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Slavery in Exodus 21
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INTP: What Nihilism Taught Me
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INTP and ENFJ Talk About Death
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INTP in College
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INTP, ENFJ and ESFJ have a Conversation
When an INTP Dates other INTP
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INTP and ENFJ Talk About Future Goals
INTP Trying to Relax
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INTPs and Loneliness
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How to befriend an INTP
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What do INTPs Dream About?
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@tedoymisojos 11 күн бұрын
I really dislike how Jordan answered that simple question. Its like he has been purposefully giving unclear answers until recently on that question, to not turn off his religious audience. Anyone listening to him for any length of time knows he doesn't believe in a literal interpretation of the bible, so the question being posed is unnecessary, but he harps on and on about honesty and conciseness of speech, so its dissapointing.
@MaleINTP 11 күн бұрын
@@tedoymisojos agreed
@TruthMatters-jh5nx Ай бұрын
The problem with this argument is that he’s intellectually strong arming his own argument. Also, yes. The point of our lives is to praise God. Without him, you wouldn’t even exist. But it goes further than that. To praise God doesn’t have to mean to give constant praise as in “Oh thank you God, thank you God!” Constantly. It means that the way you conduct yourself and your life is praising him because you’re living it according to his standards. His standards. Remember, his standards aren’t just meant for us. He holds himself accountable to his same standards. Nobody is more powerful than He is and yet holds himself accountable to a certain standard of conducting himself rather than being a tyrannical God, as he could be if he chose to be. But no, he uses his power to restrain even himself so that we can live happy lives. Furthermore, when one lives in order to glorify God, you no longer have to worry about any harm they will do to you or to your loved ones because they are living according to Gods standards. Can he read your mind? Yes, if he chooses to. He also has many times in the Bible, asked questions of his servants, allowing them freedom to vocalize their feelings and thoughts to him. He is not intrusive so as to cause a suffocating relationship, he is overwhelmingly practical and courteous and gives us the much wanted and needed privacy. It is not in his nature to act outside of even the ways he tells us to act towards one another unless he has no other option (for instance, regarding destruction of nations on the past, always gave them opportunities to change their ways, but because the coming of his Son was so important, he had no alternative than to annihilate disobedient nations). I’m sorry. I’m not trying to shame anyone for their looks. But Aron Ra looks like the embodiment of Satan himself. He conducts himself as a very pompous individual who claims that he is open minded, but fails time and time again to show it when the most obvious thing (intelligent design is all around him). Let’s be real. Even Satan and the demons, who saw God and knew him more personally than any of us, have found fault with God. Who are we to say that it can’t happen to any of us? But the result of a rebellious world is one where people like this spout out nonsense and gain a following for it. It’s to be expected in a world run by Satan himself.
@MaleINTP Ай бұрын
Great... Now please provide definitive evidence of this creator you talk about... Destroy all other religions and do what your ancestors haven't been able to do for thousands of years... And I refuse his standards and so do you... His standards are the Mosaic law, which Jesus never abolished nor did he have the power to do so according to the pharisees since he wasn't seen as a god... He made it clear multiple times that the law was to be followed. All of it... Not just the good things you like from the sermon on the mount or the ten commandments or from other places that are compatible with the XXI century... All of it... From stoning homosexuals, to stoning women that aren't virgins before marriage, to people wearing clothes made of two fabrics... All of it. If your god created a sentient species that can think for itself and make its own decisions, then he can't own us... let us go free... Don't enslave us to this perpetual state of constant praise and fear of this creature.. what kind of hell is this anyway where you have to fear for your life and for what you're thinking or doing all the time... Is it a North Korean state that you want? A perpetual totalitarian watcher and judge?... No thanks... Keep it
@TruthMatters-jh5nx Ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP Honestly, I'm with you. It's not a bad argument. Except it just very misinformed. Jesus DID in fact abolish the 10 commandments when he told his followers in Mark 12:30-31 - " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” He did so by summarizing what was at the heart of those laws and not at individual commands. You have to understand, the Jewish people of the time, although they were God's people, were very rebellious. A lot of things had to be given to them little by little. Proverbs 4:18 - The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Some things require time to pass before their true meaning can really be shown. Jesus was summarizing the 10 commandments with just 2. Love God. Love your neighbor. If you follow each of those things, you wouldn't break any of the commandments because you wouldn't murder. You wouldn't steal. You wouldn't covet. Do you see the wisdom there? In terms of stoning such ones, Jesus made clear his position for those to continue this tradition. John 8:7 - So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. The whole beginning of the Bible was a precursor for Jesus Christ. It was so imperative that he would be born at a certain point in time in a certain location to a certain people, that God set up these "laws", as it were, to prevent anything or anyone from stopping that purpose from coming true. Although people would be stoned in those days, they always knew this would be the case for violating the law. They weren't ignorant any more than someone here getting the death penalty for murder where the law allows it. These were religious people who knew what they signed up for by worshiping God. They needed to keep themselves from defilement until the promised Messiah. Once Jesus was born and was baptized (which is when he officially received all of his previous memories from his life in Heaven), there was no more need for these laws to continue. He came to end those.
