@ClementineFlFlFl 29 күн бұрын
Tip 6, 3rd party, in other words be a coward kunt. You're right cause to win this game you only need luck, a low ping and just doing nothing for the entire game. The next proof that WOT is not a skill game.
@johnsun3854 Ай бұрын
Onslaught is still much better than the boring campfest of ''ranked''. Only ones that dislike onslaught are streamers because it makes their ''job'' more stressful and ppl who form their opinion from streamers opinion only...
Ranked was still bad, indeed. Onslaught could still be improved massivly. Biggest issures I think it has are the unfair matchmaking, especially considering the matching of platoons and the day time one is grinding. Also it burns crazy amount of credits without premium account. People who don't complain about Onslaught are mostly the ones who powergrind it in some days in a 7vs7 platoon in a strong clan. They get to the top so fast, there is no point in improving anything for them, they are profiting from it. And even if one is a very good solo player, you normally need playing the mode for weeks to get forward. That amount of stolen life time is also ridiculous considering the rewards for the highest ranks are mostly camos. So there is plenty of space for improvement - or many people just won't play it. And I don't think WG would actually have an interest in that turnout.
@ralphyralph1604 Ай бұрын
hi, what does the circle to the right of the player name mean? Here, for example, on the 7th placed player? 6:07
Hi mate, I didn't know this first too but someone told me that that's the player who last killed you. That seems to be correct, as you can see after 3:20 the circle appears after I was pushed into the abyss :D Strange that the game doesn't explain it, it's kind of confusing haha
@loboptlu Ай бұрын
Best way to win for everyone would be to never do something as shitty boring and infuriating again. Wargaming never let the one having that idea into a thinktank again please.
The mode gets boring over time quite fast, but if you just play two rounds every day you will get most of the rewards cause of the daily missions. It's not half as frustrating than playing randoms or not nearly as flaming as Onlsaught imo, but still can be quite provoking. But also thats just part of the competitiv aspect I guess.
@loboptlu Ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTVthe word competitive gets used a lot to excuse asocial aggressive immoral and psychotic behaviour . And no you need more than 2 matches if you don’t want at any cost play that more days than absolutely necessary ,especially with the last one at 50000
​@@loboptlu That might be true, but have you encountered "asocial aggressive immoral and psychotic behaviour" in this specific event? I mean, it's just about bumping the rest from the platform, I don't see much space there for being an ingame psychopath. If you want all three commanders you would have to play more than two matches that's true, but if you only play two matches for the eleven days you will get at least 99k points, additionally will be the points you earn ingame. Let's say you collect every game around 1500 points, you will have 115500 points after eleven days. Kirk needs around 60k points if I remember correctly, Spock needs 70k. So even for Spock you would just need 14.500 points more, if you manage to finish in eleven days two missions at one day twice, you will have two third of the rewards. I think thats ok from Wargaming, they did far worse stuff in the past imo
@loboptlu Ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV and who wants to play that for 11 days? that entire event is based on aggravating said behaviour even more than it already is in the rest of the game, need 16 more of those stupid crystals then ,since they where so nice to show who has them, getting attacked all the time on a very badly made map that you need 5 to 6 games to get them and I personally start to get so aggressive that i have death wishes for the other players that they make me lose my time on that stupid game ,and i know a few who have the same reaction . Once finished the daily tasks we are happy to log out while hating to restart that crap again next day, only redeeming factor is that it makes me get more time out of game since i have no desire playing anything that day. And i want to play to calm down not to get more stressed.
@@loboptlu If you have such a strong emotional reaction I would not recommend to play the mode. It's not designed for driving around peacefully and just collect some crystals. It's all about ramming, shooting and pushing each other just for fun. Many good WoT players get easily frustrated in those event modes, cause they can't rely on their ingame experience and have to encounter better players. Seeing themselfes suddenly as not good any more makes them easily angry. Other reasons can be the big amount of randomness and the self set high standards. One might want to be always in the top places, but that crazy mode is extremly random and sometimes one is the best and sometimes one is the worst. It's just far more arcade than the randoms in WoT and many people tend not to like something which isn't like the game they played for years. But no one is forced to play the mode so maybe consider to either change your point of view or don't torture yourself with an event you don't enjoy to play, it's wasted time as far as I can tell. What I can tell you is that many people know that some dudes get extremly angry getting pushed by a bumper car into a ditch, so they enjoy it even more to push them down the hill :D Don't feed those guys, stay relaxed and have a good time
@ZigZagStardust Ай бұрын
What do you get when you get all 9 ?
