@Brunoscaramuzzi Күн бұрын
I just want to know if I can bot this game for Dollars!!
@TheBrighterMan 21 сағат бұрын
haha i think its possible in most of these games to do that
@gwennnnnnnnnnnn 13 сағат бұрын
get a job
@Brunoscaramuzzi 11 сағат бұрын
I have a job. It is because I have a job that I dont want to work anymore
@prime6965 Күн бұрын
FYI those TODO's don't really mean anything. Programmers often use "TODO" as a marker to check something later in the code, it doesn't necessarily mean its something that needs to be done.
@TheBrighterMan 21 сағат бұрын
yeah it could very well be the case man
@neonmoon9205 2 күн бұрын
I like RS so much and Andrew decides to make this not an openworld + class based. Meh 😥 I will still try it out ofc, maybe he made it work but just off those two significant things alone I'm less hyped. As for releasing when expected I guess there's no way of telling.
@TheBrighterMan Күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment. Yeah I understand if that would put you of, we will just have to see I guess
@thommigen9628 4 күн бұрын
L take
@TheBrighterMan 3 күн бұрын
use your eyes and brain buddy
@TacettheTerror 4 күн бұрын
Think Andrew Gower has shown little as he never really needed to publicly share things prior to launching a project. RS classic simply existed, Funorb quite the same, as there was never really a period of time where things needed to be shown ahead of time. He doesn't feel the need to really share much asides what he is currently working on as in a way that is how it has always been. Even many RS1 and 2 news post were structured in this way. Playerbase wise it will never beat OSRS, but Brighter Shores does have the opportunity to beat RS3 and essentially become a RS4 in a sense, or even the true RS3 version as what is currently RS3 has become far removed from his influence and original vision.
@lingofearth2786 6 күн бұрын
Room to room games can be okay though, I like Albion online, it’s like large room to room
@mantasbartkevicius6495 7 күн бұрын
this video is about what? weirdo
@117rebel 7 күн бұрын
I hope this game turns out to be a lot of fun.
@RitzStarr 7 күн бұрын
Not gonna lie, I forgot wtf Brighter Shores is supposed to be. I thought it was some weird RS3 update.
@TheBrighterMan 6 күн бұрын
Haha I don't blame you man.
@jacobbarnett9956 8 күн бұрын
Reminder that hit EA game apex legends released fully complete the same day it was announced. Devs don't have to explain every mechanic to us before launch for it to be good. The fact his communicating at all is a great sign.
@TheBrighterMan 7 күн бұрын
Well I mean if you want to make comparisons I can give you a list of 100000 games or more in recent years that have completely failed on launch. I can also mention other games in the same genre that have not been released yet, that have provided way more gameplay footage than Brighter shores. It's not really an argument. I am not saying that people are entitled to know these things, but people definitely have the right to question Brighter Shores, especially when most of us don't really know how its going to play out with 0 gameplay footage.
@jacobbarnett9956 7 күн бұрын
@@TheBrighterMan you can name one hundred thousand games? Go on, I'll wait.
@TheBrighterMan 9 күн бұрын
This video might not be what you guys expect but even if I believe Andrew has good intentions and want to make a good game, there's a chance it might not go as planned. I will remain skeptical until we have seen footage that is worthy of being displayed.
@freezxng_moon 25 күн бұрын
after playing osrs for around 10k hours I owe it to the gower bros to at least try it.. i dont care that there is not much revealed about the game. At the end of the day i will try it and if its good its good, if its shit its shit and we move on lmao its not that deep. What worries me though is that they said its not tick based like osrs, which makes me think it might be too simplistic and not skillbased at all.. in which case its automatically shit.
@TheBrighterMan 25 күн бұрын
Yeah it will be interesting to see how the combat may play out
@TacettheTerror 28 күн бұрын
Never understood the graphics argument. Always personally preferred gameplay and overall feel of a game with little concern at all in art direction as long as it is visually readable. My main appeal for going all out with the game and making multiple accounts to play on simultaneously is that Brighter Shores is unlikely to ever die. Andrew Gower would support this passion project regardless of the playerbase outcome. I have tried so many games in the last decade that within a few years or less are completely shut down just a few years after launch. Brighter Shores will still be around a decade from now even if the player number never cracks 6 digits. In regard to RS/OSRS players not wanting another runescape, that can't be further from reality. Upwards of 95%+ of everyone even anticipating Brighter Shores right now are either current or past RS/OSRS players. I know even if I am going to play 6 Brighter Shore tabs at the same time I would still be clicking on the OSRS hardcore for 200m skills. And inversely if bossing on the OSRS account would still have the main Brighter Shore account grinding something on the side. And if doing something else unrelated to gaming would still have both afking something in the background.
@TheBrighterMan 28 күн бұрын
Thats nice to hear man, I pretty much agree that the graphics argument makes no sense but to each their own I guess
@lebobshark 29 күн бұрын
I think its going for a niche market and not attempting to be the next big MMO either. Its not going to attract everyone but I think alot of old MMO fans are going to enjoy it. I'm excited to try it out. I loved Runescape when I was young but its hard to play OSRS today since its so dated and Modern RS feels like an xp free for all.
@TheBrighterMan 29 күн бұрын
Could very well be the case.