@MaleINTP Ай бұрын
@@TruthMatters-jh5nx The is no new wisdom in "love thy neighbor" which to Jesus means "love your fellow Jew..." Or in "love god"... These are all things said previously in the old testament. The Jewish god is the god of the Jews... No one else. He makes this extremely clear all through the bible. He is the god of that particular group of people at that particular time. The idea that he is the god of every human is a much later idea that began when Judeism began to split... There was a huge argument after Jesus's death about if his words should be taught and passed to people who weren't Jews. Peter thought that there was no need to pass down the words of Jesus as the end was coming soon anyway and that they should focus on the Jews. Paul thought that the death of Jesus was the sign that all the gentiles would leave their religions and join them in Judeism. As you see... Right from the start people didn't know what to do or what was going on... We are talking about people who, like Jesus, believed that the end of the world was coming soon... On keeping the laws. Jesus said multiple times that "those who do not keep the law will be called least in the kingdom of heaven", "don't think I've come to abolish the law, I come not to abolish but to fulfill it. For in truth I tell you that not a jot or title of the law will change until everything is accomplished", " keep the law better than the pharisees"... All of it is to be kept as "the end" as not come nor has the "kingdom of heaven"... The god of the Torah is the god of the Jews. Christians worship a god that was never meant to be theirs... It became a product of what Paul thought with his idea of "salvation though faith' and his conversion of gentiles...
@neves2493 Ай бұрын
I liked the name and your channel photo. INTP friend. Unfortunately I can't understand what you're saying in the video, but one day I'll see
@MaleINTP Ай бұрын
I'm not sure how you can't understand what I'm saying but maybe one day
@neves2493 Ай бұрын
@MaleINTP I do not speak English. I'm using the translator
@ACE-pm3gh 2 ай бұрын
"anything that can happen, will happen, given enough time" ...does that include the existence of a transcendent being??
@MaleINTP 2 ай бұрын
Your "transcend being" in theology is always eternal... I don't know how time is relevant to an eternal being... And he is absolutely right about that. Any possible thing that can happen in reality, will happen if given enough time... It's the same experiment of a monkey writing Shakespeare by just typing randomly into a machine... If given enough time, it will happen. This is a mathematical certainty
@ACE-pm3gh 2 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP so you are admitting God isn't a created being? That He has no beginning or end?... time is relevant to the Creator because He created "time" just as he did space and matter, that's how genius. You believe a monkey would eventually be able to recreate the works of Shakespeare "given enough time" 😂 there's the atheists time of the gaps argument again 🤦. "With time, all things are possible" is the atheist creed lol...At least you always have that crutch to use when you need to explain an absurdity you believe. Long periods of time do not automatically allow for absurdities to become logical or possible. I see what you did there, you added that bit about "reality" lol way to move the goal post for your hero. You can't even prove "reality" is a real thing...did you not know that? Or do you think you can prove what we experience is "real life"? Do you have links or sources for these experiments? What type of monkeys were used and how many did they use?