You will have all three commanders and the other loot which comes with them, but the "reward" for just finishing all chapters is most likely just a text block with a little story with Star Trek content. It says so in the preview at least. I can post it here as soon as I have finished all chapters.
As I thought it is just a text block and the link to a wallpaper and the soundtrack. I made a video about it, feel free to check it out if you are interested, its my latest video right now.
@mirianosix9274 Ай бұрын
As usual nice idea and everything but the game mechanics suck. Stupìd physics, gun's crosshair not accurate at all, "rovers" that are more like rubber dinghy since they slide and fly as if they weighted 1kg. The jump on the edge of the map built after a turn?!? so you have to turn and jump at the same time, complete fail.
I can clearly see what you mean, I think they were just trying to simulate a little bit the space physics of a rover, it turned out to be more like driving on ice which they already tried to simulate on the christmas battles. It's still fun for me and they had far worse events imo, maybe consider it more like playing Bumper Cars with a gun.
@martasbalskus 3 ай бұрын
auto aim button?
I meant the right mouse button :D That's the "auto aim button" by default at least.
@Alteringarts 3 ай бұрын
Your English is fine. cheers!
Thanks! I will keep improving, your words are motivating!
@Jirioo 3 ай бұрын
is the light with the best gun and has high hp (for a light), can ram, is the fastest non-wheeled tier X, is the best light for onslaught.
Would say so too, but only in the hands of a skilled player. Most people should still prefer to play a medium or heavy instead, as I saw even in the low ranks people trying to play the rhm. It ends mostly bad, either the rhm player is not good enough or the team can't use the scouting information to their advantage. Or both :D
@anthony-wk7ux 4 ай бұрын
Was worth the 475000 free XP thsts for sure.. Love this tank.. Different to my 75..faster more agile... I run with meds or support the big boys.
@TANKSBROTV 4 ай бұрын
How did you buy it with free XP? Wasn't it only sold for gold? Nice that you enjoy it and have fun with it, thats the most important thing in a game!
@bobikostovski2075 4 ай бұрын
bz 72 -1 mast be tier 7 tank no tier 10 best sith tank ever no armor no gun no nating morons wot
@samjames1159 4 ай бұрын
the worst gamemode ive ever played in my life. only want to get to silver so i can get the concept 1b, but im literally hard stuck in bronze. cant get out because for every one game you win you lose 2 or 3. the gamemode is impossible i give up trying
@TANKSBROTV 4 ай бұрын
I know exactly what you mean. It's very frustrating and the progress is so slow that it becomes mostly a time waste. I think it's almost impossible to make a reasonable progress if you play solo. If you don't have a good platoon mate just focus on the weekly mission and let Onslaught be what it is - a frustrating credit burning gamble event, the random factors are so high that I wouldn't use it as a competetive option to compare yourself with others. It's just "role the dice and hope you get the better team mates with better map awareness". Playing Onslaught solo is just unbearable. The matchmaker is a joke.
@johnsun3854 Ай бұрын
naah, ranked is the worst. 10 vs 10 krans staring at each other for 15 minutes.
@satanielgaming 5 ай бұрын
Have you tried the SU-2-122 the double barreled tier 5 russian tank? It's got a tiny gun arc, but it deals 450 *2 with equal DPS to the tier 8 version.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
It was in the holiday loot boxes 2022 right? I don't have it, but it seemed to be such an awkward thing - just around 60mm pen, but two times 450 Alpha. Kind of an KV2 on steroids but with broken legs haha. Does the tank work for you?
