@davidmangs6111 14 күн бұрын
A DEMOCRATIC AND FREE RUSSIA COULD HAVE LED HUMANITY TO A BETTER WORLD!!! 12/30/2024 IMAGINE RUSSIA as a democracy with the rule of law, a free press, freedom of speech, an independent judiciary, a country with a market economy based on free enterprise without Oligarchs and a corrupt ruling party, and a Russian Constitution that enshrines human rights and sets term limits on Presidents and Prime Ministers. IMAGINE RUSSIA - the largest nation on the planet- peacefully co-existing with its neighbors while respecting their sovereign territory, freedom and independence. Imagine a world of mutual trust between nations working together TO create wealth and opportunities for the next generation of humanity. IMAGINE the wealth ordinary Russians would possess in a free market economy, without oligarchs and corruption. The Russian economy and its people would reap the rewards of creating wealth with other nations by peacefully trading under International Law. Russia has spent between $500 million and more likely over a $1 Billion on the war against Ukraine that is without adding the loss of the 600,000+ Russians killed or wounded. The loss of human life on both sides of this horrible war is beyond measure. Imagine if Russia never invaded Ukraine and the money spent on this war went back to the Russian people? Simple math: if we divide 145,000 Russian people into $1 Billion how much can we invest per Russian? What would have been the benefit to the Russian economy and their families if we could have saved the 600,000 needless dead and wounded Russians? We must Remember the hope for Russia’s future as a democracy with freedom and real prosperity for the Russian people as envisioned by the murdered Alexei Navalny and so many other true Russian heroes. May the dreams of these unsung heroes remain in the hearts of all those who value liberty and human rights. Yes, a democratic and free Russia could have led humanity to a better world! Unfortunately, Putin used the PLAY BOOK of STATE CAPTURE to dismantle the democratic institutions and laws put in place during the fall of the Soviet Union in order to install a repressive totalitarian regime. No longer do we see term limits for the President, an independent judiciary, a free press (versus pervasive state propaganda), freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, independent political parties that have the right to put forward candidates chosen in free and fair elections, a legal system that respects the rights of the accused before imprisonment, torture or murder by the state, and a military and police that swears its allegiance to the constitution and the Russian people and not to a dictator and his corrupt regime. Timothy Snyder summarized Russia's justification for the invasion of Ukraine as follows "Russia drew directly from Brezhnev's 1970s, a time of nostalgia for the victory of 1945. Putin and his generation were raised with the idea that the supposed innocence of an older generation justified any action by a younger one. He looped back... to a baptism of a thousand years before that, which supposedly joined Russia with Ukraine forever and made Russians eternally innocent. Russia was always the victim and always the victor. Russians had the right to determine whether or not Ukraine and Ukrainians existed; anyone who denied that right was an enemy. A Russian fascist tradition that spoke in just this way was discovered and celebrated. AND so Ukraine could be invaded, cities leveled, millions of people forced into flight, hundreds of thousands killed, on the logic that this was somehow a replay of the Second World War or a restoration of the tenth century. Russia was innocent, all was permitted." (ON FREEDOM-page 159) 12/2024- Russia has just lost its Syrian ally Assad, as the Syrian people overthrew a bloody family dictatorship after a half century of oppression. Now is the time for the Venezuelan people with the support of the world's democracies to end the corrupt Maduro dictatorship, and to return Venezuela to the Venezuelan people. May Russia and its AXIS allies learn from the lessons in Syria, Venezuela, Moldova, and Georgia and the cruel invasion of Ukraine, that the flame of liberty will continue to burn brighter than the darkness imposed by the AXIS dictators, their allies, and proxies. Now is the time for the world to cry: "RUSSIA, LET THESE PEOPLE GO"! The best chance for the Russian people to achieve a democratic country with freedom, prosperity, and peace would be the Victory for Ukraine against Russian imperialism, an end to the corrupt totalitarian Putin regime, and the emergence of the Russian Phoenix: liberty, justice, peace, prosperity and democracy. Democratic leaders need to understand and courageously face the growing threat of a totalitarian world order. The AXIS countries(Russia, China, Iran and North Korea) and their allies are playing the long game in every continent on earth setting in place new allied authoritarian countries; creating naval bases and airports that can be used by their militaries; establishing control of key waterways; weaponizing fuel and food to subdue opposition to the spread of totalitarianism; using conquered populations as cannon fodder for their aggression; engaging in cyber warfare and installing malware in critical infrastructure; spreading propaganda and misinformation to undermine democracy and manipulate elections; expanding the land and oceans they control through military intimidation and war; eliminating a free press and an independent judiciary; and conducting hybrid warfare while using the tools of modern technology to control their own populations without a concern for human rights or liberty. Everyone should re-read 2 books banned by the AXIS countries: "1984" and "The Brave New World" to better imagine the new Global Order that totalitarian dictators plan for humanity's future. