Mert így több játékosnak tudok tippet / ötletet / segítséget adni ! :D Na meg így valószínűleg több játékost is érek el. (Nézőim csupán kb. 10%-a magyar)
@Metin2Chad0519 сағат бұрын
De ha egyszer lesznek újra videók, lehet német és magyar nyelven is elérhetőek lesznek, akár török román lengyel nyelven is :D
@datapaxgamingchannel754317 сағат бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 nekem nem sikerul jo videod de nem megy nekem :D ki kellene rakni valakinek :D
@AlfaCardUnboxings5 күн бұрын
I mean.. you can only farm at the start of the map without getting PK'ed while autohunting. I Wouldnt bother exping on blue or red area, depending on server
@Metin2Chad0519 сағат бұрын
Your right, on bussy servers especially. I prefer the blue circle (in the water / lake) In dead servers its only bussy DURING EVENTS (4 hour enchanted B item drop, 6-7th bonus switcher drop, cor draconis drop, etc.), despite them, its pretty dead and chill :D And at the end its very annoying thanks to the big monsters keep pushing you away, closing your attacks & its bussy, even on dead servers.
@realrawzyDE15 күн бұрын
playing on a phone server right now and needed that! thank you
@GeNeTiiKGaucho28 күн бұрын
Are you sure about that the account must exist at least by 90 days?
@Metin2Chad0519 сағат бұрын
Yeah, i'm pretty sure (like 99%) :D Otherwise players would keep registering new accounts for the free talismans (up to hundreds or thousands of accounts)
@stefadeeАй бұрын
Szia! A 30napos előfizetés be van állítva, de szeretnék váltani 180 naposra egyszeri fizetésre , akkor a 30 napost le kell mondanom?
@Metin2Chad05Ай бұрын
Szia sajnos nem tudom én csak 1x 1 havi előfizut vettem
@jsferreira1993Ай бұрын
Good work!
@Metin2Chad05Ай бұрын
@jsferreira1993Ай бұрын
You give more dmg than my warrior
@Myhobby5522 ай бұрын
@ShanksLeHlou2 ай бұрын
Hi, Ninja is better than Warrior in PVE ?
@Metin2Chad052 ай бұрын
Hi, depends on. Under lv120 runs, ninja is better, yes (jotun, hydra, meley, nemere) If it's about farming on mountains back & YOHARA farming, then warrior.
@ShanksLeHlou2 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 ty for this its clear now !
@abdurizaqhassan52632 ай бұрын
What’s is the best values number
@Metin2Chad052 ай бұрын
Pet's lv8 / 6. HP is good anywhere between +10-40% HP. SKILLS ATK+12-14% Piercing 12-14% DMG Against monsters 9-11%
@albertwesker2k242 ай бұрын
Pont németül tanulok mostanság. Amúgy szerinted megérné visszamenni? Évek óta nem voltam fent de aggasztó hogy sorra nyitják az új szervereket. Haldoklik a game vagy mi újság a player base terén?
@Metin2Chad052 ай бұрын
Szia, na kitartást hozzá :D A sorra nyíló szerverek hátterében a gf kapzsisága áll csupán, hogy minél több pénzt húzzanak le a játékosokról. Játékos bázis már egy fokkal bonyolultabb kérdés. A legtöbb szerver tele van botokkal, hackerekkel. De azért vannak még játékosok is szép számmal. Pl. török szerókon több ezer db méregkard9 van a piacon kint egyszerre. Több tiz - szaz ezer okey lada. Magyaron jó ha van 2 kard, meg 100-1000 db okey lada kint. Ha számít a játékos bázis, akkor magyar szero nem lenne a legjobb dontes. Ha már a keleti metin szerok, akkor román / lengyel / polyphemos (állandó eventek, gyengébb mobok, bossok, kovek, jobb dropp) ajanlon Ha meg nyitott vagy más orszagokra, es jatekosoktol hemzsego szerora szeretnel menni, akkor Török gf kliensen belul: bagjanamu, marmara. Vagy global szero kozul, tigerghost (szinten gf-es) Szoval van jatekos. Csak nem magyar szeron :D Itt jo ha par szaz - 1-2 ezer fos jatekos bazis van. Jobb szerókon ez a szam 5-10+ ezer is siman lehet. Vagy meg joval tobb, tiz ezres jatekos bazis.
