@jeffmorton2668 2 күн бұрын
Why any doctor would perform a transrectal biopsy instead of transperineal today is patient abuse. I have had both and the latter is infinitely more tolerable.
@msimrow 2 күн бұрын
This is an actual doctor? Can someone be this stupid?
@thejeffbosley 3 күн бұрын
ADT: so MAYBE cancer is dealt with, but promised to have a life of misery and side effects. What a horrible trade off.
@thejeffbosley 3 күн бұрын
Yeah. Lose all hormones that give a man a healthy, vigorous life to “cure” them of something that creates an unhealthy, miserable life. Makes zero sense. Lose/lose it seems.
@shawnbrower8907 5 күн бұрын
ADT is nasty stuff. I was dx'd stage 4/G8 at age 49. They were pushing a total of FOUR years of this garbage. I stopped after ONE year. Ironically, post treatment, I've been on TRT for over 2 years and doing amazing. Follow the $$$$. ADT is based on science from 1941, real cutting edge stuff guys.
@Willsontime 8 күн бұрын
Can anal sex or rough anal a sex or fisting damage the prostate?
@hihi9674 11 күн бұрын
I'm new to this channel. I will say that I love the direct questioning of the interviewer. Subscribed!
@janetw9430 11 күн бұрын
PSA is also detected in saliva, wish they would tell the truth and men with BPH have higher psa too.
@janetw9430 11 күн бұрын
Blood in urine can be a uti as well.
@AnthonyShaw-ty9pi 11 күн бұрын
Has anyone found it hard to climax, in the beginning weeks after the penile implant? Will that get better with time? Just had my surgery, 6 weeks ago.🤔
@josephmaher1350 11 күн бұрын
Excellent Dr Carson. Sounds like MSK is doing a commendable job vis-a- vis risk assessment overall. I am 78, Gleason 6 , PSA@@<10, but high volume. Still awaiting decipher results as well as second path review from MSK. Trying to preserve quality of life which is good. Kudos to you and your colleagues, many of whom are from Europe. Especially appreciated comments about “ missing the boat” risks being low if surveillance is indeed active and patient is compliant. Also applaud idea of grouping active surveillance patients for appointments etc. More to be revealed . Brava!
@jeremyv1783 11 күн бұрын
Do not get talked into this -it’s horrible , wrecked my life and my marriage!
@russellseah2347 12 күн бұрын
Me too. Have been weight training all my life n active. Still got it
@user-xo4hw2fs3v 12 күн бұрын
Thank you for your advice Dr.
@teresa9760 12 күн бұрын
Thank you gentlemen, you each get right to the POINT. GET TO US BEFORE STARTING ADT. She avoids the real question as i wanted to know the answers. Everyvword out of her mouth was no value, we ALL know what she managed to contribute. She needs a LOT more experience. Example, is the short term patient on radiation having different (cognative) and side effects than the long term last result patients. She avoids the entire question and point of the conversation which WAS COGNITIVE BRAIN FUNCTIONS. She was also asked if patients are on ADT as a last chance, or are there other options. She changes topic and avoided the real question. OK we all want to know about ALTERNATIVES and SOLUTIONS. She just memics text book AMA answers, and AVOIDS BY STANDARD MED answers and limited experience. I will keep listening to FUNCTIONAL DOCTORS.
@chetg2924 14 күн бұрын
I am about 6-7 weeks in on Orgovyx. Gential size seem to come and go but definitely favor shrinking. Man breasts are coming in. Libido was dead before all this and I knew something wasnt right. I think the cancer took it. Seems I've had the cancer for a good while since the prostate is 80% engulfed in tumors. I'm 62 and married. I get the target pins installed tomorrow and hope to God they knock me out for it. That biopsy was beyond a nail biter. (12 sample version). I pretty much am redistributing fat now and have womans legs and butt characteristics and as I said man breasts and skin is getting shiny and soft. SHaving every two days instead of every day. Am I concerned about the feminization of some things? no not really. The night sweats are pretty intense at times and sleep is restless. Am being a little careful on diet as to not ingest too much of anything that might modify my facial features. I need the cancer gone, then we'll get back in saddle with libido.
@chetg2924 7 күн бұрын
the didnt knock me out for the pin installation. It was briefly a little painful but we made it. Its only a 5 minute thing. AM trying certain herbs to relieve some of the night sweats but I know I need to not screw up the drug. Important to keep the cancer starved.I do have a small fan on at night. this week is weakness of upper body. Legs seem to be done adjusting I think. No gel with the pins. I was surprised, but there's something about the tumors reaching past the prostate that they dont want to shield for when the radiation starts, in a week or so I guess. Getting targeting marked monday we think. Its a journey. Glad I'm able to access info,
@user-yr7nt8gk5l 14 күн бұрын
Im a 74 year old old Vietnam Vet w/terminal stage 4 prostrate cancer which has metastasized to bones. My first psa was 100. I’ve had 6 rounds chemo and now on abiraterone&predisone. Dr has said i probably will go back on chemo for another 6 sessions. My diagnosis came after BPH,trouble urineating. I had weight loss&major back pain. Hopefully chemo&meds will give me a couple more years. Early detection is crucial!
