Bfbb Rehydrated ps5 in 56:48 woo!!
@michaelbennett7561 2 сағат бұрын
If the Book of Mormon is not true, and is a fabrication, would it be able to lead people to Christ? One early member of the church, when first introduced to the Book of Mormon, said: “That book was either written by God or the devil, and I am going to find out who wrote it.” He read it through twice in the next 10 days and then declared, “The devil could not have written it-it must be from God.” I don't think the devil has any interest in bringing people closer to Christ. If the Book of Mormon were a work of fiction, then Joseph Smith would be an incredible liar and fraud. The devil, who is the father of all lies, would be its author.
@ChrisTheCasual 2 сағат бұрын
@@michaelbennett7561 cartoon books and other books have led people to christ that are children's books fantasy books and many other books
@ChrisTheCasual Сағат бұрын
@michaelbennett7561 like narnia people that have read narnia a fantasy book tells their story how it has lead them to christ because it has alot of Christianity inside the book
@janicemartinez116 5 сағат бұрын
Awesome, you're learning about our family. Listen to "Unshaken" to help explain the gospel, this is the long version and "Come follow me" is the short version about 30 mins. Always remember learning about Heavenly Father is enternal learning. Keep an open mind and never get yourself in paradox box, or get tunnel vision. Never get caught up in judgement. Create a man cave (comfortably furnitures) in your house. Where you can learn and study and beautiful music. Always rebuke evil under your breath, no matter where you are. Always ask for forgiveness. Always talk to your angel. Always pray and talk to our father in heaven. You are everything to God. Stumbling is part of our human nature. Get up and continue. Pray, pray. Rebuke rebuke. Keep moving forward. May God bless you with the Holy Ghost. Your best friend is Heavenly Father.
@patriciastowe9737 9 сағат бұрын
I love you for sharing this Chris .. thank you .. I’m so glad you understand & can warn others. .. being a grandmother of many children it is my hope that parents of young children realize the dangers of these things .. There is much that is beautiful & good in this world but we all must know of the darkness too & not be ignorant. Let us all press on in the work of the Lord & not be deceived.. Thank you again Chris. ❤️
@ChrisTheCasual 9 сағат бұрын
@@patriciastowe9737 thank you for watching!
@jesuschristlives2724 10 сағат бұрын
I love the Book of Mormon, especially the part about Jesus Christ visiting the natives.
@steez54321 10 сағат бұрын
Hey Chris you said you don't believe the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Was there something you read that you found untrue in the Book of Mormon?
@ChrisTheCasual 9 сағат бұрын
@steez54321 its mainly the history side of things none of the cities or the people it talks about have been found and the claim it was restores and translated from reformed Egyptian the language doesn't even exist
@ChrisTheCasual 9 сағат бұрын
@steez54321 there is other historical evidence out there that just shows it isn't true like the book of Abraham that Joseph Smith also translated but other people have actually translated it and it matches up with nothing at all what joseph smith said in his translation
@jakeave 22 сағат бұрын
Awesome reading! 2 Nephi chapter 2 is the thing of legends. It's interesting to compare it to some early christian writings or the Apocalypse of Moses. I think it suggests that the Brass plates that Nephi and Lehi were reading probably had more books or different versions than what we have today. The pronunciation is totally fine 😄
@PossumPunx Күн бұрын
Man can’t even get a real religion and has to go with biblical fan fiction
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@PossumPunx I'm not a member of the lds i only believe in the bible but nice try being a troll
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@PossumPunx many try but sadly for you it doesn't work around here you might have a better reaction on someone else's channel
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@@PossumPunx you should also post comments and give me views on my gaming channel christheretroguy thanks!
