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@EggwonREAL 29 минут бұрын
Anyone who plays Kelvin most definitely eats crayons
@yung784 42 минут бұрын
Puts miginnis in C tier and never mentions her wall in team fight lmao. She’s A tier for sure. Lash in B tier ???
@b4tskun Сағат бұрын
You didnt consider the big buff on rapid recharge for mcginnis
@sujo8880 Сағат бұрын
Great list but hard disagree on the Paradox tho. Since there's so much life steal and tanky builds, her burst dmg combo usually just isn't enough especially late game, and they just instantly heal back up after you hit your carbine, and if you miss (skill issue lol but so much movement in this game) you just have to afk for like 20 sec (8 if its late game) bc that's your only good dmg source. How her kit is designed to do dmg just doesn't work very well imo (Pulse grenade is laughable).
@anaveragebeverage1629 Сағат бұрын
It's so weird to me they are keeping Extra Charge items in the game and just nerfing the hell out of any character with charge abilities so it's a required item. Why not just remove that item and balance the characters? It's the same with Duration extender. Duration extender has been breaking characters, items, and builds making them nerf global CDs and reduce impactful duration effects like Yamato ult. Just remove the dumbass items instead of gutting every duration/ ability charge character and making them start the game with minus gold. Dumb as hell just to keep in "kind of interesting items" IMO. Every item should have a place in any build of that nature anyway. Extra Charges can't even be bought by most characters and Duration Extender is only good (on certain characters) if you put a bunch of conditionals and actives in your build. Instead of just removing the niche problem items, they have gutted all of the characters that use them, so they can keep their "cool idea" in the game. I hate it when devs are too attached to bad ideas because they seem "exciting" or "cool". Just make a game with characters that we can play with varying playstyles that isn't a complete dumpster fire in balance. That's literally all you have to do and deadlock will last a decade and make you a billion.
@Tatra3112 Сағат бұрын
What are you talking about? Lady geist is quite vulnerable laner but later she scales like crazy. Best splitpusher in the game.
@KN0VV 2 сағат бұрын
these were on point!
@bootoo 3 сағат бұрын
less bebop please 😴
@riceontopstew 3 сағат бұрын
This is such a healthy tier list for a competitive game
@JuiceBox000 3 сағат бұрын
Mirage gets a free wraith ult on his 1 while going invunerable, gaining bullet evasion and nutty damage. Seems balanced
@JuiceBox000 3 сағат бұрын
ALL my homies hate Kelvin
@Budor77 4 сағат бұрын
Miku been played in todays tourney already...
@UnknownKoza 5 сағат бұрын
I feel as though miriage could be an amazing spirit build team fighter. I have not tried gun build on him yet, but his pasive mixed with richochet and mystic reverb has been reallyyyyy good for me. improved burst duration extender etc. are really strong with his 3/passive. Combine this with his tornado which will pickup a whole team... Richochet hitting each and every one of them. You can get your passive stacks on each soo fast, and when you need a quick heal you just press three. only works of course if you have spirit lifesteal. I just think that he is an incredible spirit build for team fights specificly. this build is not great in 1v1 to 1v2/3 senarios. I will have to check out your gun build but spirit seems extremely viable in my opinion
@xristossjiero4583 3 сағат бұрын
The problem is you need many expensive items for that payoff and you Will never out damage wraith, infernus, haze with the same amount of items. His strong ability is his ult not his E. Global presence early means great ganks and easy soul urn. So buying good early items will help your team get the lead and allow actual hyper carries to come online faster. You won't ever out damage an infernus if you both have 40k souls.
@xypherath 6 сағат бұрын
I tried vindicta in two matches and I got shit on both of them, I hate her
@clonezy7800 4 сағат бұрын
Really? I always get 25+ kills with her. You need to keep poking and pressuring in early game, then farm once you get headshot booster and hollow point ward.
