AM I JUST MY BRAIN  By Sharon Dirckx
NICHOLAS OF CUSA  Silvianne Aspray
HERBERT MCCABE by Simon Hewitt
ERICH PRZYWARA By Philip Gonzales
@callumarendse1984 Күн бұрын
Good day Timeline Theological, Is it possible to at least have the closed captions made available. Kind regards ,love the work you all do!
@rainerkroeger4710 Күн бұрын
@jamespotts8197 Күн бұрын
Houston stand by; "We've gotta lip smacker"!
@brentweissert6524 3 күн бұрын
"The sound has disappeared to encourage people to subscribe"?? Okay, i understand this to mean that if i subscribe the sound will come back on. I subscribed, but still no sound. this is very disappointing. so why should i want to support you now? this is a great presentation. it's unfortunate this happened.
@uniamipresentlee5777 5 күн бұрын
❤ thank you so much that was beautiful insight from the way you told the story I believe in that moment Neitze realize the error in his philosophy to see the horse being beaten, and to have no repercussions in this world or the next must be untrue if he felt so deeply to see the suffering of another 🙏🏽❤️‍🔥🌈🗽🦉🌌🪬⭐️🎶👻👼🤡🐺🕉️En Lakech❤ Namaste
@DSTH323 6 күн бұрын
Pius XII certainly never called him an orthodox theologian in any sense.
@RonKelmell 8 күн бұрын
N. T. Wright is a theological word salad kitchen master.
@munichihausen457 9 күн бұрын
Amazingly clear and well structured. Prof. Houlgate is the model of a serious and relatable scholar.🎉
@user-nj1og6yb7v 9 күн бұрын
The Memorial->Cistercians->Port Royal Logic. Newton & Pascals Triangle->Binomial & Multinomial theorem. Mathematics & Synesius Hym 3. Thou the mind's source of intelligence, the Creator of divine beings, Shaper of the spirit, Nourisher of the soul, Fountain of fountains, Origin of origins, Root of roots. Thou art the Unity of unities, Number of numbers, at once Monad and Number, Mind and Intellect, both the knowable and what precedes it, One and All, and the One of All, and the One before All, that is the seed of all things, the root and the branch, 1^n 11^n 111^n 1111^n
@user-nj1og6yb7v 9 күн бұрын
1/89=(n=2,ꝏ) Σ (Fn/10^(n)) 1/89 Fibonacci per Cody Birsner circa 1994 1/889 Tribonacci 1/8889 Tetrabonacci 1/88889 Pentabonacci
@user-nj1og6yb7v 9 күн бұрын
Synesius Hym 3. "I sing to Thee, Unity, I sing to Thee, Trinity; Thou art One being Three, art Three being One; and the intelligible segment holds what has been divided still indivisible."
@hassanmirza2392 9 күн бұрын
Kindly stop worshiping Jesus.
@NuanceOverDogma 10 күн бұрын
This guy is a phony
@NuanceOverDogma 10 күн бұрын
The problem of evil is such a weak argument
@Anne_Onymous 11 күн бұрын
It's your brain that makes you, "you". I can get a heart transplant and still be me. If able to be kept alive using science, I could technically have my entire body amputated and still be me. But the second your brain isn't there, neither are you. And if your brain gets altered, so does who you are. As a traumatic brain injury survivor; I'd know 😉
@silberlinie 11 күн бұрын
What a misunderstanding. You are not just your brain. You are not even a part of your brain. You are merely consciousness imagining the whole universe.
@hassanmirza2392 12 күн бұрын
Trinity is a lie! People, read the Quran.
