@Zyxwvutsrqponmlkjih 29 минут бұрын
These doctors failed you. I feel being a female of colour made you less important to them. It’s awful but that’s the medical system.
@atourversace4032 40 минут бұрын
Sad, and it's more sad, that someone with a crucial heal issues, have children. What do such ppl think? That their kids will be happy to go through the same miserable experience the parent went through?
@sylviagerritsen7975 Сағат бұрын
It took me 14 years from when my daughter was six weeks old and a number of doctors to finally have my daughter confirmed as being epileptic. They said I was neurotic because I kept bringing her in saying ‘something is wrong with her’. Because she wasn’t treated for 14 years she is now in a wheelchair due to all the muscular and tendon damage she suffered over the years.
@allis5870 2 сағат бұрын
She killed her daughter.
@DaniBauerTHEGoddess 3 сағат бұрын
I think I wish, more than anything, that no appointments had been missed and that Cassandra had been at all of them. You can only make informed decisions, if you're informed. On the other hand, as a medical professional, I also understand that fear often comes across as anger and denial. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to have a doctor tell me my daughter might die and that a 2nd opinion isn't an option. I once saw a patient wake up from a coma and convince her parents to help pull out her feeding tube, because she had an eating disorder. It seems unbelievable that parents that watched their daughter lay in a coma for 3 days would do such a thing, but they did. So it wouldn't surprise me to think this young woman could be conversely manipulated by her mother by keeping her ignorant and away from the appointments. But, at her age, if she'd shot and killed someone, the state would have tried her as an adult and put her in prison for the rest of her life, regardless of her maturity. She could have agreed to join the military and signed the paperwork, only having to wait until 18 to go to bootcamp, could have registered to vote, as long as she was 18 when the election rolled around, and as Ms. Palmer said, be allowed to drive a car. Hell, she could have been a Certified nursing assistant, caring for dying patients in the very hospital she was treated at. All without anyone batting an eye at whether she was mature enough to do so. She was ill informed and by the time the state took her into custody the cost vs benefit, imo was too high. I blame the mother but I also think the state and medical community have a lot to answer for as well. Nobody won here. Sadly, her children are now in the hands of a woman who now feels like a martyr and their own health could suffer because of it. The medical community didn't win her over with compassion, they pushed her further away with heavy handedness. The whole thing is sad.
@kaitov5 7 сағат бұрын
This is a very grim story about how dangerous medical misinformation is, especially when it's passed on from parent to child. I will say that having her autonomy violated must have been traumatizing for Cassandra, but imagine how quickly this could have been resolved had she and her mother received proper and accurate information on the risks and benefits of cancer treatments. I can't say I completely agree with how things were done but it's clear that her mother was not equipped to adequately care for her. That stupid excuse of a foundation and the conspiracist grifters that flocked to Cassandra after she left the hospital for the first time are even more disgusting. It's people like them who perpetuate this cycle of misinformation that gets people killed.
@lizzieberger1110 7 сағат бұрын
Kings college is my local hospital. I had a cycling accident at 17, resulting in initially severe Grand Mal epilepsy. I spent just over 2 years in Kings. It took a long time to find right levels. And I was having anything up to 10 seizures a day. I had the best treatment possible, the most professional consultants, doctors and nurses. I never felt sad a single day there. Because of their hard work, I live a full life now, maybe one seizure in every 3 years. BIG UP MY CONSULTANT NEUROLOGIST MR RUPERT OLIVER.X🥰 I was blessed. Then I lost 2 2 sons, full term at birth.. And then aged 40, I was surprised to hear I was pregnant again. I was so scared of losing another child. Kings consultant held my hand through my pregnancy, I felt so cared for. At 7 months one twin had passed. . Again, Kings got me through and decided to take second twin out 1 month later. They are an incredible hospital. This is so very sad to hear, may she rest in peace 😢
@milaivanova2176 7 сағат бұрын
if i had a kid, no matter my beliefs, i would do anything to save my child so this just feels like child neglect. her mother put her own selfish ways before the health of her own daughter and ended up killing her (not chemo)…
@BJM1134 7 сағат бұрын
Petal, i love your videos and the amount of research you invest and how in depth you get. I know it may be a little different from your notmal material but i would LOVE to see you do a deep dive on MS and the difficulty in getting a diagnosis. I truly feel like you would do it justice..
