感谢分享,共同享受话语的盛宴🎉 ברא 从左往右,则是alef(=El: ‘god’ + Fa: father)(=a + elf), self = elf s, flesh = shelf = sh: 嘘+ elf resh(=hers)是beginning, 基督是我们所有人的头我们的丈夫, beth (=be + th:28=man),意思是儿子 ברא : bara = Aba + r(=18)(=me)(=co)(=nd: second) …….. Word was(=saw)(=as + W: 74 元素) God. Jesus = cross = 74 = 37x2 = being X 2 At beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Heavens is plural which means God language in religious texts, earth is the human language which all based on alphabet but different combinations and forms. Actually all letters basic element are: straight line and curve, only. Like 0&1 language in computer 😮 参考希伯来书1:1,神在古时通过我们人类的祖先多方多次向人类传达他的心意和思想。 所有宗教都需要重新解读真正理解共通的精髓,也就是人之上有高于人的存在。 唯有希伯来语圣经是神以第一人称向人类揭示祂自己。 Hebrew = he + brew = where + b: “be” sound 计算机语言是0和1,正如人类的细胞形状像零:0, zero - ise = - ize: realize = realise, s=z, -sion = -tion, s=t, practise =preactice, s=c Z & N 形状相同的九十度旋转而已😂 zero = r(=me) + one Zion = Sion = i + son = is + on = ion s Zion = c ion = co-in Zion = t ion = into