What Acton Means to Me
2 жыл бұрын
Acton Academy Eastern Long Island
@flittedacrossmybrain8584 29 күн бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that so many people suffer from autism, whether they be autistic individuals or the people in their lives. Your video offers an explanation for observed behavior; it also offers a possible treatment avenue, and I thinks that's great. While hitting and violent behavior may be explained here, I think it a different matter to argue that hitting others and violent behavior toward others is excusable. I want to tread gently here, and I don't want to be misunderstood: Persons impacted by autism are worthy of all the compassion and love due any human being. Other human beings also are worthy of all the compassion and love due any human being. I agree with you that getting to the root of the frustration is paramount; it seems that the root of the frustration is grounded in communication difficulties. I myself carry two diagnoses that are serious, and that can result in violent or aggressive behavior if improperly managed. Part of that management responsibility is my own. In other words, should I ever become violent or aggressive--and especially if I harm someone--it won't be because I suddenly became unable to discern right from wrong, nor will it be because I'm incapable of knowing that I'm harming someone. If an autistic person harms another person, accountability doesn't automatically become of no account. This must be part of the calculus for any prospective solution or treatment.
@user-ev9sw4ee8j Ай бұрын
I got this herbal supplement from Dr Oyalo channel and used it on my son for 4week and within the period of using it there was positive changes which really urge me to continue and I can say my son is free from autism now as his speech and social skill has improved
@dakota-sessions 2 ай бұрын
especially pre-natal levels
@cookiekhad8106 3 ай бұрын
My autistic brother is turning 18. He can only understand simple words and can't speak. He's much taller and stronger than me, my mum and my sisters. When he has a meltdown he hits us hard, he throws things, he runs around. It's really dangerous for both us and him. My dad is his primary caregiver, showering, cleaning, changing him. He just went abroad to see his dad for 4 weeks. It's been really hard for us to compensate and pick up the jobs we have to do to take care of him, and it's also been hard on my brother. It's 1 and 1/2 weeks and my older brother was trying to give him a shower today but then he hit him, so he left and went up. He then started hitting himself, hitting my mum and me and threw a plate onto the tiles (luckily didn't break because he had barefeet.) My mum fed him now and he's lying down calming down now I think. I can't do this anymore. We've still got 2 1/2 frickn weeks to get through. Getting him up for school is going to be hard too (it's holidays right now and he's going back to school on Tuesday).
@Myplaylists93 Ай бұрын
Oh god that's a lot to take on. The physical violence is not okay at all. I don't know what country you live in but most western developed nations have social services who can help for free. Have you guys considered reaching out for help to an agency?
@Evora33 3 ай бұрын
Stupid. Im aRetard. Stop saying shit. This is stupid. You make me unconfirtable. No autistic likes to join little clubs. Stop thismadness. Fk this
@Evora33 3 ай бұрын
@simonedutch558 3 ай бұрын
Warmest thank you!
@great-garden-watch 4 ай бұрын
I might as well add my two cents. People in my local mensa chapter are super nice. I don’t go to meetings anymore really but maybe once I retire I will.