@lordcoy461 6 сағат бұрын
You are the first one I’ve seen cover this. His right click slide is so good lol
@SleepyPerson1 6 сағат бұрын
Wtf with the thumbnail 🗿🗿🗿
@kuchiki9936 6 сағат бұрын
Lady geist is A or S that shit is busted af. she's 100% getting nerfed next patch
@MrSlaughterrific 8 сағат бұрын
Been playing a lot of vindicta and I've been dominating in the early and mid game but I really struggle to get value in the late game. Anyone have any tips? It feels like I can't get anyone low enough to snipe. Is it a communication issue or is there some late game itemization or combo I should know about
@Nicole_whatsgood 8 сағат бұрын
Spirit ivy has always been one of my fav builds in the game. Is it great? Probably not but the wave shove, farming speed, and area denial with Mystic Slow and improved reach plus the buff is so fun. Gun ivy on the other hand feels dead after all the nerfs, no way she’s S Tier overall
@65rytg Сағат бұрын
Why not just play Lady Gheist, seems like spirit ivy but does way more dmg
@Nicole_whatsgood 23 минут бұрын
@@65rytg Eh, she’s a lot more damage but doesn’t have the slows and stuns and team buffing utility ivy has
@devar7502 8 сағат бұрын
Anyway, nerf kelvin
@slave_bender 8 сағат бұрын
I get that it's just an opinion, but a lot of it is based on too many "what ifs." Personally, I think Wraith is stronger than Paradox because of her skillset. Coming from LoL, I’m still getting used to this game’s cooldowns since I’ve only played about 50 games of Deadlock. But in my opinion, if a character forces multiple players to burn long cooldowns in exchange for their own 40-60 second ability, that’s not balanced. And you mentioned the "what if" scenario where they have certain cooldowns, but what if they don’t? You did the same with Paradox, saying IF she has a good team playing around her abilities, then she’s A-tier. But that could apply to almost any character in any game. To me, she’s strong but lacks carry potential, and putting her in the same tier as minor hyper carries seems crazy, considering she’s more of an assist bot with less playmaking ability than even Lash, who’s ranked lower. Too many "what ifs" and hypotheticals. Loved the video anyways!!
@AverageJonas 5 сағат бұрын
I think you have to remember that this isnt a carry potential tier list :) Some heroes are designed to 1v9 games, some are designed to enable your team. thanks for the feedback!
@ayouboubliha5172 8 сағат бұрын
I think wraith is an S tier hero in the right hand in a Solo lane. Like you said she is a lane demon. I watched a replay, I dominated a lane forced 3 rotations. And made huge nw lead for my team.
@randomname2366 8 сағат бұрын
Kind of wild to watch you struggle on mirage yesterday and then hear you give advice on him today. Mirage ricochet with the right items is boss in end game team fights. You can steal rejuv with his 1. He is really powerful all game both in team fights and 1v1 if you build him right. Literally can debuff targets to -35% bullet resist instantly and keep them still for two seconds of headshots. This list will be getting changed as you learn him more.
@dragonmaster1599 9 сағат бұрын
just remove eco shard and refresher they are not good for the game in any way.
@jaimeruiz7837 6 сағат бұрын
Just get silencer or curse or whatever. There are items to counter it
@dragonmaster1599 5 сағат бұрын
@@jaimeruiz7837 so you think getting silencer or curse will counter double bomb bebop? how do you silence something when the grab keeps you from acting? even if it was possible that's not the point being able to completely negate the cooldown of an ultimate skill is not healthy for the game. moba team fights are build around skill cooldowns keeping track of enemy ultimate's and skill CD and items that nullify that are not good. what happens when a hero comes out that has god forbid an ultimate that can combat res someone? we just gonna say that refresher and getting 2 rez in a fight is fine then?
@aviji3702 3 сағат бұрын
agree just because some abilities are broken already and being able to spam 2 in 5 seconds is rough
@jam227 Сағат бұрын
You do know that refresher is directly taken from dota 2 right?
@Thecamin 9 сағат бұрын
I think lady giest’s early game poke is ridiculous and she can snowball real easily form that
@qlinc 9 сағат бұрын
how you gonna move kelvin up after a nerf lmao
@AverageJonas 5 сағат бұрын
he got moved down
@nahagliv9887 9 сағат бұрын
I hate to be the one but we saw mcginnis a lot in todays tournament and she performed quite well.
@AverageJonas 9 сағат бұрын
I saw! It was pretty cool
@chewwa1700 9 сағат бұрын
I play LG a lot and I think it’s funny she got buffed. When people start playing her, they gonna see how big a problem she is lol. I think at high level competitive, she’s gonna slap with a well coordinated team.
@pyeltor 7 сағат бұрын
Dude I feel you she feels so good once you get leech and can just stay alive forever
@watotodile 10 сағат бұрын
As a Bebop I normally never struggle against Wraith unless she is fed because I stick with my team for hooks, or she just dies to double bomb with ganks, but the scariest Wraith I ever fought was last night because she ran Shadow Weave. That girl would just appear out of nowhere in a team fight like a Haze and pop her point blank AoE Ult to trap all of us in place for her team to finish us off. Was absolutely terrifying and she only had to do it like 3 times for her team to win since it was pretty much an instant team fight winner.
@Cthuwho 10 сағат бұрын
Forgot to mention Paradox can now Time Wall Haze ult, which regardless of anything else makes her S tier because Haze is annoying.
@darrenlim5855 4 сағат бұрын
based opinion
@BlueWafer 59 минут бұрын
He said it in the video
@FriscoFatseas 10 сағат бұрын
Lady Geist Players I love you all I’m a one trick respect to my fellow enjoyers it’s a tricky character
@IamBoogie013 10 сағат бұрын
May be a very unpopular opinion. But I feel like Echo shard and Refresher just need to get removed.
