[FF14] Average Ulti Raider
10 ай бұрын
[FF14] O4S Just dodge it
10 ай бұрын
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B-beast mode?
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@benik74 5 ай бұрын
I wish I had a friend group like this, only ever really played with one other person, ff14 has largely been lonely for me
@therealdoc 5 ай бұрын
Join an FC! It's a really good way to find people. I had nothing before I made this group, we were all strangers, and over two years we've become great friends
@benik74 5 ай бұрын
@@therealdoc I am actually on Gilgamesh, but there's reasons why FC's just never work well. Mainly since I'm in Australia, but my only real friend is on here so I can't leave.
@therealdoc 5 ай бұрын
​@benik74 I know the plight it Australians on NA servers all too well, but that doesn't mean you can't go searching for friends. An FC is a casual way to make friends. I made my own raid group because, at the time, nobody was making a group for Blind MINE content, let alone the times I was available. My objective initially was to do these raids for the sake of raiding, but it's a very social aspect for me as well. I think having an objective is a good way to start finding like-minded people who have the same availability you do!
@IShallCallHimTaders 5 ай бұрын
Good job. Makes me happy knowing people are finding friends out there. Even if I'm still just a solo sprout watching the world go by.
@therealdoc 5 ай бұрын
That's how most of us started in this group. You just have to find your family :) Now, one of them has lost their sprout and become a mentor!! They even tease me about becoming a mentor before me! They grow up so fast.
@nastylittlehobbitses4799 5 ай бұрын
they say that to this day, the scholar still hasnt finished their book....
@therealdoc 5 ай бұрын
@Corva7 5 ай бұрын
Amazing how much you guys managed to accomplish! I hope you keep going for many more!
@therealdoc 5 ай бұрын
Thank you <3 The plan is to do all of Shadowbringers and Endwalker too! We're about to go on break, so it'll be a while, but we only have two more expansions left!
@eve9021 5 ай бұрын
Love watching the evolution of weapons, glams, and more intricate gposing :) my 2 year anniversary for the game is coming up in just a couple weeks, and me and my friends have plenty of pictures from our time playing, now im tempted to do something like this too lol
@therealdoc 5 ай бұрын
You definitely should! :)
@therealdoc 5 ай бұрын
Song: "Neath Dark Waters"
@Cerviel 6 ай бұрын
Funny thing. I’m a tank main, wanted to get into doing other roles. Always struggled with healing (i’m a controller player and scrolling through targets takes more bandwidth than I can offer sometimes.) So I started playing BLM for DPS a few months ago. Did pretty decent with it. First healer I went for was SGE (this’ll be important in a moment). So the whole time I played BLM, lucid dreaming and manafont was kind of an afterthought button. Only pressed it when I remembered to press it. Might have cost me a fire cast, but it allowed me to sync ice phase with movement in most cases (because it put me in ice a little more often). Yes, inefficient, but more movement and lower-level content (i havent really gotten into EX and savage yet) So when I got into healing, suddenly that lucid dreaming button became a constant friend that pretty much stood on CD because…well, running out of mana just isn’t okay.
@Awo000ga 7 ай бұрын
Outstanding vid <3 I wish I'd had this when I started out
@iPlayOnSpica 8 ай бұрын
If a healer is running into mp issues despite using mp recovery actions, they've either just revived 3 teammates, or they're using too many gcd heals while the party is healthy. If the whole party is at 90% hp and not expecting a heavy raidwide, I am not wasting time and mp on a Medica, Succor, etc. In my experience, the only times I've actually run out of mp (even after using an ether) were fairly hopeless scenarios where we might as well wipe and retry. If a tank in a dungeon is doing a big pull where I'll be spamming Cure 2, Adlo, etc., I'll still usually walk away with 4-6k mp at the end of battle, dipping only to 1-2k if the dps are slacking (but I'd sooner run out of mp than let the tank die).
@therealdoc 8 ай бұрын
Not necessarily. Fights like T13, A8S, O4S, and O8S are pretty intense and require a LOT of gcd heals. For our O8S, for example, we had a RezMage and a WHM, so mana was rarely wasted on raising, but our healers were still strapped for mana. Regardless, knowing how to be more MP and GCD efficient is important for those moments!