@craigmabry1392 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for that
@strictnonconformist7369 6 ай бұрын
As of posting this, I'm a 52 year-old late-diagnosed autistic adult. Functioning labels are severely problematic: how "functional" one is depends to a large degree on the current amount of stress one is under, which can come from internal and external sources as well as personality and how one deals with their reality. Autistic neurology isn't only extremely sensitive to sensory issues, it can also be extremely insensitive regarding sensory issues. I've got a combination of both. It sounds nice to say everyone is a genius in some aspect, you just have to find it, but sadly, that doesn't seem to be true: plenty of humans regardless of being autistic or not prove not everyone has at least one genius aspect. It makes sense to work with strengths: that much I can agree with. Weaknesses need to be properly understood and worked with as well, and quite likely, around, because some things are not feasible or possible: there's a reason autism is considered a disability. IQ doesn't matter much if at all if sensory issues and processing things uses up all the available capacity to do in software what allistics do in hardware. Yes, being autistic is absolutely a difference in wiring. Being autistic and the label itself isn't the problem regarding dealing with others: it's infinitely more important to forget labels and causing needless confusion, and focus on how others treat autistic individuals. You see, how I've been treated has not been any better than someone that had been identified as autistic when I was in school: I had my issues that caused problems in school for learning regardless, and to a limited degree, those were identified, understood, and an IEP set up to account for them. No, the labels weren't the problem: it's how those enforcing the IEP, as well as every other human around me, treated me, as "other" and called me labels of their own choice. Adding a new label to attempt to bypass stigma is the definition of stupid and insane in practice for the one so affected directly: you'll still be treated and mistreated as the odd kid nobody wants around, and being labeled as "gifted" (even when true, by the past usage I was aware of) does nothing to help how one is treated, and in practice, results in even more severe alienation. I find the term "twice exceptional" to be quite patronizing. It adds another piece of garbage into jargon used to separate us from each other, and does zero to change the fact that bullies and adults will still limit what autistics can do by their preconceived and instinctive behavior. If one is autistic, they are autistic, it is what it is, and that should be used to get appropriate services to meet needs. If one is NOT autistic, they shouldn't be assessed as being autistic, because that doesn't meet THEIR needs, either, and where resources aren't available to provide all those that need them, that's even worse. Get them the resources they need, but not by demanding a particular label that is inaccurate in that context. I'm not persuaded I'll live long enough to ever find being recognized as autistic to be something all the rest of society will say, "oh, that's so cool, let me be your friend, let me help you as you need!" instead of what it has always been, a way to "other" people and discriminate against them in a myriad of ways, but having the (correct) label has survival aspects for the autistic individual to at least (hopefully) help get their needs met. The thing that's really bad about being given the label, and actually being autistic, is the observation that in so many practical aspects, it's like "Mission Impossible" with the mission brief self-destructing in a number of seconds: once you're an "adult" it doesn't do you any good for support on things you need, that's just suddenly cut off, as though they no longer are needed. Seems, in a more visible and imperfect analogy form, like a student that's a paraplegic becoming an adult, and jettisoned out of their wheelchair, being told "you can walk now!" Having the label as an adult (in the US) to some degree helps securing reasonable accommodations at work, but first, you need to somehow get employed. Guess what those IEPs tend to do? Prevent you from post-high school education because there are particular requirements to get into various educational programs, that an IEP often prevents you from even signing up for the appropriate classes. This was something that perpetually vexed me: one of the biggest issues for why I ended up with an IEP was dyspraxia. Combine that with a bit of dyslexia, mayhem ensues. So many other issues weren't even identified, but those were huge, dyspraxia being the worst to deal with, though writing is problematic when you're randomly and frequently transposing letters even when you have better spelling than most. All through junior high and high school I registered to take a typing class every semester, and even with the knowledge with how the scheduling worked, I was always prevented from taking that, but oh, I could sign up for other electives that filled time, that really weren't useful, and one period I was assigned to be studying at the front of a class, which was extremely pointless to put me into a total distraction environment where I learned nothing of value, and I couldn't focus anyway (undiagnosed ADHD). I was given no consideration regarding this, and it would have helped me immensely: I ended up getting no higher than a C in a "Computer Applications" class using Word Star, Lotus 1-2-3, because I couldn't type fast enough to finish assignments in the time in class we were allowed, despite the fact I could have taught the class. What did I end up doing for a living? Typing. Mostly writing software. Finally got to touch-typing at the age of 25. Needed shoulder physical therapy decades later as a result of all the nonsense that got me to that point. Damned people that "knew better than me" taking charge to keep me away from what I needed.
@viniciusdg8899 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! You have totally given me perspective and respect my son's discomfort versus trying to power through them.