@shanechavarria9532 10 сағат бұрын
New viscous looks actually worsen
@TeachAManToPhish 10 сағат бұрын
Haze as A tier is actually insane in my opinion. Her damage is huge, probably the highest damage ultimate in the game right now. She pops silencer and unstoppable, and there is actually no counter to that. Metal skin exists, but only lasts 3s while her ult can last 10+. Your only hope is that you can run away, but if the Haze positions properly then that becomes impossible. I am absolutely certain that she will be nerfed again in the next patch. And this is coming from a Haze player. For reference, I have 22 games, and 20 wins on her.
@xristossjiero4583 3 сағат бұрын
There are so many ways to stop her ult early with stuns or return fire even. Buying unstoppable sets her damage back a lot. Its a late game item. Also that early cheap bullet resistance items now make her damage low. You can just punch her to death. She needs more time to come online now which is fine since she is a late game hyper carry. But until then you're like 5.5 vs 6 in the early to mid game
@potatomasher451 10 сағат бұрын
Honestly can't blame Seven, anyone would be fiending for a kill if you were that low.
@stealthyturtles 10 сағат бұрын
Paradox is great in a full stack 4-6 man group. She’s decent in a duo or trio. She sucks in a solo queue. You need to drink the McGinnis juice dude, she is not C tier or only a split pusher. If you build her a little gun for laning, go into spirit for turrets, and grab a rescue beam, for team play, she’s bottom mid A.
@BarbarisII 10 сағат бұрын
That paradox should try other characters
@valentines92 10 сағат бұрын
@proxy4233 10 сағат бұрын
kelvin is still very much S tier. the nades are what’s giga op
@rhythmofc5598 10 сағат бұрын
Lady geist being in B is absolutely criminal lmao
@rohandas3292 11 сағат бұрын
Nah this tierlist is ass
@bha1959 11 сағат бұрын
I'm really bummed about the echo shard change for double bomb beebop. I dont think it really even makes it much weaker, it just feels really clunky now. I think his other builds (ult, hybrid/gun) are stronger than double bomb anyway, so I don't really get what the point of this change was. Double bomb beebop was my favorite, and now it feels like poopoo :(
@snethans 9 сағат бұрын
change ur 2 to quick cast then it’s old bebop
@bha1959 9 сағат бұрын
@snethans it is already on quickcast. They changed echo shard, not his 2.
@Snowili 11 сағат бұрын
I don't know why you thought the whole time that enemies hit with tornado can't be shot with bullet damage? I guess you red the description wrong and it was already stuck in your mind that day.
@ponaskompetencija 11 сағат бұрын
This needs to be ability tier list and not the character tier list. All characters are just basic shooters, they are all the same, they all build the same items, with little to novariations. This is not paragon, smite, league or other mobas. There are no tanks, no mages, they are all ad carries and they all do the same thing: they shoot, they spam same melee attacks, they spam abilities and they all have slot restrictions.
@stealthyturtles 10 сағат бұрын
Bro have you even played the game? That’s the hottest trash take I’ve seen so far
@ponaskompetencija 8 сағат бұрын
@@stealthyturtles bro
@TheAstyanii 11 сағат бұрын
On Mirage, there are four builds: 1. Melee Mirage - Get melee build, punch enemy after Tornado. Pretty good midgame, falls off against competent opponents because they can parry while rooted. 2. Dynamo-Lite Mirage - Get Echo Shard + duration, Echo Shard the Tornado. Enemies are locked in place for ~4.2 seconds on ~11k soul investment. It was completely insane on release, but that 0.4 base duration nerf helped tone it down. Still, it's Dynamo + Refresher on 1/8th of the cooldown. 3. Lifesteal Mirage - Get CDR for beetles, progress into Siphon Bullets + Ricochet. Doesn't work too hot because Fire Beetles are bugged to go on double cooldown when launch time exceeds cooldown. Still, promising since Beetles are true damage like Siphon Bullets (no amount of spirit resist can reduce its damage). Getting new beetle stack on enemies every 6 seconds can make Mirage hella tanky. 4. Gun Mirage - His gun has crazy damage output per shot and his 3 makes spirit a potent multiplier as well. One can either focus on potshots to explode enemies from outside dropoff range due to 3, or one can focus gun damage to make headshots deal 400+. His main shtick is to gank with teleport early/mid game, and either split push with the ability to join the fight, or push with team and teleport to defend if an enemy split pushes.
@MrIlikepotato1000 11 сағат бұрын
I quit valorant as soon as deadlock came out too lol its just not as fun the ranked grind is just not fun no more 🤷🏽‍♂️
@fragbomb 11 сағат бұрын
Combining quicksilver reload with mirage's 3 basiclly gives him infinite ammo
@Wowee4u 12 сағат бұрын
@hattori3655 12 сағат бұрын
Have you tried on Mirage building ricochet with escalating exposure then keep on spamming 1stack then pop them immediately? The stacks of escalating exposure that builds off of them is disgusting lmao
@daseichhornchen9068 12 сағат бұрын
that parry was so good