@satanielgaming 5 ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV Been abysmal at it, but I'm a LT player. It does have 150 pen HEAT that deal 370 alpha. I wish it could front pen more heavies though.
@TANKSBROTV 4 ай бұрын
@@satanielgaming TDs can be very annoying if they dont have a turret, even worse if they don't have good pen as well. Doesn't sound so funny to play, I can understand why you prefere to play LT - much more things you can do. Releasing a tier V tank with the potential burst of 900 damage is still sick , what were they thinking...
@Calzaghe.Effect 5 ай бұрын
Playing the TL-7 In the heavy like works very well. This isn't a great td for sniping. Take a shot from the heavy and clip him helps the heavies push.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
That sounds reasonable. Could also imagine it also works ok hiding behind a bush and just give an unaware enemy 2-3 shots and return immediatly. Doesn't sound so enjoyable tho in my opinion. Just not as much as I would spend real money for it, but if it works for you thats cool. Would be great if Wargaming would make it possible for players to test-play tanks 10 rounds or something like that before they have to buy a tank. Just not worth the gamble otherwise imo.
@Calzaghe.Effect 5 ай бұрын
Makes Bonds and credits so it's my little bond machine lol. It's all about play style. Good video either way.@@TANKSBROTV
@finique8389 5 ай бұрын
Good tank, but its not even for silver... Greedy wargaming at it :/. Meanwhile the asian server got the last 4 out of the 5 tanks for free xp, lol... i have the tech tree version, but never played. Might give it a try :)). Thanks for the video friend.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! Yes, only one auction for credits was really a cheap move... But I could bet the next assemble shop is not far away, lets see with what they come around the corner next time lol Good luck with your WZ in battle!
@krstnktzn 5 ай бұрын
I agree a test-play option would change everything. Typical WOT tossing out mediocre tanks to make a quick buck that probably won't even perform
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
I think the tank will have it's moments, but selling it in an auction always comes with the flavor of "hopefully the normal player thinks it's very good and buys it without research". Still we should be glad it's nothing op like the BZ-176 or something completly underperforming like the 59-patton. Test-play option for 10 matches would be very cool, but I think they are very aware of that a lot of people just close the game after 3-4 bad matches due to bad matchmaking. Wargaming really does know their own game and don't want to lower their sales, understandably.
@finique8389 5 ай бұрын
thanks for the vid mate. I'll probably skip the tank since i have only 15k gold and it doesn't look that impressive.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Sure thing! I think for that amount of gold or money there are far better deals coming at some point. I miss a little bit the old 'black market' event, there they made it possible to get good tanks actually cheaper than normally. Guess those times are past for WoT.
@meto248 5 ай бұрын
btw it was in an op state and nerf to hell
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Yes true, it used to be very good. I have to say luckily they nerfed it. But it's also bad for the (few) people who earned this tank honest with the hardcore requirement to get it back then in the event. I wasn't playing WoT during that time but I heard it was almost impossible to get it without rigging. Edit: Oh sorry, I thought your comment was about the T-22. I didn't know the BZ-72-1 was supposed to be better, interesting! Still a good thing it's not to strong, a non-tech-tree tank shoulnd't influence the meta game.
@CrniWuk 5 ай бұрын
I always thought WoT couldn't reach another low. But biding on digital goods with artificial scarcity? So you can sell a vehicle that's maybe worth 10 bucks for over 70. That's dirty.
@AtheismF7W 5 ай бұрын
Yep. Scummy wg
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
That auction and biding events are returning normally serveral times per year. I don't like this too. They use FOMO to pull the money out of peoples pocket who can resist the mental pressure. Wish I would knew the percentage of people who are doing this without being prone to gambling addiction. A lot of companies do that, tho. Which doesn't make it better ofc.
@aleksandaraleksov1068 5 ай бұрын
nice observation bro. sub and like
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Thanks man, I really appreciate it!!
