@pigwilliam 4 күн бұрын
At 18:18 you try to figure out why gimmel tammuz was such a shock. I don't understand your question. In 1994 people took הגיע זמן גאולתכם and אט אט קומט משיח literally. People were expecting the Rebbe to stand up on the balcony and take us out of galus every time he waved his hand. Of course people were shocked when that didn't happen. Likewise you analyze why people didn't prepare for gimmel tammuz beforehand. Of course nobody prepared. Why would you prepare for something that was never going to happen?
@hisraveness 8 күн бұрын
Perhaps the squandering of the treasure/resources was seen nowhere more than in the Rebbe's ramp-up of fervor, excitement, and desperation for Moshiach, particularly in the last few years before 27 Adar. The Rebbe quite literally went all in, even compared to the fever pitch that began with Basi Legani 5711.
@WrennWrenn 8 күн бұрын
Fragmentation is not a bug of Dor HaShvii. Fragmentation is the nature of Dor HaShvii - it's the only way to realize Dira Bitachtonim, On the first official day of the Rebbe MH"M's Nesius he did tell us that every single person is expected to be part of the Avodah - it just took a few decades to hear that message. Brocho Vehatzlocho.
@lyg770 8 күн бұрын
I see 2 white shirts lol
@myopinions1 9 күн бұрын
The fight to get in was the standard of tmchei tomimim from the beginning.
@myopinions1 9 күн бұрын
Shluchos was not a button down and a tie. Only failed shluchim maybe.
@myopinions1 9 күн бұрын
The only shluchim that messed over nepotism was mushrooms that were later integrated when they grew big enough by Kotlarsky.
@Tro404 9 күн бұрын
Peretz you talk about narratives while casually saying chasidim and shluchim are interchangeable which in itself is part of the narrative. Ironic. 75% of chassidim and growing are not shluchim. So you are alienating them with this narrative. Shlichus is just one part (albeit huge) of Rebbe. But there is also good ole chassidus chabad Rebbe as you can see with growing anash communities etc. the two can interchange but also can be mutually exclusive. Regular anash by growing in their avodah can also and do also contribute to bias moshiach which is shluchims ultimate goal. And if chas vesholom moshiach delays coming i think the future is anash communities as the shlichus world isnt growing as quick as anash etc… theres lots on this lechaim!
@brandonlefton1346 14 күн бұрын
Is there going to be a show to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of gimmel tammuz ?
@heshelmangel1893 15 күн бұрын
Can I make a guest suggestion? The perspective of a dedicated shliach born in 1994 after Gimmel Tammuz - Rabbi Mendy Mentz from Chabad of Bel Air West. I'd be happy to connect you both.
@rudeb7 16 күн бұрын
I wonder how Rabbi Chein, who saw the Rebbe's stroke as "fake" (I guess the Rebbe can't be paralyzed), reacted to gimmel Tammuz. I guess that could be considered fake too. How, exactly, that brings Meshiach or makes a dira lo isborech, I'm not sure.
@rudeb7 16 күн бұрын
When the Rebbe suggested that a couple learn the parshah (or whatever) together, that is great advice.
@zinginit5807 16 күн бұрын
i can't understand the acceptance of rabbi steinzalts's telling him to go k himself, and asked him how he would do it. it's abuse, but i feel like it's accepted because, you have to be lubavitch to understand, or something like that, perhaps it makes you feel special that you can accept this kind of language, like we can handle it because we are strong, something like that
@youtub6521 16 күн бұрын
I think it’s Rabbi Steinzaltz’s way of connecting with people. Because he was a world class Torah scholar people could feel he’s unapproachable so if he said something comedically absurd, it’s the ice breaker to year down walls between him and a simple person. You can disagree with it being becoming of him, but obviously the intent was the furthest thing from abuse.
@zinginit5807 16 күн бұрын
@@youtub6521 is there anything that he could say that you would think, ok that's too far. In my mind, this was too far. I couldn't live in this kind of environment. And I believe the way people do live in it is by interpreting and excusing, which to me is exhausting. I understand he is joking, but the joke, especially the part asking how, is like digging in that he can say whatever he likes and no one is going to call him out on it. That's my understanding.
@zinginit5807 10 күн бұрын
Thinking again, I don't know why someone would say something like that, but I think it's worth challenging, it's a very extreme thing to say for anyone.
@Tro404 9 күн бұрын
I hear they sell sense of humors in nordstrom. Marshall’s also has at a discount. Go visit the stores. Sheesh.
@rudeb7 16 күн бұрын
Too much submission to waiting.
@WrennWrenn 21 күн бұрын
Chaim Fogelman's song is about trusting the Rebbe, what's to hate about it?
