Indie 'Studio' Job Scams
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Opening Screen
2 жыл бұрын
Basic Chair Demo
2 жыл бұрын
Office Environment: Day/Night Cycle
In Progress: Office Environment
Clock Demo
2 жыл бұрын
Infection/Mutation Testing
2 жыл бұрын
VZ52 (CZ52) Demo
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Keys Demo
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Torch Demo
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Data Driven Menus - UE4 Editor
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Data Driven Menus: Demo
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@FicLord 7 сағат бұрын
@tddelk8344 8 күн бұрын
universal windows platform development isnt there anymore, what should i do?
@ggamedev 8 күн бұрын
-Ummm... yes it is?- -I just opened the Visual Studio Installer, and for Visual Studio Community 2022, its in the first page, 'workloads' (like it always was), under the 'Desktop and Mobile' section.- Ok, forget that, for me it WAS still there, because I hadnt upgraded to the super latest version. Comparing the old and new together, it looks like they just renamed 'Universal Windows Platform' into 'Windows Application Development', and obviously, gave it a totally different icon (Which looks like what? a hexagon with a blue....'dooger' in it...oh yeah, like that's really descriptive of what it is)
@riksflarne 9 күн бұрын
These are amazing. Such high quality. This was exactly what I was looking for. Even for me who have worked with C++ and Unreal before and know most of these things but these are an EXCELLENT refresher after 2 years of other work. Great as reference aswell.
@ggamedev 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to drop that comment. It is always great to know that something I did was useful to people :-)
@veiledmelancholia 11 күн бұрын
I wanted to come back and thank you for the const FInputActionInstance& InputActionInstance, it's extremely useful, not a lot of people know it, don't forget it guys! I used it in my code to have multiple input actions call one handler function, but this handler function gets the source input action that fired it, and then use if-else to execute special stuff for each input action.
@ggamedev 8 күн бұрын
I'm glad it was helpful! :-)
@Ramt33n 14 күн бұрын
really really really love this style of education, One can simplify complex concepts as such only if the matrial has been grasped and understood properly. Quality work, Thank you so much. 🙏 Just a question, What are the advantages of writing C++ vs contructing nodes in blueprint graphs? I only know some python and I personally prefer to write instructions in it instead of connecting nodes in 3D applications by hand, Does learning C++ in unreal mean I'll be skipping those? Learning unreal to construct character animation blueprints at the moment. Cheers!
@ggamedev 8 күн бұрын
Well, you can open a huge can of 'flame war' by dealing with the 'C++ vs Blueprints' topic. If speaking about larger teams (which of course Unreal was built to cater for) things are a little different as you get dedicated 'level designers' who are using blueprints for specific things, etc... When you talk about solo dev and indie studios, you will find the following 3 types of people crop up: A) Those who only know blueprints and don't intend to get into C++ because they think its too hard, and so are a little bitter and somewhat resentful of the C++ devs because they have access to so much more than they do themselves. B) Arrogant C++ devs who think the sun shines out of their IDE, and that everything should be done only in C++, and blueprints are for script kiddies. C) Zen C++/BP devs, who understand that both things have their place and they compliment each other when used together properly. It is also funny that this often happens in a progression; a single dev's journey, as they learn more they move from A to B and then finally C. So yeah, the TLDR there is; Both have there places, and both are useful used together.
@Ramt33n 6 күн бұрын
@@ggamedev "C)" is way to go then, Frankly I posted my comment before getting into the part where you made an example with your custom "pi" node , That was an epiphany moment when it kinda clicked a little better how things work between the two and how an unreal game development framework looks like from a brod perspective in general. Again thanks for the video, also taking the time to explain, Big thumbs up brother! 🙏
@IoMirceaMareVoievod 17 күн бұрын
-Hey, in the HUD Class, in the UpdateWidgets() switch I get a Null ref on the AddDynamic Lines, saying that my Layouts do not have the Widgets set, but no BindWidget errors are shown in the Editor. I do not understand why. I compared your repo with my code and it should work for me as well. Can you help?- LE: It was a Data issue, forgot to replace the Data Member Field in the HUD BPC with the WBPs
@ggamedev 8 күн бұрын
Hey, thanks for leaving that comment up and just striking it. So many people online are only focussed on what they are doing at that moment in time, they forget that others will be reading their comments later and may find something helpful if they have access to it all.
@veiledmelancholia 18 күн бұрын
I am so grateful that I've found these series. Thank you so much.
@ggamedev 8 күн бұрын
You are very welcome! Glad you find them useful.