@marekkocandrle797 5 ай бұрын
Hey man, what's the background music? :D Thanks
@DiverseFeiten 5 ай бұрын
Darude - Sandstorm
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Haha great you like it! I want to keep my channel around that retro-synthwave style, so that's awesome if people are recognizing and enjoying it :D It's Karl Casey, he made a LOT of that music, here is the direct link, the first tracks are running in the background: kzbin.info/www/bejne/nWfLimqad5pnmMU Also mentioning his Channel: Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio I'm putting the whole link in the video description as well, thanks for mentioning!
@DWRima 5 ай бұрын
As a very average WOT player the T22 is very much worth the credits (to me at least) {paid 15,000,000 on US server}. I have the T62A and 430u but not the 140. It's got great mobility, decent ammo and trollish armor. To me the armor lets me brawl a bit better while the speed lets me flex or chase damage. It's a great tank for an average player IMO...
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Yes I can imagine that the armor is a good advantage, the most important thing is that the tank is fun for you to play. I would say the T-22 is not a bad tank by all means, but I would rather say its between the area of mediocre and good, so while it's not competing with the best meta tanks it has enough benefits which can make it very useful in random battles. In the end I think it's not a huge difference if you play those russian or chinese medium tanks, they all differ somehow but the playstile is never a complete new universe. Great to hear that the tank works out for you and I can imagine for a lot of people too. 23 mio credits were just overpriced imo, I would say double the price for a tech tree tier X tank is understandable, 15 mio is still a lot but considering the (for now) rarity of the tank and the event character I can see why you striked on that chance. Thanks for your shared experience and good luck + fun matches with the T-22!
@johnwilson2543 5 ай бұрын
Great video bro. Keep it up
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Those positiv reactions always motivate! Thank you!
@finique8389 5 ай бұрын
thanks alot for the vid! I agree in general overpriced tank...
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Ofc man, you're welcome! Glad you checked it out. That tank is far to expensive imo and I wonder who would rather play this than the BZ-75 or most of the other tier X tanks. Doesn't have anything which sticks out and seems to be only created for the sole purpose to trigger collectors.
@sandenus102 5 ай бұрын
Informative video but its a bit painful listening to "uhm" every 2 seconds
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback! You are right, I will try to fix this in the future. Have still to practice to speak more fluent English, right now I still have to think a lot about the vocabulary. Unfortunatly the next videos about the Auction are already partially recorded and I most likely won't find the time to do them again. I will try to cut out some of it, I hope its getting better in the future. Thanks for pointing that out and making me more aware of it
@finique8389 5 ай бұрын
nice vid mate, can you do another ones as new tank/s drop?
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! I will sure try to do so, right now I am preparing for it. This auction event came quite spontaneously, but I will try to accompany it with my opinion about the released tanks and spare some people the research time on tank stats etc.
@finique8389 5 ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV very cool, thanks!! 😎
@sacristar 5 ай бұрын
Very helpful, thanks!
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Ofc man, glad you enoyed it! I can also recommend you the video "The Ultimate World of Tanks Guide" from the CC "chems", who made a very in-depth analysis about the game mode. My video is some weeks older than his ones, otherwise I might even had saved myself the time creating my own one. But maybe his ones has a little misleading title so people won't find it that easy if they specifically search for Steel Hunter
@sacristar 5 ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV Chems is most definitely not a CC 😁 Though you could argue that he is exactly that. Just not one endorsed by WG. Anyway, thanks for the tip! If you have something similarly tactical for Onslaught, that would be much appreciated too. I'm not the tactician. And in Onslaught, that's even more apparent sadly.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
True, true, as long as someone is contributing something to the community, whatever it is, the term always fits imo. Still I am struggling with finding enough time to even just play Onslaught, but I will defenitly try to at least share the things which worked for me so far just fine. Most likely that video will be less edited due the time this needs, but hopefully still a little helpful for you. Right now it was just announced that the Auction event starts tomorrow in WoT, so I will spend my free time today for pressing out a short video about that, hopefully it will be possible for me to do a little comment video on every auction daily so I might give some advice or at least my opinion about what might be worth buying and what not. Because Onslaught goes a little longer and I need to play the mode more I will try to make that content the following afterwards. Thanks for your interest!