@PossumPunx Күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual it’s gotta be rough if you’re counting on my views :)
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
Well you commented again so you just gave me another thank you brother and i dont follow religion i follow jesus ​@PossumPunx
@cindimonks5661 Күн бұрын
Oh my gosh! My children were never allowed to play this in our home. They are now grown, and hate it. THANKFULLY, but i had NO idea it was this bad oh thank you Chris! ❤
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@cindimonks5661 you're welcome i say it wouldn't be this bad if it was for adults or 15+ but for a children's game this is a big no tbh
@cindimonks5661 Күн бұрын
I so admire you Chris, for doing this with your whole heart, to know! on KZbin no less! As you continue to read, you will find it easier and the pronunciation easier to understand. Heavenly Father only asks that we try, and you are! Every day. Bless you for your efforts and i will be praying for you and your understanding that Christ DID visit this continent after his resurrection to the descendants of the jaredites, did he not say in the Bible "other sheep I have that are not of this fold, it only makes sense that there were other people on the earth (northern continent) that NEEDED his message just as much as the israelites of the Bible. They knew nothing about Jesus Christ, for he was on his mission to sacrifice ALL and be resurrected so we may all be able to live together in his mansion forever! Bless you! ❤
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@cindimonks5661 we have his message the bible new testament is jesus message
@Kwahls Күн бұрын
During the chapter 4 verse 25 nephi said that he had a sacred experience and shown a vision but also told that he shouldnt write them for some reason we don't know. Maybe he was shown more than our faith is willing to believe and understand or something 🤔
@michaelbennett7561 Сағат бұрын
Yeah, sometimes God tells prophets things which are for the benefit of the prophet, but which they are forbidden to tell others because the world is not ready to hear it.
@Kwahls Күн бұрын
Amen! I love that 2 nephi 4. I love the verse he talks about not putting his trust in man but only in God. You're on the right path, brother!
@michaelbennett7561 Күн бұрын
I love computer/video games too. But we have rules as to what sort of games we allow, such as no M rated games. Computer games, even non M rated games, for me, truly are my biggest struggle in life. They are, more than anything else, the thing that keeps me from spending the time I need to spend with my family. I need to be much better at spending less time on games and more time doing the things I know God wants me to be doing. I need to beyter prioritize my time towards those things which are truly important. Computer games are fun, and in moderation are fine, but not if the gaming causes me to neglect the more important things in life, which I have been guilty of.
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@michaelbennett7561 truth man nothing but truth but my issue with fortnite is not because it's m rated it isn't it's rated for children 13+ but adding selling health to mephisto aka satan of marvel comics is very wrong
@theneedler5625 Күн бұрын
I think horror games or horror elements in games should not be targeted towards children, thank you for bringing this up
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
Exactly brother
@LouAnnAdair Күн бұрын
Wow! Thank you so much for bringing out this information. It is indeed not for children. 😢 yes, use the holy spirit to guide you, adult or children. Thanks again !
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@LouAnnAdair i say its okay for adults but def not for kids this should not be in a kids game what so ever
@chyhodgson7726 Күн бұрын
I think it is very cool that you are speaking out about this. We don't play fortnite in our house, being raised on Nintendo we are all Zelda and Pokemon (the new Zelda game is adorably wholesome and has incredibly positive messaging for young boys and girls). But its good to be on the lookout for things. Keep following the spirit!
@ChrisTheCasual Күн бұрын
@@chyhodgson7726 zelda oot and majors mask are amazing majoras mask is way more dark tho just note if you ever play it
@vincentorr507 2 күн бұрын
I always had a testimony of Jesus Christ, even as a kid. But I did go through a secular period of my life in my 20s for about four years where I was very kind of agnostic. My dad invited me to go back to church and my testimony reignited. It’s all through the power of the Holy Ghost.
@ChrisTheCasual 2 күн бұрын
@@vincentorr507 dude that's freaking awesome
@AbrahamicAstronomy 2 күн бұрын
Great reading! My answer to your question: I came to accept Jesus as my Savior by hearing powerful testimony of Him from living prophets and apostles and from past prophets and apostles testifying of His divinity in scripture (Bible & BoM) and the Holy Spirit confirmed these witnesses to me personally so that I wanted to enter into covenant relationship with Him, to follow Him, and become more like Him and always keep His commandments and walk with Him.