@djhaik 21 күн бұрын
My brother, please don't stop making these. I am a NodeJs and Java programmer and wanted to get into game development. Unreal and C++ are never taught together in a way that you do. I started many times but gave up every time. I never comment on anything but this series has given me the tools and confidence to go further than ever before. Thanks a lot!
@nigelgear 27 күн бұрын
The Universal Windows Platform development option is missing on the Visual Studio Community 2022 17.10.0 Installer. Is there any workaround?
@nigelgear 27 күн бұрын
I think it was moved to the Windows application development or WinUI
@BingoBabyO 27 күн бұрын
Is UInputAction* ActionMove = nullptr; No longer a valid code in latest UE 5.4 ? my Rider editor is not auto complete finding that and when added I get a RED “Cannot resolve symbol UInputAction” -- ?
@ggamedev 27 күн бұрын
Did you add enhanced input plugin to the project, and the enhanced input module to your build Cs file?
@BingoBabyO 27 күн бұрын
@@ggamedev yea I did … but i think UE 5.4 has changed a bit.. I had to go cheat and look at your GitHub code which looks a tad different to the video now?
@BingoBabyO 27 күн бұрын
@@ggamedev and great tutorial thank you!
@barspozlu6220 28 күн бұрын
i just want to thank you for making this video. I was trying to learn enhanced input myself but the documentation is just so bad at explaining things i was losing my mind. I also want to ask if i want to learn a new concept for example beacuse the doc is terrible, how do you suggest that i learn about it because there just won't be videos for everything.
@ggamedev 28 күн бұрын
That's a great question, and I wish I had a great answer for you... but I don't. 😞 Obviously, the more you learn, and the more comfortable you become with the unreal engine, and its associated tools, etc, then the easier you will find it trying to understand certain things. All the source code is there, and it is certainly one resource you should always consider when trying to understand something. But I'm not going to tell you that is a good thing - IT ISN'T. Something as arguably 'high end' as UE shouldn't have people telling you 'Just read the source code' Because honestly, there are plenty of places where looking at source code wont help you much, and will just waste a HUGE amount of time, taking you down various rabbit holes you didn't really need to take. Yea, we have access to the source, and yes, sometimes it helps. But it is quite distressing to have people who *already* know how something works, usually because others helped them in some manner, tell you to read source code which now (obviously) makes sense to them, because they already know how it works. I stress the point, because a lot of people who go looking for help, get that response, and it just isn't good; it puts some people off continuing with UE completely. So, what *can* you do? Obviously net searches can help with some things. And checking out KZbin might also help too. Although you may be disappointed, with the majority of YT seemingly focussed on Blueprints. (This is one of the reasons I actually started this YT channel in the first place) The official Unreal forums can also be another place to sometimes find useful assistance. Certain Discord servers.... Again, your mileage may vary - our own Discord server is small and friendly, and we emphasize the 'friendly', but the nature of the small size means that you might not always find someone who knows about the particular aspect you are interested in. (But we generally all try to help each other) Having said that, some of the larger servers either wont answer your questions because there are literally so many people posting, you might as well spit in a thunderstorm, or will treat you to the same kind of contemptuous BS that stack-overflow is famous for; That is... ignoring your actual question which might have been simple to answer, and spending more effort telling you why you didn't ask it in *exactly* the right format for their server. Then, there are a couple of what I would call 'gems'. These are various repositories of unreal related information that you can find on the internet. Its like sifting through elephant dung... and then finally you pull out a diamond which makes it all worth while. Some of these are blogs with useful coverage of certain UE features, others are actual repositories of information, perhaps in the form of notes taken by actual professionals while they were working on unreal projects themselves - then they were generous to put it up for all to refer to. If enough people show interest then I might have to make some kind of video talking about this, or at least a 'links' page on a website somewhere, that the community can update as new sources become available, etc.