@iPlayOnSpica 8 ай бұрын
@@therealdoc I hope brand new healers don't walk into T13, A8S, O4S, O8S, etc. I didn't clarify, but I meant casual content for the most part. I have played T13 as BLU healer (without stotram) and A8S as BLU dps, so I'm aware how heal heavy those fights can be.
@therealdoc 8 ай бұрын
​@@iPlayOnSpicaFair enough. Context does matter!
@rogue9856 8 ай бұрын
A god send of a guide for me. Thank you so much!
@HyouVizer 8 ай бұрын
love how you mention Cure 1 still being useful after getting Cure 2 in ARR content. Been playing WHM for 8 years and keep hearing Cure 1 is useless when having Cure 2, and free cure is a sprout trap. I admit after getting Solace at LV52 yes Cure 1 is pretty much useless compared _but_ before that level, Cure 1 can still thrive LV50 content and under. Was healing W2W pulls in LV28 dungeon, me and tank max LV but LV synced. ST heal using only Cure 2 was slow and very costly on MP 1k per heal. LV30 sync WHM at that level doesnt have any free heals. Cure 1 spam for those W2W pulls with Presence of Mind and Lucid Dreaming made a makeshift Regen saving my MP. Free Cure tho, later levels creates bad habits for WHM. I'll still see Cure 1 used for it LV60+ and beyond, when Regen, Solace, Asylum being far more useful. I hope 7.0 makes Cure 1 become Cure 2 with a 1.5 cast and reduce MP from 1k to 700MP or so.
@iPlayOnSpica 8 ай бұрын
WHM happens to be special as the single worst healer in ARR. All the other healers receive mp recovery abilities in addition to lucid dreaming. Meanwhile, both assize and thin air for WHM are HW unlocks. I argue they should remove freecure and instead grant the first charge of thin air in its stead, then grant the second charge at its current HW level (58 I think?). Regardless of any justification you may attempt to give to cure 1, if I foresee that I *might* need to resort to it, I'd much rather ditch the job entirely and pick AST, which never wants or needs benefic 1 spam. Not an issue in HW+.
@therealdoc 8 ай бұрын
​@iPlayOnSpica For MP sustain, I'd agree. Though, WHM has the highest damage of all the healers by quite a large margin in this level bracket. Beyond that, it is a bit worse than ast. It depends a lot on if you need more MP for the fight or not.
@kajacx 8 ай бұрын
Very nice explanation, but it requires to know what abilities come next, which is the difficult part. I cannot say how many times I have cast regen on a tank with full hp, only for them to die before I could cast the next cure 2, because the damage was so high during those 2 GCDs.
@tofu7768 8 ай бұрын
@bouldersmashing 8 ай бұрын
the girls are not ready for this convo
@setojurai 8 ай бұрын
I'm a Sage Main here and... honestly? I prefer to just tell the bosses and mob pulls "No" with stacked shields, regens and light healing, popping a targeted triple threat on the tank when needed as the DPS should be doing this thing called "not standing in the orange fanta" or if you're on Lv50 Crystal Tower, not standing in the damn magma. Slapping down staggered shields that overlap is just... fun, especially when watching the yellow bar become as long as the health bar. And since I've got all these shields on everyone, I can concentrate more on slapping the boss with a DOT and as much laser spam as I can to feed that tank's health like a grandma feeds her family at thanksgiving. Oh and for the "not standing in the orange fanta" comment... I'm looking at you Black Mage Mains. I'm looking at your health drop and vuln stacks rise. And I'm still prioritizing the tank.
@anqied 8 ай бұрын
Woah, a content creator focused on synced mine and even blind fights? Insta subbed! So much stuff focuses on max level content that has limited utility to me when I'm not going to get there likely for years yet.
@A_Wzone 8 ай бұрын
Remember Healers are there to keep you alive not at full HP also remember a Healer that feels neglected or abused will let you die
@setojurai 8 ай бұрын
as a certain wiggly youtuber once said... "as long as your HP is above zero, the healer is doing their job right"
@A_Wzone 8 ай бұрын
hehe if i remember correctly that same youtuber was quoted as saying "SUCK IT BLACK MAGE" XD@@setojurai
@iPlayOnSpica 8 ай бұрын
I'll add to this, if a dps has too many vuln stacks, I will usually let them die. If each hit takes them from full to near death, I can't afford to babysit them over tanks for tb's and the whole party for raidwides. I'd rather spend 2400mp reviving than supplement aoe healing with additional single target healing on every single raidwide for the next 60-90s. I'm talking strictly about medium damage raidwides that could one-shot them from 90% hp (which means I need to single heal them to full, aoe heal the team from 50% hp to near full, then go back and single heal them AGAIN because they were special and their hp went under 10%). Of course, if a specific mech brings a dps to low hp, I will heal them without hesitation, and if there's an incoming bodycheck or dps check where I'd rather have a vuln stacked dps alive, I would babysit as long as the tanks will survive.