@Metin2Chad052 ай бұрын
Viszont a szerverek buggosak (allandoan bezar a kliens, befagy portolasnal, tele botokkal a szero). Szóval elegge bosszanto tud lenni neha a jatszas :D Meg nagyon p2w lett. De ha gondolod nezz fel par szerora. Nemeteknel is egesz sokan jatszanak Torok + nemet, az a 2 legtöbb jatekossal rendelkezo orszag. Nem haldoklik amugy. Es nem zar be 1-2 ev múlva. Ugy ahogy 10 evvel ezelőtt, ugy most sincs igaza annak, aki ezt allitja. (bar mar nem annyira hallom ezt a sok karogotol, mint anno 2016-2022 között :D)
@albertwesker2k242 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 2008-2019 között voltam, azóta nem tudom mi a helyzet de akkor felnézek. Jó videókat csinálsz. Még egy kérdés: Mennyi karit érdemes csinálni? Minél több annál jobb vagy van egy konkrét szám amire alapozol?
@shum73393 ай бұрын
Greetings from Russia Chad! I wanted to ask you how much characters cost you for such events as okay or king? And please tell me, for the devil’s catacombs you need a lot of good things to stand alone on an auto hunt and do they need to be well-read?
@Metin2Chad052 ай бұрын
Hi, a simple build will do it. 50-100 WON BUDGET & your good. 20% undead in- helmet & bracelet & earrings & shield. = 80% power against undead. Immune in your shield. Chance % to avoid enemy hits (30% pretty much) (helmet 6-10% | armour 8% | quilin shoes 10-20%) 10-20k HP. 10-20% HP absorb. M1 spells are enough too. Devil Catacomb is pretty easy. 50-100 Won will be more than enough for the right items & alchemies (ruby, at most onyx). During the events SPEND 89 Dragon Coins on THIEF OF GLOVES (30 day) and use 3 hour ones too (300% drop rate, it'll increase your drop rate drastically) Probably you'll have to buy AUTO HUNT (30day ones from the itemshop) but it worth it.
@joejoe59213 ай бұрын
Awesome guide thanks!! Gonna test farming lemures soon. More ger dub is much appreciated
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for your feedback! :) I bet you'll love lemures! Just use double thief of gloves for 300% drop rate. I'll consider it!
@joejoe592116 күн бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 You are right I love the lemures 😄 farmed 100 okey-sets in 2 days. Much better farming lemures with alchemy off than enchanted forest with alchemy on!
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
First German dubbed vid (might be the last one though:D)
@Jack420s3 ай бұрын
If you want there is an option to add a different audio to the same video so that viewers can change it. I do prefer eng tho 😅
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
@@Jack420s Really? I didn’t know about this before! Thanks so much for the information! I might try it next time +thanks for the feedback too! :) Honestly, I prefer making English-dubbed ones!
@joejoe59213 ай бұрын
I was surprised. Like huhh did I just click on the wrong video ???? 🤣
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
@TheAkatsuky693 ай бұрын
Where to go at lvl 120?
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Idk if lv110 enchanted forest works for okey event or not. But if it doesnt, then you must go for one of the yohara map dungeons. Sadly i dont remember the dungeon name, but you need an entry ticket there (there is a skull on the entry ticket, its diffefent from sd2 entry tickets) All i know about that map that there is a lot of "rooms", just like in grotto of exile 1-2.