@user-tm2vc1mb5j Ай бұрын
Not agreed with you about naming. When inheritance we need to know what parent class is BP or C++
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
Thanks for your comment. I disagree with your disagreement 😄 Firstly, when you are doing inheritance, you inherit from *something*, in the editor it doesn't really matter if you are making a BP that inherits from a C++ class or from another BP... Why would it matter? All that matters is that you inherit from the thing that provides the 'base' of whatever it is you want to make. Having a word like 'Base' in the name *might* help there; at least it shows your intentions. But having something which tells you it is a BP makes no difference at all which I can think of. And in C++ you NEVER inherit from BP classes, because they don't exist yet as far as C++ is concerned; there will only ever be C++ inheritance in a C++ codebase. I mean, if you can tell me a really useful case, where it is *essential* to use these naming conventions, I am happy to be proved wrong, and I will go and make future videos where I tell everyone about it, so that they know WHY you do it. But I never like when people tell me to do something and they don't give a good reason for why I should do it. I know from experience that I can name things however I like and they will still work. (It might be confusing to some people, fair enough, but just as confusing are certain English naming schemes to Chinese developers, or Greek developers, etc.) And as far as ANY asset in the editor, Unreal knows EXACTLY what it is, without any weird naming scheme, just float over anything and youll see a tool top telling you exactly what it is, and in the editor, you can see which class any BP derives from, and if it was another BP, you can click to open it, and if it was C++, you can still click to go to the C++ class in your IDE. 'Because I say so', or 'it looks neater' are *opinions*, not reasons. 😉 Obviously, people should use whatever naming scheme that they prefer, and in the videos I often make a joke about these things; not to say having a well ordered naming scheme is not useful (in SOME cases), but more to point out that you don't need to be totally crazy and obsessive about it. When i see (some very well respected Unreal developers) *insisting* that the name of a widget blueprint needs to have 'W_' because its a widget, then 'BP_' because its a blueprint, and then often a whole other bunch of crap which they make out is just isn't true. You project will still work, even if you have a really terrible naming scheme. And if you are a solo dev, or a hobbyist who does not need to share their code with anyone else, that's all perfectly fine. Orderly, logical practices are great. And done properly they can be very helpful. As always, do what works for you 👍
@B0BtheR0SS Ай бұрын
12:15 I had no c++ folder to right click in, but in the editors menu bar at the top there is "Tools > New C++ Class..." I hope others can avoid forum crawling like me. Also, thank you for all the work you put into the videos to share your knowledge. :)
@blackivy011 Ай бұрын
Wow, what a bomb video. Literally had be understanding binary in ways I never have before. Thanks man.
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
Awwww, shucks! 😊
@Mohd.Amaan-tn5ul Ай бұрын
Hey i have been on ue5 for a year and I've learnt alot about blueprints and now I'm thinking about taking a game development course now. Is there any need to learn c++ and if yes, then getting a job in the game development industry requires a degree? As there are so many articles saying getting a degree isn't required only your skills matter.
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
Obviously different companies or studios will have their own requirements, but most places care more about the skills rather than specific qualifications, as long as you can demonstrate your understanding/ability. Having said that, there are certain common gaps in the understanding of many self taught programmers, which a decent interviewer will ask you about/ test you on.
@Mohd.Amaan-tn5ul Ай бұрын
@@ggamedev how long this series gonna be, just asking😅, and is there any need to take online course like from udemy after this series as I wanna to be a good game developer for a job ... And last question, is there any need to learn 3d modelling software for jobs or they require only a good ue5 developer
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
@@Mohd.Amaan-tn5ul As far as how long the series is gonna be... that depends. I try to write chapters for it that I think will be helpful to people starting out with c++/unreal, and sometimes subjects come from feedback I get from people, so you never really know. As far as game dev job skills... again, its totally dependant on a number of things; It obviously depends on what the hiring studio want/need, the projects they have, the team members they already have in place, etc. A smaller outfit (or indie startup), especially those who are less... 'cash rich' will be more positive towards someone who can fulfil several roles. Larger more established studios with a well defined work process might even 'dislike' generalists who claim experience in several skill areas, as there are occasions where it can cause friction with other team members who are dedicated to specific tasks (No artist likes a member of the dev team telling the artists how best to do their jobs, and likewise, no programmer wants to be told their code can be improved by someone who was hired to draw concept art - even if the person in both of these examples was right.) Having said that, the more you know, the better it is for you personally; you just have to be careful not to 'rub people up the wrong way'. You will also find that for professional industry jobs, past experience is often the driving factor in terms of hiring someone. For example, if you are a freelancer or development consultant, you will be judged on who you have worked for, and what projects you have worked on previously. Many people wanting to break into this (and other) industries, find this incredibly soul destroying, as it can feel like no one is prepared to give them a chance to get the experience which they need to then get a job. This is always a tough one. I can offer the following advice though: Do not apply for a single job and pin all your hopes and dreams on it. Statistically you WILL LIKELY be disappointed. Apply for as many positions as you feel you are capable - and do every interview offered to you, be it in person, or remotely via zoom/skype/whatever (More discord interviews please! 