@user-hv8vv4zw8j 9 сағат бұрын
The lies of the medical community during covid made people not trust doctor's anymore, thats why this girl died
@platano8667 8 сағат бұрын
except this happened before covid
@lynnleigha580 9 сағат бұрын
I believe it
@zaidabaker4996 10 сағат бұрын
Hi i have one year Clean from a heroine addiction I've also been in college for one year straight through no breaks all accelerated courses. Since i began using drugs i never thought I'd see a time in my life that i can maneuver through life totally sober bc it's been so many years about 20 since i began my first addiction to pills. A few months ago i stumbled across your page & your story telling method soothing tone along with educational purposes i found myself dozing off while listening to your videos no I'm no creep lol i just have to fall asleep playing certain shows on tv so i just wanted to thank you for helping me the last few months with my path of sobriety i recently began feeding the homeless & I'm rebuilding my relationship with the lord i feel so great inside but I've lost all of my friends due to my life change so your videos help me pass time since i don't hang out in the streets anymore i say the tv is my best friend i pray that god covers protects & heals you inside out may he remove any obstacles the enemy sets before you & thanks again for being a positive light in my life❤🙏🏽🙏🏽
@easyteh4getperson 11 сағат бұрын
how did her kids not get cancer? because she had them when her cancer was growing right? i'm so confused and if someone have the answers, let me know.
@mert828 11 сағат бұрын
Mom needs to be in jail.
@Stickyshift12335 11 сағат бұрын
Her body her choice. Unpopular opinion i know
@sophiacalon3463 11 сағат бұрын
My mom is working on a very effective cancer treatment research. It has no side effects but needs to be paired with chemo. She’s still in the extremely early temps of her research but we’ve seen metastatic tumours shred with her treatment idea. If you want to donate to my mother, i can link her official hospital research center page. If you’re in Quebec she could make you part of her study most probably, if you’re from Hamilton you might but it would be a commitment. I dont understand the little tiny details but i understand the basis and it’s extremely promising.
@roberttheshoeless 12 сағат бұрын
Wow the way the creator humanise the victim is ...quite incredible . To give the information you did as if you heard it firsthand is great not even that interested in medical stuff . It was this case In particular I was looking for information on but I subscribed because decent grass roots creators are not that common
@hanywhiskey 13 сағат бұрын
i understand there are many faucets to this and as you said, i do agree with many things but disagree with other. but one thing is for sure, jackie is ridiculous and she neglected and brainwashed her daughter. i understand it’s her body and her choice and im just expressing my opinion. just like i wouldn’t deny a young girl abortion she should be able to deny chemo. the thing is, i don’t believe she had all the knowledge she needed, just like you said. yes i personally thing she should have gotten chemo as well but i respect her choice.
@marydennison1807 13 сағат бұрын
I talk with my hands, too! 😘 New subscriber ❤ I dig your vibe ☺️
@stephaniebillman5673 14 сағат бұрын
100% the only reason Cassandra might have refused treatment is due to her mother's brainwashing. Her mom is at fault for this likely avoidable death. I feel so bad for that poor girl. Cancer and medical procedures are scary even knowing their effectiveness and necessity, but to be conditioned to be even more afraid by your own mother. Absolute unforgivable behavior from the mom. But having said all that, as soon as she went into remission she probably should have been released from the hospital and/or at least been permitted supervised visits from the mom. I think they might have both been more cooperative after the fact if they were at least permitted to see each other, even on a limited basis. It often is the case that the more you are told otherwise the more you cling to your beliefs and try to go against whoever is telling you you're wrong.
@jodieasterling1992 14 сағат бұрын
Well, all I can say is what the country is seeing in politics right now, only makes it so obvious how many people want to sit around and make up conspiracy theories instead of educating themselves. Just goes to show how many people believe they are intelligent and how few really are intelligent.
@HollyKost 14 сағат бұрын
Please contact Dr. David Wayne Miller by visiting his residence. He's open to visitors for discussion & a final solution.
@HollyKost 14 сағат бұрын
Hello everyone if this story sickens you please contact Dr. David Wayne Miller at his residence to openly discuss this with David Wayne Miller. He's always home.
@cebe07 16 сағат бұрын
The Nurses could have spoken up to! You don’t go along with everything th Dr. says, they are supposed to have some type of critical thinking skills. They Dr was wrong but the Nurses could have also intervened.
@MysticKTarotLLC 17 сағат бұрын
It’s crazy 😢
@susie1370 21 сағат бұрын
I am not an antivaxxer ! And i am not into alternative treatments, but I will never get that c19 vaccine ! I never get the flu one either! BTW , cannabis is only good for people for pain and appetite! I don't use the stuff and never will!