@cherylambrose6522 7 ай бұрын
This is so valuable. I’ve just started homeschooling my granddaughter who has a recent ASD diagnosis. She had enjoyed school up until this year but became disengaged. She reads 4 grades above her same age peers but primarily non-fiction. My job is to leverage her strengths to help her succeed in areas where she isn’t as strong. It’s not an easy task, but well worth the effort.
@joemoon1943 7 ай бұрын
My child was so playful and verv interactive since 1year of using doctor Oyalo herbs ….and now he is verbal and also improve in social skills, he can now communicate
@Jenny-nk1et 8 ай бұрын
My son is 21 severly autistic hits me more than anyone else is on medication has no form of communication. Still having a really hard time getting help.
@joemoon1943 7 ай бұрын
I used this doc herbs for my son and now my son is completely free, his speaking and behavior is ok. His herbs is 100% working on speech delay and ASD. I met Dr Oyalo on channel and I’m happy to share my experience about it
@serakhan81 5 ай бұрын
@@joemoon1943 which medication is your kid using? Thank you.
@mollykins8h 10 ай бұрын
I think i am both brained and my two hemispheres are slow to communicate to each other
@leannestrong1000 10 ай бұрын
I'm definitely right-brained AND right handed autistic. Unfortunately, it seems like autistics are not allowed to be right brained. I have always been able to communicate very well verbally. However, my logic is more creative/innovative than traditional/practical. I'm more in touch with my emotions and emotional reactions than I am with my common sense. When I was in school, I always struggled with math, while art and other creative subjects were always my best subjects. I took a long time to learn how to follow directions. I sometimes felt like I was viewed as 'mean,' even though I really wasn't mean AT ALL, simply because I would just blurt out what I wanted to say, without really thinking it through.
@Blvckblvck222 11 ай бұрын
I am left-handed and autistic
@bolinhong2598 Жыл бұрын
With the gradual using of dr Oyalo herbal recommendation for autism, whom I met on KZbin, my son is totally free from Autism with his speech cleared and social skills ok as he now respond to orders and act right. Thank you doc Oyalo for your help. I am Greatful
@KellyKelly-qd7my Жыл бұрын
Sensory processing disorder .
@briannalangley1324 Жыл бұрын
My little 7 year old brother is autistic and he covers his ears around other kids when they are rowdy and loud. He doesn't like it. I try my best to help him because it breaks my heart to see him crying and covering his ears. I do research to help him at home and in public. Trying to get him into bible school this week to see how he does like he does in school❤❤
@KellyKelly-qd7my Жыл бұрын
Autism is a sensory processing disorder. We see what we see or hear what we hear not because sounds are set in stone but because our sensory responders adjusted to hear and see in certain way. If our sensory processors are not tuned right just a bit it can be devastating for a person. What we consider normal to us sounds would sound like alien noises to autistic individual....at worst scary, at best very annoying. Prayer changes thing. Don't stop praying for your brother in Jesus Christ's name. He does miracles. We just have to believe. 💕 Isaiah 9:6 John 14:3-10 John 11:25-26 Revelation 3:20 Revelation 21:3 ❤✝️❤
@puiyunee Жыл бұрын
This is so helpful! Thank you so much for your clip.
@redprimo8058 Жыл бұрын
Exquistly sensitive senses is a beautifully accurate phrase. It can lead to surprising skills such as the abilility to feel the flatness or smoothness of a surface with incredible acuracy or the abillity to see .005" difference between two objects.
@gzoechi Жыл бұрын
The people fucking each other over all day long are the ones who play by the rules and considered "normal". Those who value fairness are the outcasts because they don't know how long to look in other peoples eyes and don't understand that people with lower voices have higher social status and are therefore authorities 🙄. I'm glad at least treatments like electrocution are mostly out of fashion 😬
@gzoechi Жыл бұрын
might be both
@rocstar279 Жыл бұрын
@theyanfelton 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your work. Our son was recently diagnosed with ASD. We had strong suspicions he was special after he started doing 8th grade math at the age of 4. Yes, he has a few sensory seeking issues, but his math & language skills vastly outshine any of his sensory uniquenesses.
