El Gato Azul TV is about catching Big Blue Catfish, family, friends, good vibes, and respecting the big fish we love to catch. If these are things your about then welcome aboard. We do trip videos, live stream catfishing from our boat, and how-to videos as well.🍀🍀🍀
Mad Katz ProStaff
Smackdown Rod Holders Sponsored Angler
Parks Planer Board Sponsored Angler
Demon Dragons Pro-Staff
MulTbar Field Staff
Nic’s Knacks Custom Bait Boards Pro-Staff
Carolina Lake Weight Pro-Staff
Minotaur Hooks Field Staff
[email protected]facebook.com/groups/803957760535287/
Channel Support and Merchandise paypal.me/ElGatoAzul?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US