Aaron King | Longevity Tech Tree Update
@jeffswigert Сағат бұрын
At 22:37, when Dr. Levin talked about change not being optional for organisms seeking to survive, the following came to mind: "The only hope, or else despair Lies in the choice of pyre [or] pyre-- To be redeemed from fire by fire. ... We only live, only suspire Consumed by either fire or fire." -- T.S. Elliot, "Four Quartets" /Little Gidding/ It was the part where he referred to the fact that only organisms that are willing to commit to change and adapt will persist, but, in the act of adapting they are no longer the same organism and therefore persisting unchanged is actually not possible. These ideas are just healthy for my brain to chew on. I just am grateful for the hope these advances give me for our future.
@WILLIAMMALO-kv5gz 3 сағат бұрын
"Turns out we were using the wrong prompt" Funny the same problem keeps cropping up with AI. To the point that prompt writing is becoming a profession. Fascinating video. Thanks Michael.
@richardg.lanzara3732 9 сағат бұрын
The mathematical origins may come from cellular receptors (see my book: Origins of Life's Sensoria").
@MrSly025 11 сағат бұрын
I don’t understand a word she’s saying. Is she from Australia?
@SunilDudia 18 сағат бұрын
Hi Michael Please read my note on QUORA on this topic please: ONE MENTAL STATE as in human beings or ONE COMMON_MENTAL_STATE TEST [Planarian, salamander, Starfish] : Sep-10-2024 sunildudia quora
@MilitantBimbo 22 сағат бұрын
Jumping for joy to see a new Prof Levin interview!! 🎉
@stevejordan7275 Күн бұрын
Either I forgot to hit COMMENT after typing out my response to this, or my comment got deleted...without explanation. (Which strikes me as poor sportsmanship.) Realise that "uploading" a mind works just like "uploading" a film. The film is scanned, frame by frame - at a resolution that might even allow the original film grain to be detected - and then assembled (and possibly edited) into a continuous stream of rapidly-presented stills (e.g., 30 frames per second, or 60 FPS, or whatever,) along with synched audio, giving the appearance of motion and life...depicting events (fictional or non-fictional.) What happens to the original celluloid is - at that point - irrelevant. (The reason we do this is not just so more people can see it (or - if you insist - buy a license to see it,) but so the deteriorative effects of time can no longer affect it. We can even "repair" it.) To upload a mind, a brain is scanned, probably at the neuronal or even molecular level so the processing of that brain (and the mind that results) can be simulated *in silica.* As of 2024, to get that kind of detail, we would likely need to perform a "destructive upload," wherein the brain must be removed and cut into sub-millimeter slices to obtain the required resolution. In this case, it should be obvious that the original brain has been destroyed as thoroughly as if one had been too close to an explosion. But the scan will be of such fidelity that the brain processes (as well as the neuronal connections that allow for thoughts to propagate) can be simulated of that brain at the time of upload. But our brains are constantly changing. Some of these changes are not desirable, others are required for us to live and experience life. And - speaking as someone with decades of experience in IT - the way one "moves" a file from one device to another (HDD, ODD, FDD, SSD, NVME, etc.) is to copy it to that new location (meaning there are - at least until the copy can be verified to be of sufficient fidelity - two copies of that file,) and then the original is deleted. Let me repeat that, just so there's no chance of missing it: The original is deleted. If we were to scan your brain with enough fidelity to recreate you *in silica,* then there'd be a copy of you in that digital VR world. But you would still be here in regular reality, a process running on your brain, entirely dependent upon your body's ongoing health. You could even have a conversation with it, and it would probably be confused about how you were still in the real world. (In truth, I would be inclined to treat this entity as a sapient being, with all the rights that one would otherwise have, though only in the VR world it inhabits. An upload of a government official would not have the real-world authority to make decisions, or to carry out actions on its own in the real world. Bear in mind that this is all very unfortunate; if uploads (meaning a full mind-transferral, not mere copying) were possible, it would be an easy path to immortality. As it is, I think it would only allow for us to keep up relationships with people who have died either because they had a copy made before they died, or because an AI-powered simulation had been made of that person, using all the available data about them. I would truly love to be wrong about this, but I daresay I think you are wasting your time on it until we can at least proof-of-concept a technology that would make it actually possible. Any upload now is - regrettably - merely a golem.
