@julyseven808 26 минут бұрын
@jicalzad 2 сағат бұрын
i never had a problem with alcohol and would always look forward to having a drink or two with my close friends on weekends. I cut back significantly only because i notice significantly better sleep without it, and i can even get a mild hangover with only 2-3 drinks, depending on the alcohol content of the drink. I still enjoy having a drink with my close friends out at a bar or restaurant, but it's only about maybe once a month nowadays.
@mariemirleneneptunemondesi6097 3 сағат бұрын
Bande de menteurs.
@jcjohnson0 3 сағат бұрын
All tilapia in America are imported from China
@IsmailDemir-s5i 4 сағат бұрын
@spiritbaby5151 12 сағат бұрын
I’m in AA have been for 15 years. Our bodies crave the sugar in alcohol, not alcohol itself. I started eating bags of chocolate lol but barely touch sugar today. The body needs time, sometimes years to reset to normal blood sugars. The alcohol plus sugar makes us think we are invisible 😢
@Afriqueleblanq 13 сағат бұрын
Alcohol, the magic poison, which I don't drink at all, by choice. I made a cognitive decision to use nothing that can corrupt my body or cloud my mind. Depression happens only when you don't align mind, body and spirit with the perfect Will of the Most Holy Creator God. 😊🎉
@malvinderkaur541 16 сағат бұрын
The point to be noted it's water which is most affected in earth including hormones water in human beings with moons waxing waning a magnetic pull of electro magnetic energy fields on earth reacting to something so far away or something within earth
@marvinmartian7281 18 сағат бұрын
I drink to that🍻🍻🍹🍹🍸🍸
@MG-fr3tn 18 сағат бұрын
Need something to close the cycle, something that acelerates turning waste into part of food chain or a product.
@thealternativevlog 22 сағат бұрын
Smoking, drinking and using cell phones. I avoid all three. :)
@tommy12331 Күн бұрын
How creepy it is seeing people casually talking about killing crowds at their dinner table. I always admired russian culture but recent years made me throw away the russian books i owned. I am simply disgusted.
@witostrowski7917 Күн бұрын
is it true the alcohol industry don't want cannabis legalised in UK ?
@kitsunaigoober64 Күн бұрын
Wann gibt es die Weiterführung 20.000 Meilen über dem Meer
@elonizerbbx2851 Күн бұрын
Die Spannung fliesst
@hockerz0ck620 Күн бұрын
Voltriant ist ein sehr großes, schlank gebautes Pokémon mit einer außergewöhnlichen, annähernd menschenähnlichen Physis: Es verfügt über einen großen, weißen Kopf ohne sichtbare Sinnesorgane, der rundum von weißen, spitzen Stacheln übersät ist. Unten wachsen fünf schwarze Ranken aus diesem Kopf heraus, die wiederum aus jeweils mehreren Strängen zusammengesetzt sind. Zwei eher schlanke Ranken erinnern an Arme und weisen am Ende fingerähnliche Strukturen auf, während drei eher dickere Stränge an Beine und einen langen Schweif erinnern. Die Ranken werden durch weiße Elemente zusammengehalten. Die Ranken von schillernden Exemplaren sind blau gefärbt. Voltriant weist ein Organ auf, welches es ihm ermöglicht, elektrischen Strom zu erzeugen. Untersuchungen der Æther Foundation zufolge weisen die Stränge, die aus seinem Kopf herauswachsen, große physikalische Ähnlichkeiten mit Stromkabeln auf, und können entsprechend die erzeugte Elektrizität sehr gut leiten. Die weißen Elemente an Voltriants Körper strahlen ein diffuses Licht aus. Voltriant gehört zu den Ultrabestien. Es stammt entsprechend aus einer anderen Dimension, die als Ultrakraftwerk bekannt ist, und sucht die Pokémon-Welt durch Ultrapforten heim. Dies bringt ihm die für Ultrabestien typische Fähigkeit Bestien-Boost ein. Es wurde erstmalig nach dem Æther-Zwischenfall in der Pokémon-Welt gesichtet. Es sucht die Nähe zu elektrisch aufgeladenen Orten wie Kraftwerken, was vermuten lässt, dass es seine Lebensenergie aus elektrischem Strom bezieht. Gehen seine Vorräte zur Neige, rammt es seine beinartigen Ranken in den Boden und nimmt eine Ruhehaltung ein, in der es wie ein Baum aussieht, um seiner Umgebung Elektrizität zu entziehen. Seine Heimat, das Ultrakraftwerk, ist passend dazu sehr karg, doch beständig von dichten Gewitterwolken bedeckt, aus denen Blitze schießen. Voltriant beherrscht den elektrischen Strom in seinem Körper mit großem Geschick. Die Entladungen, die es ausstößt, können Spannungen von bis zu einer Million Volt erreichen, was sich auch in seinem Codenamen „Lichtblitz“ widerspiegelt, den ihm die Internationale Polizei verabreichte. Voltriant kann entsprechend eine Vielzahl von Elektro-Attacken wie Schockwelle, Ladungsstoß oder Blitzkanone erlernen. Auch andere Attacken wie Ampelleuchte oder Schweifglanz, die mit hellem Licht in Verbindung stehen, kann das Illuminations-Pokémon anwenden. Es kann sich mit seinen kabelartigen Ranken im Boden festgreifen, was ihm den Einsatz von Verwurzler ermöglicht.