@---tx9xx 21 күн бұрын
because one is meant to be aboit trusting G-d Almighty, the Erbeshter! and not in any creation, even pir alovr and deceased tzadikim and rabanim
@sholom11 22 күн бұрын
Shalushudos?! Feh!
@---tx9xx 22 күн бұрын
3 seudos oneg shabbos deoraysa how can you stay you stick to Yiddishkeit Al pi shulchan Aruch and go cancel this. Also, it seems to me that being “on shlichus” is like the Chabad version of the traditional Jewish “learning in kolel” ie koleman
@WrennWrenn 22 күн бұрын
On the first official day of his Nesius, the Rebbe mentioned the possibility of Moshiach from the grave [the last line of Basi Legani 5711]. It's understandable that we could not hear let alone process this concept until after Gimmel Tammuz. Brocho Vehatzlocho.
@SPNDS1980 22 күн бұрын
@@WrennWrenn Can you send a link?
@WrennWrenn 21 күн бұрын
@@SPNDS1980 13 Shvat 5711 - Likkutei Sichos Vol 2 p. 517 "..."People have asked me how can I say the Rebbe (referring to his father in law, the previous Chabad Rebbe who had since passed), will lead us out of exile? This is contrary to the sequential order of events! Although chronologically, the order of events is 1) the arrival of Moshiach 2) the rebuilding of Temple 3) the ingathering of the exiles and finally 4) the resurrection of the dead, nevertheless, the resurrection of CERTAIN individuals, has occurred in the past, and will also occur PRIOR to the final redemption.”
@---tx9xx 21 күн бұрын
@@WrennWrenn thank you. he does not bring there it appears any Jewish source to suppprt this but rather just makes the statement, no? תנ"ך, ש"ס, חז"ל או גמרא, מדרש, הזוהר הקדוש... עפעס משהו
@WrennWrenn 20 күн бұрын
@@---tx9xx for Chassidim the Rebbe's assertion is enough. Here are some sources: Rashi on Daniel 12.12: "moshiach is destined to be revealed, concealed and revealed again" Rabeinu Bachaye Shmos 5.22: "moshiach will appear, dissapear and appear again" Midrash Rabbah Bamidbar 11.2 "just like moshe - the first moshiach - appeared, disappeared and then reappeared so too the final moshiach" Yeshuos Meshicho page 104 "don't be amazed that Moshiach could be one of those who rise at the time of Tchiyas HaMeisim for this has already been considered in Gemara Sanhedrin" Chayim Vital Arba Meios Shekel Kesef page 68: "moshiach will be taken to shomayim and return and be revealed for all to see" Sdei Chemed vol 7: "if we are worthy moshiach will arrive miraculously as the Gemara says - if he is from the grave he is like Daniel" there is a Sefer Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach by Aharon Yaakov Lieberman - it shows how Moshiach from the grave is a legit perspective. . you can read it here for free shmoishelmoshiach dot com - it has approbations from Rav Zef Leff and Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz
@evenisraelcenteno 27 күн бұрын
As a new member of the Chabad community, I have been exploring the ideas presented by Zevi. While I find his perspectives intriguing, I am cautious about embracing them fully due to the criticism I have received from within the community. Some individuals have expressed concerns that my adoption of certain ideas that I understand where Chabad Ideas deviates from traditional Hasidic practices and teachings. This feedback has led me to question whether I am allowing the opinions of others to unduly influence my identity. As a convert, I am navigating the delicate balance between preserving my own cultural heritage and contributing positively to the Lubavitch community...
@---tx9xx Ай бұрын
which is this spot, at which park was this filmed?
@---tx9xx Ай бұрын
Very interesting idea the whole channel idea, shkoach
@yossy770 Ай бұрын
I really enjoyed this episode.
@yosefkinn3990 Ай бұрын
If my father betzalel Ben Mendel A/H alive watching this video he would be aesthetic, that was him dream 💭 in the 1970’s to open a yeshiva for boys /seminary for girls learning part of the day & learning a trade for teenagers who didn’t fit in the system because people were to busy to deal with young youth I take my hat 🎩 off for you great job rabbi
@rudeb7 Ай бұрын
Isn't that a white shirt?
@yossidubroff5010 Ай бұрын
@hisraveness Ай бұрын
Excellent discussion.
@SF-bn9zh Ай бұрын
Only moshiach can do kubutz gulios. If someone else does it that is not Geula. This was something that was stressed many times by the Rebbe in the earlier years as to why the founding of the state of Israel was not in any way the beginning of the redemption. There are some things we can do and then there are things that king moshiach needs to do. The Rebbe told us that he needs our help to do his job. The way we help him is through doing our service of spreading Torah and chassidus in order to greet him as King Moshiach. But the Moshiach stuff he's got to do himself.