@calmlittlebuddy3721 Күн бұрын
Michael might be the most important scientist/philosopher of our time. If what he is working on is applicable to humans alone would be a leap forward into a new age of possibilities. But even if not, his ideas may change computer learning, or philosophy, theory of mind. Just brilliant.
@MilitantBimbo 22 сағат бұрын
Couldn’t agree more
@faster-than-light-memes Күн бұрын
'Tumor cells stop contributing to the grandiose construction projects like muscles and so forth.' This is such Dan Dennett thing to say. This work is pushing bio philosophy forward in fascinating ways.
@RogueElement. Күн бұрын
It's hard to watch dr.Michael with all the orgasms he induces within my cells😭❤️😈😂
@dompsterfire Күн бұрын
This whole topic is explored to a great degree in the video game Cyberpunk 2077
@stevejordan7275 Күн бұрын
And Altered Carbon. And the fanfic "Friendship is Optimal."
@DirtyLifeLove 2 күн бұрын
So strange and confabulated. Looking over the shards and making a reality
@marmosetman 2 күн бұрын
I read it as " A Genital Intervention"
@ThomasMeliWellness 2 күн бұрын
19:10 - Wow - Bow tie networks are structured exactly like autoencoders and seem to have the same function (You point this out at 24:00) - "compressing representations" and course-graining. Was that unintentionally biomimetic for the coders that created the architecture? Just one of the hundred fascinating things in this talk. Great work!
@VishalSachdev 2 күн бұрын
I heard a lot of the same language as you hear with LLMs. Latent space, memory , confabulation and more, though I imagine LLMs can’t access the same diversity in outputs as biological systems
@Renvoxan 2 күн бұрын
Michael Levin, the GOAT 🐐 I am a simple man - I see a video of him, I watch it
@wayneenosjr4747 5 сағат бұрын
He Simplifies some of the most hard to grasp aspects of biology and bioelectricity. His students are blessed with a teacher who can make a tough course into an adventure that they won't want to end. The future is bright and we will change and adapt or be left far behind! 🖖 Live long and help all agents prosper.
@gingerhipster 5 сағат бұрын
It's always a great way to learn something.
@sourabhdebnath4165 4 күн бұрын
Can we get a link to the longevity tech tree
@JoeCharlotte 5 күн бұрын
Martin Scott Jackson Sandra Moore Matthew
@brightpage1020 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for fast forwarding the formalities. Cheers to the content.
@jeffreysoreff9588 6 күн бұрын
This seems somewhat like a reset to 30 years ago, basically talking about how to get funding and coordination together. IIRC, there was a congressional level program (late 1990s?) that got diverted into the "broad advance" miscellaneous research and didn't advance nanomechanical systems. a) Am I remembering what happened back then correctly? b) How would we avoid a repetition of the same failure mode? c) Are there _technology_ advances since the 1990s that make this attempt look more viable at leading a sustained effect than the one in the 1990s? [This whole thing is enormously frustrating. $5 billion, on a national scale, is hobby-level funding. We could transform civilization for a fraction of the cost to get to the next silicon technology node, yet it never got directed, sustained funding.]
@s_s7214 6 күн бұрын
Significant funding for this research area is expected to increase rapidly as nations compete to advance in it. For example, the CHIPS and Science Act.
@jeffreysoreff9588 6 күн бұрын
@@s_s7214 I hope so. I thought the CHIPS act, (though useful!) was basically about conventional semiconductor technology, EUV photolithography and similar techniques, not atomically precise systems. Am I misunderstanding it?