@MissShark8383 21 сағат бұрын
Horrible thinking how her mom was wonder did she get diagnosed earlier. And mom disregarded it then
@susie1370 21 сағат бұрын
My mom had cancer 3 different times during her life time , 3 different Cancers in different areas! She passed away of the 3rd one as there was nothing they could do for that one! She went through all thw treatments, beat cancer twice! Now if that was me and i was diagnosed with cancer at that age, even if i would be diagnosed now! I'd want to know the survival rate before i went through such treatment! Id i was 16 or 17 , i think I am old enough to make my own decisions as i do now! And id i chose not to get treatment, I'd tell DCF where they can go and to leave me alone! Several years ago I was diagnosed with a serious heart condition! The drs said it was imperative i get this surgery! And several years prior i had to have emergency surgery due to sepsis and i almost lost my life after the surgery, being under anesthesia! I wound up in ICU for over a week! So when the heart issue came up, i told them no i wouldn't get the surgery because I didn't feel like dying that day! I still have the heart issue and it will continue to get worse! But the surgery would not prolong my life! So will live with it and it's my choice!
@lindawalters9334 23 сағат бұрын
I had chemo after a stage 3 cancer diagnosis @ it was awful but I’m still here 25years later! I feel the mother had huge problems & was the cause of Cassandra fears & mistrust of doctors.Very sad.
@elisabeth400 Күн бұрын
She looks like Jodi Arias. 😳
@Rosi22229 Күн бұрын
I'm so sorry about your cancer. I didn't know, I just discovered your channel. It must take an extra toll making these videos about people faking. I hope you are happy and healthy, you're in my thoughts xx
@MissAnnieschoice Күн бұрын
This just breaks my heart.
@meganedwards7832 Күн бұрын
Bro, maybe we should start teaching basic medical information in schools...idk man, what would solve this ignorant ideologies of "toxins" In this thought, I do agree with rights over her own body, but if she had an understanding of the risks and benefits.
@Rosi22229 Күн бұрын
She set the bar so high for people who actually struggle so badly with cancer. Its unfair and to say "pull the cancer card" like thats something people with cancer would choose not to do if they had a choice. Theyre struggling
@saralc9 Күн бұрын
Modern medicine has came a long way, and you still got the "world is flat" people STILL who implement their goofy, unproven BELIEFS on their dying children and families. That girl could be alive if her mother wasn't her mother. Brainwashing is real. But these women will still say vaccines that prevent disease are bad and essential oils are a cure.
@user-cn1sk3wh8c Күн бұрын
Cancer is a very deadly virus i wouldn't wish it on nobody not even my worst enemy
@meldoesthingss Күн бұрын
Late stage 2 H. lymphoma survivor here. I am only 1 year older than her, the same year we have been diagnosed. I took 4 course of chemotherapy and 14 days of radiation, completely clean although there were 11 lymph nodes taken from my neck and chest before the treatment. I cannot fucking believe a mother could be this useless and twisted. Nothing matters but the health of a child. Science works. Medicine works. Guess why life span of humans is now 70 approximately and not 27!!
@juzahyodo Күн бұрын
cassandra had the right to refuse treatment, jackie - however - did not have the right to keep her daughter from being properly informed and examined by professionals. you can’t help but wonder if, maybe she’d been taken to the necessary appointments and built trust with a good team of doctors she’d been more receptive to chemo and other treatments. i feel like what killed cassandra was her mother’s unwillingness to face the truth that her daughter had cancer until it was too late, if cassandra didn’t want chemo after the exams? okay, it’s her right to refuse treatment but she deserved to be properly informed and have been taken to the necessary doctors appointments.
@PB-ee9so Күн бұрын
You’re so prettyyyy
@haleylister3041 Күн бұрын
Not going to lie. The homeschool comment pissed me off. Assuming because she was homeschooled she was not adequately educated in bio ect. Is ridiculous.
@lawrencelopez9839 Күн бұрын
ah yes... every scammer's weakness. The paper trail.