@ChrisTheCasual 2 күн бұрын
the holyspirit is a powerful thing isnt it!
@dcarts5616 2 күн бұрын
I love second Nephi Chris you light up the same way I do every time I read it. I think the only thing that happens is people think that because it has the Isaiah chapters that it’s confusing but it really is some of the sweetest stuff that we’ve got in the Book of Mormon, especially chapters 1-12 and 26 -33 are really beautiful. Thanks for reading Chris.
@ChrisTheCasual 2 күн бұрын
@@dcarts5616 yeah it's sad Lehi passes away tho
@annam7927 2 күн бұрын
I’ve stopped watching your channel because I can’t fill my head with things that preach against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. It’s just not good for me. I’ll check in from time to time to support your journey. Good luck and God speed. Please know that you have time to figure it all out. I just need to be careful about what goes into my mind.
@ChrisTheCasual 2 күн бұрын
@annam7927 i never went against the church just stated that I believe the bible is the only book I need to follow and I'm comfortable with that but it's okay to not watch my channel if you don't agree with it
@ChrisTheCasual 2 күн бұрын
@@annam7927 I also wouldn't watch someone if I didn't agree with what they say
@dawnspage5091 2 күн бұрын
Yes, Joseph was called of God. But heavenly father and Jesus Christ and the holy spirit set him apart to restore the gospel back onto the earth again
@dawnspage5091 2 күн бұрын
Joseph Smith wasnt the founder my dear, Christ is. Joseph Smith was an instrument and disciple in his hands. Hence our name; The church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints
@ChrisTheCasual 2 күн бұрын
@dawnspage5091 one thing you should know is i don't believe in the gospel the book of mormon teaches or what joseph smith teaches the only gospel i believe is the gospel of the bible but I am supportive of your religion and beliefs
@00Fisher00 2 күн бұрын
2 Nephi 2 is one of the best chapters of scripture. We exist to have joy! And we are free to choose joy and liberty and eternal life by doing God's will (or in other words, by following His excellent advice, because in His wisdom He knows what will work out best for us) or to choose something else. It is very powerful for me, and I'm glad you like it so much also.
@DisipleofYoshoa 2 күн бұрын
Second, Nephi is a great book. I don’t find it that confusing really. The Isaiah quotes are really important for our day. Keep reading bud.
@michaelbennett7561 3 күн бұрын
A thought I have had recently is, what do you understand the word "salvation" to mean? What does it mean to be "saved"? Is it a binary saved/not saved thing, or do you think there are different levels of salvation? Can a person go from being saved, to being not saved, to being saved again? In other words, is salvation a permanent condition, What des a person need to do or become in order to be saved? Are there any conditions, actions, or character attributes a person must do or have to be saved? Are some people saved, and others not saved? It says in the Book of Mormon that you just read that salvation is free. In what way is it free? Is it freely given to all unconditionally? Or is salvation free inthe sense that we all are free to choose to live so that we can qualify for salvation, through a combination of our own efforts and the grace of Christ allowing us to repent and be forgiven? Is salvation merely a place we go after this life? Or is it a state of being that we attain, a change in our character? Or both? Where is the line drawn between a person who is saved or not saved? I think that a lot of people have not thought very deeply about what it means exactly to be saved, what we need to do to be saved, and I wanted to know your thoughts on the subject.
@michaelbennett7561 3 күн бұрын
Apologies for the many typos, it happens when I post from my phone!
@ChrisTheCasual 3 күн бұрын
@michaelbennett7561 well if you believe in the bible salvation is accepting jesus christ as your lord and savior with a sincere heart not just saying it but actually doing so
@AwakeAndAscend 3 күн бұрын
Next time your “randomly” reading scripture, open up to third Nephi chapter 9, and start reading verse 12 through the end of the chapter. It’s absolutely life-changing. It is the place in the book where, after great earthquakes, fires, and major destruction, the remaining people hear a voice out of heaven. Absolutely the most important doctrine we could understand and if you want the full version of that doctrine read second Nephi, chapter 31 and 32 also third Nephi chapter 11. I can’t wait till you get to these chapters! But it won’t hurt to jump ahead and at least read a little of it now!
