Opening Remarks: Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky on Democracy
5 жыл бұрын
@TheNivKo 26 күн бұрын
A marxist reducing the world to black and white. Imagine my shock! Read Hamas' charter then talk about genocidal oppressors OK
@gerryboudreaultboudreault2608 2 ай бұрын
I wish that prof. Chomsky had stated that there is no real Democracy anywhere; that it's an ideal which has never been achieved. So far, it's nothing more than mob rule. Thanks, sir, for your countless valuable lectures!
@suneethamay3615 6 ай бұрын
I recognised you by your left ear.
@user-yg7fv3jo8v 6 ай бұрын
In the United States, there are various geopolitical considerations, but there is still freedom of expression, freedom of growth, and economic freedom. People who started from nothing have become wealthy, which is not rare but possible. In contrast, in all Arab countries, there is a dictatorship, a dictatorship not only against freedom of expression and economic freedom, but also against minorities and women's rights, and anyone who opposes the regime can disappear in an instant.
@PattyMac4357 7 ай бұрын
Really important account and discussion. Thank you
@Borjigin. 7 ай бұрын
I never hear voices from this part of the world. Thank you for uploading this talk in English. I think the reason that KZbin recommended to me is because you discussed Palestine. It's interesting that this conflict is bringing us, half a world away, together.
@SomethingImpromptu 8 ай бұрын
The fact that you would platform Chomsky & come to him for his insights on democracy tells me that you are the real deal, & want genuine democracy (rather than the kind of plutocratic “inverted totalitarian” “capitalist republic” system we have in America, & I absolutely wish that for Southeast Asian, the rest of Asia, & the entire world (including us). Solidarity from America! I hope you all are able to organize enough from the bottom up to actually have the kind of mass, participatory social revolutionary influence necessary to actually achieve authentic democracy, rather than having the local economic ruling class & foreign imperialist forces collaborate to buy out any emergent non-participatory “democratic” systems, &/or finance fascist authoritarians to implement some kind of autocratic dictatorship instead. That’s what usually tends to happen, & certainly has in various forms throughout the history of Southeast Asia. Concentrated power & wealth are always going to be directed against efforts to build democracy, because in a democracy the poor/working class would have political power (by virtue of being the vast majority in any unequal, class-divided society). That means it’s always an uphill battle, & the one advantage the people have which can rival those is our numbers- we are the overwhelming majority, & capitalism cannot produce profits without us as workers. This is pretty much the theoretical basis behind the ideology Chomsky has historically identified with- anarchosyndicalism (& radical syndicalism in general). The fact that, despite all of their advantages, they ultimately need a complacent working class more than we need a ruling class- if we organize on a mass scale into class conscious, self-consciously revolutionary labor unions & democratic worker’s councils & other participatory organizations run by the rank-&-file & the people ourselves, we could hypothetically all systematically agree to withhold labor & completely shut down any capitalistic system the ruling class imposes on us, & thereby, we could take back power over our own institutions- over our economy & our government(s). Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the ruling class will just give up their domination without a fight. There’s every likelihood of them increasing their funding of far-right paramilitary forces, fascist political parties, etc., in order to try to re-assert control over our society. This is what they usually have done throughout history any time the people got too “uppity-“ any time the working class has gotten to class conscious & organized for their liking, & began to threaten their profit margins, or when capitalism collapses & cannot pick itself back up… So any social revolution that’s going to have a hope of succeeding needs to be prepared to defend itself, even if it’s ideal would be non-violence. But we have a right to democracy, to not be exploited, to a say in the workplaces where we contribute to creating the revenue that owners take as profits, & where we are made to spend most of our waking hours… It’s a just cause, & in fact I’d argue is absolutely necessary if we’re going to survive the 21st century. But the forces that must be confronted to achieve it are horrifyingly misanthropic & sociopathically unsympathetic, as they’ve proven time & time again- for them, the profit motive & pursuit of power over others takes priority over any higher value, any human cost… But I’m sure you’re among the last people I’d ever have to tell that to. Southeast Asia has seen it firsthand, time after time, as so much of the world has. However, that only makes it more respectable that you continue to struggle for what you know is right. I encourage you to learn what you can from the revolution in Rojava as well, if you haven’t already studied it, as they created one of the most vibrant participatory democracies in the world despite some of the worst conditions anywhere, embattled by enemies on all sides & economic blockade in a harsh desert environment. But surely Chomsky is one of the best sources you could’ve sought out. Anyway, solidarity from America. ✊✌️Respect for the good work you are doing.
@mizanurrahman-mc1xu 8 ай бұрын
এই মুহূর্তে ফিলিস্তিনে গণহত্যা বন্ধ করো। Stop the genocide in Palestine right now.
@StanStanoi 8 ай бұрын
Mahathir is called Mahanazi for good reason - He is a full fledged Antisemetic - Hoping to be remebered as Muslim champion - Absolute bigot
@user-yq1kg4yh7j 8 ай бұрын
I hope China and Russia the only two countries have the military might to counter Zionist regimes US-Israel not only talk but to act militarily. 希望中俄联手消灭美以邪恶轴心。
@user-lb4gc8be6o 8 ай бұрын
Our ❤, respect and salute to this great LEADER. Long live Dr. Mahathir Muhammad.....!!