@Malecare 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@Johnconno 15 күн бұрын
It will make you feel insane. They didn't mention that.
@JimmyCornPop 15 күн бұрын
Thank you. This is definitely helpful in my decision as to which type of treatment I have to choose.
@newtexan1 15 күн бұрын
No seed radiation! NO!
@peterfraser8075 7 күн бұрын
Why? Can you share your experience please.
@steveperks100 15 күн бұрын
What a reassuring voice. Love a consultation
@frenkenberg 17 күн бұрын
Radiation of anything will cause that thing to Radiate to Other organs around. The radiated organs will get sick.. no? So it doesn't even matter if the Prostate itself will shring first, or be even removed. Yes or no?
@johnmchale8308 18 күн бұрын
Now that Meridian went bankrupt, there no support for this machine and the FDA canceled this treatment. Are you guys using the new Electra MRI Linac guided SBRT?
@joeax61 18 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story, and God bless!
@jerrygrudzinsky6425 19 күн бұрын
What a great young woman.
@raad684 21 күн бұрын
Walnut is a white woke nut OMG
@gunterk256 23 күн бұрын
Very interesting. I had RP in 2013. PSA remained undetectable until 2021, then started to rise slowly. In 2023 had one round of ADT. PSA back to 0.02. 6 months later it’s rising rapidly, now at 1.14.
@tonyhooper3621 25 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot don for your Video a fond it very interesting and informative keep up the good work cheers mate 💪💪👏👍🇦🇺
@JH-ot5mn 25 күн бұрын
You are the exact reason when I go to the doctor I never see anyone black or brown. Thank you for reinforcing my beliefs. VERY scary you are (supposedly) a doctor.
@ricknowak4582 26 күн бұрын
I just finished your whole video. One of the best videos I've ever seen regarding prostate cancer.!!!! Especially the last thing you said. "Took hormone injections for one year and told him no more!" Excellent!!!! AND YOUR OKAY!!!!!!! It just proved to me that I am going to REFUSE ALL ADT treatments! I just don't believe that taking away testosterone does any good except make you sick! One of those shots cost around $4,000❤. THATS. why they want to give you these medications. Just my opinion. Please anyone don't get mad at me for saying this.
@ricknowak4582 26 күн бұрын
I'm sorry about the PSA score I just made a comment. He told me that he never knew. Didn't even know what that meant. PSA.
@ricknowak4582 26 күн бұрын
Boy I really hate to say this cuz you seem like a nice guy and I love your story but..... At 47 you look like you're close to 70 so I would think what 25 years ago maybe? Back then they didn't have their equipment to do it accurate specific test for this prostate cancer. You could have very well have been misdiagnosed. Overtreated. You never mentioned what your original Gleason scores were. How many cores they took with the biopsy and what was your PSA first! I know one dude that 30 YEARS years ago the only test he took was a digital! And a PSA test which was only four! And they did a prostatectomy immediately! He never had any reoccurrence.
@ricknowak4582 26 күн бұрын
When you were diagnosed didn't you find out what the Gleason score was the volume of the score your PSA very important questions. Cuz you didn't say that you had a PSA .....BEFORE The biopsy.
@ricknowak4582 26 күн бұрын
I just started watching your video and I have to make one comment. You said you opened up and told everybody about your prostate cancer. I totally disagree. You could tell a few people maybe your sons and daughters but to tell everybody?.... I beg to differ. 6 months ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I told two or three people and told them not to tell anybody. Really nobody wants to hear about it unless they know or themselves are going through the same problem. And that's with any sickness. In fact most people don't want to hear about that stuff. Again this is just my opinion. And I talked to many people about this subject and they all agree. Most people feel uncomfortable while you talk about your problem. Now a few more people know about my prostate cancer in I could tell that they really don't want to ask me how I am doing. So I really try not to talk about it. Only a couple people I feel comfortable talking about it and they seem to be interested. So yes I have a very small support group.lol. now I am going to listen to the rest of your story.
@pauldamore92 26 күн бұрын
This is all b s. How they can send a human being home after a surgery like that is beyond me. It’s barbaric. All these doctors care about is what the insurance company says. You shouldn’t be in your 70s or 80s after a surgery like that and sent home after 1 day in the hospital. It’s nonsense. They could care less. About your pain or care. They wanna get paid
@joeharris2074 27 күн бұрын
A few thoughts: I’m 4 days post and still having the shoulder pain. My drain had to be emptied about 6 times over 2 days before they pulled it. All blood. I can’t imagine all that blood still in me. I’m glad they used the drain and I opted to stay another night inpatient until they could pull it. The idea of going home with a drain after one night and all that internal bleeding seemed sketchy.
@hitechrr 27 күн бұрын
I had 26 rounds of radiation in 2020. I have had problems since. I also still have cancer in the same location.