@ZokrasGaming3 ай бұрын
buen video, voy empezando con mi canal de video juegos, si quieren pueden darse una pasada
@alexandrucatalin46033 ай бұрын
Pls no de shit brooo
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
No worries, it's just a test! :D The reason for the test is, that most of my viewers are german. First german dubbed vid, probably the last one though :D
@alexandrucatalin46033 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05english is the best , nobody else dose it
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback & your right! English will stay the priority, just wanted to give a shot for german dub too :D
@muratyagci86413 ай бұрын
dude I wonder do you really think that %20 item chance drop from earing and braclet works ? because that % is not stacking with normal %200 shop gloves and metin gloves %100 so its totally %300 item drop chance but when you wear this %20 %20 item chance drop rate its not stacking with %300 ? did you make a test if it works on okey event ?
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
It doesn't stack, your right about that. But it does appear in your detailed bonuses. The game shows it seperately from the thief of gloves. Thief of gloves count under 1 bonuse Item drop rate % count under another bonuse. It will surely increase the drop rate of it. And yes, i tested, thats why i used to farm with double thief of gloves (250%) + double 20% from items Item drop rate bonuses & thief gloves doesn't get counted together.
@alexandrucatalin46033 ай бұрын
Missed you soo much babe , you are the only one who is actually doing guides for metin. Pls dont stop or I will find you in hungary bazmeeeg
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thanks! :D Sure, i'll continue posting :D there will be new videos once a while
@TheRaisc3 ай бұрын
I am level 75 and to low for Grotte, any good place for me to farm okey event?
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Try these 2; Devil Catacomb (lv75 dungeon) End of Ghost Forest (Lungsam) With 250% drop rate hopefully you could farm 5-15 okey card decks / hour
@TheRaisc3 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 thank you brother for your help!
@niclasastrup43943 ай бұрын
Thank you for the updated guide here :) I would recommend catacombs as the 1st choice - between lvl 75 and 81 seems to be the best option for me. I have a warrior there making 10-12 card sets an hour with 250% droprate. I will try the Lungsam with my lvl 75 ninja, because it has good potential as u showed in your video - thanks for the heads-up about that place :D Another great video! Keep up the good work my guy! :D
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Hey, sure, i thank you for the support! You really make 10-12 card sets / hour at the devil catacombs? Thats just perfect! Thats pretty much how much i used to farm at SD3 with a sura / hour 2yr ago Good luck with the ghost forest! I hope it will show some good numbers too! I hope GF havent buffed those monsters for no reason! :D
@Nephiiz3 ай бұрын
At lvl 80 in Grotto 2 with some good gear and in a good room you can make between 60-100 decks in 24 hours
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Wow! Really? Seems like that's one of the best place to farm okey cards at! Thanks for the info
@RTMgi93 ай бұрын
Here's my take so far: lvl 70-75 for farming cards is terrible, my best so far is about 13 cards per day in catacombs (not even sure if we'll profit after buying the DC vouchers to get autohunt+thieves gloves). 2-4 cards per day in red forest. lvl 90-95 at lemures very good so far, will report back in 24hours - big problem -> other factions come and kill you on main champion level going to try the temple of ochao as well as the enchanted forest with lvl 95, 105 edit: Lemures are about 30-32 cards per day on autohunt, probably my best account level for this event - and also requires no costumes enchant forest requires costumes + autohunt + thief drop and the card drop is less than lemures
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thanks for the updates! Its very helpful for many of us! I was so sure about that there will be assholes at lemures... as always. :D Comes & kills you, force you to leave and takes your place
@RTMgi93 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 Update: There's a huge difference in drop with my lvl 75 warrior in catacombs vs my lvl 80 ninja in catacombs, and in fact my warriors in general have more, almost triple the cards, what's up? Did game forge decide to nerf ninja's?
@Juc183 ай бұрын
Thanks for info bro!
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Sure! :) i hope i managed to help you a bit with some of the tips!
