "consultant") who is helping our mayor schmooze and establish corrupt crony relationships with not only Denton County politicians, but also state politicians as well. This clearly explains the conflicts of interest both our mayor and the city manager are involving themselves in and the crony relationships Mr. Gilmore has with Tan Parker, Ben Bumgarner, Bobbie Mitchell and the rest of them. This also may explain why those citizens whom the mayor and city council do not like are slandered and defamed around the Denton County political circles. After all, why ostracize and slander someone yourself when you can use a political lobbyist consultant and her committee to do your dirty work for you, right Mr. Gilmore? Sorry to say folks, but the ethical track record for political consultants hasn't been very positive over the years........ Regarding the debacle with the Police CADS and the RMS projects, didn't anyone ever think of doing different types of testing before attempting to do the cut over and go live? Clearly, this must have been overlooked during the project planning phase (aka poor project management). And despite our mayor's assertion about the difficulty of executing software migrations, how would he know given that he sells software for a living, not manages their implementation? Once again, we see the crony system at work when it came to the election of the Texas Municipal League Region 8 place. I find it highly unethical for our mayor to not only personally endorse someone but elect them based solely on what one of his crony mayors from another city told him. Also, it is improper that the person elected is representing Lewisville when he lives in Hurst, therefore no comparison can be made between the two cities, nor is a personal assertion from the mayor regarding the two cities being "similar" valid in any way. This was cronyism, plain and simple. I find it saddening that all of this corruption is occurring, yet the city attorney and law enforcement turn a blind eye solely to protect their jobs and keep "the family" intact. Quite frankly, Lewisville deserves exactly the decline it gets.
@bonnicrisfulli1872 3 ай бұрын
As I was not able to finish my commentary during this session, I will conclude my sentiments below. As per usual, we have to see our mayor and his crony councilwoman to his left snicker and mock the point made by the second speaker about not being able to pay her rent (which many other Lewisville residents are experiencing) due to this alleged "affordable housing" period that is occurring in Lewisville. I find it is not only unprofessional, but inappropriate for these two to disregard the needs of residents because they remain in the condescending six-figure bubble "family" and are oblivious as to what occurs beyond the two miles adjacent to City Hall and Old Town. Regarding the fourth speaker requesting that the city construct and be a "landlord" to a senior's only complex, this is not a good solution given the questionable financial dealings that the city currently engages in. Also, according to federal housing regulations, an organization (which includes municipalities) cannot discriminate by accommodating one group over another. This sounds like another Tan Parker directive. I find it interesting that the city leaders have no problem in voting themselves handsome salary raises, yet do not blink an eye when it comes to raising the property taxes to offset the cost. And as usual, the mayor and staff will always point the finger and tell residents how WRONG they are with their math and how they shouldn't read social media commentary which often reveals what they want to cover up. Lastly, I think that all residents (including myself) would appreciate it if Councilwoman Cade would refrain from sidebar comments and whispers into her mic when others are speaking. Again, if she has something to say, then she should address it openly since this is a public meeting rather than acting like a 16-year-old adolescent who is engaging in secretive gossip. How unprofessional!
@amigodacasa3325 4 ай бұрын
came for the pipes here years ago, stayed for the drumming keep tradition alive!