@jerrymarnon41 27 күн бұрын
Understandbig pharm thought over 70! Male gets to many false alarms to diacourage Tests. Was not encoueaged thus when discovered was 600 psi. So SAD😢😢😢😢😢
@himwhoisnottobenamed5427 28 күн бұрын
If that were the case people like Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton would’ve died years ago.
@xavariusquest4603 28 күн бұрын
Wow. How did you get through med school? This isnt even a correlation vs causation issue. It is just rather shabby logic. You have a disease...the actual generative cause of which is unknown..., you have racial demographics regarding occurance, first identification, stage at first id, treatment, and survival rates of that disease, and you have social demographics. You then add personal proclivities regarding the medical system. You then have the very nebulous and undefinable term rascism (remember that, according to your usage, only whites can be racist). Somehow youve taken this very broad multivariate data set and crafted a thoroughly unsubstatiated line trough it to come out with a solution. Did you study epidemiology? Do you remember what you are and are not alloed to occur when crafting a trajectory for an illness in a society? Basics of logic and mathematics...no more than 3rd year undergrad....just basics
@keiththompson2289 28 күн бұрын
I am a person who guides others in extreme physical outdoor adventures. Now I have prostate cancer. So none of that really helped much.
@kennethjohnson3138 29 күн бұрын
Tom, thank you for sharing your journey so honestly and directly. I especially appreciate your sharing about the importance of an honest "out" relationship with your doctor. Also, as gay men, it's good to raise our enjoyment of ejaculation and what it feels like to lose that specific function.
@anauthor3330 29 күн бұрын
No. I don’t need to be a doctor to see how stupid of a question this is.
@latelylost4 29 күн бұрын
You dont even have to be a MD to realize how silly this rant truely is, looking at finacial graphs based on race, or those collecting welfare there are just as many if not more uninsured and poor caucasions. Meaning you would see a proportional growth in cancer patients across both races, not just one. As such, any viable explination found that could explain this increase must include all races in this given situation. Which.. it does not. Second, observations made about what we see in the overall heath of people based on their race, its NOT racism. The conclusion drawn from this observation is what has the potential to be racist. For example, pointing out that a biological female menstrates isnt sexist, conclusions stating this makes females unequal would be sexist. Can you tell the difference? Third, science is about eliminating as many variables as possible. If you want to determine if genetics is the cause of the increase in cancer, you strictly look at genetics for this study, you do not introduce additional factors. You want to determine if X is causing Y, you never want to attempt a study where V ,W , and or X is causing Y. Lasty, stating that someone can have an increase in cancer by rambling vaguely that there might be something out there, is just silly. Saying enviromental factors is like saying cancer is caused by physical things in our universe. Let alone that racism has a link in causing cancer, is just dumb. If that were even remotely true we would all have cancer. do better.
@mikef1913 29 күн бұрын
This is summarizing the average experience, not for all patients. Some of us are MUCH, MUCH WORSE after surgery and it sometimes happens immediately, well before the tunica shrinking theory even has a chance to occur. Mine was being pulled up inside me to the point of pain if I bent over or sat down. Several Inches were lost instead of just centimeters. Aggressive therapy after the surgery was to no avail. It took another major surgery to fix what the original surgeon did to me.
@hrmyler204 29 күн бұрын
I go with "Trust, but verify" because if you don't trust your provider, why do you keep them? Everyone makes mistakes and no professional can be 100% up on all the latest research. Frankly, for something like PCa, if you are not being treated at a major center (MSK, JH, Mayo, MDA, etc.) you have to follow and research everything that is being suggested. Far too many surgeons push surgery--I wonder why! Likewise onco and radiation.
@johnmchale8308 Ай бұрын
Had a transpereneal with Dr Hu this morning, some moderate pain inserting the probe then injecting the numbing agents but the 15 cores removed were not painful at all and the psychological click of the gun was not that disturbing. I was pleasantly surprised it was not that bad, the experience was not as bad as it was made out to be. by many. No blood in my urine at all so far, spot blood at the entry point in the transpereanel. No problem when I momentary tried to get an erection.The US needs to wake up and get with the latest technology being used in most of Europe and Australia.
@McMuffin74 Ай бұрын
No. That’s all. Next.
@johnmchale8308 Ай бұрын
BTW you hit on all cylinders in this presentation,covered it all I must say and I'm well informed.... BRAVO. One thing I might add even with the very small chance the needle extraction spills cancer cells into your rectum my logic tells me this won't happen thru the transperneal method.....But the real answer is we really just don't know if cancer cells can be spilled during extraction....unless the needle is capped after extraction you can't make this comment...you can seed the cancer if you use logic!!!
@johnmchale8308 Ай бұрын
I have a date with Dr Hu tomorrow at Weil Cornell for a transpereneal.remember..... once you puncture the prostate micro environment and which can introduce baterial fecal matter and e coli resistant bacteria into your prostrate, it will never be the same according to the top UK prostae oncologist. England has basically banned transrectal and has most of Europe. Never heard with absolute language your argument that you can't seed the cancer once the need is extracted....please site how this is even possible? is the needle capped before extraction?