@schonerdude21513 ай бұрын
man i get 80% bronz chest because this fking shit game sucks. its to fking random. I get 6.7 blue 7 8 yellow then a fking red high ard spwans every single time
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Yeah, your right, i know the feeling. :D Some time it wont give you an opportunity, not even to get 200 points :D Can get on the nerves if it happens several times in a row... For me, the most annoying was these; Getting blue8-7 & red 8-7 ; AND NEVER GETTING blue / red 6 XD and i ruined many times the game because of this :D it makes you mad and you continue dropping away the cards "just because" :D Some time sacrafising blue8-7 or red8-7 in such a start might lead to a silver okey chest, or insta rage :D :D Anyways this okey event game surely can make mad many of us :D *btw try dropping away next time number 8. So you might end up having 7-6-5 same color combinations. But yeah, full random. Need a bit luck too, and must stay calm :D
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
btw i often SACRAFISED number 8 and went for 7-6-5 (same color, 90 points) hated that i ruined many of my games for the number 8 cards :D kept them there from the start until the end... just to get a bronze okey chest... :D
@RTMgi93 ай бұрын
What about demon tower instance with fire res at the end? True its 3 hours but its a lot of mobs, and only for your char
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Excelent question! And a great idea. But honestly, i'm afraid that gameforge completely ruined Demon Tower, for good. I bet they even turned off the Okey Card Drop there... :/ (as they have with the moonlight chest...) But you could give it a 30-60minute try at the most! If 0 card comes it means 0 :( DemonTower was sick during events... until GF realized & ruined it...
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Rest of the MAPS which i recommend you to farm OKEY CARDS at (haven't mentioned in the vid) -Lv75-85 | Devil Catacomb -Lv90-100 | Lemures (lv90 map) -Lv105 | Enchanted Forest (Lv95 map)
@olare553 ай бұрын
Lemures full of accounts and ppl fighting for spots! Love you Mt2 Giga Chad I'm craving more guides on bosses on maps on everything Great Mt2 content
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thanks for the support! :) Yeah, must be pain in the ass, especially on bussier servers... even on dead servers it can get difficult to find a spot at lemures ... cant imagine what goes on bussy servers! Must be a nightmare! :D
@RTMgi93 ай бұрын
how much light res + def for the giants to take minimal dmg?
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
You wont feel their dmg honestly. As long you have lv61+ shield Lv34+9 armour Lv60 helmet+6 Atk +avg+ deff legendary ruby+4 But if u want some light resistance Get 15% from armour 10% from shoes 15% from helmet Thats already 40% More than enough They will hardly deal 100-300dmg to you :D *IF YOU STRUGGLING killing them, USE poison bonuse. So you'll block their HP regeneration. But as i said, they are way weaker than before. It used to take 1-2 minutes to kill them with my Lv61 budget sura, now it takes 10-30 second :D
@RTMgi93 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 Thanks for the reply, just tried with lvl 75 for 1hour and 250% drop rate, 40% dd, literally got next to nothing cards, going to try red forest instead with the 75
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Wow, that's terrible. I was like OKAY, GameForge ruined SD3. But gave us a good snake field & giant lands. But seems like they gave us nothing for exchange then... Unless red forest is super great.
@OuhThatsDirty3 ай бұрын
Where to go at lvl 105? Forest?
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Yes, Lv95 enchanted forest would be the best. Whether on auto hunting in the leaks (in the water left or right side of the map) Or at the end of the map But you can try farming it by smashing metin stones. (lv100-120ones at the enchanted forest) The drop great at razador run too. But thats more difficult. Stronger monsters. Need 2+ character lv100+ 2+ entry ticket So yeah, stick to enchanted forest! Thats the best
@Abdlaa.sakr363 ай бұрын
Lvl 95 where to farm plz help 😢
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Level 90 maps, at lemures, at gaurama cliff This is the best place to farm at, at Lv95, during card events & ranking up (from negative rank) + best place to farm your daily 5 cor draconises (50 dragon stone shards) AT Lv95 Farm that 2 monster which is on the pic! They are weak & easy to kill & respawn fast! They got a good drop too.
@Abdlaa.sakr363 ай бұрын
Thank u man luv u ❤@@Metin2Chad05
@raulgs23353 ай бұрын
Glad to see you back. I love your videos. I feel we approach the game in a very similar way. Calculating everything to make the most profit with the least resources. Being efficient, in essence. Good luck!