@InfiniteUniverse88 7 күн бұрын
The main challenge to longevity is that the epigenetic clock is uniform among all tissues. If there had been more heterogeneity, then immunotherapy would be all that's needed to target the older cells. Indeed, if healthier and younger cells/tissues are introduced, the immune system will identify it as foreign and attack it. Therefore, immunosuppressants are necessary. Only then will gene therapy be effective. Immunotherapy must be used to kill stem cells because they identify older/unhealthy cells as self. Then radiation therapy can kill off other types of cells. Finally, stem cell therapy can be used to supply younger/healthier cells. After enough iterations, the immune system will redifine what's self. Then it will no longer be necessary to use immunosuppressants. A new protein-signalling paradigm will be in place. For residual old/unhealthy cells, memory b cells can be used to target them. This will only work when young/healthy cells predominate.
@aquaticape68 8 күн бұрын
Amazing presentation. Bunch of old guys clinging to the medieval idea of the veridicality of our senses. See Donald Hoffman.
@davidhoracek6758 9 күн бұрын
I've worked in education in all my life, mostly in the university setting. I'll probably always see it as a sacred thing. However, one big change in my thinking has to do with the human institutions that provide education. Earlier, they too felt like sacred things, but they no longer do. This came from my growing insight into just how maddeningly profane their internal workings are. Universities want to bask in the reflected glow of the sacredness of education, but instead they've cynically used it as a screen behind which to hide their corruption. There are many analogies between my view of universities and Martin Luther's view of the papal hierarchy: God is sacred, but the men who act in His name are often not even good. And I wonder if this is a generally useful way to think about reforming institutions that tread on sacred ground. Step one in reform is to acknowledge sacredness, but then to contrast our ideals with the fallen and profane motives of the concrete institutions that administer the sacred ground. That way we can attack the institutions while making clear that we're not attacking the abstract thing we can't help but to worship. Specifically in education that would look like an idealism-driven reform movement explicitly aimed at getting back to the big, pure, fuzzy, sacred goals, rather than some kind of techie solution for more efficiently segmenting, packaging, and delivering educational payloads.
@johannaquinones7473 11 күн бұрын
Man, Roman does not sugar coat his position. The only chance we have is IF he is wrong
@BarbaraTheElfe 12 күн бұрын
KZbin algorithm, you fail people. How come this is not pushed into people's feeds. User groups like, dunno, all women? ;) all men interested in longevity?
@aryius 12 күн бұрын
@fluddsskark 15 күн бұрын
tell brewster kahle to give me a job in internet archive
@lukemalaisrie5275 16 күн бұрын
Very Exciting!
@jo0ls 17 күн бұрын
David needs to switch the background for each talk. I can’t tell if I’ve seen this talk before.
@squamish4244 17 күн бұрын
If only these people knew what was coming in terms of AI in three or four years.
@Biohacker24 18 күн бұрын
Amazing presentation
@regolith1350 18 күн бұрын
This video is nearly unwatchable because of: 1) stuttering video with constant freezes & dropouts 2) terrible audio quality - it's so hard to make out what people are saying half the time 3) people talking over each other - the lag time exacerbates the problem, and the audio for both people gets distorted and garbled.
@lorenwoirhaye4687 18 күн бұрын
Aubrey has interesting ideas but this five year prediction has elapsed and I still doubt the tech he's talking about is going to be available in my lifetime.