@bonnicrisfulli1872 4 ай бұрын
NOTE: Any of the below commentary generated by myself via this post is not intended to antagonize, inflame, offend, disrupt or be irrelevant in any manner. My commentary is based on observations and experience in attempting to work with the city council and the mayor and is intended to offer a differing point of view. Any allegations or inferences regarding "trolling", “negative” or “yelling” behavior is solely the opinion and/or bias of the person alleging such behavior. I assume no responsibility for any individuals offering assertions to such. While I usually follow along via live chat and offer feedback as I go, there are a few concerning issues raised in this workshop/council meeting that warrant further comment. Regarding the matter of the board/committee candidate selection, I fail to see why there is so much concern for formalities now from council members. Both the city council members and the mayor made it very clear during a recent prior city council meeting that board/committee appointments are all about the city council/mayor crony system. The gateway sign is certainly fantasy window dressing for Old Town, but I fail to see how this is even a project being considered since Old Town has received enough attention and funding over the years. Clearly, yet another pet project for the Parks Director. Lewisville heritage is NOT solely about City Hall! Further, the city can’t even finish the police and fire building projects let alone start a new pet project. This “Proclamation” certainly explains why our mayor is so supportive of the United Way of Denton. Having a crony who not only served as a former Assistant City Manager of Lewisville, who was provided exorbitant raises while Mr. Gilmore was on the city council and who helped both Mr. Gilmore get elected as Mayor and our current City Manager be elected to the United Way Board certainly explains why they both will support Ms. Galler’s organization with full vigor. However, given the MAJOR conflicts of interest present (conflicts our City Attorney continually turns a blind eye to) and the questionable ethics regarding how the money is being handled by this crony system, many (including myself) would call for an audit and an investigation. Sadly, I just remembered that Ms. Galler's husband used to be the Assistant Chief of Police in Lewisville. Rather convenient for the three of them. Corruption at its finest........ Regarding the ordinance vote for MCL, why is there an MCL ordinance vote when councilman Kelly currently serves on MCL's Board of Trustees, a position that was formerly held by councilman Jones? Again, conflict of interest! Also, it is inappropriate for the City Manager to have "business lunches" with land developers and builders. The City Manager’s job is to run the city, not to make under the table zoning deals and act as decision maker for Lewisville residents without the city council’s knowledge, which given these Castle Hills resident conflicts, appears to have occurred both with the former City Manager and the current one. If I didn't know better, I would think that this is councilman Kelly's under the table deal which he may have directed to go through the City Manager to avoid it appearing as a conflict of interest. Doesn't Councilman Kelly live in Castle Hills? And didn’t Mr. Kelly during a prior recent city council meeting elect his fellow "neighbors" from Castle Hills to Lewisville’s boards and committees? From a larger picture, however, I think it is pretty rich for councilmembers and the mayor to talk about the importance of communication, especially since those on the city council and the mayor have refused to answer resident's emails whom they personally do not like, thus brushing aside their issues. What Mr. Gilmore didn't say is that some residents have had police officers follow them around city hall when they came in good faith to address issues. So, is it any surprise why people are frustrated to come in person and have chosen to air their concerns on social media, especially when they are not being heard? Once again, we have a failed system in Lewisville due to failed leadership.
@custardclips7751 5 ай бұрын
RIP patrick vandam
@gamergrimace634 6 ай бұрын
I had all the memories with it😢
@the1sexylove 6 ай бұрын
I would like to see more stores/shopping. Plz bring back Macy's, JCP, Lane Bryant, Chicos, Soma, and high end stores
@angusmacdonald4860 7 ай бұрын
The one prody in the orange skirt trying to direct the show😂
@dogisgodspelledbackwards5263 7 ай бұрын
It is very disappointing & troubling that so few Lewisville residents bother to vote in our local elections.
@hillbillyhippie4235 7 ай бұрын
Lewisville Texas ?
@stretch130MFE 7 ай бұрын
Man, when that started I was half-expecting Shoots and Ladders. Which would have been pretty badass too.
@CityOfLewisville 8 ай бұрын
For public clarification, we have not removed any comments or live chat entries from this thread. There are only five City staff members who have access to do so, and none of them have ever removed a KZbin comment. City Council members do not have administrative access to any City-run social media account and do not have City Charter authority to instruct staff to remove a comment. The comment you posted that corresponds to the time stamp you described is still there, but the chat time stamp does not perfectly match the video time stamp. You might need to scroll down a little farther to see it.