@ACE-pm3gh Ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP Do you have any links or sources for these experiments or are these all hypothetical?? You understand that no matter how many millions or trillions of years a monkey has, he will never be able to replicate the works of Shakespeare by pounding on a keyboard. You are making an argument from blind Faith here, but instead of it being blind Faith you call it mathematical theoretics 🤦
@ACE-pm3gh Ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP I noticed how you moved the goal post for your hero by adding the words" in reality" can you prove our reality is actually real? I would like to see your evidence that What we experience is actually our reality
@MaleINTP Ай бұрын
​@@ACE-pm3gh solipsism is impossible to refute... As it is impossible to prove... Therefore it's meaningless to attempt to prove or refute it... I didn't move anything. I'm done wasting my time here
@ACE-pm3gh 2 ай бұрын
I think it's safe to say that this goofball doesn't know what he's talking about 😂. He has some of the worst expositions on biblical prophecy I have ever heard in my life. It's embarrassing listening to him act like he actually understands biblical prophecy 😂😆😂😆
@MaleINTP 2 ай бұрын
The entire point is to expose how flawed "prophecy" is in the first place... As he said "you can't claim victory if you don't have a time frame". If I said "in the future, a great kingdom will be formed that will encompass a great part of the earth". When this happens (given enough time it will...) that does not make me a prophet... I didn't specify where, when, how, in what context, until when is this prophecy expected to be fulfilled, etc.... Random predictions into the future don't make you a "prophet"... You need to be a lot more objective than this
@ACE-pm3gh Ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP so it seems that both you and the fat adversary don't understand contextual analysis of scriptures 🧐 this is simply you not understanding Bible prophecy...just like Mr. Ray doesn't understand.
@ACE-pm3gh Ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP the only point this dollar general devil made was that he is holds a completely biased worldview. Sure, he lies multiple times every debate or video by saying he isn't biased at all and only looks at all the evidence objectively (bullshit), but anyone that actually understands a contextual analysis of old and new testaments don't make the ridiculous claims, historically inaccurate claims btw, that this bulbous beelzebub makes. He is literally laughed at by actual scholars that don't fall for his lies like the internet atheists do
@wowo-bd9iw 3 ай бұрын
imagine this world has no school
@fatimaa.alsaad7919 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video...
@aaronsdunk 4 ай бұрын
He better hope he's wrong. Yes, eternity is quite a long time. Time would be meaningless at that point, but I'd rather worship for an eternity in bliss than be sent to the one who despised us. Part of the reason why we're even here in the first place.
@MaleINTP 3 ай бұрын
Pascal's wager... What a petty god you're proposing... One that would accept you because you feared him and not because you actually believed in him... He seems to be so easily deceived... Heaven must be full of hypocrites then. People who pretended to believe when in reality they were just afraid of eternal torture... What a nice theology you got there... Centered around the fear of eternal torture. Congrats
@ChickenArad1 5 ай бұрын
Christianity is disgusting.
@evrreal1235 5 ай бұрын
This man is a 🤡 imagine going your “only” whole life trying to prove something isn’t real, just to die in the end and go into nothingness. Im sure people have told him, but I will just put it out there, repent and accept Jesus Christ into your life, He is the Son of God and the Mediator between God and man. God is a loving God and our purpose in eternal life is not to be his slaves “kissing his a**”, but to thank him and live as we were intended to loving each other and coexisting in peace and harmony.
@MaleINTP 3 ай бұрын
Why can't you people keep it to yourselves? Why do you need to threaten people with torture in your supposedly "loving ideology"?... Leave the people that don't want to be part of a flock alone and go worship your homophobic, genocidal god in peace...
@evrreal1235 3 ай бұрын
@MaleINTP yet you guys can't stop trying to disprove The Living True God. I was in peace until this guy started talking recklessly about our God, and honestly, I'm still at peace. To people like you, it's okay to spread hate and mock on others' religions, but not okay to spread true knowledge about them. Thank God I have freedom of speech and I can defend our God and I will continue no matter what until the very end. I understand though, the truth is very difficult to deal with to some people. May you find God some day eventually.
