@MagicSimulatorYT 3 күн бұрын
I am the first commenter!
@thevicarage9841 4 күн бұрын
btw - I, for one, never saw Jamie as a threat to Claire. He did such a great job of reasonably explaining himself. I could see he was simply a product of his culture. He reassured her, kissed her hand, told her that if it was only himself that she had put into danger, he would say no more. He had after all, vowed the protection of his body. (Not anyone else's!) But she had indeed endangered people's lives. And he wasn't sure that she wouldn't do it again, no matter how much she promised that she wouldn't do it again. (He already had the sense of her character, and he was right.) Besides, in his mind he was being a good, honorable husband, instructing her. (He didn't have an "improving" book to offer. 😏) Do I approve of what he did by today's standards? Of course not! But I've heard Ron Moore say over and over that their job isn't to preach and instruct or reinforce modern cultural mores - the things we already know or should know anyway. His job is to be faithful to the story and to the times. I like that. A lot. And I like that Claire fought back. That was genuine to Claire. The music was the right thing to signal to the audience that Claire was not in imminent danger for her life. For me, it took the edge off and reinforced the fact that while Claire's backside would smart for a while, she'd be fine. We can't avoid the fact that she was 200 years(!) back in time. Things were different then. Period.
@thevicarage9841 4 күн бұрын
Loved this so much!
@thevicarage9841 7 күн бұрын
As for Jamie and William, William knows that Jamie was Mac, his old groom. But the last time he saw Jamie was in his cabin in the woods, then a Carolina frontiersman. Now he is a respected officer in the Continental Army. And he's kinsman to a revered man, a man William highly regarded. He is clearly a gentleman. His act of giving William his hat demonstrates that. William can see how impressed his his fellow superior officer is with Jamie. William sees the respect Jamie engenders. He see that this man exudes honor and authority. The quizzical look? Who is this man? I've seen him in so many different arenas. But he is a Somebody. I have fleeting memories of how safe I felt with him when I was a little boy. I remember spending time with him when Papa was sick. How patient he was. How he didn't brook my disobedience. How he offered his life for mine. And his chosen wife is also a woman of worth, with rare healing ability, keen intelligence and authority of her own. The myriad quicksilver thoughts and feelings jumbled together showed in his face. Quizzical. Has he any inkling that this striking, unusual man is his father? Absolutely not.
@thevicarage9841 8 күн бұрын
You know what? Blake was spot on in his analysis. The proof is the November 22 premiere date. He made the Starz position very clear. And he's right. They don't care about the fans. They care about the money. They're a business, not a fan club. Starz shrewdly counted on the extraordinary loyalty of the Outlander fandom. To Blake's point, that's why they wanted Season 7 to be the end of the series. And that's why the episodes are so jam packed. They were operating under orders to finish the series. They had so much story to tell and very little time. I think I read that they had to rework the scripts. They do try to be faithful the Diana's world. But Sam and Cait have both said they really wanted to bring the story to a proper end by having a final Season 8. They felt the fans deserved it. Maril and Matt were right there with them. Thank God! They did fight. And the result was a compromise - a 10 episode Season 8. I've always wondered why they didn't give us the typical 12 episodes. But clearly it was a money issue. Starz saved millions by shaving the number down to 10. Now it makes sense why those four were cryptic about whether there would be a S8. They simply didn't know if Starz would cough up the money for another season. I think Sam, whom Starz has apparently decided is the star pony in the OL paddock, ( judging by the way they use him to promote OL in their ads now, more than even Cait), used his clout to push for the show to have another season, but so did Cait. Those two are a team. Since they have become powerhouses, it probably behooved Starz to listen a little if they want to employ either of them in the future. But I think the main reason is probably that they needed to ensure the fans would support Blood of My Blood. They couldn't afford millions of cancellations. After all, we owe no loyalty to the new production. It's not Diana's story. I've seen many on X saying they're done with Starz after the ridiculously long Droughtlander. So many are as angry as you both are. Especially because we were promised the luxuriously long 16 episode Season 7 as compensation for the shortened Covid/pregnancy challenges of Season 6. The complaints you guys had about that season stemmed from the fact that it was supposed to include the first 4 episodes of the now S7. They had to be reworked to fit into that supposed final season. What a mess. Diana has said repeatedly that she has no say on what goes on in the show. She sold it. They do consult her, but you've seen the interviews where she says they really don't listen to her. She's not the owner of the series. She essentially sold her car to them. What they do with it is up to them. Meanwhile, she's not letting any of this affect the timing of when her new book is finished. It will be done when it's done. She's a completely separate entity. In fact, she's said that she really has no interest in the parent's story though she's been asked a few questions. Maybe the've convinced her to write a script. We'll have to wait and see.