@bonnicrisfulli1872 7 ай бұрын
Yes, let's talk about clarification since it is obvious that the information in the city's above reply is inaccurate. During the period of the time stamp cited above, the following observative comment was entered into chat and was shortly removed thereafter, of which I quote: "Well Mr. Kelly, perhaps you can bring all of the animals over to the Lewisville Chamber. Since you all spend so much time over there monopolizing the chamber, I'm sure they would enjoy your pets too." I certainly did not delete the comment, nor have I found the comment anywhere in the chat listing. Is the city implying that the comment mysteriously disappeared? Highly doubtable...... Furthermore, I happen to recall during a Council Workshop Session a few months ago, a discussion on camera between Mr. Gilmore and Mr. Kunke, which spoke about residents with differing opinions and concerns being "disinvited and heavily moderated". And wasn't there a discussion between one of the staff and the City Manager a few months ago, a discussion at Starbucks in which the City Manager instructed the staff member to control and censor council meeting commentary to eliminate commentary generated by residents with differing experiences, of which her finger was pointed in my direction? I can attest to this because I was there and heard the conversation. Given the above clarification, I find it hard to believe that this was a mere "technical" issue, nor do I believe that none of the 5 staff members who has access to the platform weren't given a directive by council members, the City Manager, the Mayor or all three to remove commentary and engage in censorship for fear of exposure of corruption that they want to continue to cover up. The question is which of the 5 is engaging in this?
@bonnicrisfulli1872 8 ай бұрын
It is once again with deep sadness and frustration that the City of Lewisville has chosen to censor chat commentary from Lewisville citizens which address issues that are pertinent to the public. It is clearly obvious that the chat comment generated by me between 46:00 and 48:00 of the meeting was deleted at the behest of a councilman whose feathers were ruffled by the comment, who places more attention on homeless dogs rather than on the homeless human beings of Lewisville and who wants to cover up the extensive participation the city councilmembers have with the Lewisville Chamber of Commerce, of which conflicts of interest occur. At present, about 90% of the Lewisville City Council, including the mayor, is involved with the Lewisville Chamber of Commerce, and via observation of their involvement, I conclude that they, along with a state senator are monopolizing and influencing the chamber to further their own agendas, both political and personal. But as I had stated in my chat commentary, these council meetings are showing the increasing level of personal cronyism by the mayor and council towards both each other and via their cronies. When, during the appointment of people to occupy committee and board seats, did we hear outside resident names being mentioned? The process only invites the same names, the same faces from the same departments/organizations whom the mayor and the councilmembers all have crony relationships with. This is also observed via advisory board appointments and other board seats where there is at least one councilmember appointed/elected to it. For the record, The City of Lewisville is not a "Fortune 50" corporation, despite what the consultants brainwashed the mayor and city leadership to believe. This power hoarding of key business/organizational board seats is not appropriate and are conflicts of interest. Furthermore, I feel that there are personal agendas at work here which do not have anything to do with the welfare and success of these organizations/businesses in Lewisville, but rather the leveraging and exploitation of them by our city leadership to solely advance their own careers, power and political clout. Lastly, I feel that these "proclamations" and excessive pats on the back by our mayor towards both departments and towards law enforcement are merely a manipulative means in an attempt to cover up and divert attention away from these conflicts of interest and corruption. In conclusion, I find it quite interesting that Leadership Lewisville, in conjunction with the Lewisville Chamber and Senator Tan Parker all supported and organized a trip down to Austin to schmooze with politicians a week before our local election, and then our mayor, TJ Gilmore mysteriously wins re-election for mayor, who by the way is a crony of Mr. Parker..... Clearly, a recall is necessary here. I trust that this comment won't be censored and removed as it contains factual information, not crony circle rhetoric.
@chroniclesgamestoyscomicsi3429 8 ай бұрын
Vote NO aren't you tired of your property taxes going up constantly!!!??? Better yet vote other government officials in, I am tired of them putting their hands in MY POCKETS!!
@chroniclesgamestoyscomicsi3429 8 ай бұрын
VOTE NO!!!! stop putting your hands in our pockets my property tax is already too much from the last 4 years!
@craftyclarke2514 8 ай бұрын
Can we get a direct link to a readable article on these Props? Thank you.
@chrisnelson414 8 ай бұрын
More bonds, more taxes, more parks, more traffic to go with more apartment complex development. Don't even recognize Old Town anymore. Voting No, because inflation and the mess at the national level is going to destroy all these plans.
@KenPurcell 8 ай бұрын
Appreciate the very detailed rundown of the bond proposals.
@ConnieAllen-dy6oo 9 ай бұрын
@Xyhelm 9 ай бұрын
Dear Matt, I have loved your videos for their information, quality, and fun. With this video, you outdid yourself!
