Boids saved my Project
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How Perfectionism ruins my Process
No Promises
2 жыл бұрын
@albarjav 8 күн бұрын
Ho, merci pour ce fichier qui permet de voir tous les nodes. Je cherchais quelque chose comme ça depuis un longtemps. Merci.
@Sonario648 23 күн бұрын
Could you possibly be the new HEY Pictures? (Another geometry nodes youtuber) We'll see.
@therealist9052 Ай бұрын
Only a coder / Houdini user would notice Blender's suspicious lack of for-each nodes right off the bat, lol.
@_casg Ай бұрын
Broski would this work on a geometry nodes tree ?
@gavindotjs Ай бұрын
Potentially, your UVs would probably get weird, but the idea holds. Good luck, and let me know how it goes!
@ibrahimali3192 Ай бұрын
i cant find the sphere-ize node (im in blender 4.2)
@gavindotjs Ай бұрын
Sorry, that one's a custom node I made. I thought I showed what's going on inside it in the video, but if not it just normalizes the position of each vert and sets the position to that multiplied by whatever scalar you want. I hope that helps!
@subaphonic Ай бұрын
Excellent and very well explained. Thanks
@terczerber5474 Ай бұрын
also got a bit lost with the reroute thing, but got it eventually! Thanks so much for this video, never worked with geometry nodes before, and just found your video as a perfect answer to what I was looking for!
@GoldenAdrien 2 ай бұрын
I don't have that page button on my version of blender 4.1, was that changed at some point?
@GoldenAdrien 2 ай бұрын
Nevermind, I was in the wrong mode lol
@nicholaskuebelbeck7184 2 ай бұрын
hey sorry im late to the party, you are clearly "surfing a singularity convergence" by using nodes to create the very node tools you're using to show us your node tools quickly :D this will be super useful for my desire to create images and video memes in blender (just an idea-slides for a powerpoint tutorial using blender to create everyslide. you've just demo'd a slide template builder using geometry node modifiers. so. sick. my process is parallel to yours im just in stop motion because ive never started streaming. YOU SIR are Slaying! in Real Time
@blower05 2 ай бұрын
but the matrix is just 4x4, merely for the purpose of transformation. If Blender allows creating matrix of any size, it will be truly powerful
@gavindotjs 2 ай бұрын
Very true!
@frecio231 2 ай бұрын
I miss the good old days of Shift+Ctrl+Alt+C 😢 being a shortcut
@blumoogle2901 2 ай бұрын
As a programmer, adding a custom shortcut to every second action item in a user interface is a tedious but necessary step for good usability.
@KresimirJelusic 2 ай бұрын
blender has easiest way to add shortcuts, easy to bypass any thats already there, seriously that makes it so much more flexible.. just right click assign shortcut on any button.. better than any app I have used
@thekillingspoon 2 ай бұрын
You might have to hold Option on macOS to show the underlines, I think. Just speaking from dated, generic macOS experience, though
@lennart-oimel9933 2 ай бұрын
How could'nt I know that:O
@lilipolacsek7924 2 ай бұрын
This video is very helpful, but I got stuck and would like to ask for help. On the right side, I cannot edit the input because there are only Interface and Properties options available. 10:50mp
@gavindotjs 2 ай бұрын
Hi there, sorry for the late response, but they have moved these panels around some since that video came out. Depending on the version of Blender you're using it may not look the same, but at least in Blender 4.1 it should be in the Group Tab and in the Interface Panel. You may not see all of the options (Subtype, Default, Min, Max) shown in the video until you select the input you want to change in the interface. Also, if you'd like to rename the input you have to double click on it now. Again, all of this is for Blender 4.1, so if you're using a different version it may be different. But, I hope that helps!
@PCgmesforever 2 ай бұрын
18:12 I believe in contrary to active selection node, active element node gives you index of only one element meaning you could do operation only to the selection for example, but do it in relation to the active element ( so for example rotate selection around active element)
@PCgmesforever 2 ай бұрын
Oh sorry just realised it's already been answered
@PCgmesforever 2 ай бұрын
12:41 Looking at the old "axis angle to rotation" I can almost immediately tell what it asks for, what I'm Gona get and how to use it. With the new one I still have no clue so idk if it's more user friendly.
@bentontramell 2 ай бұрын
I hope the Blender manual shows the use case for each but, they won't. 😊
@jbdh6510 2 ай бұрын
you can participate to the Blender user manual
@aarrsseennyy 2 ай бұрын
Axes to Rotation looks now more messy and confusing
@EricaCalman 2 ай бұрын
I kinda prefer axis-angle because I'm a physicist dabbling in art rather than an artists dabbling in math, but it's probably for the best cause its easy for me to convert in my head and probably not so easy for an artist. It might be a minor headache though to in some cases add math nodes where previously none would be needed when using different inputs to generate a rotation angle, but in most cases it should actually simplify things.