@MaleINTP 3 ай бұрын
@evrreal1235 If you don't like freedom of speech, move to Iran... Your religion is not above any other nor is it impervious to criticism. If you can't accept criticism of your religion, either grow thicker skin or just leave the online platform.... You're not special... Your religion isn't special and your religion is the one that spreads ETERNAL HATE and ETERNAL TORTURE for those who don't accept it... F off... Did a few mean words hurt you?... Poor you... Now imagine spending life hearing threats of eternal torture from crazy people if we don't accept their ridiculous propositions... Don't talk to us about "being mean" to you when if you had it your way we would be executed for being disbelievers and we would still be stoning people on the streets for being gay or for not being virgins on their wedding day as your god commands...
@evrreal1235 3 ай бұрын
@MaleINTP you are not the sharpest tool in the shed. I literally said thank God I have freedom of speech. If anyone is triggered here, it is you. Something crawled up your behind and you came to the comments looking for your moment to shine. Keep up the good work, you are amazing! I already said what I had in mind before you came into the picture. Therefore, continuing with you is tremendously irrelevant. Dont do drugs! 👍
@evrreal1235 3 ай бұрын
@MaleINTP btw I actually read your full comment, and I must say that you are immensely malinformed. I don't dislike gay people or any people, I dislike their sin. I have acquaintances that are or used to be drug dealers, murderers, gang members, or even gay and other religions. I dont look at them for they're sins or their past, I look at them as my brothers and sisters that have hope in the future, the way Jesus told us to and He Himself did. Also, that about stoning people is a terrible thing to do, that no REAL child of God would ever take part of. That is judging and hurting an individual, which is wrong. You talk a lot about religions without being informed and are spreading misleading information. Instead of seeing the people that participate in a religion, how about you look at the religion itself. You dont follow the people, you follow The Bible. So do yourself a favor, look in google and pick up some books, then you can see things for what they really are and stop being so triggered. As I said in my previous comment, I said what I said and my conversation with you is done, if you have any questions and would like to be correctly informed as an adult, I'll be glad to help, but if not, have a great life bud.
@jeffh3906 5 ай бұрын
He sounds like the devil…. That’s exactly what he said. from what I’ve read, you got two choices. You can kiss the bum of God, or you could lick the boots of the devil. there is no third option. Either way you’re gonna be somebody’s toy in the sand box.. … to make it worse ….. a person has absolutely no say in the deal. If there’s somebody here that can tell me without a doubt, proven scientifically, where the universe came from …..and why were here…..(no theories, hunches, hearsay, folklore, speculation, or your own beliefs.) I would love to hear it.
@MaleINTP 5 ай бұрын
For crying out loud... Do you not see how religions use that ignorance to survive? "Where did the universe come from" Science: We don't know yet. We have some hypotheses on how it could have been but we can't say for sure yet. Maybe in the future we will. Religion: our particular god created everything out of nothing and if you don't believe me you're tortured..." Religions feed on ignorance and fear... It's how they survive... It's so obviously man made tribalism that it is honestly incredible how so many people fall for this... It really uses our most sadistic, tribalistic roots to keep itself alive... "We're the ones who are saved and anyone who disagrees is doomed"... Nothing but children afraid of the dark...
@shikamarunara6527 6 ай бұрын
Tomorrow is exam and m watching this
@melvinmokayamagori7743 6 ай бұрын
worship a guy for his intrinsic qualities syre
@MaleINTP 6 ай бұрын
Worship no one
@crashtestdummy2337 7 ай бұрын
Aron you well on your way to hell sir!
@roukayasalloum8188 8 ай бұрын
True😂😂😂 i have an exam today.... 🎉😀🙂💔
@mosabjabri1793 8 ай бұрын
He can't say that without looking like a straight demon from hell
@GrumpyCoder 8 ай бұрын
So true, my interests are, physics, computer science, video games, music theory, psychology, philosophy in particular. People most of time are so simple and boring. So boring that it feels like loosing time. It's extremely rare that I can connect very well with someone and it happens few times in my life and it's because its people that are passionate and intellectual as I am even if it is different in some ways. I will argue that sometimes it's insanely hard because I cannot force myself to be someone I'm not to connect with my family or being part of a group like jobs or University etc. and I can make me feel depressed. Sometimes I wish I can connect with people easier but I cannot help it.
