@IvanildaAlves-kv6tm 4 сағат бұрын
Ficou boa a cosa da orçamento Girls mas uma sugestão ficaria mais bonita se ela fizesse as laterais mais altas
@letrungdoanletrung5128 12 сағат бұрын
Nguc to roi
@Tốp_Veres 12 сағат бұрын
@MohdAli-p8i 15 сағат бұрын
Ha adak kaka Agang D rumah Agang mat Ali ok 👉💪💪💪👌💋👉🫴😜🤪😛😋😬🤤😛😛😝 ok'
@Lacanphau13 16 сағат бұрын
Chào bạn, bạn có thể cho mình xin địa chỉ của bạn được không, mình muốn có một người bạn như vậy, bạn và mình đều có một hoàn cảnh khác nhau, nhìn bạn mình cảm thấy muốn che chở và bảo vệ bạn, hãy cho mình một địa chỉ, mình sẽ đến, lời nói từ trái tim, mình chờ đợi câu trả lời
@charleswestphal5356 22 сағат бұрын
que coisa feia deixou esse monte de sujeira dos bambu na rua e vai em bora que exemplo bacana 😡
@charleswestphal5356 23 сағат бұрын
se tivesse uma orfã onde eu morro como ela não estaria mais na rua eu tinha levado ja mais esse video é somente para ganhar dinheiro com os videos como la com os peixes a pessoa que estava filmando estava soltando os peixes porque antes não tinha nem um e depende veio um monte e esse pessoal que compra saõ tudo parentes ou convidados mais continuam fazendo videos tem um monte que acreditam kkkkk
@呉屋哲夫-m6i 23 сағат бұрын
October 10, 2024, From the History of the Jews Who Witnessed the Bible, Acts 11:19-21 19 Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose from Stephen went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, but they did not speak the word to anyone except Jews. 20 However, some of them were from Cyprus and Cyrene, and when they came to Antioch, they also spoke to the Greeks, preaching about the Lord Jesus. 21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and many believed and turned to the Lord. Evangelism to the Gentiles in Antioch (2) Cyprus and Cyrene The Hellenistic Jewish believers who fled Jerusalem were scattered to the towns where Jewish communities existed in the Diaspora. At that time, they were only evangelizing to the Jews. "But there were some Cypriots and Cyrenians among them, who, coming to Antioch, also spoke to the Greeks, preaching about the Lord Jesus." (1) About the city of Antioch: ① There were 16 cities of the same name in the ancient world. ② Among them, Antioch in Syria was the largest and most famous. This city was the capital of the province of Syria and the third largest city after Rome and Alexandria. It had a population of about 500,000, of which about 14 percent was Jewish. ③ It was a key transportation point (connecting the East and the West) and was also famous for sin and idolatry (the existence of Ashtaroth worship and temple prostitutes). (2) After coming to Antioch, some people began evangelizing to the Gentiles. These were the Cypriots (Jews from Cyprus) and the Cyrenians (Jews from Cyrene in North Africa). They were Hellenistic Jews (Jews of the Diaspora). Their actions were groundbreaking. (3) The target of the evangelism was the Greeks. These people were probably God-fearing Gentiles. In other words, they were in the same spiritual state as Cornelius. They had the foundation to understand the gospel message. (4) The Cyprians and Cyrene "preached the Lord Jesus." In the Jewish evangelism, Jesus was emphasized as the Messiah, but in the Gentile evangelism, Jesus was emphasized as the Lord. The hand of the Lord was with them "And the hand of the Lord was with them, and many believed and turned to the Lord." (1) "The hand of the Lord was with them" is an Old Testament expression. It means that God agreed to evangelizing the Gentiles. (2) "Many believed and turned to the Lord." There is no need to think of believing and turning to the Lord as separate actions. These two things happen at the same time. (3) The word "Lord" (Kyrios) is important. ① The "Lord" in "The hand of the Lord was with them" refers to God the Father. ② The "Lord" in "They turned to the Lord" refers to Christ. ③ From the early days, believers understood and believed in the divinity of Jesus. Any teaching that denies the divinity of Jesus is a heretical teaching. Those who trust in the Lord Jesus will not be disappointed. Today's Prayer God our Father in heaven. Those who trust in the Lord Jesus will not be disappointed. Today too, I will walk with joy. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. My monologue for today. The theme of my monologue for today is the Sermon on the Mount. This is the Sermon on the Mount in which Yeshua the Jew, Yeshua of Nazareth, announced the coming of the Kingdom of God to the many Israelites who had gathered with his disciples near the Lake Galilee in Israel, explaining the truth of the Ten Commandments of God's Law. However, when the Israelites heard this, they did not accept that Yeshua of Nazareth was the one whom God had given to the Israelites through the prophets, that is, the King of the Messiah's kingdom, which the Israelites had longed for, except for a few people through the Sanhedrin. This was the same reaction of the Israelites that was clearly repeated by those who study the history of the Israelites from the Bible. They rejected their king, the Lord God, and wanted a human king. That is why God chose Saul as king. King Saul was not immediately accepted by the Israelites after he was selected at first. God rejected King Saul, who rebelled against God's command, and anointed King David from among the Israelites to be king. However, David was also rejected by the Israelites for a long time, and even caused the crisis of civil war. Also, the Israelites all swore to God that the Ten Commandments given to the prophet Moses by God were as follows: "We will keep and do this." However, they had not kept the Law of Moses all this time. Therefore, Yeshua of Nazareth explained to the Israelites the Law of Moses, the Ten Commandments, and the contents of the Kingdom of God. However, most modern Israelites place the oral law of their traditional teachings above the Bible, making the Bible a mere formality and making the oral law their God. This is a shameful situation that has