我问了R1“列出世界上所有国家的英文名称”,它的回答是“对不起,我还没有学会如何思考这类问题,我擅长数学、代码、逻辑类的题目,欢迎与我交流。”,这就是为啥它不能准确答出第三个字母为A的国名的原因了。 然后我换英语问:“list all country names , and tell all countriy names with the 3rd character as a”,它的回答是: Countries with the 3rd Character as "a" These countries have "a" as their third letter (case-insensitive): Brazil Chad France Ghana Guatemala Iran Iraq Italy Kuwait (3rd letter: "w" in English, but "Kuwait" in Arabic script starts with كويت, where the third character is و [waw]. However, in the English spelling, the third character is "w", not "a". Correction: This entry is invalid. Kuwait does not qualify. Myanmar Oman Rwanda Spain Thailand Uganda Total: 14 countries (after removing Kuwait due to the error in analysis).