@user-yz6ld6yy5o 8 ай бұрын
The meaning of life is to have unity with god the lord jesus christ. Not to work a job everyday and wait until you're old to retire or raise kids sin was born into the world and it needed a savior
@MaleINTP 8 ай бұрын
By all means... You are free to keep it
@user-yz6ld6yy5o 8 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP he is coming back. The things in this world they will never satisfy you. Only Jesus can my bro
@MaleINTP 8 ай бұрын
@@user-yz6ld6yy5o I'm pretty satisfied without my slave master... You should try it...
@user-yz6ld6yy5o 8 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP I did try it.
@user-yz6ld6yy5o 8 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP I tried it for a long time
@CuttinInIdaho 9 ай бұрын
As an intp who was exactly like you, try dmt...make it yourself...then say what irrational is. Not saying "GOD" as you have been told is what they say it is...I don't take any of their advice...just do it and see what you really think of reality. Not once, don't be a weenie...explore consciousness from all fronts my brother. You are where I was at your age (42 now). I only operated from pure logical brainpower then...but an into will take new information to form a massive worldview. Try...I know you have the depth.
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
I prefer reality not influenced by psychotropics... I want to understand reality. The physical world of it. To understand consciousness and the unconscious I'm already in university studying that. Illusions caused by drugs are not very impressive to me... You either care about the study of reality and you do it without illusions, or you care about studying illusions caused by the drugs you took. Thanks for your point of view, but I prefer a clean reality to a set of hallucinations caused by my brain.
@CuttinInIdaho 8 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP I understand what you are saying as well. I was once there. How do you know it's an illusion and that the brain can construct all of that? At minimum imo, it's a veil lifted on Jung's collective unconscious. I would expect the experience to be unique or at least filled with the things I like or dislike. that isn't the case though. You are also assuming, I'm sure you can see it. Academic assumptions about consciousness are derived from mostly dead men...and with loose ties you can make words somewhat approximate their ideas to build a foundational reality for your future. Though the topic is so deep that there still isn't a clear answer as to what all this is. I still understand your point though and fair enough. I absolutely respect the path. Good luck to you, and I hope you find answers that satisfy you.
@MaleINTP 8 ай бұрын
@@CuttinInIdaho The assumptions we have on consciousness and the unconscious are not based on "dead men". Neuropsychology, neurobiology, psychology, neuroscience... All have evolved from the past 100 years. Things don't remain the same in science. Today we can study what happens to our brain when we take drugs. We are aware of the areas of the brain that are activated or deactivated when we take them and the results of having hallucinations is not a surprise... It's the consequence of overstimulating or not a particular set of areas to produce more or less neurotransmitters of some particular molecule(s). I'm not sure how it could be more than this or why would I believe in it based on assumptions. Maybe there is more to this. Who knows... Maybe there will be evidence for this case one day
@pufocina 9 ай бұрын
I have 2 exams tomorrow, but I'm watching KZbin 💀😀😀😀
@jayquintin 9 ай бұрын
Yet you do the same in your reply to me. This is typical. Instead of facts you denigrate. You hide behind rhetoric and will not leave a person who believes in God alone, rather you disparage us. Read black Darwinism and see what you think after. Bottom line is, if I’m wrong i still lives a good life. If your wrong, you live a horrible forever.
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
Which makes you an asshole for being ok with eternal torture for other people... Christians are so unlike their Christ... You believe in a god that tells you in the new testament to pray for those who insult you and hurt you and to give the other cheek... Yet you are all full of hate and can't wait to see the people that disagree with you in eternal agony... F this monster and f those who are ok with eternal punishment... Sadists... Your religion is the essence of tribalism. Also, Pascal's wager does not work... What if the true God is the one of the Norse? Or of some African or South American tribe? Or the Greek ones? Or the interpretation of the Muslims or Jews? What if it is the Christan one but you didn't kept the commandments? Or your denomination was wrong? Or if there isn't any and you were a dick all your life, threatening people with imaginary monsters and old fables... how silly would you feel then... By all means... prove this monster and win a Nobel prize or move on with your life...