@Saturn_13 Күн бұрын
I think regardless of the law or any decisions made by anyone here, this is a case of a parent who’s more or less brainwashed their child into believing that “mom/dad know best and have my best interest in mind.” All Cassandra had as a parental figure was her mom and they were super close too. But, possible they were only close because mom was (frankly) horrifically overbearing if not even codependent??? Mom’s reaction to the trauma of her daughter not having a father was to make her child the happiest in the whole world (to an unhealthy point.) And when faced with the case of a mother’s “whole world” and quite literally the strongest familial love she probably had having cancer? She went completely haywire. Overcorrected because “chemo makes you feel icky” but still wanted treatment in some form because cancer SUCKS too. She didn’t want harm to come to her child and in turn more or less, killed her child. I don’t want to justify ANYTHING that “mother” did but the signs were there that this was already a very precarious and dangerous situation.
@heathersando92 Күн бұрын
❤️❤️❤️ Lord have mercy on you
@massivel 8 сағат бұрын
@winstonslone2797 Күн бұрын
They just get you well enough to avoid ligation should you die or suffer permanent injury
@winstonslone2797 Күн бұрын
The whole medical system is a scam. I was in the Bronx care ER in NYC and thought I was having a heart attack. It was just anxiety but it was very frightening when they didn't have a EKG machine in the ER. They got one after 10 minutes but it took another 10 to find someone qualified to read it. If I was having a heart attack I would have been screwed. Numerous people in long white coats walked by. They just didn't care. I'm now very apprehensive about seeking care. PS they sure as hell billed the hell out of my insurance. This happens all the time most commonly in private mental health facilities.
@saragales1622 Күн бұрын
I so so wish Cassandra had been much better informed about chemo before she started it, that way she could have made a much better choice. Her mother certainly didn't help her by denying she had cancer and keeping her away from vital hospital appointments. Cassandra was a beautiful young lady who deserved so much better from the moment she received her diagnosis, she was so badly let down by the one person who should have made sure she got the treatment she so desperately needed. Her mother. Cassandra seemed to be very naive regarding chemo and what could potentially happen if she didn't have it, it's so sad she ended up being forced to have it instead of being fully educated about it in the first place. I lost a close friend to lymphoma some years ago, I'm sure she'd still be alive if her doctors had not fobbed her off over and over again. It took her six months of back and forth appointments with her general practitioner before she was finally referred on to the hospital where she found out she had the diseases by which time it was too late. She had traditional treatment but it spread and she died. Cancer, no matter what type or stage it may be, should never be taken lightly, and hard as the treatment undoubtedly is it does give a much better chance of survival. I had breast cancer ten years ago and thankfully it was found early, I had both chemo and radiotherapy both of which were very hard at the time but I recovered from the effects very quickly once treatment ended. I think people need to be far better educated regarding cancer and its treatments when either they or someone they love is diagnosed, that way the fear and misunderstanding should be lessened. The more you know the less the fear generally. Rest in peace Cassandra, it's such a shame this had to happen to you. Especially when you would have had the best chance of survival had you been better informed from the outset.
@lisagrafton2529 Күн бұрын
It's ok for kids to say they want their breasts cut off and "transition" to a boy, at any age?
@niniemecanik Күн бұрын
The skipped appointments broke my heart. An early diagnosis is SO IMPORTANT and to push it to later like that is so bad... If her kid had been just a couple years younger this would have been gross negligence. When our beliefs are at any extreme we should put them into perspective. This is so sad...
@MeadTheValkyrie Күн бұрын
Even though I understand the Mother’s point, when it comes to your child, you do WHATEVER you can. I would be offering my organs if it meant saving my kids. Cassandra was heavily influenced by her mother’s beliefs. I do agree with 2nd and even 3rd opinions. I was diagnosed last May with early onset Alzheimer’s. My neurologist didn’t read scans. He only read the reports from the radiologists who read the actual scans. One radiologist stated I definitely had positive results for parietal temporal decline in my FDG uptake. The neurologist was so surprised because I was only 46 he had another radiologist read the scans. They were coworkers from the same imaging lab. The second radiologist agreed with the first. My neurologist told me to go home and grieve then get my end of life decisions made while I still could. My family demanded a second opinion. I almost didn’t do it just because the delivery from the neurologist was so definitive. He had already gotten a second opinion from the other radiologist. But, to make my family happy, I went to another neurologist to see what he said. The second neurologist DOES read his own scans as well as the radiologist at his office. They agreed that there was no signs of Alzheimer’s in the scans. Well, now I have two different opinions. What could I do but have a second scan and a third set of radiologists? The results? Normal scan… no Alzheimer’s. Get a second and even third opinions that are NOT from the same facility!
@ferna5250 Күн бұрын
Sounds like a low education and socioeconomic status problem to me.