@neilsumanda1538 8 ай бұрын
How about Sabah? it is also an occupied territory, occupied by malaysia..
@aiesyahsyahirah4717 8 ай бұрын
I dont think you are Malaysians..if u are Clearly u don’t listen in your class..Borneons voted twice to whether Sabah and Sarawak wanted to gain independent via coalition with Malaya and Singapore to form Malaysia. 1st time by Malayan federation and after objection from Indonesia and Phillipines who both claimed sovereignty over Sabah and Sarawak this matter was sent to United Nation and another polling done under Lord Cobbold..and both the Borneon states over 90% voted to join Malayan federation (Malaya and Singapore) forming one in Sabah was killed…and definitely not displaced. Apa binatangnya kena occupied ni?? Ni mesti drama dlm kepala layan emosi aku yg tersakiti sendiri ni…🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@kokraymond205 8 ай бұрын
What does supporting or showing solidarity with palestine really mean ? As an elder statesman I would at least hope that a solution could be found in settling the difficulties faced by the palestinians. What policies, gestures , programs etc. can the palestinian authorities - unfortunately now it is controlled by corrupt, greedy terrorist groups such as hamas, islamic jihad & pa ? What could dr. m do to further or bring about peace to the region ? Remember the jews left gaza COMPLETELY in 2005 & many jewish settlers were driven out of gaza by the IDF. Gaza was the 2nd largest exporter of milk in the region at that time. They also exported exotic vegetables & flower. After the jews left what did hamas do ? They burned down all the farms, buildings, greenhouses etc. The 1990's to 2005 was an era of much peace & prosperity in the region. What changed ? Hamas !! So how can an elder statesman contribute to the wellbeing of the palestinian people ? Or will such expression of solidarity feed into the hatred & self-righteousness of a highly violent & delusional group ?
@amjedali4829 8 ай бұрын
@asdfsdffgdfg 8 ай бұрын
This guy is 97 years old and more clear-thinking than all those Western clowns.
@bryanv470 8 ай бұрын
Takes 1 to know 1 huh Tun
@Rosho27 8 ай бұрын
He’s a dangerous man spreading hatred in an articulate manner. Should try and live in Gaza or Somalia. He thinks he’s an Arab and denies his Indian descent
@user-rr3zu2yj7j 8 ай бұрын
ALLAHUMMA We Seek Refuge In YOU From The 3 Axis Of Evil : UK US & THE APARTHEID TERRORIST ZIONIST REGIME And From The Evil Of Their 75 Years Of Blatant Lies And Heinous, Relentless ISLAMOPHOBIA PROPAGANDA AND CAMPAIGNS Against The Muslims And From Their Genocide And Ethnic Cleansing Of The People Of Palestine And From The Evil Of The World's Ignorance Of The Difference Between Judaism And ZIONISM For Judaism Is Noble While ZIONISM Is Pure Evil. AMEEN. ALLAHUMMA We Earnestly Seek YOUR DIVINE INTERVENTION AND RETRIBUTION OF A SEVERE TORMENT ON NETANYAHU And Of Charging NETANYAHU In The International Criminal Court, ICC, For War Crimes And Crimes Against Humanity And For NETANYAHU's Desecration Of The Sacred AL AQSA MOSQUE For NETANYAHU Is The Epitome Of Pure ZIONISM For NETANYAHU Has No Regard Whatsoever For Human Dignity And Human Sufferings For NETANYAHU's Bloody Hands Are Tainted With Blood Of The People Of Palestine. AMEEN
@lonewalker6110 8 ай бұрын
iam arab and muslim from morocco ..our coward leaders here can't say what you just said ...thank you so much mr mahathir ... everybody who talk about palestine deserve all my love and respect .....
@StanStanoi 8 ай бұрын
This fellow Mahathir s Communcal racist religiously bigotted so he can say those stuff in Malaysia or wherever he is given a platform to be antisemitic
@nadzirahfarhah3423 8 ай бұрын
Long live Tun M
@Sahilsamar123 8 ай бұрын
Brave man !! U got my respect.
@arafat88ryu 8 ай бұрын
I hope the current PM have at least half the courage as this man.
@anyq_CS 8 ай бұрын
anwar? hes backed by NED, a western body specialized in regime change and coup. when a leader need a foreign power to intervene, we should never trust him. mahathir never trust that man
@aftabkhanize 8 ай бұрын
May Allah Bless you. Your pain is evident in your speech. Your identification of the source of evil is clear and the victims of the Zionists in Palestine and Europe are the living TRUTH.
