@scronyx Ай бұрын
People act like Pollock was a genius, and he had this ability to create fractals in his paintings no one else does. I think he was literally just doing his thing and feeling it out, and by the nature of this style of painting, fractals arise.
@kathymayo5808 Ай бұрын
I'm Very Proud to be a LIBERAL Democrat!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
@HenryConway007 Ай бұрын
A CLASSICAL liberal ended slavery and Santos isn’t a classical liberal. Vinick IS a classical liberal.
@GaneshSrinivas-y4l 2 ай бұрын
That beautiful thing is called spliied juice not art ( being so polite controlling my words due to the guidelines policy)
@joemacaluso4627 Жыл бұрын
@zamaswazimnguni-bq1ik Жыл бұрын
Ay Collins mfwethu uyayshaya ntoyakho
@achourhaddad9758 Жыл бұрын
Bien détaillé vôtre docu, merci infiniment
@jjpadrones4718 Жыл бұрын
i only see splash of paint nothing special, maybe someone cannot copy his nonsense splash of paint on the canvas but certainly he cannot copy someone else painting also,, and im sure he cannot copy the mona lisa ,girl with the pearl earing, and other great and timeless classical painting which is the true art,, this painting of splash of paint in the canvas is not art its just splash of paint,
@SexyFace Жыл бұрын
imo the gobi & the shrimp create one of the most unusual examples of symbiotic cooperation found among nature. one is a fish, the other a crustacean, bound together only by life underwater. analogically, its similar to a duck befriending an owl or a squirrel befriending a frog
@fernandomarquez7011 Жыл бұрын
Sadly, postmodern progressives are now attempting to run liberals out of the democratic party.
@frankbonini9128 Жыл бұрын
I Actually Remember When This First Aired. Quite Ingenious and Awesome
@schwann145 Жыл бұрын
If only liberals didn't bend over for corporate interests over the needs of the people, it might actually be a badge of honor. Unfortunately Flint still doesn't have clean water and healthcare has a dollar sign gatekeeper.
@3dartistguy Жыл бұрын
Lincoln wasn’t a liberal Republican
@3dartistguy Жыл бұрын
A person who wants bigger government, higher taxes on the wealthy. And more welfare queens.
@bneale Жыл бұрын
This is too cute, by half. Both of them are leftist phucks.
@RestitutorEuropa Жыл бұрын
This is absolute horse crap and borderline propaganda. Conservatives ARE liberals TOO in the literal sense. They just happen to be more right-wing version of liberalism. The term “Conservatism” today is just another word for “classical liberalism.”
@alberttatlock5104 Жыл бұрын
@mistercr0wbar400 Жыл бұрын
This aged REALLY well
@TweedSuit Жыл бұрын
John Wayne called himself a Liberal.
@marcokite Жыл бұрын
Santos is the worst character in a great series, so very very dull
@johnbrandt2167 Жыл бұрын
The guy who played Santos was a terrible actor.
@dauferm Жыл бұрын
Not the current snowflakes
@emichels Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: There are ZERO Democrats on Mt. Rushmore!
@chrissanto Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: no one cares.
@johnpauljones9310 Жыл бұрын
LIberals have been run out of the Democratic Party now. There is no room for free speech if that speech includes anything offensive, such, a difference of opinion.
@chloegrobler4275 Жыл бұрын
you dont, by default, have the right to say something which is "offensive". wish Americans knew what freedom actually was then they might respect it more.
@johnpauljones9310 Жыл бұрын
@@chloegrobler4275 Yes. We do. See the UNANIMOUS Supreme Court holding in Matal v. Tam. Even Ginsburg agreed that "hate speech" is protected by the First Amendment. Grow a thicker skin, kid.
@chloegrobler4275 Жыл бұрын
@@johnpauljones9310 america is retarded so i dont doubt that you protect people who spew out hate. except that you do protect minority groups and the language associated with them so no you don't get to claim all language is protected.
@johnpauljones9310 Жыл бұрын
@@chloegrobler4275 Banning hate speech from the public square doesn't make the hate disappear. After the failed 1923 Munich coup, the nazi party was banned, it's leaders thrown in prison, and their members could no longer meet in public. All that did was drive them deeper into the shadows where their rhetoric got even worse and led to WW2 and the Holocuast. "Retarded" would be thinking banning hate speech would work again. Notice the US never started a world war or murdered 10 million people in a span of 5 years. Stop being an infant.