@bsure4 12 күн бұрын
not if you have a bunch of $
@FigmentHF 12 күн бұрын
I left school at 15 and have no education or training in this area, but I've done a load of LSD and have paid attention to consciousness and perception since i was a small child. I think we are unnecessarily confused, brains don't make minds, brains are what minds look like to other minds. It's a macroscopic 3D "spacetime" coarse grained representation that appears on our screen of perception. The NCC's are just what consciousness looks like when observed from the outside by something with a mind. There is a complex foundational substrate from which we create the illusion of the duel mental and physical realms, consciousness is our "good enough" model of our internal states, and the physical world is our internal model, or coarse grained representation, of the external environmental states. "We", the "ego" or "sense of self", are a virtual subject that allows for a distributed cellular collective to feel like a simple unified whole, we are the experiencer of the approximated states, or the computationally reduced model, and we have a "good"/"bad" reward/punishment function, from which we weave countless emotional states based on our contextual narrativization in the moment. We are the universes script writers, the meaning makers. Reality is ultimately just the patterns that we can find in the chaos of an impossibly complex system of interactions, we almost dream reality from the noise.
@rareword 12 күн бұрын
"AM I JUST MY BRAIN?" That very sentence shows that you are not your brain. What is yours is not you.
@patrickholt2270 13 күн бұрын
I think a key issue is agency. It's not just that we are able to notice ourselves observing, and think about ourselves thinking and feeling, that we are conscious of ourselves experiencing. We also do things, and make decisions, and choose to think. There is will at work. This is one of the reasons that an algorithm which can mimic intelligent conversation is not a proof that the software (or the hardware) in a computer has consciousness. It has no independent agency, it has been written by humans to carry out a function. Consciousness is also proven by agency, by the fact that the human subject does things as a consequence, or in relation to his or her conscious experience, thoughts and feelings. As C.S. Lewis discussed in_Miracles,_ the only proof we have of mind and thoughts is the actions that the human in question then performs which record the thought or manifest the decision. Mind and consciousness, he argued, are in effect supernatural and metaphysical, because they are unobservable.
@billybobwombat2231 13 күн бұрын
The faith will do what it always has done, destroy the concept through discrediting it, or if they can't do that they'll try to absorb it and claim it as theirs, its how the faith operates, the great destroyer of all that isn't it.
@marcheathrow8930 13 күн бұрын
Interesting,thank you.
@rk3343 13 күн бұрын
Your distinction between science and philosophy is very helpful. I also appreciate your overarching insight that every perspective is necessarily limited. Thank you for the clarity and charity of your presentation.
@RonKelmell 13 күн бұрын
If it is true, it is not new and if it is new it is not true. N.T. Wright is little more than a pop culture religious professional offering a false salvation without repentance which Jesus clearly called for. In short, Wright has been educated beyond his intelligence.
@DigitalGnosis 14 күн бұрын
Ah damn this channel used to post 🔥 scholarly stuff, but her stuff is bottom of the barrel apologetics
@historiented6573 15 күн бұрын
The tiresome disavowal of the Germans in the WW2 period .
@bobross7005 16 күн бұрын
lol no, this is trashy as heck. To shreds.
@einarabelc5 18 күн бұрын
If that wa the case with Judaism then why Issiah 54vand did Jesus had to die?
@einarabelc5 18 күн бұрын
So much virtue signaling for a pompous brit who wouldn't even exist without his ancestors sacrificing for him at war. Moses killed 3000 of his country men after YHWH was going to kill all. And YHWH literally kills ppl through all if the old testament.This guys is doing misdirecton.
@einarabelc5 18 күн бұрын muvh brainwasing
@JonSebastianF 22 күн бұрын
That sound - *_lip-smack, inhale_* - at the beginning of most sentences feels viscerally uncomfortable to me. The lecture is so well-scripted, but I'm sorry, I just cannot watch this :'(
@atnafuzewdie8714 26 күн бұрын
IN fact, he sayse; death is Magical why, because of The Immortality of the human soul, let-alone of Gods', besides, he says it through suffering that love cames. God is God of Justice. It all seems, fishey at this, moment when the entire humanty is witnessing, the Genocide of Palestinians People and especially the Genocide of Children on massive scale. Your falsification of Christianity makes you an intellectual Rabble. Hegel is the Holy Spirit just as Christian Fathers are. Christ and the Christian Mysticis "read the Encyclopedic Logic" all say Freedom is gotten by us by being like Christ, meaning by our becoming, God and Creatig our own Universes Eternally. Down with your falsification of Christianity in your Dissimulatig ways. GOD BECAME MAN FOR as-to MAN TO BECAME GOD.