@danmiller6462 9 ай бұрын
Life is brief, and we need to enjoy it to the fullest. Once we die it’s all over. And I prefer it that way instead of having to spend eternity kissing the backside of the invisible imaginary sky wizard.
@zsxoaz 9 ай бұрын
don't mind me, but your thumbnail looks ethereal.
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
KZbin's AI knows what it's doing
@zsxoaz 9 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP definitely
@brocklytodd5317 9 ай бұрын
Hey are you actually from Portugal?
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
@brocklytodd5317 9 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP Cools!
@42222 9 ай бұрын
Have you ever wondered if you are an INFJ/INFP? Do you think that maybe emotions of others effect you very strongly and thats why you feel weird. I'm going through a similar situation right now. I even have the same book on aspergers and wondering the same. I also got INTP on the tests multiple years appart. But I just don't think it's right. I'm going to therapy right now, and finding out that my upbringing was really alianating even to my own familiy for specific reasons out of my control. Anyway just somthing you might want to think about... I got diagnosed with adhd, avoidance and anxiety disorders when I was 18... I'm really curius to see what results you get on your aspergers examination. Don't ask me why but im getting major INFJ/INFP vibes from you...
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
I am pretty sure that I am not INFJ. I talk to a few INFJ online and we have distinct personalities and ways of seeing the world. I haven't been interested in MBTI for a long time now, but I can look up the INFJ personality type again. I'm not immune to other people's feelings but I'm not easily swayed.
@fluffyworm 9 ай бұрын
11:36 I'm literally the opposite I often avoid talking about my intests because I automatically assume that people would be frustrated when I will talk about what I like. I had done it in the past but stopped in early primary school because I was made fun of my intests and it made me feel unsafe. Now it's hard to me even with people that wouldn't mind listening .
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
I don't do it anymore either. Just with a few selected.
@Occultess 9 ай бұрын
This was an interesting one and some of the symptoms you specified coincide with mine. You mentioned perfectionism and generalized anxiety, however you didn't really go very in-depth about it. How do you deal with perfectionism? How do you silence (or ignore) the voice that tells you nothing is good enough? How do you continue to do stuff even if you know that its impossible to be perfect? I'd be interested to steal some knowledge hehe
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
I have always regarded perfectionism as an irrational impulse that wastes our time trying to achieve an impossible goal. I was a bit surprised when my psychologist mentioned that I had characteristics of it but I'm not completely sure yet... Everyone has characteristics of perfectionism in some things they do. It depends on how often it affects you and how much in every day life. I'm a perfectionist with the way I drive and park my car for example. It's a small form of perfectionism that doesn't really affect me or make me lose time but I'm also a perfectionist with smaller things. And that's where I'm not sure yet if I qualify or not for that category. I try to not waste a lot of time with these things. I try to be aware that I'm trying to "perfect" something that could be meaningless and that could be wasting my time and I do something else that I find productive instead.
@Occultess 9 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTP That's an interesting way to see things. Thank you for the insight ^^
@thisismyyoutubeaccount2470 9 ай бұрын
What app do you use to track your daily reading?? That's a goal of mine as well!
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
As funny as it may sound, it is called "study bunny". Other apps don't work as well as this one does and the graph it provides with the names of the books or activities you've spent time on is very useful.
@thisismyyoutubeaccount2470 9 ай бұрын
Thank you!@@MaleINTP
@Lelllllllle 9 ай бұрын
Finally a new video!!!!<3
@MaleINTP 9 ай бұрын
You're welcome L Lawliet
@RaymondTT 10 ай бұрын
I encourage everyone to watch the 2 part response from Mike Winger. He shows how dishonest Aron Ra is. Almost every claim he makes in his 15 minute video is a straw man or misrepresentation. Aron doesnt care if what he is saying is true - he just wants to make noice for the gullible. In this case: matthew 24 is talking about the signs that should not worry us. When we see all these things, we should not yet be worried about Jesus returning. So Aron is literally saying the oppoaite of what Jesus said. Matthew 24:6-8 (ESV): And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, BUT THE END IS NOT YET. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are BUT THE BEGINNING of the birth pains. Aron. Why are you misrepresenting Jesus?