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thx so much, kind of you!!! :) Yeah, thats so true! That's how i approach the game too & always calculating & do the math! :D
@LoLDailyMoments13 ай бұрын
gg man I hope you can tell me the name of the program that produces this sound, and thanks for your help.
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks so much! I'm using voicemaker.
@LoLDailyMoments13 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 ty man you are the best
@InsaneProjectPt3 ай бұрын
Where can I farm at 95?
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Level 90 maps, at lemures, at gaurama cliff Farm those devil looking creatures (lemures warrior, lemures soldier) They look like a fat devil, and like a short devil XD they are the weakest monsters at the lv90 maps, and the best ones to farm okey cards, climb up from negative rank etc.
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
@InsaneProjectPt3 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 thank you Chad ❤️
@Lanshun263 ай бұрын
what about the catacomb ?
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thats a great option as well! Forever green option 😁 Whether its about farming cor draconis, or event cards. I just havent mentioned cuz i was afraid that the devil catacomb teleports you out each hour once :D but i was wrong +i skipped that one cuz im not sure if it got updated as the rest of the mentioned maps in the video!
@Lanshun263 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 yeah i thought so but i think it will be great if you have undead bones in the items
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Yes, it is perfect! It has been always a great map to climb up from negative rank (whether its -5k or -10k or even -20k :D) Also you can farm the daily 5 cor draconis the fastest here (50 dragon stone shards / 5 cor draconis = 15min pretty much) Devil catacomb is one of the best map when its about farming cards, dragon stone shards, getting out of negative rank. You should definitely give it a try!
@ElonSamade3 ай бұрын
Gotta admit, great update Chad! M caming back to d game tomoroww:")
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thanks for your kind words :) Welcome back! I hope you'll have good drop & fun too! 😁
@miernikiii18853 ай бұрын
Another good place to farm card is devil's catacombs.
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Great advice! But does the map teleports you out each hour, or not?
@miernikiii18853 ай бұрын
No, you can go to catacombs and leave there for a lot of time until when you dont click go to city when you died. When you click go to city that teleport you to catacombs character and you have to wait half hour until again enter
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Ahh i see, perfect. So all good until you dont respawn in the city :D Even if you do accidentally, its just 30 min off. Thats just perfect😁 Thx for the information, i wasnt sure about this one, thats why i havent added to the list
@RTMgi93 ай бұрын
I'm at catacombs for an entire day with item shop 200% gloves, and the 50% chest gloves, I earned about 13 card sets in 24hours.. this event drop is terrible
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
That's not too good! :| Wont you try redforest? Maybe a bit more would come there, not sure... 24 hour / 13 okey card set is sick! 2 yr ago in SD3 i made 14-22 okey card sets / HOUR (with 250-350% drop rate)
@RTMgi93 ай бұрын
We need a re-reupload, now there's a 70 lvl limit
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Your right, sadly GF ruined it for players under Lv70! :/ In the other hand they increased the event potential for players around Lv70-75. (they increased the number of monsters in few map; Lung Sam Forest & Giant Land. +they made them weaker too). *I might make an update of this vid, thanks for the idea!
@Metin2Fan-i3o4 ай бұрын
can u enter if u are under lvl 120 ?
@Metin2Chad054 ай бұрын
Yes, you can. Lv90 is the min Lv.
@x3a9m4 ай бұрын
Hello brother , can you make another video for solo run hydra but with low lvl talisman like +8 or around it
@Metin2Chad054 ай бұрын
Hi bro, i would fail with a +8 ice talisman probably. :D Maybe not if i got 20% piercing potion, 20% ice potion, fishes, dragon god attack, nazar, etc. I might have more time during FALL / WINTER (this year), so i might start playing metin2 & creating videos once again!
@x3a9m4 ай бұрын
Missing you brother, hope you are okay
@Metin2Chad054 ай бұрын
Thanks, its kind of you! :) Yes all good! Just got bored of metin2 a bit, taking a break since a while! :D I might come back soon!
@x3a9m4 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 i am happy for your reply, try to put new challenge for you to get passion again for the game , I really miss your video and i learn a lot form it.