😄 ) You should produce demonstrations of your abilities which can be shown to prospective employers. Understand that different types of job will want you to demonstrate different skills. Programmer positions may well look fine with a game demo, or footage of some 'cool' mechanic you implemented; but you need to understand that ISN'T what people hiring developers really want to see. They want to know that: - You can understand the concepts they need you be familiar with - That you have the level of proficiency with the language(s) and tool-set they use, including understanding/experience of things like source control, etc. - That your ability with subjects like general maths, and algebra are at the level they require. - That you can communicate well, and will fit in with their team and the way they work. - And that (as a programmer), the code you write not only gets they job done, but is written in a manner that is clear to others, well documented, understandable, and maintainable. Code examples you show, will obviously not be in that specific company's 'coding standard', but it will help to show you can adhere to 'some' kind of standard, and where Unreal is concerned, Epic do openly publish their own, so... you might as well try to stick to that. If you are going to show examples of your work, be prepared to answer questions about them; - WHY did you choose to solve a particular problem in the way you did? - WHAT other approaches did you consider, and why did you ultimately reject them in favour of the chose one.? - WHAT did you learn from doing it? - HOW might you do it differently if you did this again? When you are in the position to apply for jobs, apply for as many as you feel you are a good fit for. Don't wait for the results of a single application or interview. get your portfolio, resume, show reel, whatever out there to as many people as possible. Ask for feedback, whenever you do get an interview, make sure that you ask for feedback, good or bad. Including if you did actually get the job. Try to be 'upbeat' about the whole thing, no one hiring people wants to deal with candidates who look like they are about to break down and cry, or come across as weird stalker types. 'Easy breezy' is the best attitude I can recommend - let them know you want the job, but its not the end of the world if you don't get it, in closing you can say things like 'Thank you for your time to see me about this position today, I realise you are busy, and you have other candidates to consider, but I would be really grateful if you could get back to me with any feedback about how i did, and any pointers I might use going forward' This 'short reply' has turned out way too long... and I still have a lot to say on the subject... so.... darn, looks like I'm gonna have to make a video about it. 😜
@Mohd.Amaan-tn5ul Ай бұрын
@@ggamedev thank u so much for ur advice..❤️❤️
@Mohd.Amaan-tn5ul Ай бұрын
@@ggamedev and also for your work to type this much ❤️❤️
@ferinzz Ай бұрын
and probably help with circular references. But that's your own skill issue, I can't save you from yourself.
@yourstarchan Ай бұрын
As a Java developer, I can say that this is easier than I thought
@user-tm2vc1mb5j Ай бұрын
Great great great
@user-tm2vc1mb5j Ай бұрын
Good work, thx
@user-tm2vc1mb5j Ай бұрын
Great tutorial, thanks
@phraggers Ай бұрын
"remember to stretch properly before trying to pat yourself on the back" LOL that one tickled me
@user-gy3te5qd9r Ай бұрын
Does this plugin support using the default SQLite database instead of your wrapped SQLiteX? Because in my project, there are still some other plugins (such as Movie Render Queue) using SQLite. Thank you!!!
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
No, you can't use the default sqlite. Unfortunately it's stuck on an older sqlite version lacking many useful features, and epic don't seem very interested in updating it. That is why I needed to stop using it.
@user-gy3te5qd9r Ай бұрын
@@ggamedev 😊thanks a lot!
@user-tm2vc1mb5j Ай бұрын
Great tutorial, thx
@fredakilla3926 Ай бұрын
goldmine thanks for this tuto
@user-tm2vc1mb5j Ай бұрын
Thank you, good work
@billybollockhead5628 Ай бұрын
Interesting that int the version im using 5.4.1, gamemodes are already removed when starting afresh.. So obviously they heard that loud and clear.
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
Actually, good point! I saw it, but it didn't 'click' until I read your comment
@billybollockhead5628 Ай бұрын
@@ggamedev : BTW cheers for this. Im a game programmer with 20+ years experience, for 95% of my career i've used my own engines or (last few years) Unity. But everyone seems to want UE5 now, and the learning curve to get started is a bit extreme.. I'm sure once I'm actually going with it and coding in C++ (my preferred natural state, when im not sleeping/eating/or doing things to make myself go blind - C#), It'll all be great. But this is the best intro i've found so far.. thanks. If there's a patreon, or some other way to donate, let me know.
@wladimir5634 Ай бұрын
Im a Java dev and just interested into Unreal Engine including C++ since Ive tryed to do some things only with blueprints but failed :D I love your humor and the quality and the effort you are putting into those videos. I think its my first comment on KZbin, but you deserved it :D
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
As a long time 'non-commentor' myself, I take that as high praise, thank you very much! 😁
@slydeezthaname279 Ай бұрын
love this series. this is the first thing t0 get me up and running (coming from the unity engine). thanks!