@bonnicrisfulli1872 9 ай бұрын
Given the implied comments that both Councilman Troyer and Councilman Jones made during this session regarding social media commentators, I feel that this warrants further clarification of the topic. To address Mr. Troyer's concerns that social media commentors are a "threat" to both the city and to the work that the council is doing, I would strongly disagree. Quite the contrary, people who contribute differing and diverse points of view have been shown to be beneficial in many organizations regarding strategy, decision making, culture and planning. Further, one of the leading causes of toxic and declining organizational cultures is groupthink. Embracing diverse and differing viewpoints whether one personally likes them or not helps alleviate groupthink. So, to Mr. Troyer's concern, is he honestly encouraging the entire city council and city leadership to engage in groupthink and think in the exact manner as him, thus not being a "threat"? In my experience, I have found that those who feel threatened by differing viewpoints and the people who have them are really afraid that something about them and their organization might be exposed. As such, I highly doubt that Mr. Troyer feels threatened because he is trying to cover something up within the city and is suggesting to eradicate those commentors who are exposing it via differing viewpoints, thus keeping the status quo of corruption....... One final point regarding Mr. Troyer's labeling those social media commentors with differing opinions as "Trolls" in an attempt to slander them and their reputation throughout the city. Never before on any municipal or governmental council or committee have I seen such unprofessional behavior and retaliation toward those who do not share the same viewpoint as he. This same behavior has been shown toward commentators by Councilwoman Cade. This is inappropriate behavior for a councilmember and such members should be held accountable under the same rules that govern the Visitor's Speaker Forum. Councilmembers are not humanly above residents either in status or in being deserving of respect. Please review slide #9 entitled "Honorable Conduct" that has been proposed. Regarding Mr. Jone's assertion that social media commentors are simply covert complainers who do not wish to become involved, I would say that this assertion is completely false. As noticed in prior city council meetings, what Lewisville resident wants to come to a city council meeting to express their point of view and be limited to only 5 minutes, have a councilwoman interrupt them several times and try to bully and intimidate them when they have a differing point of view (as has happened on more than one occasion) and then see the council and city leadership (aka "the family" as Ms. Cade describes it) all look at each other and snicker and mock the speaker because of their views? Certainly not anyone I know, including myself. I also find it interesting that both Mr. Troyer and Mr. Jones are forgetting that they did indeed have a resident awhile back who wanted to express her concerns. This resident took the time to come to City Hall and was eager to participate. Sadly, her viewpoints would have exceeded 5 minutes, so she didn't elect to do the Citizen's Visitors Forum but instead try and catch councilmembers after the meeting to start a dialogue. How was this resident treated? The council had two police officers follow her around City Hall, both when she visited the rest room and also when she tried to engage with Mr. Troyer and Mr. Jones. Furthermore, the only responses she received from them were the silent treatment from Mr. Troyer and a terse reply of "we are engaging now" by Mr. Jones as he rushed to get into his car. Frustrated, the resident even went to the police officer and stated "they refuse to engage" in which everyone walked away. True story. So, to Mr. Jone's assertion, I find his comment to be way out of touch with the true manner in which he treats residents who comment on social media and who make the effort to engage at City Hall. Again, residents do not wish to attend and engage if they are going to be snubbed by councilmembers and followed around by the police. As above, please see slide #9 entitled "Honorable Conduct" that has been proposed.
@michymc.2078 9 ай бұрын
He brought the vibes
@michymc.2078 9 ай бұрын
For some reason it looks sped up when they’re clapping or they just clap rly hard lol
@michaelsix9684 9 ай бұрын
very good playing outside, Kelly is a real trooper
@mattferry7667 9 ай бұрын
I miss the fishing barge. It needs to be Rebuilt
@retirederic3 9 ай бұрын
Rip Lewisville iconic water tank I draw their water tower for tribute
@stuartthomas9964 9 ай бұрын
If I am interested in using a space for an indoor soccer facility who would i contact?
@CityOfLewisville 9 ай бұрын
Try reaching out to Richard Luedke <[email protected]> or Marichelle Samples <[email protected]>.