@ChrisTheCasual 3 күн бұрын
@AwakeAndAscend why the quotations around random i really do just open to a random page and whatever verse i see first I read
@CommanderParatus 3 күн бұрын
​@ChrisTheCasual I think they have randomly in quotations as they are giving you an exact set of verses to read, saying that if you just so happen to turn to those verses "randomly" that would be cool. I don't think they were saying that you don't choose a random verse. 😄
@ChrisTheCasual 3 күн бұрын
@@CommanderParatus oh that makes sense lol I was confused
@joaoguilherme9671 3 күн бұрын
Its impossible to truly read the Bible and keep being Mormon.
@primafacie5029 3 күн бұрын
I respect the sincerity and honesty. Keep on keeping on.
@vincentorr507 3 күн бұрын
2nd Nephi is good stuff. The book of Isaiah quotes. I recommend reading it, but don’t feel bad if you don’t understand a lot of it
@l.chrisjones7775 3 күн бұрын
The punctuation guide might be near the back of the Book of Mormon near the index
@ChrisTheCasual 3 күн бұрын
@l.chrisjones7775 oh yeah i know about it's just that my mouth and brain doesn't like to work together sometimes ha
@margynelson7945 3 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasualYou’re amazing just to be reading it in the first place!
@nashmcintosh2578 3 күн бұрын
Chapter 1 is a recap, but it’s also prophecy of the Europeans coming to this continent and scattering the natives.
@ChrisTheCasual 3 күн бұрын
@@nashmcintosh2578 ahh okay thank you
@nashmcintosh2578 3 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual your welcome
@ChrisTheCasual 3 күн бұрын
I know i messed up pronouncing words and stuff but its super early in the morning forgive me lol
@AceTWW 4 күн бұрын
Love to hear this! Member love from Florida 🍊
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@AceTWW dude that's awesome how's living in Florida I went to disney world a couple years ago there it was epic
@AceTWW 4 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual No seasons, there’s summer, hotter summer, summer, then cooler summer
@AceTWW 4 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual Disney is within driving distance, a lot of people around here just have annual passes and of like once a month lol
@AceTWW 4 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual Not enough temples, but there’s an open house for the Tallahassee Temple in November!
@AceTWW 4 күн бұрын
Lots of hurricanes… we literally had Helene and then Milton 2 weeks later
@timwrightfamily740 4 күн бұрын
I pray that you don’t take this the wrong way, I truly don’t want to be contentious and I love your honesty. But I have these two burning questions for you that I had to deal with. number one. How could Joseph Smith claim so many visions and revelations from God, without being a complete demon possessed fraud if he’s not a prophet? And then produce the book of Mormon in 65 working days packed with “truth bombs“ leading people to Jesus Christ? Satan would never say believe in Christ, trust in Christ, give your life to Christ, keep the commandments of God, strip yourself of all pride, worship, and pray day and night, give up the natural man etc etc. Number two. How could Russell M. Nelson be a man of God if he claims to be a prophet of God, and claims to receive revelation for the church, and bear solemn testimony that this is Jesus Christ’s restored church on earth and the only church that has the priesthood restored? He have to be a man of God or a false profit demon. CS Lewis had a great line where he said that Jesus Christ is either the son of God and Divine or the sort of man who thinks he’s a poached egg. There is no in between. I really do enjoy your honesty and that’s why I think you could help me understand your position because you are not obsessed with any ideology just a truth seeker.