@animefurry3508 26 күн бұрын
Amazing Analysis! I would love to see videos about Christanities relationship/Interaction with... Lacan, Marx, Zizek, Plato, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas, Badou, Buddha, Confucius, Laozi! All great Tradions and Thinkers!
@Rainin90utside 27 күн бұрын
One important but often missed point regarding the religious community Hegel discusses. It is the community between God and humanity, not just the community of believers. God remains God in coming to humanity, and humanity remains humanity in coming to God. It is the communion of God and Humanity in one another that that suspends the deficiency of either separated from the other. The identity is speculative, not abstract. The human being is not simply God. God is not simply the human being. Humanity is humanity in that God is within them, and God is God in that humanity is within him. Both are Spirit. The Divine Spirit and the Human Spirit together are the Absolute Spirit. Eternal living God, in that God is the whole of the Divine Spirit and the Human Spirit as Absolute Spirit. This is a return from the grave that cannot itself die because death is already contained as sublated in it. God becomes incarnate, embraces the human nature fully in Christ, embraces to the point of alienation (Father, why have you forsaken me!) and at that exact point expires on the cross, death. This is the sending of the Spirit, since now humanity has witnessed this and is called themselves to relinquish their own finitude and thus die to God. This love that reciprocates between humanity and God, as dying for each other, is at once a reversal of death itself into eternal life. Through this act they give each other back to each other what was lost *more* fully than before as in its truth for the very first time. Rebirth, resurrection. Life again, but as *true life*, as for the first time only by way of this mediation. The death of death is the death of finite life, infinite life is in this important sense after this death since it is the death of death. God and humanity mutually return to themselves from death and to each other. The birth of Spirit, the Human Spirit and the Divine Spirit as one Absolute Spirit. This is the destiny of the human individual as well. The human spirit and the divine spirit commune in the absolute spirit dwelling in both as itself and so it is known that it is on earth also as it is in heaven. This is the spiritual resynchronization of the human being with God and within God so that God himself is within humanity within God and thus is in and for himself. Hegel interprets the content of Christianity as the true content, and philosophy differs from religion only in the form in which it makes this truth accessible. Philosophy thinks what religion feels, intuits, images, and represents. Each form of the union is the union at that level, with thinking as its most perfect union. The mystical union has more than one modality, with thought as its most comprehensive since all of these modalities are implicitly the divine thought that is revealed in them. I should also add, Christ as the incarnation of God is literally true for Hegel. His philosophy contains an 'apriori proof' that God must incarnate as a singular flesh and blood person, Christ as a unique historical event. That isn't a metaphor for Hegel, it is a speculative guarantee set out in his Philosophy of World History and his Philosophy of Religion. To say that Christ, in the flesh, was not God is a heresy as much for Hegel as it is for the Christian faith.
@ItsNotaTuhmah 24 күн бұрын
Christ is the negation of the theistic god, but negation in Hegel is negation of itself. Holy Spirit would mean their aufhebung, the cancelling-reunion-ascension of the 3 figures of god.
@jeffreyarmbruster4670 27 күн бұрын
Hegel's reducing faith to "feeling" is a bad mis-step. and yes I've studied his chapter on "the beautiful soul". Faith is a God given capacity and a means of transcendence and yes, ' perception' of another reality in our paltry way. Hegel most certainly does think faith ends in philosophy. Tillich and others took up that call. Can philosophy bring me eternal life? No, as Hegel admits. Score one for Jesus. Hegel is a champion of Enlightenment thinking, and for good reason. His hypostasizing of Reason ends by making this last a kind of idol. It foreshadows Heidegger's. hypostatizing of Being as a kind of abstract and impersonal substitute for a personal God. Notice there's no mention of prayer in Hegel. or humility...ah well i could go on. I like Hegel! and so read Rahner, who is hardly Hegelian but understands him. but salvation through reason? ain't gonna happen. Freud shows the limits of Reason for the modern state and human presumption. Of course Christ does too in another way. Philosophy has yet to take the scope of Freud. We are most certainly NOT "Rational animals" as a glance at the headlines proves.