@user-zv1yu5hm1w 2 жыл бұрын
Does this explanation include prepubertal children? Do they have the mentioned hormones in their early life?
@dakota-sessions 2 ай бұрын
Yes, pre-natal especially.
@macerichardson9240 2 жыл бұрын
Yes 🙌 because my lil girl do the same thing we can be at home 🏡 and I can play her favorite show and she will do it just for me to change it
@chavellscott6144 Жыл бұрын
Hi I feel like I’m noticing that with my toddler she has a favorite show and it’s on low volume and she covers her ears but I didn’t think that meant to change the show bc it’s her fav show I feel she may have Sensory Processing Disorder so I plan to see a therapist for her Do you feel your child is autistic or just SPD
@Bozewani 2 жыл бұрын
I WAS LABELED ocd odd bipolar depressed schizophrenic for enforcing human rights humanitarian criminal refugee law My dream job out of high school was hte International criminal Court I have a political science seven years of experience I can speak the six Un languages (Arabic Chinese English french Russian and Spanish) When I decided to give my high school teachers a crash course on these subjects they dragged me to local court and charged me with all sorts of things I was angry at them for being misdiagnosed and as a teenager I was angry at the International organizations, united Nations, Council of Europe, african Union, organization of american states, the International Committe of the red cross, the International Criminal Court of not enforcing human rights humanitarian criminal refugee law
@coachmcconner 2 жыл бұрын
I have a autistic daughter she's 3 years old. As she has gotten older her meltdowns are bad!! I tried everything even try and give her space but she doesn't... She wants me to hold her but she still has her meltdown when I hold her and try and calm her. She is starting to bite on everything she gets very aggressive!! This is VERY OVERWHELMING!!! It's so bad I cry everytime she does it! I just want to help her but nothing works! I'm getting depression among other things along with her meltdowns to the point my hair has fallen out!! What else could I turn to!??
@kwd3109 8 ай бұрын
I feel so bad for the two of you. I have an autistic son and I know how frustrating and fatiguing it can be just trying to cope with this day in and day out. Please don't give up, you are all your child has in this world. I'll pray that you'll find the strength to go on and that things will get better for you soon.
@TuscanWonder Ай бұрын
Did you ever receive any help?
@lizardman1303 26 күн бұрын
@jelynalvendo8777 2 жыл бұрын
I have a daughter that having this kind of behaviors she bangs her head in the floor, she throws things,she screams no one can control her she has multi disability,visually impaired,can't talk it so hard for me to see her like that😭 is there anyone suffering like this or same case as my daughter?
@kwd3109 8 ай бұрын
I've just come across your comment and I hope things have gotten better for you. I'm just a regular person but I'll pray for you. God bless you and your family.
@Carinaflores100 6 ай бұрын
I have twins they bith have autism and one of them acts this exact way !!!!!!! Trying to get wrap around services for them
@michaelh7183 3 жыл бұрын
By utilizing this method , Sυnodoz Plan , Go ogle it ,, I was capable of getting away with this dreadful insomnia of which I thought is impossible already. This really is an item that you shouldn`t pass up. I find it far too good to be real at first however ever since I used it, I started to be the product’s primary believer...
@melisamely8337 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. You helped me.
@blueskyla7978 3 жыл бұрын
I knew I was empathetic before I understood that I’m autistic and also have alexithymia. I just don’t know how to express or understand my emotions most of the time, let alone express them on demand. It’s like I have so much going on in my head I can’t pinpoint a single thought or emotion. It’s all jumbled because there is too much going on all at once. And when it comes to other people’s emotions that I will physically feel sometimes, that just exasperates things. And yet I’ve been told I am a robot at times, have no emotions or don’t care when if anything I have too much and makes it too difficult to interpret my feelings so they just swirl around and around inside my head. It leads to lots of anxiety in my life.