@michaelbennett7561 4 күн бұрын
Regarding your comment on how you don't believe a person can fall from grace, the LDS church definitely does teach that this can happen. There are many scriptures I could point to that talk about the possibility of falling from grace, both in the New Testament and Book of Mormon. One scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants says it most explicitly when it says in D&C 20:32-33 "But there is a possibility that man may fall from grace and depart from the living God; Therefore let the church take heed and pray always, lest they fall into temptation;" I do know of people who at one point had a strong testimony of the Gospel. They accepted Christ, repented, and believed they had been "saved". But then something happened in their lives, maybe they became overconfident or too sure of their salvation, maybe they became complacent and stopped doing the things which originally had given them their testimony. At some point, they started justifying sin and doing things they ought not to do. They even fell away and denied their originally testimony. They go from faithful church members, to smoking, drinking, gambling, committing adultery, and all other sorts of sins. Their end condition was worse than their beginning condition. They are in a condition like the man Christ warned of in Matthew 12:43-45, where he said: "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." Would something like that qualify as "falling from grace"? Or does falling from grace mean something different to you? Do you believe that a person, once saved, is always saved, no matter what they do after that point?
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@michaelbennett7561 no I would not say that at all Grace is God's gift once you have it you can't lose it no matter what you do how bad of a sin you make Jesus can always forgive but God's grace is a gift from him to us once you have it you can't fall from it or lose it
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@@michaelbennett7561 saying that you can fall from grace is saying you lose God's love
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@@michaelbennett7561 and if you can lose Gods love than he really doesn't love all his children and shows favoritism
@michaelbennett7561 4 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual When I say people can fall from grace, I don't mean they lose God's love. God loves us all, whether we repent or not, whether we are saved or not. But just because he loves us, does not mean that we will not suffer the penalties for sin, especially if we once were close to God and then fell away. To use the common phrase, God loves the sinner, but not the sin. It is not God that leaves the sinner. It is the sinner that leaves God. When we sin and reject God, the punishment we receive is a natural consequence of disobedience. We become incapable of receiving the gift of salvation that God wants to offer us through our choice to sin. The Book of Mormon states that Christ will not save people in their sins, but will save them from their sins (See Alma 11:37, and also Helaman 5:10-11). In other words, when we are unrepentant (when we are in our sins) and refuse to turn to God, even Christ's atonement cannot save us. The blessings of the atonement only apply to those who choose to turn to him, accept him as their savior, and keep his commandments to the best of their ability. But once we repent, he can and will save us from our sins. Falling from grace is not losing God's love, but it is disqualifying ourselves from God's blessings.
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@michaelbennett7561 dude gods grace is love God's grace is a gift and once you are given a gift from God you cannot lose it God's grace is given freely people don't earn it you don't gotta work for it once you have it it doesn't go away you can't fall from it
@Shtinamin 4 күн бұрын
Your spiritual journey is going to be amazing! When you said “it can lead people closer to Christ”, do you truly believe that? To me that sounds like a testimony of The Book of Mormon. When you say “that is a man of God”, to me it sounds like a testimony that Russell M Nelson is a prophet of God. And yes, when we speak of Christ we will feel the Spirit, always.
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@@Shtinamin no many men can be a godly man or a man of God and i do have a testimony that the book of mormon is a good book but I don't believe it's true
@Shtinamin 4 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual May I ask what being a godly man or a man of God means to you? And may I ask what kind of testimony of The Book of Mormon were you looking for? Physical evidence, spiritual reassurance, etc.
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@@Shtinamin somewhat follows God and not worldly things
@marisajohnson2958 4 күн бұрын
Dude. The arc of your story is fantastic. You just went from satanism to being a firm believer in Jesus Christ. And so passionate. So devoted to Him. And being supportive of so many beautiful faiths at the same time. You're like a natural interfaith minded person. High five dude! I'm an interfaith-er. My mom's an interfaith-er. And you friend, you'd be a great one. In fact you're doing it right now! Good on ya! Also really cool to hear you figuring out what you think and believe. This is me high fiving you on your journey! Thanks for letting us be part of it!
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@marisajohnson2958 yeah it's been a wild journey but I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at now and interfaither I've never heard of that before and its awesome that your mom is one I think it's great to learn about all faiths
@marisajohnson2958 4 күн бұрын
@@ChrisTheCasual Yeah it really is cool. Interfaith, to me, is about knowing yourself and what you believe, and being able to high five others in their beliefs also. As you said "Brothers and sisters in Christ." In my opinion, it's a fantastic way to live life.