@rudeb7 Ай бұрын
so, can you imagine what they mean by each of us making a move even if it might be a mistake?
@rudeb7 Ай бұрын
so, why are you waiting for the Rebbe to come back? why can't you do things that the Rebbe or Meshiach might do, like kibutz galuios?!
@rudeb7 Ай бұрын
what if your decision goes against things that the Rebbe said?
@rudeb7 Ай бұрын
the Rebbe also found it in the end impossible to accomplish.
@saraschtroks9536 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this very heartfelt episode. I grew up in England and I only knew the grown up Mrs Sudak! It's fascinating to hear her history. Her mother was a great support and friend to my mother when she was raising her young family.
@tzemachleigh7379 Ай бұрын
Wouldn't it be interesting to interview one of the hardcore traditional mashpiim like leima Wilhelm or yossi gurary or nachman Shapiro etc. and if they're too busy for you then one of the younger ones like yossi klyne or Shlomo Kaplan or shmuly avtzon. Everyone so far has left the intensity of the system, shluchim etc. it would be cool to hear someone who found their identity without having to leave the system to get there.
@rudeb7 Ай бұрын
Rabbi Avraham Chen has a chapter about him in the book, "9 1/2 Mystics: The Kabbala Today," published originally in 1969, by Herbert Weiner. The author met him a few times starting in 1947 in Jerusalem.
@Reporterreporter770 Ай бұрын
@mrpizzaandpasta Ай бұрын
Please let your guests finish their sentences, e.g. 30:08 It's unpleasant to the listener, and can come across as rude.
@arthurjones3131 Ай бұрын
Fascinating podcast and what a humble Mensch your guest is! Keep doing what you do so well!
@mrskn5333 2 ай бұрын
If there's memorization of Rambam you have kol hatorah kula memorized see Lekutei Torah Kedoshim.
@rudeb7 2 ай бұрын
If one listens from minute 1:10:00 for a while, you say that your guest sounds Berditchev. I'm not sure what that means. I would say that his saying that the Rebbe is "incarnated" sounds like Yaschke's religion. It is not hard to imagine why misnagdim see Lubavitchers who hang on to the Rebbe because they can't hang on to the Abishter as failures if not worse.
@rudeb7 2 ай бұрын
As far as fighting time goes, near the end of Nisan, I always wish the sun would stand still in the sky till Meshiach comes.
@davidgoldloans 2 ай бұрын
A waste of 2.3 hours no chassidus or puelos nemshechis.
@m_lchaim 2 ай бұрын
Did you even listen..??
@davidgoldloans 2 ай бұрын
@@m_lchaim open a tanaya or gemara
@yochanangordon5981 2 ай бұрын
There was tons of chassidus. None that you were able to flesh out. It’s takeh a shanda.
@davidgoldloans 2 ай бұрын
@@yochanangordon5981 then lubavitch is finished. Open a mamaer and that is chassidus not boch seforious and sefkekus.
@yochanangordon5981 2 ай бұрын
Chassidus doesn’t end because of pessimism and negativity. The rebbe has full sichos which discuss the parameters of individualism Vs collectivism and the roles they each play and how they intersect. That was pretty much much of the second half of the conversation. Aside from that the conversation was full of substance and honesty.
@sholom11 2 ай бұрын
142:00. The Rebbe belongs to the chassidim means he's personally 100% devoted to us. That doesn't mean he belongs to the free interpretation of whatever a chossid wants him to mean
@mweiss505 2 ай бұрын
I agree with the host 100% (if I understand it correctly). We made the rebbe as the main figure in yiddishkeit and not who the Rebbe was here to reveal to us which is God, so you feel all the amazing ideas of chasidus are the rebbes and not so much hashem. I think it has some truth this.
@rudeb7 2 ай бұрын
My Rebbe was stern too
@mweiss505 2 ай бұрын
Love this conversation.
@cp013 2 ай бұрын
What an amazing episode. This has given me so much inspiration for my own Shlichus. Thank you so much!
@rivkateichman7842 2 ай бұрын
We need this book about the mind. Thanks for this podcast. Loving the series.
@miralev7396 2 ай бұрын
Bassie sounds like a boss..
@miralev7396 2 ай бұрын
Great interview
@miralev7396 2 ай бұрын
Immaturity with white beard..
@rudeb7 2 ай бұрын
I knew a Rabbi who went on shlichus in 1954, and 54 years later, he passed away there. Z"l
@manonamission2000 2 ай бұрын
I see both Koren and Artscroll versions of the Talmud Bavli, but no Oz Vehadar?