@ItsNotaTuhmah 24 күн бұрын
Hegel doesn't reduce faith to feeling. That's precisely the critique Hegel does to Jacobi and especially to Schleiermacher on Glauben und Wissen, the Phä, the Enc, his lessons about religion and the prologue he wrote for H.R. Hinrichs, an ex-alumni of his.
@MarceloMarconato 24 күн бұрын
But why are you taking Freud in so high account? This idea of showing the limits of reason, like Kant did, ends up only contradicting itself in the end, for there is no limit that reason can't think, unless reason itself posits it like the limit is it's real limit... I'm not saying that Freud must not be studied, just that it has obvious flaws in psychoanalysis foundations. Also, i don't think Hegel hypostatizes reason, as it is its own result. I see you believe in life after death, but do you believe in life after birth?
@jeffreyarmbruster4670 24 күн бұрын
@@MarceloMarconato Freud wasn't showing the limits of reason, so much as showing the prevalence of irrational behaviors and thought in supposedly rational creatures. 3,000 years of philosophy hasn't moved humanity an inch in the direction of rational behavior. Freud and others show that taking a course in mathematics and studying Aristotle will not solve all our problems. Hegel seems to think otherwise: for him, all ends well is so called Absolute Reason, which he embodies. (I'm exaggerating a bit with this last). I love philosophy! but I recognize its limits. Of course Hegel critiques 'religion of the heart" as being naive. His project is to show how the true impulse behind this religious sensibility ultimately ends in a thoroughgoing rational human being who, most likely, has dismissed the whole notion of God. Freud shows this is not how humans work. We're exceedingly fraught by a myriad of destructive impulses that we never completely overcome. And we can't think our way out of this condition. We can't deliver ourselves from our own madness. Hence...the reasonableness of Christianity. What I meant was Hegel's reduction of Faith to being a matter of the heart and so bound to be surpassed was a false move. on the contrary, I think that the 'heart' in Christianity encompasses reason, imagination, sensuality, compassion and all the rest that Paul famously extols in his hymn to love. For Christians, 'heart' is a means to growth in our human condition, and prayer practice, But not a growth that takes place in step by step Hegelian terms. I think Hegel, the historian, assumed that Absolute Reason was begun with the advent of the Enlightenment and modern mathematical scientific rationalism. Well, it's still the same old neurotic madmen wielding the power of technology to greedy and murderous ends.
@MarceloMarconato 24 күн бұрын
@@jeffreyarmbruster4670 I said "limits of reason" cause you said so hehe But my point is why taking Freud as correct and not Hegel since Hegel strives to demonstrate its point while Freud has a basic pressuposition and never discusses it - there's too much Nietzschan non sense there - contrary to Hegel who never pressuposes anything. When you say that 3000 years of philosophy hasnt moved humanity an inch in the direction of rational behavior, what is it that you're saying so? It looks like it is philosophy and a philosophy that acknowledges that the progression is slow but that it is there - it's not nothing, cause its an abstraction. I think the point of Hegel is not to think about us as individual beings, but as organized collective realities, and in this appears the direction of Christianity - God must be known in its community, that's why history shows us more universal ways of collective life. That's why i asked you before if you believe in life after birth - religion nowadays - and Hegel in its time already acknowledged that - mostly keeps itself on the subjective side of God - heart as you put it - but relinquishes its objective side, not partaking action in the life of its community - one great exception being the theology of liberation, which thinks and acts the life of the poor - just as Jesus put it.