@chloegrobler4275 Жыл бұрын
@@johnpauljones9310 where the fuck is this conversation going holy shit. all I'm saying is there are some things you don't get to say and some things you do, while knowingly or unknowingly breaks some law or serves no other function but to elicit a negative emotional reaction from someone else. if i ever argue that banning hate speech ever got rid of the people making it. i will be sure to point out that not letting fucking fascists walk openly, spewing out their garbage does serve a greater good, in that some dumbass walking down the street doesn't get a bad idea put in his dim head. not that its my point at all but do you really believe that "driving them deeper into the shadows" was the thing that killed millions of people? pick up a fucking history book and you will realise that it was in a sense inevitable that a second world war was coming. the initial impetus for hitlers interest in politics and the later anti semetic influences he would have all started from the german defeat in ww1, not a groups feelings being hurt in the public square. rhetoric wins hearts and minds, so yes, fuck all the people who want to say some dumb shit then when they get put in their place they can stick their finger up their bums and cry about their free speech, like they ever believed in it in the first place. also also, Germany today has a lot of restrictions we would i hope all agree are better in the long run. while America today doesn't have any hate whatsoever right??? the people with all that hate haven't ever tried to seize power from the democracy ever right????? lets all forget what "free" rhetoric got America on january 6 right???? i could keep going on but damn people be FUCKING RETARDED out here man.
@RoyGBiv-lc8tv Жыл бұрын
@taserrr Жыл бұрын
What happened? The cold war happened. Up to that point, the USA was actually the best country in the world, leading economically and technologically (after ww2). Than anything remotely socialist policy was deemed communist and disregarded. No innovation regarding free education, healthcare, social care or anything else. If this had happened before 1900 all roads would be toll roads. Think about that.
@LMays-cu2hp Жыл бұрын
That was nice...
@puncherdavis9727 Жыл бұрын
I think he needs to go look at his history loll he got it very backwards
@emmittmatthews8636 Жыл бұрын
When laws get passed that move us forward, we tend to call that liberal. The lie here is that it's always only the one side or party that's doing it. Republicans freed the slaves. Republicans voted in larger percentages for the civil rights bills than the democrats.. Democrats (left wing) pushed for unions, safer working places, etc. We can go back and forth with this. Some things that the left looks at as "progressive" or "liberal" are just massive expansions in government with SOME benefit to society, but lots of side effects that are actually REGRESSIVE in many ways. It takes BOTH sides.... ALL sides did is to properly move forward imo.. Also, the founders were most definitely liberals of their day, yet the left detests almost everything they stood for.
@leafodan3730 Жыл бұрын
It’s politicians and government does. Change the meaning of words. Liberal just means to want to liberate.
@montieluckett7036 Жыл бұрын
I am quite amused as to how fiction is always touted as reality through TV and movies. It Was a Television show. As far from Reality as one can get. An echo chamber writ large.
@captainfantastic9158 Жыл бұрын
You cut it off at the best part! Statler and Waldorf got a big surprise!! 🤣
@AntonioSilvaToronto Жыл бұрын
Shit, I think I'll give it another go soon. Thanks!
@jimmywrangles Жыл бұрын
It's not art it's a piece of shit.
@cl844 Жыл бұрын
it matters less which party you are supporting it matters more if that support lets the country work fairly and allows people to live the way they choose without interference from others. america was created as a middle finger to the tyranny of other countries why are some people trying to copy that tyranny of countries we have defeated in war? republican party is revealing just how much they want to be the new america NAZI party. There has never been a group of people so commited to the destruction of democracy than the modern republican party. vote them out and keep them out of office the poorest least educated states with worst health care are all republican run they also have the highest taxes except on the super wealthy who pay no where near a fair share and last highest crime levels. Democrat run states have lower taxes that everyone except the super wealthy gain benefit. Health care and education are superior to any red state. if you want to live the way you want vote blue if you like being oppressed please dont vote it wont help better no vote then a vote for red
@ianm1462 Жыл бұрын
American politics has literally never been like this and the older I get, the more I realize nonsense like the West Wing is what inoculated this country against resisting the modern right wing movement. Our media told us politicians were dedicated geniuses who would out-argue their opponents, hire brilliant staff of high moral character, and always work for the People. Sorkin didn’t wield the blade that killed America, but he sure bound the victim to the alter.
