Rising Conviction - Market Mondays
@andabear 4 күн бұрын
i love this new CM even though I'm not a Maybank supporter.
@pakmantv_ 7 күн бұрын
alhamdulillah dgn video ni diharapkan dapat memberi lebih kesedaran kepada semua... sebagai seorang yg OKU fizikal, diharapkan lebih banyak lagi kemudahan yang akan disediakan kepada kami supaya dapat membantu sedikit sebanyak keterbatasan yang kami lalui...
@a.z.c7411 7 күн бұрын
Tq so much. This is make me realise how selfish i am. Sorry for that. Them deserve to be happy life like us. Let's improve together
@JohnBrembo90 7 күн бұрын
As a Sarawakian... We've deceive long enough about merdeka. About 25 years ago ... Most Sarawakian come to know our real accurate date of our version of merdeka. Since then.. most of us never celebrate 31 August as merdeka. We only celebrate 22nd of July as our merdeka day. Malaya has covered the real history of Sarawak. Hope our coming generation will read the real history of Sarawak. Now ... We only celebrate 16th September the Malaysia day. Because we are one of the territory that forming Malaysia.
@pareh6951 7 күн бұрын
@eijam_specky 8 күн бұрын
Now we realise how selfish we are..
@ruzanaarpani3490 12 күн бұрын
@dexarmyk 13 күн бұрын
watching this makes me realise how much more we need to do for inclusivity. this video really showing us the way forward with heartfelt message. ❤ they deserve our support
@radziahrazak 13 күн бұрын
Bila tengok video ni, terus terfikir macam mana nak create spaces that work for everyone, lebih OKU-friendly infrastructure and all. Maybank really push for accessibility. Good job!!
@zieraharun 13 күн бұрын
tau takpe. nampak la how much more we need to do utk jdikan Malaysia ni lebih inclusive. Maybank’s effort in making these stories heard is something we should all support & follow kan?
@nadrahzamani5131 13 күн бұрын
Rupanya erti merdeka ni lagi luas dri apa yg kita sangka kan. Erti merdeka bukan hnya bebas dari dijajah, tapi jugak bebas dari halangan hidup, especially for visually impaired ni. Let's work together to help them :)
@mariamwan7291 13 күн бұрын
sometimes kita lupa, life can be tough for others too. tqsm Maybank,mnyedarkan rakyat Malaysia supaya jd lebih empati, memahami kesusahan oku. sama2 kita merdeka, jgn sisihkan oku
@felreizmeshinca7459 15 күн бұрын
Without interactions we cannot have enough empathy. I hope MORE of our younger generation can communicate & understand each other. Children when they are young they do not judge until someone taught them.
@norasharatunizwan8986 13 күн бұрын
Exactly, interactions are key, especially with PWDs. Without understanding their struggles firsthand, it's hard to truly empathize. Hopefully, our kids can learn to be more open and inclusive
@NasliemlaniNasipah 15 күн бұрын
Nama:nezrinsah nama kelas: tahun tiga nama:sekolah sk ribaan
@nurulasyilabintiibrahim8060 16 күн бұрын
Howw can this video so impactful !! Good job ! I love how he said that “Kemerdekaan juga bermaksud kita saling memerlukan “. That’s so true
@daisydream1219 13 күн бұрын
Kann! Idea to focus on PWD untuk video Merdeka 2024 ni mmg bagus, lain dari yg lain. Kudos to the team and siapa yg come up with this Projek Merdeka.
@dnialalia 13 күн бұрын
betull, saya sedih sebenarnya part founder tu cakap camtu. rasa malu sgt selamani tak terfikir pun maksud kemerdekaan dari perspektif orang2 buta, orang2 kurang upaya, tgok video ni baru la trsedar 😢
@terryfu830 16 күн бұрын
Love how this film makes you rethink the idea of independence. Kudos to Maybank for such a powerful initiative! 👏🎥
@teowinchen5826 16 күн бұрын
Syiok to see Maybank take part in things like this. Makes we feel proud to support companies that care about the community, especially the PWDs. Great job shining light on those with PWDs.