@MaleINTP 10 ай бұрын
What are you talking about... that is literally what he addressed by saying that these things cannot be prophecy because they've always happened... They've always been here since the formation of the earth 3.5 billion years ago... It's the equivalent of me saying "don't worry, the sky is blue and water kills your thirst but the end is not yet..." Making a description of something that has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years is not prophecy... it's a description of reality... and therefore has no value...
@jarlennemorales7498 10 ай бұрын
Your comments immediately reminded me of the film Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. I believe its primary message is pretty in line with your perspective. I would be curious to know your opinion of it.
@MaleINTP 10 ай бұрын
I would have to watch the movie. Maybe I will give you my opinion later if I do
@owe_damonty7775 11 ай бұрын
I have add too so it would be great for u to create more vids n speak on it.
@MaleINTP 11 ай бұрын
Maybe soon
@revontulet1845 11 ай бұрын
Just started watching but I find it interesting how every INTP KZbinr has a video about their university experience, and it's always that it was disappointing, and I didn't even realise this before I uploaded my own 😂
@MaleINTP 11 ай бұрын
You're right. I've talked to other INTPs and we all seem to have the same experience there. I've been watching your channel for a while :)
@Occultess 11 ай бұрын
I've been watching your channel for some time now and Im glad to see you back making videos. Its a common theory that being an INTP could be an indicator for aspergers and seeing you make a video with exactly this topic was a pleasant surprise. I feel like the channel change will be a good one and I will be waiting for more videos ^^
@FoundMeGood 11 ай бұрын
Hi bro INTP here, Finally found someone who acknowledges our ideas and the fact it is only an INTP Can you give me your discord ID tired of debating with an AI and mirror, Want someone more into this. What do you think?
@MaleINTP 11 ай бұрын
496793437782278155 Rodrig0#5252
@boyoboyosdiary5354 11 ай бұрын
I have exam day after tomorrow and tbh i haven't started studying yet not to mention how fvcked up syllabus is , real analysis.
@tristan_the_caretaker 11 ай бұрын
Jokes on you I'm in vacations
@MaleINTP 11 ай бұрын
Me too
@bikexdynasty8359 Жыл бұрын
Slavery is bigger now then it ever has been because rhe three main religions condone it....
@Hope-in6bk Жыл бұрын
life is short, he will know when he die.
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
So much confidence and so little evidence.
@Hope-in6bk Жыл бұрын
​@@MaleINTP Exactly, that's what i ment about him, you nailed it.
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
@@Hope-in6bk Yes... The man that doesn't believe in age old primitive superstition from nomads in a desert is the irrational one... Go stone an homossexual and make your god happy
@Hope-in6bk Жыл бұрын
@@MaleINTP ? Why are you triggered i'm so confused
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
@@Hope-in6bk Triggered? What makes you think that? It is biblical to stone homossexuals... I'm just quoting scripture...
@sophistichistory4645 Жыл бұрын
"It's good, Anthony. It's good you wished him into the cornfield. It's very, very good."
@larry-ray Жыл бұрын
No you are missing revelation. Read and know the truth. This guy needs to learn to read.
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
You should try reading it...
@larry-ray Жыл бұрын
@@MaleINTP I have if you haven't you should. Very informative.
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
@@larry-ray i have too... (which makes me wonder why you've said in a previous comment that god loves all people when that's clearly not the case and if you've read the bible you know that...) You do realize that all these "prophecies" are in the bible right? I'm not sure why you're talking about revelations... These are spread throughout
@larry-ray Жыл бұрын
@@MaleINTP God does love all people. He said so. But he also requireds you to follow his rules or be turned to dust.
@larry-ray Жыл бұрын
@@MaleINTP Was talking about the proficiency if you even listen to the video.
@larry-ray Жыл бұрын
This man looks like a devil. He does not even know the bible. God loves and created us. So if you don't want to live him back then you don't have to. Your call to follow a man that already knows he is going to hell.