@Lost_01 8 ай бұрын
It feels odd to focus so much on GCD heals when the end goal is to not use them nearly ever except lilies which get refunded. I guess this comes from mostly a coils healing perspective. Also if people are too spread to be hit by medica II they really should be grouped together. No reason a healer can’t demand the party stack for heals.
@Lost_01 8 ай бұрын
Overall great video comments above are really just nitpicks.
@therealdoc 8 ай бұрын
Thanks! And, well, it is an introduction to healing after all. Being able to fall back on GCD heals and focusing on them from the start is ideal for getting comfortable with it. Once you're comfortable with a fight, you start dialing back the heals naturally. My main issue with putting a heavy emphasis on optimizing damage from the get go is it's unnecessary in almost every avenue of content. It very much feels like gatekeeping at that point. Better to overheal from the start than to underheal.
@elgatochurro 8 ай бұрын
WTF was that at 12:30 lol
@therealdoc 8 ай бұрын
Most considerate WoW player :^) But really, it's a clip from a wow streamer who was flaming his healers
@servantofchaos9635 8 ай бұрын
im a scholar main whos done 4 savage tiers and 3 ultimates, and i think this video is fantastic. prioritizing heals is such a huge part of prog. its easily the most fun part of healing
@DarkClassicGamer 7 ай бұрын
How do you handle raidwides?
@therealdoc 6 ай бұрын
​@DarkClassicGamer Sad to see that KZbin doesn't alert me for replies to comments. The main thing is knowing how much healing you'll need to survive and coordinating heals/cooldowns with your cohealer. There's also party mits that the other 6 players you're with have, which you can coordinate with as well!
@onestar9513 8 ай бұрын
Thanks I play healers but I still wanted to watch something about them so❤
@zarith87 8 ай бұрын
for content above level 80 WHM. for normal content always try heals using lilies charges and ogcd only, medica2 are only for heavy party wide dmg, and regen is for when out of lily charges and/or as filler spell while moving evading mechanics, other GCD heals only to be used as an emergency where every oGCD and Lilies are on cooldown.. DPS death dmg penalty is worst than your healer lost GCD.. dont waste lilies on full hp allies just to obtained blood lily for extra DPS because u dont, this is due to Glare has much higher chance to proc critcal hit then blood lily, although in theory as in potency calculation 3 glares = 1 blood lily, forced blood lily may only be usefull when on party Burst Window, but u will lose your lily charges that can be used on your next heal and you ended up using GCD heal anyway if required. blood lilies are actually meant as GCD refund as it refunded back of your 3 used GCD lilies, if you counted Blood Lily as another GCD, u only used 1 GCD for 3 heals.. also bare in mind 2 normal hit glare + 1 crit glare are better then 1 normal hit blood lily.. even though 3 glares = 1 blood lily in term of potency.. blood lily are rarely critical hit.. the best time to cast lilies spells is when moving while evade mechanics to keep your ABC as much as possible.. if you can timed it right glare when standing still and lilies (heal/blood)while moving unless required an immediate heal..
@henami552 8 ай бұрын
Funny triage moment i had the other day on Zeromus as SCH. Both tanks and the WHM got eaten by the black hole. Managed to resolve it by swift ressing one tank. Then shield up a DPS to buy time for the Tank to revive and get back to full health. Mitigate raidwide with seraph while hard ressing the WHM.
@therealdoc 8 ай бұрын
Hell yeah, good stuff!
@ProfessM 8 ай бұрын
Going to share this with a friend who got confused why I never use cure 1 anymore.
@Anolaana 8 ай бұрын
That soundbyte from the wow streamer at 12:30 was too real lmfao. Anyway, fantastic job covering the fundamental theory behind healing!
@therealdoc 8 ай бұрын
I love that clip hahaha Thank you!