@pouncebounce9470 5 ай бұрын
The edit time, dedicated you are.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! Sure try to make it as entertaining and valuable as possible, still learning but trying always to improve every video. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!
@hopburdaymsaniyede 5 ай бұрын
Bro what are these positions are u playin? Watch some skill4ltu man.
@Neffty_Exe 5 ай бұрын
I'd rather watch ClausKelleman than skill4retard. I cant stand his way him trying to make his vids funny. Has was good but fell of like QB. Can't forget his baboon empire. I would recommend Kajzoo or Daki.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Yeah they weren't so great, but it's a kind of a fail compilation hehe. But actually most of the battles went out pretty good for me, I am not playing so much and somehow still slowly climb up, which is kind of a good sign for me. If I find the time I will sure try to understand the maps and the meta in this game mode better, right now its more grinding just4fun the weekly missions, but it works anyway so far somehow so I can't complain much.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Please no insults, but ofc you can watch whoever you want. Everyone likes different video style, at least one should give them all fa air chance. Also depending on the content highly imo, some videos of the one are more valuable for yourself, some of the other one are better in other things. Difficult to judge but I would recommend everyone to just try and see for yourself who helps you the most. If the content attracts me I give it a try, if it is bad I just close it again. @@Neffty_Exe
@hopburdaymsaniyede 5 ай бұрын
​@@TANKSBROTVDon't get me wrong. Edit's are very good. Thank you for spending ur time to make these. Keep doing.
@NewBieAlmostPro 5 ай бұрын
Skill is a piece of garbage human
@yutubeiscensorshipskum-ih8tw 5 ай бұрын
You actually play this mod? Damn, what a waste of time.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
I can definitly understand why one wouldn't play it, it's soooo frustrating. But the weekly missions are actually not to hard to finish, you get some good credits, bonds and days of premium. I like the gameplay actually, only problem is that falling down and climbing up really is a waste of time and burning credits without premium time is just senseless as well^^ So yeah, lots of people don't like it and I can sure see why.
@yutubeiscensorshipskum-ih8tw 5 ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV Everything you said are exact reasons I do not play it. That, plus RNG is m0r0nic.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
@@yutubeiscensorshipskum-ih8tw The aiming in this mode is actually improved so guns are more accurate, a huge reason for me why I enjoy it more than the last rotation. But RNG on the team composition if you play solo is beyond my understanding. They should really focus more on their matchmaker at all. But yeah the mode exists in the end for having a reason to grind tier X and burn your credits. That's why it exists and thats kind of sad, they could do better I think.
@yutubeiscensorshipskum-ih8tw 5 ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV Aiming is improved? damn, my E3, E100, jagd pizda, ebr, kranvagen and is4 are playing just as they would in regular games.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
@@yutubeiscensorshipskum-ih8tw I can't say the same, but as far as I know it's reduced by 1,5 (whatever that number means, I think they calculate the radius of the aim circle with that somehow, but I don't know the exact calculation), so there is still anough RNG. Especially with tanks like the IS4 and E3 which tend to have shotgun accuracy anyway. But my EBR and Kranvagn are hitting nothing as well in randoms haha, maybe thats why the Kran has the aiming skill in Onslaught. I don't play any of those tanks in Onslaught actually, on City Maps the Maus works quite good for me, Hull Down Maps the S. Conq (but its not recommended by a some people actually because its too slow) and on more versatile maps the CS-63. Maybe give some other tanks a chance, you are choosing quite slow ones and the EBR is not really meta as a light tank. I made a short comment about the Rhm Panzerwagen being somehow meta in this Onslaught rotation, maybe you want to check that out. Good luck in your battles anway!
@The83Papus 5 ай бұрын
man, can you speak normaly? lol
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
You mean my accent or the video speed? I am still trying to improve my English, sorry if it's not so pleasant to listen to it yet
@The83Papus 5 ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV looks like something is wrong with your voice (the speed) the English is good, no one is perfect
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
@@The83Papus Ah now I know what you mean - I increased the speed a little bit, thats why it sounds quite strange. I thought it would be to slow and boring otherwise. If you watch it at the speed of 0.75 it should sound more normal. I will try to find a way to improve this in the next video. Thx for the hint
@mattrix36 5 ай бұрын
broken mechanics bring back ranked i refuse to sweat my nuts off in this crap!!!!