@travelerslife8854 Жыл бұрын
I can’t wait for the day of judgment to come and prove you all wrong just remember God does not put anybody in hell you do that yourselves by refusing to go to heaven
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
Not being convinced is not a choice and I'll tell you more... I refuse to worship a genocidal, megalomaniacal, racist, psychopath even if that thing existed in the first place... You're free to do that
@travelerslife8854 Жыл бұрын
First and foremost, you are assuming that the Scriptures that the Jews and Christians have are right of how they portrayed God second of all if God created everything, and he is the maintainer of all things even the maintainer of my own brain functions even your selfish mouth moving it’s by his own permission to belittle you he would be worthy of my praise for all eternity, and he is immersible enough to allow you to talk about him in this manner. Why would he get upset for a little thought in my mind if he is going to allow me to live in heaven in peace and contentment, and allow heaven to service me in any pleasure that I desire, I want only praise him. I’ll do anything for him.
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
Keep adoring your dictator... You sound like the typical person that would be a supporter of Hitler in those days... You people support and respect power, not human rights or free thought. Go back to your caves... "Might makes right" mentality... You've learned nothing from history
@danielberg7644 Жыл бұрын
Life is meaningless then? There is something that created this world and like any other machine that was created all the parts have purpose.
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
Life has the meaning you give to it. Religion tries to convince people that without their particular god that life becomes meaningless and that leaving that religion would also take away your meaning, but that's just a simple form of emotional manipulation... Your life never had any "ultimate purpose..." You are the one in charge of your life and of your choices. Go outside, meet people, study, travel, read, do community work, learn a skill, share a hobby, make friends etc... You are the one in control. Fallacies: You are making a fallacy of circular reasoning by assuming your conclusion that "life only has a purpose if a god exists because life exists for the purpose of god" And a false equivalence fallacy because you are comparing the universe and life to a machine while ignoring that they are nether...
@venkateshv626 5 ай бұрын
Even if there was a creator, we don’t need to bother about him.
@NetanelWorthy Жыл бұрын
When you have a very basic understanding of the infinite, because you think you’re finally brain is supreme. Do some thing miraculous. You’re the supreme knowledge of the land. The supreme knowledge of the universe. You know everything. So mesmerize us a little bit. I won’t even ask for a modern day miracle. Just stay up for three weeks and don’t sleep. Do something as simple as that. This is the problem I have with individuals that criticize religion. If they don’t believe in a higher power, that’s their right. But to criticize others, because they think that their blood and tissue is the greatest thing ever, shows how small and insignificant you are. Believe whatever you want. More power to you . But don’t go around acting like you have supreme knowledge, and basically making yourself for God because of your infinite intelligence.
@MaleINTP Жыл бұрын
The people that act as if they have supreme knowledge are the religious people that claim to be able to ether talk to a supreme beeing, be able to understand it's desires or claim to act in it's place... The ones that indoctrinate their kids into belief are you guys... The ones that threat them with eternal torture are you guys... The ones that try to get political power to yourselves under the belief of a "divine mandate" are you guys... The ones that claim moral superiority on the grounds of "divine perfect morality" are you guys... The ones that claim to know the "purpose" of the universe or the "purpose" of life are you guys... The ones that try to change laws in favor of what you believe in without consideration for those that don't believe and say things like "this is a Christian nation" are you guys... The ones denying basic science in favor of old superstition are you guys... The ones that shun your kids or execute them (depending on the religion) are you guys.... And the list goes on. The ones who claim moral superiority and pretend to be under the influence of the most powerful force possible are you... There is no greater arrogance than this The entire idea that "atheists have to keep it to themselves but we must evangelize" is nothing but hypocrisy... Take your kids out of church and religious schools and let them make their own choices first... Then you can say that you're not forcing anything down anyone's throat
@Ed-of1jo 6 ай бұрын
@@MaleINTPyou could to, if you just 🌈“asked”🌈 😮 Whaaaaaat Nooo way 😂 You have to be genuine tho, the same way you are about your religion that you can’t prove But claim or maybe you do believe, that the “scientists” have all the answers But DR. James Tour and A LOT of scientists would disagree That’s why it’s your religion, and you don’t really understand it either, or you would be able to explain it in your own words instead of sounding like text book 😂 It’s ok, it’s not personal, just facts