@Metin2Chad053 ай бұрын
Thanks so much very kind of you! I posted today a new video, hopefully it will be helpful & useful for you! :) I might start playing again soon!
@KingCobra_Gamin5 ай бұрын
@Flexmadeyogirltext5 ай бұрын
Clash royal on top tho😂
@BITCOIlN5 ай бұрын
LMAO I thought "ETA PRIME" a retro gaming youtuber is playing Metin2 but turns out it's just a voice changer xD
@Metin2Chad055 ай бұрын
Haha :D yeah i'm just using AI voices
@totyesz3875 ай бұрын
Én a te hangodat akarom hallani Csed :D
@Metin2Chad055 ай бұрын
@CyBeR11295 ай бұрын
At this point i dont get it why they just put the option switcher in the drop table... i never heard this stupid farming session on mmmorpg what happening in metin2 for years... need to register xy account... and make characters to level them up for essential items... people do it... why just get those changers... and put it in the damn drop table and dont put them on leveling chests.... its really shows what kind of hands own metin2 rights.....
@Metin2Chad055 ай бұрын
Yeah, your right. This game is super greedy. They wants your money. If you wont pay them, then they wants your time. Either way they "win", cuz they will use these numbers as a statistic, as a POSITIVE feedback for themself, that the online spent time & income has increased :D (+ in this case the the numbers of the registered accounts & characters will show them a "POSITIVE" feedback again...) If there is anything GOOD deal during FLASH DEALS (which last for 6-12 hours) Then they put the BEST thing for the last 30 minute... so players can wait for hours to buy it. GF Metin2 cant get enough of the players time & money thats for sure :D
@ClypsoMt25 ай бұрын
50-100 side events items is impossible … maximum 20 if you are lucky
@Metin2Chad055 ай бұрын
Not sure which one you mean by side evenf. But when there was a concentraded reading drop i managed to farm 54x during the whole time. But yeah in bussier servers it must be extremely hard. In dead servers a bit easier
@ClypsoMt25 ай бұрын
@@Metin2Chad05 I play on East region, Romania… Is not an empty server but also not full. I get x1 or less for each stone spawn. I got last time only x7 during the drop
@Kira-ek6lz5 ай бұрын
Enchanted forest is brutal when it comes to side events. Depending on the server, it's always full when the side events are on.
@ivanfalco72356 ай бұрын
Buen vídeo
@Metin2Chad055 ай бұрын
Thank you, it's kind of you :) Gracias
@MRocha016 ай бұрын
you can get more. For example you have the 3* event to showcase something, this month we had the spear and one to show the skins (total 70 gems). If you login into supercell store you can get an extra 100 gems and a training potion. The total comes about 1350 per month
@Metin2Chad056 ай бұрын
Yes, you are absolutely right. I bought the new "Rocket Spear" ability for the Royale Champion, but instead, I could have bought a lot of potions, which would have meant a +100 gem again at least. Actually thanks for mentioning the Supercell Store, never heard of before, up until today! I'll check it out.
@fawaadrr6 ай бұрын
I'll buy it, no problem but what if Supercell reduces its price in the upcoming months due to very negative sentiments regarding this update?
@Metin2Chad056 ай бұрын
Well yeah, that's a good question. I doubt that they would refund a single gem for those whose already purchased & upgraded it. However i'm not sure about that they ever reduced anythings price in the past. I'll be surprised if they reduce the price of it, especially if they will do it drastically. If you wont "risk" consider waiting 1-2 week 1-2 month.
@zeus-yz6gs6 ай бұрын
I don't think they will reduce price. But there's big chance They might increase his usefulness or boost time That's what I hope for
@elementbloods26346 ай бұрын
@Metin2Chad056 ай бұрын
Your right, there is more chance for that. In the best case they will increase his usefulness. By reducing the "23 hour sleep time" / or boost the work speed slightly. Let's see.
@zeus-yz6gs6 ай бұрын
a 24 hr boost at max level (6500 gem) seem aight xD