@quackers969 2 ай бұрын
Great video! 4.2's a really exciting update for Geometry Nodes. ^^ I hope you don't mind, but there are a couple of technical notes I'd like to add. This isn't really meant to be a dunk on the video or anything, but I just wanna clear up some details. 2:24 - This isn't true. The old behavior of Realize Instances is basically equal to "Realize All", where it just turns everything into realized geometry no matter the amount of nesting. The new addition is actually being able to restrict how many levels of instancing "Realize Instances" could strip away using the "Depth" option. 11:08 - "Axes to Rotation" doesn't replace "Axis Angle to Rotation", the latter still exists in 4.2 and is not deprecated. What "Axes to Rotation" actually replaces is a specific setup where you chain together two "Align Euler to Vector" nodes with the second one's pivot axis being equal to the first one's alignment axis. This is specifically for cases where you want to align but minimize twisting, so you align to two perpendicular vectors instead of just one. "Axes to Rotation" replaces this workflow, and avoids the headache of having to make sure the correct pivot axis is selected. You just give it two vectors, one being primary and the other secondary, and works off of that. It's a different use case from "Axis Angle to Rotation", which is just a conversion node for one of the common ways to represent rotations (i.e. Euler, Axis-Angle, and Quaternion). 18:04 - To answer the question, Blender has two types of selections: - "Selected" (highlighted orange in Edit Mode) - "Active" (highlighted white in Edit Mode). Multiple elements can be "Selected" but only one of the selected elements could be "Active". It's usually the last one you clicked on when making the selection. The usual way this becomes relevant, is for operations where the "Active" element becomes a reference point for how the rest of the "Selected" elements get affected. Examples would be rotating/scaling with the "Active" element as the pivot point, or copying an attribute value from "Active" to the rest of "Selected", etc. A big use-case would be shortest-path selections, where you can highlight a couple of faces as selected, and have GN calculate the shortest path to the active face, and select everything that falls under that path. Anyhows, I hope that added extra clarity for some people. Wasn't able to resist the urge to explain things in detail lol.☝🤓
@gavindotjs 2 ай бұрын
Not a dunk at all! I'm only human, and I appreciate the clarity! Thanks for clearing some things up that I misunderstood and / or glazed over in my research! This is exactly the sort of thing I like to see in the comments!
@quackers969 2 ай бұрын
@@gavindotjs Glad my nerding out for a bit was helpful. ^^ <3
@artscreations5 2 ай бұрын
@@quackers969 thx dude
@shmuelisrl Ай бұрын
I was about to comment, but I guess there's no need 😄.
@artscreations5 2 ай бұрын
In ur opinion, di u think that someday we'll have enough nodes to make video games in blender,? because I saw the mouse input node and made me wondering if now blender is trying to move towards vjdeo games
@gavindotjs 2 ай бұрын
Great question! There actually is an older version of Blender that had a game engine. The Blender Foundation didn't move forward with it, but I think I saw some of the community resurrecting that version and updating it. I didn't follow that much, but it's worth a google lol Also, Erindale made a series recently on how you can use controller inputs in Blender and modify the .blend file to function as a game! If you're interested definitely check it out! But, to answer your question, no I don't think that's the direction they're going in. I honestly think the mouse position node is just for making more interactive tools
@artscreations5 2 ай бұрын
@@gavindotjs thanks a million bro
@artscreations5 2 ай бұрын
Thank u bro
@nosirve9458 2 ай бұрын
support blender foreva hehe nice vid as always :D
@JimmyJames420 2 ай бұрын
I like your tutorials with geometry nodes it was awesome
@fgvcosmic6752 2 ай бұрын
:o Nice! I barely ever use blender but this will stay in the repertoire
@sameeruddin 3 ай бұрын
This was nice ...going through the channel for detailed breakdown..subb3r !
@los9118 3 ай бұрын
I’m very glad you decided to do this 👍🏾
@Dragom0987 3 ай бұрын
✅️ permanently allow the execution of <my chaos> My favorite blender setting
@gavindotjs 3 ай бұрын
lol same
@gragnekha8101 3 ай бұрын
Jesus says: in the beginning was the geonodes😁Thank you, great work!
@sebastianodibusti 3 ай бұрын
Really good shorts videos, I like blender info in this format 🙂🙌🏻
@captainblack-pj3ix 3 ай бұрын
It would be better if you talked more about nodes instead of getting distracted by whining people
@HeinerS 3 ай бұрын
Don't feel bad, I enjoyed all of your videos. As you say it was a learning experience (and at least I went along with it) AND you went through the effort making those videos (which is quite a bit of work knowing from my own experience) and shared them with us. For free. And you responded to comments and improved upon your work. So, absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Thank you for doing it all. PS.: Although I was aware of "Extra Objects" I did not know the Solids were hiding there either, so a helpful tip.