@watchingthebees 3 жыл бұрын
I am the same!
@elizabethveras4552 3 жыл бұрын
What if they are verbal? And can tell us what the problem is. My child is becoming very aggressive only in school and its usually when he doesn't get his way.
@bolinhong2598 Жыл бұрын
With the gradual using of dr Oyalo herbal recommendation for autism, whom I met on KZbin, my son is totally free from Autism with his speech cleared and social skills ok as he now respond to orders and act right. Thank you doc Oyalo for your help. I am Greatful
@jimjob28 3 жыл бұрын
You can focus on strengths all day long. I promise you, most educators don't.
@hilaryforgie4498 3 жыл бұрын
Are you saying that as a parent?
@sj4iy 2 жыл бұрын
@@hilaryforgie4498 I'm a parent, my child is 2e (autism, adhd and a writing disability) and his school refused to give him an IEP or GIEP. But they did put him in remedial reading for his behavior one day despite having the highest test scores in the entire grade for reading and math. So yes, if your child has any kind of disability, they will ALWAYS focus on the negatives. Also, there's no need to reframe autism just because some parents want think their gifted child isn't autistic.
@DavidPuckArtist 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this! Informative
@kevidig5676 3 жыл бұрын
Liked and subbed, This is lots of help to me understanding what to try in my environment...Thank you
@NasserArifCAPE 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Andrea I am a Certified adapted physical educator..I have over three decades of Special needs association & special Olympics in India...I've been working full time since2000-2004 in the middle east region-Dubai UAE..Again started working in 2008 24x7Autism teach as a therapist unique..sports activities designed for Autistic kids learning..@ Bubbles center for autism quit in 2012 ..worked @ Akshadha foundation for Autism 2012-2015in Bangalore City in India...Now I work 24x7 Autism..apart from Coaching Basketball for mainstream indoor courts . I have developed different strategies for individuals under the spectrum ..Phenomenal progress with Behaviors & Developmental for functioning..Regulating Kids from Fleeing Taking instructions following work regimes etc Amazing ..
@braynhilton5300 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks to everyone taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was saved from Autism. He was diagnosed four years ago, and he's just 6, I have tried several treatments and medications, nothing was working out, this got me frustrated and depressed. I kept praying and finally God answered my prayers when someone from youtube introduced me to this doctor from his home country and gave me his contact details. I called and explained my son's condition after which I made an order for his herbal remedy, he asked for my address and the next day I got a tracking number for a parcel sent to me through DHL and after four days I received my order. It was a liquid herbal medicine and a letter containing the instructions on how to use the herbs, I called him again to confirm and the next morning I started giving my son the herbs as instructed and after one week I noticed great improvement on my son and I continued until the herbs got finished and everything lasted for just one month and now my son is totally free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normally and has no more seizures. There’s a genuine solution for Autism, connect with this honest Doctor on WhatsApp + 2 3 4 8 0 7 7 6 8 3 1 0 9 or ( solutionhealinghome@gmail. com )
@braynhilton5300 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks to everyone taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was saved from Autism. He was diagnosed four years ago, and he's just 6, I have tried several treatments and medications, nothing was working out, this got me frustrated and depressed. I kept praying and finally God answered my prayers when someone from youtube introduced me to this doctor from his home country and gave me his contact details. I called and explained my son's condition after which I made an order for his herbal remedy, he asked for my address and the next day I got a tracking number for a parcel sent to me through DHL and after four days I received my order. It was a liquid herbal medicine and a letter containing the instructions on how to use the herbs, I called him again to confirm and the next morning I started giving my son the herbs as instructed and after one week I noticed great improvement on my son and I continued until the herbs got finished and everything lasted for just one month and now my son is totally free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normally and has no more seizures. If you've been searching for a genuine solution for Autism, connect with this honest Doctor on Whats App + 2 3 4 8 0 7 7 6 8 3 1 0 9 or ( solutionhealinghome@gmail. com )
@lifewithjimmy4389 3 жыл бұрын
My son tore it up n ate the board!!