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Ranked Battles were in my opinion extremly frustrating too, if not even more frustrating - I think Wargaming did actually kind of a good job in turning the horrible grind of the Ranked Battles into kind of a good memory in comparison to almost the same endless grind of Onslaught lol
@mattrix36 5 ай бұрын
god this mode sucks bigtime
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
It's definitly very frustrating and can destroy ones complete day if it goes badly.
@dinismantas7265 5 ай бұрын
This mode is a pain in the butt. I wouldn't be playing it if there were no rewards. In fact, I was prepared to just do the weekly missions, but they introduced the store this season and I always wanted the Kpz. I did reach silver before so I may go for it. If I manage to get the kpz and all rewards, that's it, no more Onslaught for me. I do like the special abilities. I wouldn't mind having a mode/event with those special abilities. I think they help to differentiate between sub-classes and make certain tanks more relevant. Yes, they may need balancing at times.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
I think they catched most people with the bond store. The only reason for Wargaming is, I think, let people burn their credits and give them something to grind for. Also to pressure people towards owning tier X tanks. I think the improvements of this rotation are really noticable, but still it's a horrible grind if you play solo. So for me personally I either join a platoon in which the mode is fun to play or I will just leave it be. Of course the reward tanks are nice, but in the end, what would I need them for? I would play them a few times and then they would collect dust, because there haven't been any interesting events for tier IX in WoT for years so far I remember. If the grind becomes too horrible, I can only encourage you to not torture yourself needlessly. They will bring those reward tanks over and over again. They will be even more easy to reach while time progresses.
@albchu 5 ай бұрын
Only need to reach silver to unlock kpz, concept and sp. It's the chimera and the improved equipment at gold, no?
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
With silver you unlock to buy the Kpz and the Concept, at gold you can buy the 114 SP and the bond equipment. The Chimera is only achievable if you finish the second part of second campaign.
@christianschmahl4946 5 ай бұрын
I have also been enjoying the rhm Panzerwagen because of you being ablenken to Spot the whole enemy Team in the First second of the map with ITS abilety. Because you will spot all 7 Tanks at once you instantly get the abilety recharged and you Team knows exactly what Tanks are in the opposit Team and where they are going. I personally haven't seen any one else doing this while playing but think that that might be a bit OP.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
That's a very interesting hint! I tried it out and the speed and accuracy together with the good gun depression seem to be a real good alternative to the CS-63. Together with the instant spot ability this might be the reason it is so succesful on certain maps. Sadly it didn't worked out so well as far as I tried, I get better results with the CS-63 tho, especially with the air strike which can reset the enemy base which came in handy a lot of times. @christianschmahl4946 have you already tried the rhm panzerwagen out in higher ranks so far?
@riyamumusic46 5 ай бұрын
I think quickybaby did it
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
@@riyamumusic46 He reached Champion rank last season, but didn't play the rhm as far as I know. Didn't find a video about it as well
@riyamumusic46 5 ай бұрын
@@TANKSBROTV Ah, yes, the video is from last season. kzbin.info/www/bejne/hGmbgIBqpbOiiac
@emeraldoracle8706 5 ай бұрын
So far I don't like it, also I am pretty bad at it.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
It's already not so much fun but definitly terrible if you lose more than you win. My tip is to find a good buddy with whom you can platoon, it's much more fun like that even if you lose. Only big frustration will still be the immense burning of credits. I also intend to do a little Onlsaught guide with the best strategies which work for me, I hope I'll find time to do it.
@krstnktzn 5 ай бұрын
The most underrated WOT KZbinr
@sorinsgc9991 5 ай бұрын
Nice video
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! 🥺
@greggo34 5 ай бұрын
OnCrap sucks just like "RANKED" u do good and team loses so u lose points, just like rank.. Another FUBAR" game mode .