@thevicarage9841 8 күн бұрын
Blake, my gosh, you're like a top that gets wound up and then starts spinning hard, crashing into things until it finally stops. Your pontificating about how every character in every scene needs to show growth is something else. Says who? You, buddy. Anecdotal evidence, not empirical. You default to this often. You make these grand statements. If you think it, it's true. You're careful to say that everybody can think what they want, but then your relentless emphatic assertions contradict what you just said. I get it. You are a smart, opinionated, passionate, alpha male. That's a good thing most of the time. (I do admire Mary's ability to handle you without clobbering you first.) And to be fair, you're good about letting her have a different opinion and letting her talk you down. This is great, since you really don't need to convince her or us that you are right. Don't get me wrong. Have your strong opinions, state them with emphasis. It's your show. It's just annoying when you go on and on driving your point all the way into the ground. You do have good things to say. Interesting things. And you are knowledgeable. I learn from you. This is meant to be constructive criticism. I've watched several of your shows now - only Outlander since I can't stand Bridgerton - and I find them lively and entertaining. I plan to keep coming back. But I'm an alpha female and as strong as you. I've been accused of the very thing I'm challenging you with, which is why I'm speaking up. It takes one to know one.
@thevicarage9841 12 күн бұрын
You guys sometimes act like the OL creatives have unlimited time to get in everything you want. There wasn't time to labor over Jamie signing the contract. They didn't have time to set up longer meetings between Claire and Tom or Jamie and the conscripting guy. The writers didn't want us to know that Malva suffered from sexual abuse early on because we weren't supposed to feel compassion for her. She is supposed to be "off". They are condensing Diana's tomes fhs! As for Ian's paranoia, he wasn't afraid for himself. He was afraid for Jamie and Claire and he was off kilter. He needed them and they meant the world to him. His guilt and fear made him uncharacteristically dramatic until he was able to settle himself.
@terrychalmers8929 14 күн бұрын
What happened to Rory’s $250,000 inheritance
@terrychalmers8929 14 күн бұрын
I just couldn’t get enough of Gilmore Girls, I only came across it late Sept 2024 and watched all 7 series and the reunion in about 3 weeks. I’m retired so time is not a problem for me. I recently lost my wife and this show made me feel good, warm and fuzzy just as a perfect world should be, it’s also the only show where I laughed out loud at the lines and situations they experienced, even the la la la song makes me feel good. Now that I’ve finished it, I love your podcasts and insight into the why’s wherefore’s and what if’s of the story lines. Great work guys,
@DesireeStamat 15 күн бұрын
Love BSG. Baltar had a great redemption arch....he changed theough the show. I love what they did with that character. Fat Lee was annoying but may Pegasus and the New Caprica stuff was incredible. The music!!!❤ The show suffered from some writers strike issues in the last season but still great!!!! I came to Outlander because of Bear, RDM and BSG. Bagpipes for the win.
@jmczerbe 16 күн бұрын
You made my day when this podcast episode dropped. I had a rough day and it was lovely to come home and listen to you discuss Rings of Power. I’ve watched episodes further into the series and I’ve really come to enjoy the show. I didn’t rewatch Season 1 leading up to Season 2. However, this season has great and I’d definitely rewatch it. I do agree this show suffers from too many storylines and too many characters. I do think either Theo will become a bigger player or disappear. I’m leaning more towards disappear. I think us readers or watchers coming from The Hobbit or from The Lord of the Rings needs to remember is that those stories are mostly told by hobbits, who kinda view elves as great wise people. In many ways elves are because they’ve lived so long. But in the first and second ages of middle earth, we see elves with a lot of pride making a lot of mistakes. From the movies, it’s easy to think this was all the fault of men, but it was elves that were deceived by Annatar first and made all the rings. I think Numenor is probably more interesting to book readers because it’s seeing a society come to life that we haven’t seen before. And as Mary said Numenor is important because Elendil and Isildur are apart of that last alliance of Elves and men eventually “defeat” Sauron. I actually would kinda like to see Isildur attempt to throw the ring in the fire. How discouraging would it be for Elrond to see the dwarves and men fall prey to Sauron’s rings and continue to see this pattern repeat itself again with Isildur. Or see Isildur think it’s his right to have the one ring because of watching Sauron kill his father. I would love to see Ar-Pharazon, Kemen, Anarian, and Theo become black riders. Not sure what other men we’ll see take rings. In some ways, I prefer Pharazon trying to hijack the eagle’s appearance as a sign that he’s meant to be the next leader. In the books, he actually marries Muriel (his first or 2nd cousin), to further legitimize his claim to the throne. What’s you go about the Numenor storyline is that it’s thousands of years greatly compressed. The orc origin story was a struggle for Tolkien, especially the afterlife for orcs. Elves that die can be revived in Valinor. So what about these half orc/half elf beings? Towards the end of Tolkien’s life, he was going to have orcs be descendants of men, since they are more corruptible. So I think some of the uproar is due to that. I enjoyed seeing the harfoots last season. This season, I haven’t enjoyed it as much or the stranger’s storyline. But I think that’s because watching Celebrimbor and Annatar/Sauron is so interesting. Thanks again for a positive podcast!