@gainesp2003gainesp 2 жыл бұрын
WTF? I could have sworn that was Alan Alda opposing the smart guy on stage!
@BrowncoatInABox 2 жыл бұрын
The non Sorkin really had it's moments
@schroederscurrentevents3844 2 жыл бұрын
That’s my biggest problem with this series, whenever the democrat starts a monologue about why he’s right, the republican just kinda sits there, like IRL he wouldn’t just be making arguments to counter the points? I don’t think any republicans would be willing to concede the point that Lincoln was a liberal.
@JGlennFL 2 жыл бұрын
An honest Republican who accepts election results and a Democrat who understands what it means to be a liberal (progressive) and is proud to be one. Wow. I would love to have those in real life. Are you listening, 2024?
@paddle_shift 2 жыл бұрын
Love to debate these 2 actors. They are clueless.
@erikandersson1429 2 жыл бұрын
As badge of honor? Ok, interesting
@jamesjoy8866 2 жыл бұрын
West Wing was always about what democrats wanted to think about their leadership. It was always a fantasy though.
@ericjohnson7632 2 жыл бұрын
So f***ing true!!!!! 👍👍👍👍
@marcokite Жыл бұрын
typo; you meant 'So f***ing UNtrue!!!!!'
@ericjohnson7632 Жыл бұрын
@@marcokite nope that's what you want it to mean you just watched it and it hurts because it's true oh its damn true.
@davidpeek191 2 жыл бұрын
Revisionist history.
@danirving771 2 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind - THIS IS A FICTION SHOW. These "so-called" tidbits of info are NOT true at all, but are, in fact, the propaganda of Aaron Sorkin, a devout Democrat
@jacktracy4845 2 жыл бұрын
@sizedtoaster0278 2 жыл бұрын
The Extremists of both sides are insane. Hypocrisy exists on both sides. The problem is are countries being Run by the Elderly, Sold to the highest bidder, Resources either wasted or abandoned, Cops being protected when they break laws, Prosecutors and Judges having too much power over a persons future, Insider Trading from Pelosi and others, Corporations being fined and no one arrested or shutdown, Congress having a vote on THERE pay raises, Rules for thee and not for me in all forms of power, Veterans and the homeless being forgotten while 100 Billion dollars goes to The War Machine, Environmentalists preaching Climate change flying in Private Jets and owning 5 homes, Men or Women of God earning millions while the homeless suffers, BILLIONAIRES owning and trading politicians like there Baseball Cards and Identity Politics winning over ACTUAL Experience and Skill. Who cares anymore. We pay taxes but bridges and roads are crap.
@Arcwol 2 жыл бұрын
True but one side is full of seditionist sooooo, yeahhhhh
@chloegrobler4275 Жыл бұрын
democrats like pelosi are a sort of tumour that slowly saps your strength BUT THE REPUBLICAN POLITICIANS!!! they are like a bobcat gauging away at your intestines, eating all your organs without so much as a smile.
@marchoile9321 2 жыл бұрын
The trouble is Alan agrees with everything Santos is saying. Alan played a republican, but was always a republican that could understand that other point of view. Something that is lost on those in power today. When all you seek is power. It is power that will destroy you.
@marcokite Жыл бұрын
yeah look at Biden
@LabradorIndependent 2 жыл бұрын
This version of the debate captures that last line a lot better. In the other coast's version Santos kinda delays before "pick up" and kills the momentum slightly.
@grovercleavland2698 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, by the standards of Lincoln’s time he was really more of a moderate.
@shade9272 2 жыл бұрын
Still more liberal than conservative, even though defining things in such binary terms is idiotic.
@marcokite Жыл бұрын
Lincoln was a racist who wanted the black population to 'return' (his word) to Africa and told the South it could keep slavery as long as they returned to the so called 'Union'.
@marcokite Жыл бұрын
@@shade9272 - Lincoln was a racist who wanted the black population to 'return' (his word) to Africa and told the South it could keep slavery as long as they returned to the so called 'Union' - so calling him 'liberal' is totally idiotic.