Opportunity to first upgrade your network to beat telco operators and acquire more internet users .This needs approx. 25 -30 Million routers/ AP deployment . This scheme is getting rolled out with Wi-Fi Operator through local ISPs where they buy out router devices and deploy in their area . Wi-Fi Operator offers complete technology & license support and authorisation to our channel partners for setting up this long life business .And also provide the training how you can run the business easily.
Resource of earning. Now anybody and everybody can sell internet via wi-fi with govt approved project pm-wani framework--
.Become wi-fi operators sell internet via wi-fi the future of digital India. .Wi-fi operators will become media operators run campaigns advertisement & earn revenue via media selling to wi-fi users.
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[email protected]Website : www.wifioperators.com
Call Us : 928-928-9204