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Definitly very frustrating, I don't understand why they make progress depending on win or lose and not for example the amount of damage you do compared to your team. Anyway DROPPING in the ranks while still doing a good job is one of the biggest let downs of the mode imo.
@torbendinesen7121 5 ай бұрын
Yes absolut a shit show
@jacobivy2854 5 ай бұрын
They’ve yet to introduce one of these extra game modes I found truly enjoyable. The last time they were fun was back in the glory days of clan wars around 2013.
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
I can understand this, some of them are really poorly designed and not well thought through. I still like many of them better than randoms actually, because normally there is no arty there and the focus is more about the fun and playing the actual game. Onlsaught on the other hand was like Ranked Battles mostly ONLY frustration and with poor rewards. Maybe it's better now, I hope so. Fun game modes were imo last year Mirny, The Waffentraeger, Steel Hunter with respawn and Frontline. Sadly Frontline doesn't make much Credits more than randoms anymore and the rewards were bad.
@jakey3041 5 ай бұрын
im there to spend the bonds i saved for a chief on the kpz and concept
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
I think this will be a good investment. Who knows if the Chief comes back. With the tier IX tanks you will have some strong and fun tanks (as it seems) in your garage. With a chieftain you can all in all just play randoms or clanwars as well, so it wouldn't change much about the game and I think the concept is in its tier maybe even stronger than the Chief on its tier, considering the Chief has sometimes to play against good tier VIII premium tanks but the Concept can even smash down poor tier VII casuals.
@HWChopper 5 ай бұрын
I wasnt a fan of last season as well,
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
The amount of time to reach the higher ranks was for the average player just waaay to much in my opinion, and the effort needed was disproportionate to the rewards. It will be grindy again for sure, but maybe not that frustrating like last time - I hope :D
@xarex3411 5 ай бұрын
e p i c video have a nice day everyone :)
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Thanks, you too! :)
@codeation5862 5 ай бұрын
I'm not great at wot, and when I die even if it wasnt my fault and was someone else's fault, I'm not a dick I just move on. 46% Win rate 😬
@TANKSBROTV 5 ай бұрын
Never stress yourself about your winrate, if that is true what you are saying you are clearly always the spiritual winner! Being a better human is always the most important thing, not being good in playing an useless game wihch 99,8% of the world doesn't care about.
@peterose3390 5 ай бұрын
xD Nice one
@mojobag01 7 ай бұрын
Pretty sure their original choice dropped out. Vinny was a D-list actor and a D-list soccer player.
@AntsCzech 7 ай бұрын
@TheGrippinOriginal 7 ай бұрын
One thing that you don't know Vinnie Jones -despite he acted in several well known movies-, but overreacting an irrelevant cinematic trailer...? Why would you want to understand the characters and the motives in this, as the sole purpose of this whole thing is to show off that he is this year's guest... It could have been like CoD level bullshit with Nicki Minaj / Snoop Dogg lol... Also I have no clue how you couldn't understand that the guy was pissed about the scratch on the car in the beginning lmao. Relax mate and let it go.
@TANKSBROTV 7 ай бұрын
Glad you liked the original trailer :) This video is solely for entertaining purposes. I made this video ofc after I watched the trailer several times and figured out that it was about the car scratches, still I wanted to give the impression that I was watching it the first time. In the adressed scene the cuts are quite short, the lighting is not good imo and the camera angle is bad for showing the car scratch, so I exaggerated my impression ofc. The trailer could be worse as you said, it could be better as well. If you enjoyed it, they did a good job for you, that's great! I didn't like it. I wish you a great time during the holiday ops, nice games and lots of fun! :)
@imperator_danny 7 ай бұрын
Do you have to complete the main BP to be eligible to Grind this Special Stage?
@TANKSBROTV 7 ай бұрын
As far as it looks right now you don't have to complete the main BP first. But you will most likely only be able to grind either the main BP or this special stage, so you will have to decide in which of both you want to progress. This is especially frustrating for everyone who is around level 35 of the main BP and also wants to grind the new tank, for grinding both things at the same time won't be possible.