@jcup9313 29 күн бұрын
Andrew already got his bag, I don't mind playing a passion game made by the guy who created the world that defined so many childhoods. What good is promotion if it's just to meet financial requirements. We know about it, if we like it then we share it.
@TheBrighterMan 29 күн бұрын
I see what you're saying, good point
@ishanroychowdhury6562 29 күн бұрын
My main issue is that as much hope i have for this game i would like more advertisements for it... Maybe Andrew will advertise later... Maybe even after beta testing or maybe even he wont advertise it like he never really advertised runescape much in the initial years? But the point is a game to have a player base needs advertising and the advertisement makes ppl form an opinion however wrong or right... Right now ppl are unable to form opinion on the game as theres not enough to go by. Im in a brighter shores discord server connected to the brighter shores subreddit and yet it doesn't even have 1k subs while other upcoming games have like 2k atleast? Also theres barely any communication from Andrew, he doesnt give weekly updates or anything which is also another reason why ppl are not forming an opinion which is making this game fly below the radar of ppl. Imo the game needs advertising conseidering its releasing in a few months to buildup hype and more updates from Andrew Great video as always dude
@TheBrighterMan 29 күн бұрын
Thank you brother, I totally agree with you and feel the same.
@TacettheTerror Ай бұрын
Personally feel like PvP should be kept a bit more minigame based initially. Runescape did this very well in the early days with things like Castle Wars, Fist of Guthix, and Stealing Creations. The way instances seem like they will work makes something like a wilderness equivalent and full loot PvP zones rather hard to replicate compared to more structured game modes that will likely be able to pull from all people queuing across all instances. Closest thing Brighter Shore's system would likely have is something like the OG RS Bounty Hunter system back in the day where getting player kills and staying in the high risk area longer yields greater rewards, but also makes the player increasingly more of a target. I know somewhat more recently Albion Online at launch was unbearable with how it handled PvP. Essentially any notable PvP enabled location would be locked down by a clan and the upper 10% of gear and material was essentially clan locked unobtainable by any solo player unless wanting to pay outrageously high amounts for it. The biggest concern with Brighter Shores having PvP would be every highest tier resource and boss being put in the PvP area. Runescape technically did this back in the day with runite ore and King Black Dragon, back when the wildy rocks were the only ones and KBD was the only boss. Doing the same in modern times will have 100+ clan teams locking down the entire area, or at least bot farms stripping down every possible instance as PvP areas would likely have a limited amount.
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
Very interesting, appreciate your insights on the topic! I could definitely see Brighter Shores have a BH system like RS
@ChristopherHarrison-qp2ix Ай бұрын
Given the room design it seems unlikely that you will be chasing someone long distance and freezing them and this kind of thing. Pvp will likely be room based if anything, unless they create some huge rooms for pvp
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
Yeah it would just be easier for them to do it that way as well
@CrazyBeardedGamer Ай бұрын
Another copy of Runescape? Ive never seen the first copy of Runescape. if this exists. Help an ironman out!
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
Haha fair point, there was Genfanad that recently shut down and then some other no namers that somewhat had the design of OSRS
@BrighterShoresCentral Ай бұрын
1:35 lmao
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
sound effects ftw
@BrighterShoresCentral Ай бұрын
Good video, nice to see you make a dedicated channel for Brighter Shores, we need more content creators :D
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
Hey man appreciate it, you keep it going with your channel as well, we like it!
@UseYourBrain00 Ай бұрын
Good to Know
@ishanroychowdhury6562 Ай бұрын
Ah explosives! We love us some violence in our mining xd
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
yeah pretty cool addition to the profession
@TheCooderix Ай бұрын
Remember that to find out which rock you were about to main in RS, you had to prospect it first. It makes sense that the gowers would add such a mechanic back into the game.
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
That's a fair point, although I never had to prospect ores later in the game if I remember correctly, unless it was rune essence?
you dont have to click the arrow to enter the other room. you just have to click on the floor. what happend in the clip is that an undiscovered room only appear as a small floor segment. but once you diacovered it they appear in their entirety, giving you more to click on.
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
That makes more sense, good to know brother
@ishanroychowdhury6562 Ай бұрын
YESSS!!!! we need MORE! more of this content!! Most definitely we need more brighter shores videos!!!
@triumphoverdeath Ай бұрын
Brighter shores looks like shit
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
damn elaborate brother, obviously doesnt have the best graphics
@tommy-qy9lp Ай бұрын
Osrs player here played rs3 stoped at 3,5b exp when 3oc and mtx took over literally can't wait for this as I maxed my main in osre and very close to max ironman I was thinking uim next but not anymore XD
@TheBrighterMan Ай бұрын
That's crazy impressive, I can definitely see you enjoy Brighter Shores if thats the case
@ishanroychowdhury6562 2 ай бұрын
I actually dont usually sub to channels, but for whatever reason i feel compelled to sub to you! keep up the good work mate! I like your scripting and how you're saying and even your pacing along with your placement of your topics. Your hashtags and Video title are on point too, hope to see your channel grow ! And hope to see more content from you soon! (no pressure, take your time though!) I also liked the gentle reminder at the end to like and subscribe My only suggestion would be to use background music that isn't always runescape related...it gets old quickly..theres a lot of nice free non copyrighted music out there, overall cant wait for more content from you and your editing seems amazing dude!!
@TheBrighterMan 2 ай бұрын
Thank you bro much appreciated! Noted!