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@elahn7 күн бұрын
This should have 1billion views!
@АльпфорумСПБ14 күн бұрын
My Top
@tiffanyquinn64315 күн бұрын
This is sooo beautiful thank you for sharing ❤
Very impressive .. so far beyond ahead of their time . Brilliant 👏 noise opera 👏 bravo 👏 🙌 😊
@Ithro-IthrozovichАй бұрын
I remember catching Igorrr at Copenhell a couple of years ago. These two cops were looking at the stage and shaking their heads after a couple of minutes of the gig. They kept taking a couple of steps, as if they were about to leave, but 40 minutes later, they were only like 2 meters away from where they started.
@kevinmarcotte9086Ай бұрын
que du génie et du talent brut, je vous écoute en boucle ainsi que Corpo Mente encore bravo !
@martinlischke4520Ай бұрын
Why you copying the video?
@popflorin1000Ай бұрын
Dear bamby god ! I salute you people!
@lexuslord2600Ай бұрын
Этони с чем не сравнить...
@thorkellofnamdalen4382Ай бұрын
Holy sheeeit❤❤❤
@veredasveredas9094Ай бұрын
Incrivel, no words....so many years in music i never expected to have a mesmerising surprise like this.....
@liamchevalier16272 ай бұрын
incredible ! but please corpo mente again too <3
@richardbeare112 ай бұрын
This is so cool.
@KryspinBieniek47602 ай бұрын
@ericschrdr2 ай бұрын
absolutely insane - can't even wrap my head around your creative process, love it
@drewtabori84472 ай бұрын
People :- You need to think outside the box... Igorrr :- I AM THE BOX! THERE IS NO BOX! YOU ARE A BOX! ARRRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!
@moosenman64112 ай бұрын
@WhatIsAmadillo3 ай бұрын
Who would have thought that you could get such beautiful sounds out of the fucking head of a propane canister
@albaystar3 ай бұрын
I hope i could play this guitar part.
@CasaNovaLentin3 ай бұрын
Igorrr and Spirit Box
@oleksandrlukach10533 ай бұрын
Давно я такого не слухав ,сподобалось .
@JCurcio3 ай бұрын
In all seriousness, I've yet to find music that better represents my default mental mode than Igorrr
@KC_rocka3 ай бұрын
wow this is so cool and so different to other metal
@andrewlecouteurbisson72173 ай бұрын
I 'm not a fan of metal in general but Laure's vocals are sublime. Another example of where beautiful music transcends genres.
@iknowyoureright85643 ай бұрын
Someone get el stepario to cover this! 😂
@thegmork39444 ай бұрын
@FROZENbender4 ай бұрын
top3 IGORRR song easily. I fucking love it
@Borisz724 ай бұрын
@eldeberryhamster4 ай бұрын
I love male extreme vocals, but the screaming of the former male vocalist was just annoying. Everything else is just perfection!
@eldeberryhamster4 ай бұрын
What a masterpiece! It it seldom one finds an album where every single song is perfection, but I think this might be it.
@Diegocarrasco154 ай бұрын
great video
@weaint-d8g4 ай бұрын
holly fuck thats amazing m so invested
@WIZART984 ай бұрын
To say that Igorr is a metal band is a disservice to their eclectic creativity in meshing different sounds with other diurnal objects to make what can possibly be called spiritual sounds.
@J8T3694 ай бұрын
I like the way the guy smokes a cigarette while welding near.the end.
@72design835 ай бұрын
Makita Angle Grinder is the best instrument for setting metal on fire.
@thatdude90295 ай бұрын
We are all delightfully insane.....to appreciate this. Truly.
@annaman43756 күн бұрын
We are all incredibly lucky... to appreciate this. Truly.
@thatdude90295 ай бұрын
Igorrr should do an album with Dethklock! I would pay for that.
@mattkolbinsky61785 ай бұрын
Just saw Igorrr at Tons of Rock in Oslo; they were unique and incredible!
@J8T3695 ай бұрын
I love this.
@aktino5015 ай бұрын
HHAHHAA /// ... OK !!! ^^... :)
@hassanghori55325 ай бұрын
0:52 - 0:59
@toiletdeepdiver91255 ай бұрын
Scheisse Ich komm nicht klar...........Wie Geil Iss Das Denn.....................
@sator6666665 ай бұрын
Commodore C64 !!!
@o-o29045 ай бұрын
For my whole life music never satisfied me. but this does😮