@Brumbrumauto Күн бұрын
Forscht ruhig mal mit Methoxetamin... Das hat was ganz besonderes gehabt.. Konnten uns mit Gedanken unterhalten und es hat funktioniert, über Wochen hinweg, meine beide Kollegen sind in der Psychiatrie gelandet, ich auf dem Boden der Tatsachen und wieder aufstehen und mein Leben mäßigen aber das heißt nicht dass es nicht was ganz besonderes war, kenne auch lsd und psilocibin aber lsd+mxe ist auch sehr speziell assoziativum + besonders trippiges dissoziativum... Nur Teilnehmerinnen? Die Hühner okay, aber der Hund sah Männlich aus :D
@iankaunang Күн бұрын
Tempat yang sangat menarik sekali 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
@ImIdaho Күн бұрын
the russian people have suffered for so long
@32446 Күн бұрын
How do all these terrorists just walk into America and start living there? Is it so easy to get green cards and residency, etc. As a UK resident I know that I wouldn’t be able to do that.
@heliosgnosis2744 Күн бұрын
The Cave of Sword Crystals is indeed very curious given the amount of water needed to allow growth of such size would mean the question is "At what point was this now top of the mountain range but just shy of 1000 feet down into it was beneath a vast sea or was exposed to long lasting extreme flooding, makes one wonder if all the ancient native tribal histories of the entire South America and Meso America are true in telling us that long ago the grounds shook and the very earth beneath all's feet moved far to the East and became the mountain range that is found all the way from almost the tip of South America today to just shy of Central America as it is called today, but further north the same tribal histories of the most ancient tribes speak of the same and none of them knew of this wonderful wonder of Gaia, but it existing along with all else gives more merit to such ancient tales because there is very few ways giant crystals of such size could or would form without lots of water and the size of those even with its current climate within are a prime candidate to back up ever so slightly at the drop of truth in the tales are probably some ancient geological event that effected a massive region which is already the hot spot for the largest earthquakes on the entire earth be that modern times or ancient. Science is cool but only when it does not hide in a self-made box and paradigm for doing so is a crime against humanity itself yet happens all too often sadly and most all times not by choice but if one does not adhere to the paradigm and storyline, they cast such people out and under the rug with the evidence they had to prove the actual story of history of humans and of this very earth so please do not mistake my words as some dumb pseudo-science jargon for it is far from it, from the inside looking out I stand and all I can say for now, tenure or sickness of a death sentence or even age one day I will speak and give out what truths I have to offer, slow and fine toothed combed through just so none can do to the things I spill barrels of beans about when my times comes to become part of the earth and soon forgotten by the world of humans, but that is the fate of all....but to hold back truths from what belongs to all is a crime, anyone in the world of science knows what I speak of and has been forced to do it or seen it done but knows why sadly. It is irony how so very many people in whatever field doing studying in the same areas of the earth happen to have evidence and a different take than the accepted paradigm and story, how is it so? well above is the answer as hard as that may be to swallow it is the truth undying.
@dreamersdisease2481 Күн бұрын
Are there many people like me that are just fascinated by the Soviet Union particularly in the '80s and after the downfall. I've always been interested in Russian culture but I've been on an overhaul lately I hope I don't turn into a bolshevik
@lischenmuller8431 Күн бұрын
Es gibt einige Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde. Wünscheln kann ich nicht. Das hatte ich schon als Kind probiert. Aber ich glaube an den heiligen Geist, der Dinge möglich macht/ erklärt auch ohne Studium, sowie an Jesus und natürlich GOTT. Es steht geschrieben, das mit IHM alles möglich ist. Zumindest erlebe ich das so. Es gibt so viele schöne Zeugnisse. Es wäre schräg nicht zu glauben, wenn man es doch erlebt. Und es ist seltsam, dass man immernoch sucht, was offensichtlich ist. Das ist wohl Ignoranz und Unglauben. Alles ist mit Allem verbunden durch den EINEN, weil ER der Schöpfer ist. Eigentlich logisch.
@ETphonehome123 Күн бұрын
Who's having a drink watching this....thumbs up...🤭👍🍻🥂🍷
@RodLegrocha 2 күн бұрын
Émouvant reportage
@ChrisBarber-b2r 2 күн бұрын
You can't even pronounce the name correctly. I don't expect to learn anything from this.