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Anne Applebaum in her new book AUTOCRACY INC. provides an excellent explanation of how “autocrats are rewriting the rules of world trade and governance as their propagandists pound home the same messages about the weakness of democracy and the evil of America.” AXIS leaders are planning for decades ahead. The short-term attention span of our political leaders and our media, our complacency, our thinking in silos, and our willingness to accept and repeat AXIS misinformation and propaganda, have blinded us to the frightening reality of the global AXIS threat to democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. Ukrainian victory over Russia would signify to the world and especially to countries ruled by dictators that democracies are willing to pay the price necessary to preserve liberty, democracy and the rule of law. A Ukrainian defeat would be a signal to autocrats around the globe: YOU CAN TAKE WHAT YOU WANT THERE IS NOTHING TO STOP YOU. If the western democracies allow the fraudulent election to stand in Venezuela and Georgia, autocrats worldwide will be encouraged to use the same "Playbook" of "State Capture" in their own countries and they will continue to use this strategy with their neighbors. When that fails, as it did in Ukraine, there is always the option of invasion and war. Democratic leaders must develop a clear strategy to stop dictators from using their “Playbook” of “State Capture” before more countries and their people fall under the iron boot of Totalitarianism. · Humanity's hope rests with a strong, unified, global alliance of democracies which truly understand that capitulation in the face of aggression will only lead to devastating future conflicts and the loss of life and liberty on a scale never seen before in the history of humanity. David A. Mangs Ph.D.
@aurayepez7755 23 күн бұрын
Hola amór
@NaomiAldort 27 күн бұрын
Ten years later prove how right Rubio is and his words equally relevant... again.
@NaomiAldort 27 күн бұрын
Now, ten years later, your words fit exactly the same. Nothing changed, proving your clear point. Thank you.
@AmapolaPoppy717 28 күн бұрын
You suck ted sucks
@berthamariakoenitz8958 28 күн бұрын
@abdidundy3100 28 күн бұрын
The Dollar 💸 The Elephant 🐘 in the Room!! Everyone seems to be beating around the bush, ignoring the elephant in the room. Israel, in reality, is nothing more than a colonial, settler, Zionist apartheid state a strategic outpost for U.S interests in the resource-rich Middle East. Ordinary, Talmudic-minded Jews serve as convenient victims and pawns in the Zionist project, a venture deeply entwined with a larger agenda for global dominance. This agenda, with its roots in America, thrives on a financial Ponzi scheme centered around the dollar’s position. Don’t be fooled-stay focused on the dollar. All the conflicts, violence, child killings, and genocides are political distractions, much like a magician’s sleight of hand, meant to keep you from noticing the elephant in the room: the global financial Ponzi scheme centered around the dollar’s dominance. The true power of the United States lies in the position of the dollar, with its military used to force global acceptance. Today, America is like an addict, constantly needing a fix supplied by the rest of the world, all sustained by the dollar’s supremacy. Without this, the U.S. economy would crumble. In reality America is dead as a Dodo🦤 if it wasn’t for the fangs of the Ponzi scheme of the Dollar to suck the blood of humanity just like a vampire 🧛🏻‍♂️. The horrors of child killings resemble ancient sacrificial rituals meant to terrorize and control people, instilling fear to ensure submission. At the core of it all is the dollar’s role in the global financial scheme-a limitless source of wealth that allows them to buy not just goods but even principles, values and souls of some.
@reneeannedye4062 Ай бұрын
There talking about defunding healthcare and all you idiots have is praise.Omg the stupidity.
@reneeannedye4062 Ай бұрын
Its money in their pockets. This will fall on deaf ears for sure.
@javiergutierrezgutierrez6533 Ай бұрын
Marco rubio solamente eres puro bla bla bla bla ya llevan mas de 30 ańos diciendo lo mismo lo mismo y no hacen absolutamente nada y a ustedes como politicos se les paga muy bien con los impuestos de todas esaa personas trabajadoras
@javiergutierrezgutierrez6533 Ай бұрын
Marco Rubio eres puro bla bla bla son politicos y se les paga mu bien a ustedes y no hacen nada por nadie ya llevan mas de 30 años diciendo lo mismo puro bla bla bla bla bla
@troychambliss784 Ай бұрын
A bunch of blow hards that hate anything that they didn't do
@troychambliss784 Ай бұрын
Ted Cruz got a facelift then covered it with a beard earlier 😂
@troychambliss784 Ай бұрын
Rubio hates disabled Americans so he votes to make them suffer far below poverty level. YES THIS IS AMERICA 😢😢😢
@troychambliss784 Ай бұрын
Rubio needs to go! He isn't right in the head
@ILuVeKeNT Ай бұрын
Loves trump
@arminbauman4277 Ай бұрын
Great speech Sen.Rubio ✊️✊️♥️ he was key along with Rep.Banks, Rep.Mills, Rep.McCaul in getting our Bills Mahsa act ,SHIP act which then was put into Foreign aid package last April by Speaker Mike Johnson ♥️it passed unfortunately Biden/ Harris administration did not activate Bills in July 😒Hopefully
@Musky456 Ай бұрын
Republicans can be bad bad sometimes, but I like Rubio, I believe in him and think he be the secretary of state.