@vadstart Ай бұрын
Great vid, again your timing coincides with the moment when I was exploring the concept of Modules :P "FUnreal" plugin for Visual Studio adds the much needed Module/Plugin creation functionality (as well as adding all of the Unreal classes to the "Add File" menu). Also, you forgot to include the link about the whole Linker/Linking process to the video description (22:45)
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
I have added links to the 'FUnreal' addin for VS to the video description. Also a couple links to the C++ compilation/linking process. The omission was actually intentional - I was actually wondering if anyone bothered to even check out links in video descriptions... it seems, they do! 😄
@vadstart Ай бұрын
@@ggamedev Hehe, thanks! Yeah, I am being vigilant 👀
@littlegamerguy4803 Ай бұрын
Didn’t know this, have a comment for the algorithm!
@codalite Ай бұрын
He didn't put a link in the video description about how linkers and .dll's work :(
@ggamedev Ай бұрын
That was on purpose to see if when I include links anyone actually uses them. You my friend get a virtual cookie for paying attention! :-)
@SyntaxDomain Ай бұрын
More of these please. I spent all day today hunting down a crash because I didn’t know TObjectPtrs could get automatically garbage collected when not paired with a UPROPERTY.
@FraztheWizard Ай бұрын
Great Tutorial, thanks
@MagicalMinecraftUser Ай бұрын
In my project, I am using a Pawn class instead of a Character class and it is not working the same. The handler functions are firing off, with UElogs showing this to be the case, but the movement is not applying. Do I need to do anything differently to make this work?
@BlackG0lem 2 ай бұрын
I was eagerly awaiting for this!!! Thank you!!
@galanhijueputa 2 ай бұрын
amazing tuto, thx
@samdash3216 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. Please make more videos liek this.
@velikanskaglava2087 2 ай бұрын
Anyone knows where should i be looking for/how to start: I'd like the player to be able to create custom assets from within the game. What are the keywords, starting points for such a goal?
@ggamedev 2 ай бұрын
This topic is probably too much for YT comments, join our discord and we can chat about it.
@velikanskaglava2087 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! Please keep them coming.
@shigam8149 2 ай бұрын
nice series, thank you very much. In tutorial 5 tho i cant fix the controls for crouch, run and spiblast. I first wrote everything of the youtube screen but when it didnt work i copied all files from github and it still doesnt work. Do you know why or does someone has the same issue?
@lukasg2864 2 ай бұрын
Great to see that you are still uploading. You are what made me start to do C++ in unreal, keep it up brother!
@cariyaputta 2 ай бұрын
Thanks. Glad to see this series isn't dead.
@jayn____5926 2 ай бұрын
was waiting for it
@nairolfri 2 ай бұрын
Man, your videos are GOLD, thanks for helping me getting into Cpp with it, this look like something to integrate by default to the C++ engine to me, I'm really suprised they didn't :o
@oneicarus 2 ай бұрын
The best series is back let's gooooo thank you for keeping with this series!!
@aleixroca1988 2 ай бұрын
These videos are great! Very good work! Thanks!
@BudgiePanic 2 ай бұрын
Only compiling the module that was changed is a huge win You can do the same thing in Unity Game Engine
@ggamedev 2 ай бұрын
Unreal has some really good features in it... I'll just be damned if it doesn't feel like Epic are kinda hiding them some times. ...Its like an easter-egg hunt! lol
@dobrx6199 2 ай бұрын
Lets go!
@spaaaaace8952 2 ай бұрын
I can fairly say that I reached the point in this guide where I'm lost. I'll be back when I'm better at C++.
@ggamedev 2 ай бұрын
That is a refreshingly 'humble' comment - respect. Everyone might benefit from extra C++ learning, but perhaps some helpful feedback or clarification might get you back on track? (I was gonna say 'helpful pointers'... but you know... C++ ) Join our discord and ask about anything which confuses you. (unreal-cpp channel) Your attitude will inspire people to want to help you as much as they can. (We are NOT like stackoverflow,; we wont chastise you for 'incorrect' formatting of your question, or look down our noses at you because we *might* know something which you don't. We are all continually learning, and most of the Unreal gamedevs I have encountered so far are more than happy to try and share their knowledge as much as possible.)
@spaaaaace8952 2 ай бұрын
@@ggamedev Thank you for the reply. In hindsight, I was probably too tired and overwhelmed by the previous videos, so I wasn't really concentrating. On a rewatch, it seemed much clearer, even though I'm a C++ beginner. The only things I was slightly confused about were some methods I'm unfamiliar with and things that just require practice. Awesome video. Oh, and you've got a nice Discord server. I look forward to asking questions there.
@Phraxas52 10 күн бұрын
@@spaaaaace8952 So is it fair to say you were spaaaaaced out?