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@@marisajohnson2958 oh yeah that's yeah that sums it up perfectly
@TheMoonlitSaint 4 күн бұрын
The most important thing is Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Light, and the Truth. You are building on that, and that is amazing. I happen to believe The Book of Mormon is the word of God and it's ok that you don't. I'm just glad you are committing to reading the entire thing. Thank you!
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@TheMoonlitSaint thank you me a watch i do appreciate it
@nullwsl1279 4 күн бұрын
Pure honesty, I like that, you're awesome man, hope you find what you're looking for.
@ChrisTheCasual 4 күн бұрын
@nullwsl1279 nah you're awesome man
@leilettesartoga7276 5 күн бұрын
I intentionally watched the videos before reading the comments because I didn't want any give-aways! :-) It sounds like you are in a great place and focused on the right things. You faith journey continues to inspire. Faith is funny. Sometimes all we have is faith to rely on when we face those things we don't understand and not only does it feel like enough - it feels spiritually sufficient. Other times, having to rely on faith doesn't feel like it's enough to sustain a testimony. My quest this year was supposed to be an inquiry into why we need faith. Why must things be done by faith? I've a few answers but not the a-ha I was hoping for (but also I haven't dived into my question as well as you have approached you questions). I still feel I'll level up in my understanding. I just don't know when. Sometimes our answers come to us in unexpected ways and in unexpected timing. I appreciate your upfront honesty! Keep on keeping on.
@00Fisher00 5 күн бұрын
Honesty paired with kindness is a powerful combination. I don't think you're being brutal. I'd say we mostly just hope the same thing for you that we hope for everyone else, including ourselves: that we keep learning. It's okay to believe something one day but believe something else later if we find good reason for it, and revelation from God is the best reason for believing anything. We hope that sometime relatively soon you will receive a witness from God about those things you mentioned. Again, from Proverbs 3:5, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." I agree that it's great to learn about other people's beliefs. Of course, we're not going to share every belief, but we enjoy life more and accomplish more with greater understanding of other people. For now, you may still drink tea from time to time, but I like it that you demonstrated to yourself that you can easily do without it and feel fine. That means that when you do come to a conviction that God really does want you to abstain from it, it won't be one of the challenges for you. Thank you for being respectful.
@ChrisTheCasual 5 күн бұрын
@@00Fisher00 yeah I'm always willing to learn more and more and I'll be going to the lds church yet again Sunday this Sunday so yeah more to learn always more and more
@ChrisTheCasual 5 күн бұрын
@@00Fisher00 I love it I'm also in a much better place now personally so that's good
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
I'm here as your sister in gospel
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
Take your time Chris. Please 👸
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
I would love to help answer any questions for you. I went through seminary and me and sam norton were the two remaining tht stayed. We never gave up. Try and learn to love it and give yourself time.
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
Try hot chocolate instead of tea. Thts wht i drink dear. You can also have coca cola. Ive never had desire for tea. Just try alternatives dear. Soften your heart
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
Be bold christ and take time. Youre rushing your conversion. Pray with patience and love. Hearken and listening are different. Try and listen with your heart. You will be touched in a way tht resinates with you. Only your heavenly father knows wht tht is. God bless you my dear friend. Take your time.
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
Its because another church has been telling you incorrect things abt us
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
Stuck how? Why cant you be patient and focus. Humble yourself chris.
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
Darling, youve been mis taught. Try and give it more chance. I pray your heart will be softened.
@dawnspage5091 5 күн бұрын
We can fall from grace, repentance is daily. And also we can speak confidentially to our bishop
@By_Their_Fruits 4 күн бұрын
I would not call it a fall from grace, grace is a free gift for everyone who believes, to me it’s more like a turning away from grace, the beautiful thing being you can turn back. That doesn’t mean you can keep sinning (turning away) and come back every time- that’s going to make you DIZZY!!! So we try not to turn away. I believe no one can “fall” from grace.