@aidenfatah3292 17 күн бұрын
Wow, this is so powerful! The ‘Redefine Independence’ video gives a whole new meaning to empathy and community. A must-watch! 🎥💚
@hasnahamirullah6880 17 күн бұрын
Honestly, the video gave me chills. Let’s show our support and learn from it! MBB, you’re onto something big here & inspire change!
@wanhairi2480 18 күн бұрын
Kudos to Maybank for this powerful piece! Dive into the full video and get ready to see independence in a whole new light. 🎬
@raynarahimmm 18 күн бұрын
"Redefine Independence" is such a powerful reminder from Maybank about embracing differences! Watch the whole thing, it’ll change your perspective for sure. 🙌
@ryanzyan6819 19 күн бұрын
Dah try tapi tak dapat jua kena pergi cawangan dia jua sial
@roytan2627 19 күн бұрын
Major props to @Maybank for this one! Bringing people of all races and jobs together to walk in the shoes of the vision-impaired. This vid is eye-opening in the best way to see how empathy can spark real change!
@azmankhalid9128 19 күн бұрын
Maybank’s support in this area shows their dedication to social responsibility. Every bit of help counts in making the journey to independence smoother 💪🏻#MaybankCelebrates #HumanisingFinancialService #JiwaMerdeka #Merdeka67 #HariMalaysia
@andyeric4360 20 күн бұрын
Aku suka part beli sayur sayuran🙂 kat video. Sebab sayur sayuran baik utk kesihatan. Rimau kuat🙂
@SharilAzhar 18 күн бұрын
haha dlm byk byk part, yg tu jd perhatian ye 🤣kalau perasan, quite good jgk lah editing, cinematography of this video. tp paling penting mesej yg nk disampaikan tu lah actually. 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻
@monicaalang2295 13 күн бұрын
@@SharilAzhar i baru nk sedih2 tengok tis vid. tp terbaca comment tu, tergelak plk 😂rimau mkn sayurkahh? 😂but anyway, u're right. messages dlm tis vid tu penting. dlm byk2 vid merdeka & hari Malaysia, i prefer yg ni.bukan vid kosong2 no input.
@NurQaisara-z9i 20 күн бұрын
Maybank’s video shows that freedom also means standing together. Thumbs up to Maybank for raising awareness and getting people talking. Let’s come together and make our country more inclusive!
@ramdanhalim9958 20 күн бұрын
Watching this short video got me thinking about how everyone can make a difference, whether it's a big or small contribution, to support true independence for all.
@veronessiaselibaijamesming7846 23 күн бұрын
Hard to use. Should make a video step by step. Especially about transferring money
@helwahamzah5743 23 күн бұрын
MBB & DID nailed it with this video. Independence isn’t just freedom, it’s also about supporting & understanding too. Watch till the end & think about how we can make a positive change! It starts with us
@lyanatukiman 23 күн бұрын
Loveeeeeeee 💛 Rasa nak sokong semua projek2 macam ni. U all semua wajib tengok sampai habis, share video ni. Benda yang baik kita kena sebarkan. Well done Maybank 🐯
@marsyaabdullah3439 23 күн бұрын
That's why la i support and guna Maybank. I perasan memang banyak iniative Maybank pasal benda2x macam ni. They really do a lot for the community, really appreciate it!
@raihanaismail 23 күн бұрын
Suka ayat yang last tu 'kemerdekaan juga bermakna kita saling memerlukan' ❤Video ni adalah bukti yang kita rakyat Malaysia ni always care abt each other🫂
@damianatasha3526 23 күн бұрын
Ok so harapnya dengan video Maybank ni, kita dapat perbanyakkan kemudahan untuk orang buta. Orang awam pun kena ada kesedaran. Tak boleh salah guna kemudahan yg disediakan untuk orang buta, atp oku.