@susanpower-q5q 27 күн бұрын
Professor Doug Haugen of Doctor Deep State website has new video from two days ago on this Second Sunday of New Year 2025 where he talks about Lutheran Hegel seen from Traditional Catholic view
@chrisgrant1319 27 күн бұрын
A complete and utter lie. who the hell is tIm Hull??
@darkknightsds 28 күн бұрын
The ontological argument might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and I believe in God
@lawrencerockwood7623 28 күн бұрын
Marx corrupted democratic socialism with unscientific Hegelianism.
@thespiritofhegel3487 28 күн бұрын
'[Hegel] has the makings of one of the greatest humorists among the philosophers, like only Socrates otherwise, who had a similar method'. --- 'I've yet to meet anybody without a sense of humour who understood Hegel'. - Bertolt Brecht, 'Flüchtlingsgespräche', ('Refugee Conversations'), 1941. I do sometimes wonder, while reading Hegel, when he is being serious or just kidding.
@RealBigVideos 27 күн бұрын
That's the thing that's surprised me the most about him. For a guy whose reputation is of being opaque and heavy he's quite funny at times.
@jonatasmachado7217 28 күн бұрын
Excellent content!
@TorontoStreetTrivia 28 күн бұрын
Can't listen the lip smacking is killing me. Sir. For your sake, and mine, enough with the lip smacking. Ruins everything.
@davidddd2001 26 күн бұрын
lmao same
@OCTAVVVIANNN 26 күн бұрын
You are right. Very annoying.
@BibleDyalectics 25 күн бұрын
I love falling asleep to lectures, this was killing me
@ThomasSimmons-u5x 28 күн бұрын
Raised Lutheran, working through Marxism and back to the Lutheran Church. The ole Dialectic working with the Holy Spirit, what?
@antoinepetrov 28 күн бұрын
Please don't use AI imagery. Makes it look like your words are equally inhuman.
@RB-tc3tw 29 күн бұрын
Thank you for a very clear and interesting presentation.
@kingdm8315 29 күн бұрын
@mcosu1 29 күн бұрын
This is by far the best summary I have ever read or heard of the relationship between Hegel and Christianity. And in only 45 minutes. Bravo
@fortunatomartino8549 29 күн бұрын
Why no critique of the father of all abrahamic religions. Judaism?
@stevemorley7657 29 күн бұрын
I think that Stephen has presented a compelling and persuasive account of Hegel’s understanding of Christianity, and one that I’m very drawn towards. There is much to chew over, but I want to ask just question: does Hegel anywhere - I haven’t spotted it - explain the existence of Jesus, the coming into history of a human, Jesus, who is the full incarnation 0:07 of divine love? In other words, how does Jesus come to be who he is? For a more orthodox Christian this would be the dialect operating in history in a seemingly miraculous and mystifying way.
@GuiveAssadi 29 күн бұрын
There might be something relevant to your question in Hegel's Early Theological Writings....
@stevemorley7657 28 күн бұрын
The Early writings are principally historical, whilst the Lectures on religion are more metaphysical. Do the two approaches integrate?
@Rainin90utside 27 күн бұрын
Yes for Hegel the uniqueness of Christ and his occurrence as a historical event is necessary, it's not just a story or a metaphor for Hegel. His Philosophy of History and Philosophy of Religion discuss this.
@ItsNotaTuhmah 24 күн бұрын
Christ is the negation of the theistic god, but negation in Hegel is negation of itself, which logically goes like this: 1) Abstract universal - inmediacy - god (the theistic god from the old testament if you want) 2) Particular - negation thru determination (bestimmung) - Christ 3) Concrete Universal - overcoming/sublation (aufhebung: cancellation or supression (depending on translation) - reunion - ascension, all the 3 movements at the same time) - Holy Spirit. This figure is both universal and particular at the same time. So, god negates itself as Christ, but that negation is god himself determinating, limiting, oposing himself as "the other of himself" (anderessein), just like the becoming (werden) figure of the Wissenschaft.
@wayneg7812 29 күн бұрын
@wayneg7812 29 күн бұрын
A lot to think about.