@buttcube6085 19 күн бұрын
Does zubrin have poor hearing? My god
@angusmackaskill3035 19 күн бұрын
Something that can be proved
@Theodorus5 19 күн бұрын
This wasn't very good TBH...no new information at all
@LaughingHeart-ck9ho 20 күн бұрын
This fascinating discussion with Dr James Kirkland was back in April 2021. I would definitely like to see if we could revisit this subject with Dr Kirkland to see how the progress and latest understandings are today, 3 years later. I was diagnosed with an Autoimmune type of pulmonary fibrosis, called NSIP, with slowly appearing secondary Autoimmune manifestations, life Sjögren's syndrome, antisynthetase syndrome, mechanics hands syndrome, and possibly myositis. I'm 63 years old, within 5kg of my 25 year old body weight, never smoked, and always eaten a healthy, balanced diet of unprocessed fresh types of food. and reasonably fit considering my illness, my 6 minute walk test is 700 metres, any faster and I would be running, and my blood oxygen levels are now consistently 97 to 99, up from 92 - 94 when first diagnosed 1 year ago. I do high intensity interval training to push my lungs, and given the prognosis for fibrotic NSIP, I'm not waiting years for results, so I am hoping against hope and following all the recent scientific research, and treating myself with Senolytics, taken steady state and at quite high doses - Quercetin, Fisetin, Pterostilbene, Zinc, NMN (NAD+ activation) nicotinamide mononucleotide, and high doses of DHA oil, Docosahexaenoic acid at close to 6 grams of DHA daily (including EPA) for it's safe anti inflammatory effect, as well as general health benefits for older people. I won't know if my self treatment will help until I get my next Lung CT scan in March 25, one year out from the first one done earlier this year, and see if there has been any amelioration or fibrotic growth with my condition. I have enormous respect for people like Dr. Kirkland and his team because they have given me a sense of hope, with supplements that are available to me, only time will tell. I'm also following Dr Paul Noble at the Cedars Sinai Hospital Lab with his Labs research into PF, and that is with the Zinc, NMN and I've changed from Resveratrol to Pterostilbene because of it's much greater bioavailability and half life for its SIRTUIN Sirt1 activation as per the Noble labs research in getting the zinc to the cells for repair, and hopefully helps the ZIP8 (SLC39A8) the deteriorating zinc transporter in older people it seems. PLEASE do a follow-up as this information is helpful to many who are suffering from age related illnesses often cause by autoimmune response to inflammaging, most possibly cause by Senescent cell accumulating and SASP activity. Thank you for your great work, Enrico in Melbourne Australia.
@erikolsen6269 21 күн бұрын
The fact that a youtube video w Daniel hasnt got several thousands of likes tells a lot about the general public. Kinda sad. Props for interviewing Daniel Schmactenberger.
@FreelancerBillal39 21 күн бұрын
@stevenevers3316 21 күн бұрын
Pharmaceuticals, cancer and heart disease are the three top causes of death and now we want to replace the brain in search of immortality... interesting
@Oswaldfiveo 28 күн бұрын
What he has done is legendary! Such an adventurer and dedicated curious mind! GO AVI! 🕊️🛸👽🌊🪽💙
@TerraCalc123 28 күн бұрын
Good academic job. Nanorods of Al generating hot spots that irradiates,...in the technology of explosives it happens but here the time lapse is so big (months).... as in the earth climate there are some relevant variables that are not in the model. And 0.08 micrometers!!!, hope not to stay in mars when this is spreaded!!.
@RogerK9883 Ай бұрын
Send bots. Especially to the moon.
@korban007 Ай бұрын
Go NeoW, come on don’t BullSheeT me
@dorsajalaei5552 Ай бұрын
Well Done😍
@surangamadhaviesilva7572 Ай бұрын
Though sure hope godot being based ❤ should have been longer than expected and them are and what you think about this one is suburban and then you are doing well and staying in the😢🎉😮😅
@jessicadesbois6632 Ай бұрын
Tellement fière de Romain ✨
@PoliticalFelon Ай бұрын
The ancient Greeks learned a lot from Kemet
@bo7454 Ай бұрын
".. maybe life can have a happy ending" 😂
@MLFranklin Ай бұрын
Have not heard much from Vesta lately. I hope their research is going well.
@LG-qz8om Ай бұрын
The Host shouldn't cut his Guest as he does. Otherwise could be an interesting video.