@jacobnewman9734 6 ай бұрын
@drewgabriel8446 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks to everyone who is taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was cured from Autism, he was diagnosed four years ago, and he is now 6, I have tried several treatments and medications on him, nothing is working out and I am so frustrated. I keep praying to God and finally God answered my prayers, someone from no where walk to me and told me he want to tell me about this doctor he gas knew for years now from his own country, after everything I took the contact of the doctor and called and I was so surprised it was a female and I explained my son condition to her, she asked for my home address and the next day I got a tracking number or a parcel sent to me through dhl from Doctor Stella, after four days I received the parcel, I opened and found a liquid herbal medicine and some herbal medicine grinded and I found a letter containing the instructions on how to use this medicine, I called her and thank her so much and she told me we should thank God for everything, the next morning I started giving my son the medicines and after one week I was seeing a great changes in him and I continue until the medicine finish and everything last for just one month and a week, now my son is free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normal and no seizures anymore. Help me thank Doc Stella for this and you can also connect with her on [email protected] and [email protected] WhatsApp number is +2348157471852.
@drewgabriel8446 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks to everyone who is taking their time to read this testimony on how my son was cured from Autism, he was diagnosed four years ago, and he is now 6, I have tried several treatments and medications on him, nothing is working out and I am so frustrated. I keep praying to God and finally God answered my prayers, someone from no where walk to me and told me he want to tell me about this doctor he gas knew for years now from his own country, after everything I took the contact of the doctor and called and I was so surprised it was a female and I explained my son condition to her, she asked for my home address and the next day I got a tracking number or a parcel sent to me through dhl from Doctor Stella, after four days I received the parcel, I opened and found a liquid herbal medicine and some herbal medicine grinded and I found a letter containing the instructions on how to use this medicine, I called her and thank her so much and she told me we should thank God for everything, the next morning I started giving my son the medicines and after one week I was seeing a great changes in him and I continue until the medicine finish and everything last for just one month and a week, now my son is free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normal and no seizures anymore. Help me thank Doc Stella for this and you can also connect with her on [email protected] and [email protected] WhatsApp number is +2348157471852 ..
@misspinkpunkykat 3 жыл бұрын
My teachers hated me and often joined in on the bullying. No one would believe me and told me it was my fault. My mother had her own issues and was afraid to advocate for me like she should have.
@misspinkpunkykat 3 жыл бұрын
Biofeedback would never have worked with me. Anything that involved attaching something to me...forget it.
@danacelenski3909 3 жыл бұрын
We started a new school in a new state she had the worst meltdown she ever had.. to the point where they weren’t sure I’d they wanted her back..
@SB-uw3fe 3 жыл бұрын
Get rid of accurate descriptions?
@elizabethwhiteman4483 4 жыл бұрын
The #1 thing that I freaking hate about being autistic is well, obviously the very very very dreadful meltdowns!
@doyouhearthepeoplesing2 4 жыл бұрын
Newsflash you can’t cure autism this is child abuse
@joyherring81 4 жыл бұрын
How do you know????
@doyouhearthepeoplesing2 4 жыл бұрын
@@joyherring81 if you have to ask that you clearly have no idea what autism is 😣
@DimensionBoyTV 3 жыл бұрын
The pharmacuetical industry which creates the vaccines that cause this , is also responcible for the propaganda that claims it's child abuse to want to cure what's clearly a devolpmental disordered catalized often by vaccines. It's clearly a money thing. If it's admitted this is a curable, and caused vaccines, the cost in lawsuits would be crippling. So clearly there is a vested interest in normalizing autism
@warteashariley7271 4 жыл бұрын
I love what are you are doing. Please don't give up. We are overwhelmed and we need this!! God will bless you 🙏