@JimmyJames420 3 ай бұрын
For real you're videos are great. Great ways to learn. FYI your way of truncation was effectively identical (truncation radius) LOL. Please keep videos, just add intro and re upload. You're doing great man. Geonodes are awesome
@mind_of_a_darkhorse 3 ай бұрын
This is extremely helpful because I was unaware of this easy way to make these complicated shapes! Great tutorial! This just shows you are human! No real harm and no foul because the ability to admit when you were wrong shows great character!
@JasonCunliffe 3 ай бұрын
ForthNodes ? also see Factor language
@JasonCunliffe 3 ай бұрын
LispNodes ?
@JasonCunliffe 3 ай бұрын
Yes yes yes please geonodesopedia
@JasonCunliffe 3 ай бұрын
Fabulous>>>> very exciting. Onwards please !! Thanks
@mikaelrouca8960 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughts on an efficient nodal system. Personaly, I add handy values in outputs, usefull for thé next node. Do you eventually sell your nodes that reproduce a 3d node?
@gavindotjs 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! I do plan to sell these once I've finished them. I'll post about it once they're done. Also that's fair about adding outputs to carry data between nodes. That just depends on where you want the nodes you're making to be used. If you intend for the main use case to be in a node network then that makes sense, but if you intend for them to be used as modifiers then you have to save data as an attribute because the only output that's calculated is the Geometry Output of the modifier. I hope that makes sense!
@rionhunter 4 ай бұрын
What stage is realising the long term power of node templates, and building an internal library of node groups for different projects?
@gavindotjs 3 ай бұрын
lol, probably step 0! I've been trying to do that from day 1, but it takes time to actually figure out a) what you're doing, b) how to do it best, and c) what your project needs versus what you think you need. That last one is where you really take off, and I *think* that's where I'm finally at, but I'll let you all know as I go lol
@wpmultimedia 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for being thorough and efficient. Most importantly, though, you took the time to cover fundamental aspects that almost all tutorials I've seen so far fail to explain. Your aside about integer and float ranges was perfectly helpful, by the way. I appreciate "peeks" down a rabbit hole even before a deeper look is appropriate. Great work and instant subscribe.
@gavindotjs 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! I really appreciate it!
@opz1002 4 ай бұрын
"No longer worried about creating all of that geometry in smarcomplicated ways in geometry nodes." I completely agree.
@opz1002 4 ай бұрын
@luqiyu7385 4 ай бұрын
it's rarely to see such a useful video series. I don't understand why there is so less viewers and subscribers... really hope this series can be made to the end.
@gavindotjs 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! I know there's been a long break, but I promise I'll finish this series!
@eclecticgamer5144 5 ай бұрын
I contend there is a higher level to Geometry Nodes Mastery: Writing *all new* Blender nodes (not node groups, but all new functionality) And/Or writing the code for other programs to add Blender node equivalents to them. Writing nodes in Unreal that do *exactly* what their Blender counter parts do pushes your understanding to all new heights.
@eclecticgamer5144 5 ай бұрын
"If you can think it, you can do it" Yes. I made a humanoid model entirely from Geometry nodes... ZERO modeling. 😁 18,000+ nodes 🥴 And
@eclecticgamer5144 5 ай бұрын
I'm writing all these nodes in Unreal, as well as an translation plugin. Export from Blender, import into Unreal with a few clicks. ^_^ All of your Blender Geometry node models can run natively in Unreal, giving both the Dev AND the player access to the inputs during runtime. ^_^ So far, I've got ~40 nodes created for Unreal that exactly match the form/function of their counterpart in blender.... Only an absolute absurd number left to got -_-
@gavindotjs 3 ай бұрын
That's AMAZING! I can't wait to test this out! I have a pretty big project that I want to do in Unreal, so to possibly use a system I'm already familiar with would be outstanding! Especially if models could be updated at runtime!? That's incredible and has been my dream for years! Best of luck, and I'd love to hear how this progresses!
@eclecticgamer5144 3 ай бұрын
@@gavindotjs My own Geo-nodes project is over 18,000 nodes. I got about 20% of the way through 'translating' without bugs. I then tested the performance... Blender runs at 100x the speed... All my nodes relied upon editing the existing Dynamic Mesh... but I had to make crazy concessions to handle the differences between blender (uses mix of tris and quads) and Unrea (uses tris only)... And Blender nodes "know context" which, as far as I can tell, is impossible in Unreal. So, I'm in the process of re-writing every single node using my own data structure, and applying it to the mesh at the end. Just one tiny function, the part that figures out which faces/edges/points are being selected went from 4 ms to under 1ms when iterating over just 360 items.