@andriasperils1832 17 күн бұрын
Yes Mary! I remember that picture of Jesus with the lamb. His one hand (I think the left one) was on top of the lambs head, and the other (His right hand) was up making a cross with his finger. You're not alone! Your comment about Tom Bombadil being fat Jesus was hilarious 😅 Edit: yes Mary. I had the exact same thought about the Stranger knowing about Sauron when he said that. Him and Poppy and Nori have been on their own road to discovery, practically isolated from the rest of the world. When did they hear about Sauron coming back? It doesn't make sense
@aaronives818 21 күн бұрын
As a HUGE Tolkien fan seriously HUGE I am really loving the show and your analysis and reaction. I think the problem the show has with Númenor is that it is an issue dealing with the mortality of man and misunderstanding and jealousy of the elves, the problem is this story arc takes place over thousands of years it is a slow and gradual fall and that is going to be very hard for a tv show to do.
@colinrohach879 25 күн бұрын
Best harry potter podcast. I really appreciate the analysis of the author's intent and the story itself rather this be just a bunch of random fan theories like most harry potter youtubers. keep up the good work.
@ambie920 Ай бұрын
Hi Mary and Blake! I binged all your Potterverse episodes last winter/spring and caught up right around the time you released this episode - when do you anticipate recording Potterverse again?
@bethsaggio176 Ай бұрын
Watched on catch up! Watching from Brentwood, TN. ( suburb of Nashville)
@saintbrodee8021 Ай бұрын
The King of Awful Terrible Takes.
@maryandblakemedia1929 Ай бұрын
Proud of it!
@osupride97 Ай бұрын
Why do you never say JK Rowling’s name? I’ve listened to you all for some time and you say “author” instead of her name. Does she not deserve being addressed by name?
@Factory_Edge Ай бұрын
.........and then episode 4 hits and she becomes insufferable again.
@sauromatae9728 Ай бұрын
Lord of yapping
@maryandblakemedia1929 Ай бұрын
About what?
@JettMann8 Ай бұрын
Okay, and everything you've said directly contradicts canon, as does Rings of Power. And it drives fans of LotR absolute nuts, and we viscerally oppose it.
@maryandblakemedia1929 Ай бұрын
Not sure how characterization and moral ambiguity contradicts LOTR?
@JettMann8 Ай бұрын
@@maryandblakemedia1929 Because Tolkien very specifically wrote WITHOUT moral ambiguity. There was a clear cut line between the darkness and the light. When characters tread they grey, the darkness easily pulled them over and corrupted them. Fëanor and Sarumon are examples of what happens to those who mess with ambiguity. And the very fact that these characters who have so much more characterization in the writings of Tolkien to fall upon are being turned into something that is directly opposed to how they were originally depicted is frankly dishonest. This is not adding ANYTHING to the works of Tolkien, it is directly damaging it. These are not even remotely resembling the characters that Tolkien wrote. It borders outright offensive that anyone who had anything to do with creating this show thought for a second that those of us who grew up with and delved deep into the awe and wonder of Tolkien's writings would look at this with anything other than contempt.
@maryandblakemedia1929 Ай бұрын
Boromir, Isildur Morgoth, the Valar in general…. All morally grey. And that’s ok. In fact, in MODERN storytelling, that’s a good thing
@ongoingstory2071 Ай бұрын
I know this old for you guys but the hair situation is that Luke has really great hair that they play up with lots of body. But then after they wrapped he got a haircut and did a comedic play. The producers came to realize he actually has really good comedic timing, so they called him back for pickups focusing on adding comedic moments. They did what they could with the hair but it didn't match well
@helloidharbl6753 Ай бұрын
I think this guy is a f#$&ing idiot. He definitely hasn't read the books.
@RuthRoberts-e5b Ай бұрын
Quit yammer inn
@RuthRoberts-e5b Ай бұрын
Quit yammering.
@DuckDude-k5x 2 ай бұрын
Wow nice
@sharonalbanese8084 2 ай бұрын
My thoughts on this episode, after a fantastic few eps at the end of season 5.... give these people a break! I know its a drama but do we have to have more trauama? Plus i can see exactly where the story line is going with the Christie family. Kind of annoying.
@osupride97 2 ай бұрын
First comment ever - Jonathan Randall has two first names also!!!!!!