@kamilazwan4835 23 күн бұрын
Maybank is truly inspiring us to think beyond ourselves & create a more inclusive community
@amardhi 23 күн бұрын
Memang takde beza pun. kita semua manusia biasa jgk, jgn la rasa superior/sempurna bila tgok org yg ada kekurangan. Kita yg cukup fizikal ni la yg patut tolong & sokong org kurg upaya, tu lah peranan kita sbg rakyat Malaysia, saling bantu & jaga antara 1 sama lain.
@breen612 23 күн бұрын
woah baru post 8 hari yg lepas, tpi dah 2 million views . daebakkk . bagus lah tu , tapi yg tengok tu biar la tengok sampai habis , jangan skip . baru la faham apa yang nak disampaikan .
@daniaamanda1192 24 күн бұрын
hebat sebenarnya org org buta ni. macam mana dorg boleh lg alert dgn sekeliling. tengok la dorg dlm bilik sensori gelap tu, langsung tk nmpk pape, tp dorg punya tukang guide tu boleh rasa & tahu kedudukan dorg kt mana.
@marinaayuni7064 23 күн бұрын
Kann! Eventho diorg kurang dri segi deria penglihatan, tapi deria yang lain lg sharp. Tapi tu semua hasil dari pengalaman hidup diorg jugak lah, cabaran2 yg diorg lalui selamanii
@myramyra8638 24 күн бұрын
Menarik. Tetapi agak ironi kerana tidak menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan.
@raazifmahmood7997 24 күн бұрын
good point. tpi kita try focus kt positive side la, mesej pasal kemerdekaan & empati, yg paling penting semua org fhm n sokong tjuan video ni. btul tak
@Moaz_92 24 күн бұрын
already subscribed it, but,why they said there is no transaction history available?. Take time for process?.
@Morry_N.G 24 күн бұрын
Hadir 🎁🔔👍🙏 terbaik
@qistinaalisa16 24 күн бұрын
betul saya rasa video Maybank paling menarik utk tahun ni sempena kemerdekaan. yg lain2 best jgk, tp yg ni mcm lg terkesan kat hati. rasa nak tlong oku jugak lepasni.
@kakakshaherid 24 күн бұрын
Maybank has started a meaningful conversation on what real independence looks like for all. I took a few minutes to watch this powerful video from Maybank and Dialogue in the Dark. It changed my perspective on independence and what it means to be truly free. After seeing this, I’m inspired to be more mindful and supportive of people with disabilities.
@kalaikavin8222 24 күн бұрын
Absolutely inspired by Maybank's 'Redefine Independence' campaign! It shines a light on the true meaning of freedom and the reality for many Malaysians. Steven Chan's message that 'independence is inter-dependence' is so powerful-thank you for reminding us that we must all stand together to achieve true independence! #MaybankCelebrates
@kamiliakamal3307 25 күн бұрын
independence also means understanding and respecting everyone, including those with different abilities. love the message 😍
@shahabulmahamud4687 26 күн бұрын
really everything is very good I like this 😊❤❤
@raymondsiew921 23 күн бұрын
This short video is really something right? It’s a good reminder that true independence is about understanding everyone’s journey. #MaybankCelebrates #Merdeka67
@filzahizzati6923 27 күн бұрын
ayuh gaisss. jom kita bersatu, sama2 bantu jadikan Malaysia ni negara yang dpt bg masa depan cerah pada PWD. mulakan dari diri kita sendiri, bantu apa yang kita mampu 🥺
@BasilGanhs 27 күн бұрын
Not long ago i saw a tiktok about boycotting maybank... now this by maybank.. who to trust? hahahaha.... kinda pity the OKU people... they really need help. I tried helping OKU too but for only few hours.. they really pityful.
@dnialalia 27 күн бұрын
Your contribution to helping the OKU is commendable 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 . Maybank’s involvement in supporting them also highlights their positive role in the community 🇲🇾