@Quan-pj2dd Ай бұрын
Bring Marco back!
@estergarcia7070 Ай бұрын
This coming from a first generation American citizen. There ought to be a law that only second or third generation citizens can run for president or congress. Don’t want any sleepers infiltrating our government.
@michaellupresto4152 Ай бұрын
So remove trump from office for his RAPE CONVICTION !!
@eduamrit 2 ай бұрын
Here after he is selected for secretary of state…..love from India
@ahmedelkhwaga2751 2 ай бұрын
Neocon 😅
@ahmedelkhwaga2751 2 ай бұрын
@cn9630 2 ай бұрын
But---Rubio ran a whorehouse from his FL apartment❗️👿❗️
@LovingAllll 2 ай бұрын
Amazing speech and best of luck Mr Rubio ...Finally USA made the best choice for President as Pres Trump 🇮🇳❤️🇺🇸
@CHI-Town_WhiteBread 3 ай бұрын
Hey y'all! Quit purchasing your produce from the same store from which you can purchase vehicle oil and tires!!
@franklindenmuth5887 3 ай бұрын
@anm2945 3 ай бұрын
What happened to those programs? Get federal government out of education.
@audreyanderson9648 3 ай бұрын
They both inspire
@tnuggyz 3 ай бұрын
Baby face Ted lol
@moneygoodmauri7859 4 ай бұрын
Liberty, security and prosperity
@myralhf 5 ай бұрын
Obama care has been life saver and a blessing...
@naftalikahn4559 5 ай бұрын
¡Gracias a Dios, finalmente alguien defendió la justicia! El régimen islámico corrupto ha victimizado a Israel. Siempre que su popularidad cae, atacan y acusan a Israel, por ejemplo. Los paquistaníes sienten un odio extremo por los estadounidenses, debido al apoyo a Israel, mientras que Pakistán está matando y cometiendo genocidio contra los pastunes y baluchis, y luego encubriendo sus crímenes con manifestaciones y concentraciones pro palestinas contra Israel. Nos sorprende que al mismo tiempo pakistan recompensados ​​por los EE. UU. Muchas gracias, senador Rubio. Dios lo bendiga.
@naftalikahn4559 5 ай бұрын
Thank god finally, someone stood for justice! Pakistanis have extreme hate for Americans, because of support to Israel, when Pakistan is killing and committing genocide against Pashtuns and Baluchis, then covering their crimes by manifestations and rallies against Israel and pro-Palestinian, we are surprised that at the same time getting rewarded by the USA, Thank you millions Senator Rubio God bless you
@jazik7507 5 ай бұрын
The US did not allow the installation of missiles in Cuba .... The US + CIA supported civil wars and coups in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua ... the Carter Doctrine was introduced, any place on planet Earth can be declared "US national interest!" .... Other countries should shut up ?? are they supposed to be obedient?! Nothing lasts forever
@patrickskramstad1485 6 ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@patrickskramstad1485 6 ай бұрын
@patrickskramstad1485 6 ай бұрын
@patrickskramstad1485 6 ай бұрын
@patrickskramstad1485 6 ай бұрын
@patrickskramstad1485 6 ай бұрын
@Quintonpowell3 6 ай бұрын
Feels like my job to stop talking about all the bad you cant control or you will lose your job 😅well if all this wasn't going on i wouldnt be!
@IBBERM 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Marco
@JonRaborn-gp4ff 7 ай бұрын
Personal responsability and personal integrity
@JonRaborn-gp4ff 7 ай бұрын
The supreme court of the united state's of america, texas. The american civil liberties union of texas, u.s a. texas. Mobile Loaves & Fishes incorporated Community first village incorporated Travis county austin texas
@JonRaborn-gp4ff 7 ай бұрын
The trueth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and personal and professional, legal accountability.
@JonRaborn-gp4ff 7 ай бұрын
The Saint David's foundation family elder-care and the integral-care toppler family medical clinic and foundation. The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and the united state's of america. Jon Raborn Mobile Loaves & Fishes inc. Community first village inc. Travis county austin texas.
@1010juanita 7 ай бұрын
Need people like him younger thinking acting not a senile congressman’s they have enough should retire now.
@1010juanita 7 ай бұрын
Finis high school dream to finish university but if you don’t pay you are out of and don’t even wants to give your records, until you finish pay a large stone en the middle of our future. What to do the time us passing