@listenwithprecious 2 ай бұрын
Rewatching got
@Mdawg1993 2 ай бұрын
I think the wooden throne is a wheelchair
@Mdawg1993 2 ай бұрын
Alicent didn’t have a character arc….her power was taken away because of her years of being a terrible mother. Then even gives up her son to be killed because she realized SHE WAS WRONG AND STARTED THIS WAR THAT WILL KILL EVERYONE AND ALL THE DRAGONS! So she gives up! She SUX!
@Mdawg1993 2 ай бұрын
Alicent didn’t have a character arc….her power was taken away because of her years of being a terrible mother. Then even gives up her son to be killed because she realized SHE WAS WRONG AND STARTED THIS WAR THAT WILL KILL EVERYONE AND ALL THE DRAGONS! So she gives up! She SUX!
@lenoraGrayce 2 ай бұрын
I have to agree with Olivia in Toronto!! This season was mid and my least favorite so far. Felt zero chemistry between Colin and Penn. Sex scenes felt SOOO awkward and though the team did a great job on Colin’s glow up, the actors’ performance was way too “Extra” and felt really forced. 🙄 The only thing I really enjoyed about this season was the relationships between Violet and Lady Danbury, the rise of Blake’s Queen of Darkness, Cressida Culper (SHE was amazing!!) And the all too few love scenes with Kate and Anthony, who brought the heat to an overall tepid season!!
@tanyaevans9585 2 ай бұрын
Benny... I agree with a lot of what Blake says except clearly the change is him discovering he is bi. That is kinda a big deal for his character? Although I am annoyed it has happened now and not in season two, when it would have felt way more organic. Overall I agree Benny's storylines exists mostly on vibes and he desperately needs purpose and to evolve through some kind of narrative conflict. Excited about what that means for season four.
@tanyaevans9585 2 ай бұрын
I dont want to dump on Blake but I disagree with a lot of his takes (or at least partially disagree). Francesca experienced gay panic. Speak to your gay friends - this is a very common part of the gay experience. It is highly unlikely she is going to realize her attraction to Michaela anytime soon - mostly because it is hard to figure out you are queer now, let alone in regency England. So she will love John...until John is no longer around. And then her story will be about falling in love again. But for that second love to really resonate for the viewers, we need to appreciate her first love , which is John
@lizanderson2922 2 ай бұрын
I love family guy sound bite 😂 And absolutely agree with you on the useless side plots!
@jmczerbe 2 ай бұрын
Mary, will you be doing a Bridgerton book club? I know you mentioned possibly doing that again.
@jmczerbe 2 ай бұрын
Actually Hyacinth’s book happens before Gregory’s, even though he’s older. It will be interesting if they stick to that order.
@danceninja21 2 ай бұрын
Did you make your dinner reservation the other day?
@KryshaHope22 2 ай бұрын
I'm just now catching up on This Is Us for the first time, and I am so thankful for you two. I also follow you on Outlander, Bridgerton, and The Last Kingdom. Your daughter is so so adorable in this ep! Her little dance. So stinking cute. You guys are the perfect companion podcast for literally any show, while I'm working my desk job. Love you guys! <3
@hihackersam9176 2 ай бұрын
You only know who is going to claim it if you read the books🥱
@ryannello 2 ай бұрын
Great points being made
@anasalas3836 2 ай бұрын
I love long episodes and don’t mind them at all😊listening to you guys helps my work day to feel shorter 😊😊
@anasalas3836 2 ай бұрын
Im very excited for Rings of Power’s new season 😬
@ermitacm6808 2 ай бұрын
no, hugh's mother is the sister of visery's and daemon's father. that would make her a pure blood targaryen.
@shylieinvestigations8998 2 ай бұрын
Also, dragons are similar to nuclear weapons metaphorically, but they are not the same thing. I don't think you can simply replace one word with the other. The Blacks need something to counter what the Greens have. However, could it get out of hand? Yes. And that is the worry.
@shylieinvestigations8998 2 ай бұрын
Always Team Black simply because Rhaenyra is the legitimate heir, and Otto and his crew conspired to deny her. If Rhaenyra had been allowed to ascend, things would have been so much better, I think. But we probably would not have a show. Having said that, I enjoy watching both Black and Green stories in the show, with the arcs of individual characters.
@wowitsruss 2 ай бұрын
They needed daemon away so they could do other stuff so they extended him there.
@felicitymorris5548 2 ай бұрын
He's there for Jemmy's birth in the books, and it's the best. I can't believe they didnt have it in the show
@marketsv9531 2 ай бұрын
I feel like the cover of You belong with me would have fit perfectly in season 1 when Colin got engaged to Marina and Penelope was watching them from afar. I know it was not their season and they used covers for Daphne & Simon´s relationship. But it would have just been perfect 👌🏻 I agree that this placement of the song felt a bit weird…