@apizzarelli5392 2 күн бұрын
Sobriety diminishes, discriminates, and says no; drunkenness expands, unites, and says yes. It is, in fact, the great exciter of the Yes function in man. It brings its votary from the chill periphery of things to the radiant core. It makes him, for the moment, one with the truth. William James. Lecture 15. The Varieties of Religious Experience.
@Kementiri 2 күн бұрын
No ty. Farmed fish are disgusting lol. They don't show you how many of the fish are deformed and are covered in lice. They farm them here as well in B.C. Again no ty.🤢
@dertythegrower 2 күн бұрын
Grew them in Florida, where they are naturally... they need 0 work, and grow themself in swampy low grade water. Issue is environment of the fish... not always the best for meat quality
@LewisC-g4i 2 күн бұрын
I don’t trust any food from china!
@nurfarauna2191 2 күн бұрын
Sehr Emotional 🥲 sie hat starke Seele
@The1stKing 2 күн бұрын
21:47 look how happy and satisfied she seems. Why would anyone wanna take that away from her? The best one can do is educate her and let her make her own choice.
@delboyd72 2 күн бұрын
Saudi Arabia has never been held to account , they continue with impunity because the political class would rather do business instead . Embarrassing betrayal of the victims
@TommyFink-y6c 2 күн бұрын
Davis Michelle Moore Jessica Clark Susan
@dorcasbass5585 2 күн бұрын
My old hardened Steelworker dad smoked natural tobacco since he was 12 yrs old, he would never accept a factory cigarette if offered, "too many bloody poisons!" he would shout in his old Scottish accent. "Those things will kill you!" He would complain. He lived into his late 90's.
@fortythreenorth2518 2 күн бұрын
Alcohol just became more available here in Canada with beer and wine sales in variety stores. Not long ago we could only purchase booze in government run stores that had limited hours. Or you'd have to go to a bar.
@jesusortiz8499 2 күн бұрын
This is a very interesting video unfortunately the music is very loud 🥹
@Poggy 2 күн бұрын
34:33 - and what they DIDN'T tell you about this study is that they were heating the vape products to the point of combusting the cotton and dry vaping, which results in insane levels of carcinogens entering the body. Once again, misinformation, and bullshit ignorance.
@Poggy 2 күн бұрын
I've reported this video for spreading misinformation.
@Poggy 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for not even mentioning that EVALI was primarily found in black market THC vapes containing Vitamin E acetate, and not even bothering to mention that 99.99% of legal, over the counter flavors of vape juice don't even contain Vitamin E. What a dishonest load of bullshit.
@Poggy 2 күн бұрын
25:25 and that guy just pulled all those claims of the harms of the vapor from right out of his ignorant a$$. He just made all those claims and cited not a SINGLE peer-reviewed study that demonstrates anything remotely like that. This video is a complete farce.
@Poggy 2 күн бұрын
Nicotine ON ITS OWN is demonstrably not as addictive as when it's mixed with tobacco smoke. This video does nothing to explain the connection between the anti-depressants found in cigarettes with how that impacts the addictive nature of nicotine. Welbutrin is found in tobacco smoke, and this plus nicotine turns into that heroine-like addiction. I've been able to go days without vaping *without even trying* without anything more than a slight craving. Not even CLOSE to the cravings from traditional cigarettes. The biggest craving was the physical habit more than one where I needed nicotine. This has been demonstrated in studies, by the way, and you mention none of it in this video. It's ridiculously stupid.
@Poggy 2 күн бұрын
"Do we trust tobacco companies with their message that these products actually reduce harm" . YES. OF COURSE I DO. Because it's not THEIR message. This was the message the entire time vapers were switching before and the message of the actual science and data that CONTINUOUSLY shows that vaping is 95% safer or more than traditional cigarettes. This video is one of the most ignorant piece of hogwash I've ever watched on this subject.
@Poggy 2 күн бұрын
"Are they really as safe as the tobacco industry wants us to believe" - What? It's the tobacco industry that's pushing for many of the vape bans and studies falsely showing how harmful they are. Big tobacco isn't trying to convince you it's safer.
@nitukka2b 2 күн бұрын
This has been an educational moment for me. How very fascinating. Thank you.
@erikpaterson1404 2 күн бұрын
These guys actually believe they're making a healthy future. Are they frikken mad
@edpritchard2318 2 күн бұрын
free market or consumer protection
@malakagirley 2 күн бұрын
From Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
@remcobrattinga3484 2 күн бұрын
I love this kind of stuff...but there is one thing : some of the used music in this docu is just horrible...
@GloryTouch5 3 күн бұрын
British museum 🫣