My country is India 🇮🇳 I love Thailand 🇹🇭 specially Thailand peoples😊 1👑 people is Lisa she is represent in Thailand in k-pop same to Aria🥰 represent India in kpop
<Requesting permission for using your youtube content> Hi, my name is Gyu tae Kim and I’m TV program producer from SBS(Seoul Broadcasting System). As you can see from the company name, we are in South Korea and we have made a lot of contents (nationally televised) for 30 years. And specifically i’m in <Master in the house> program team we met awesome masters in diverse fields every week and learn from them. While we make our contents relevant to [BamBam, Kunpimook Bhuwakul] , we found that your youtube contents is so suitable for us. Therefore, we hope you permit using your content . We want to use your contents about [6] seconds. It’s honor to be able to reach you. Thank you for reading long text. I would appreciate your reply. P.s. Of course, we will leave the original source(your youtube channel) in our program!