@KeyboardWarrier-lg7wx 8 ай бұрын
Failed politician 😂😂😂 Go find your diapers 😂
@osen3182 8 ай бұрын
Bcz of him malaisya IS great now 😅
@magrittedeau 8 ай бұрын
its hamas genocide fool, dont fin lie
@inambahhur3883 8 ай бұрын
I respect you for speaking up for those who indeeds your support at a time where they need it
@bcrya. 8 ай бұрын
Post every video. Then it will be good ❤
@D23SI 8 ай бұрын
now more than 9000 have died, babies, children, women and the elderly, almost 10,000, while supporting LGBTQ America says human rights, currently almost 10,000 people in Gaza are dead, America and Israel are still continuing to attack hospitals, churches, mosques, schools, houses, buildings, human rights alreadyfailed, there are no more human rights in this world, the American and European governments have failed in human rights..
@AoyonBiswas 9 ай бұрын
Hi Your video quality is very good but your video has no attractive thumbnail and is not SEO friendly so your views and subscribers are decreasing. Please fix them
@olivergill2903 9 ай бұрын
Dr Zarni keeps this going really well too, considering especially as it's such an incendiary subject
@olivergill2903 9 ай бұрын
The pest of colonialism is that it won't go away. Worse the colonisers have dominated other peoples' lands, finally under internal & sometimes external pressures, 'hand back lands' for the liberated peoples' governments or rulers often to turn to adopted colonial methods to subjugate the people of their countries. The disease of colonialism is reinforced perpetually it seems
@smashnetwork6222 9 ай бұрын
@alfonsmarti 10 ай бұрын
long live to Yugoslavia and its human decent beautiful souls
@irone7050 11 ай бұрын
really? 😂
@irone7050 11 ай бұрын
yo, another US stooge startup
@johnmaisonneuve9057 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this short talk by Prof. Chomsky. I always learn much and new insights and facts.
@lourencomarques219 Жыл бұрын
Chomsky is a crap old american comunist traitor of western values and USA, friend of dictators like Putinazzi, Maduro, Fidel, etc To forget!!!
@Laila-cr1on Жыл бұрын
@Laila-cr1on Жыл бұрын
@samcox443 Жыл бұрын
Just over 40 years ago A.I. Lane, Sr. wrote an opinion article, "Where are your responsible white leaders?", that was published in the Sunday edition of the Washington Post. It got a lot of buzz for a few days and then as usual with communications found undesirable to or for the power structure, was quickly buried by mainstream media which is the propaganda arm of said power structure. Professor Chomsky has been one of those responsible white leaders for decades. Young people who want to change the world they live in need to google and devour that article along with most of Prof. Chomsky's works or videos. Each time I listen to him I learn something new and thought provoking. Before the SCOTUS SIX overturned Roe v. Wade last year I never made the connection to abortion and responsible leadership sparked in this presentation.
@nurinnas9085 Жыл бұрын
@douginorlando6260 Жыл бұрын
Who’d a thought in 2021 Noam Chomsky would call for the unvaccinated to be rounded up, locked in camps, and STARVED TO DEATH. That is his legacy
@voxpopneverdies2025 Жыл бұрын
People are fools in the main, they accept shit they receive shit. We are all our own union, withdraw your skills, the machine stops, open your mouth and ask for more and don't wait for a white Knight, they all died a thousand years ago. Noam is correct, do people listen, yes, do they do anything..NO.
@wuipuichang611 Жыл бұрын
too long an introduction, over four minutes, noam was so patient and graceful
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Жыл бұрын
He 2xs his own vids in live time.
@OneBlurryLens Жыл бұрын
The proof always seems to end with: Greedy rich people suck.
@patrickduty7706 Жыл бұрын
It deeply saddens me to see Father Time taking its toll on my man Chomsky. But despite this, he's still just as eloquent and poignant as ever. It's unfortunate that I don't see human kind heeding his warnings, at least not as a whole. Sometimes it feels like the forces that we're up against have acquired too much power, wealth and influence to be defeated. I can't tell if that's the pessimist or realist in me speaking. The optimist in me wants to say that if we organize correctly we can have strength in numbers. Unfortunately, it seems like society is too dumbed down to realize that the general public are being exploited (speaking particularly for my people here in the U.S.) I live in eastern KY, a notoriously known right-wing state with notably poor education rates, where the hegemony seems to have completely taken over the working class's ability to think. Any attempt I make at waking them up is met with extreme cognitive dissonance, aggression or disbelief. The only way I've been able to break free from it is from a life of social isolation, spending my time reading various books that gave me a broader view of the world. My neighbors here seem completely oblivious to the larger picture. I suppose I have no choice to to spread knowledge from one person at a time and hope that if enough other people do the same, maybe, just maybe, enough people will wake up.
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 Жыл бұрын
people throughout the US pretty much just get US imperial propaganda. Noam Chomsky has emphasized this point - it's easier to control people by their minds then to control people physically.
@ChooseCompassion Жыл бұрын
I will always be a student of this great human being.
@zk3533 Жыл бұрын
I love you Noam Chomsky. Can't thank you enough.
@rblongfellow Жыл бұрын
Guy doing the intro, if you're doing an online talk get a microphone. Can't even listen to what you're saying so you might as well say nothing and let Chomsky talk.