been criticized by Gentile Bible students as "Jews are legalistic." On the outside, they are pious, but in their hearts they have always been in rebellion against God. The same is true of the Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael, the son of their grandfather Abraham. They all continue to rebel against the God of their ancestors and betray their father Abraham. However, using this true feeling and this pretense, they use double standards and two-faced speech to appear moral on the outside, but in reality it is a lie, and all the people on this earth are deceiving each other and being deceived, and furthermore, deceiving themselves, and are in rebellion against God, the creator of heaven and earth and all things. Therefore, God has overlooked such people, but He sent this Yeshua of Nazareth to this earth as prophesied in the Bible, and nailed this only Son of God to the cross as a substitute for the sins of all mankind, and made him a sacrifice to atone for sin. And God raised the body of His Son, who had been buried in a tomb, from the dead, and stood this Yeshua of Nazareth in front of the Jewish witnesses. God decided to use this incident to reveal the sins of the whole world and to carry out His judgment. In other words, the sign of the cross was held up high in public to judge those who believe in Yeshua of Nazareth as their Savior who has destroyed sin and follow this King, and those who reject this King of God's Kingdom, and to heaven and hell. This incident is all true. It actually happened. Yeshua of Nazareth will return to destroy the devil's nations. Therefore, I want you to realize that those who reject this King of kings and Lord of lords are on the devil's side. It's a choice between two options. Those who continue to reject Yeshua of Nazareth and die physically will be judged by the second death, in which they will be cast into the lake of fire and maggots for eternity after the resurrection of the dead. That's all for today's monologue. Heavenly Father God. Thank you. Thank you for enduring your anger towards people who continue to commit this reverse power harassment for so long. In the name of our Lord and Savior Yeshua Hamathia. Amen.
@normaorian6477 23 сағат бұрын
Enjoy your life girl god bless❤
@King-Fishing-Navsar-masi Күн бұрын
acele etme gelen gelir zaten
@NanoBae-u1t Күн бұрын
Cameranya kurang fokus di satu titik🙏
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
hai túi cá đến 2 kg mà có mấy chục nghìn rẻ quá
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
sau này cháu mua cái cân để đi bán hàng chứ hả cháu chứ bán không có cân thì rẻ quá
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
lần sau cháu lấy túi Ni lông cho nước vào để cá sống bán cho dễ bán
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
mấy hôm nữa rét mà cháu không có chăn chiếu để nằm ngủ chứ
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
cháu gái à bác rất thương cháu và muốn giúp đỡ cho cháu thêm quần áo và đồ dùng khác chăn màn nhưng cháu bảo cháu ở vùng sâu không có địa chỉ thì cháu cố gắng mua thêm bộ quần áo lành lặn để mặc thay đổi cháu nhé
@呉屋哲夫-m6i Күн бұрын
October 9, 2024, From the History of the Jews Who Witnessed the Bible, Acts 11:19-21 19 Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose from Stephen went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, but they spoke the word to no one except Jews. 20 But there were some of them from Cyprus and Cyrene, who came to Antioch and spoke to the Greeks, preaching about the Lord Jesus. 21 And the hand of the Lord was with them, and many believed and turned to the Lord. Today's Bible commentary. Evangelism to the Gentiles in Antioch (1) Confirming the context "Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose from Stephen went as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, but they spoke the word to no one except Jews." This passage is connected to Acts 8:4. "But those who were scattered went about preaching the word." The martyrdom of Stephen led to persecution, and the Hellenistic Jewish believers fled Jerusalem. ① After this, Philip preached in the city of Samaria. ② The story of what happened to the other scattered people begins here. Let's look back at the process of church growth so far. ① At first, the church was made up of only Jewish believers (chap. 2). ② Next, Samaritan believers were added (chap. 8). ③ Finally, Gentile believers were added (chap. 10). However, the believers in Caesarea were small. What would happen if a large number of Gentile believers were added to the church? The population balance between Jewish believers and Gentile believers would be upset. If that were to happen, the future of Jewish evangelism would become a concern. However, the birth and growth of the Antioch church was an event that was in line with God's plan. Evangelism to the Gentiles in Antioch (1) The Hellenistic Jewish believers who fled from Jerusalem were scattered to towns in the Diaspora where Jewish communities existed. (2) The following towns were on the route from Jerusalem to Antioch: 1. Phoenicia (the area along the Mediterranean coast north of Israel. Today's Lebanon). 2. Cyprus (an island between Israel and Asia Minor. Barnabas' hometown). 3. Damascus (not mentioned here as it was already mentioned in Acts 9). 4. Antioch (Anteoch in Syria. It was incorporated into Turkish territory in 1939, so it is no longer part of Syria). Jewish communities existed in these towns. Incidentally, it is about 500 kilometers from Jerusalem to Antioch. (3) The scattered people only spoke the "word" (gospel) to the Jews. Evangelism to the Gentiles had not yet occurred to them. Therefore, they only evangelized to the Jews. In the next chapter, we will see people who actively evangelize to the Gentiles. In every age, there are people who overcome human barriers and dedicate themselves to the spread of the Kingdom of God. God uses such pioneers to reveal His glory. Meditate on what barriers you must overcome. Today's Prayer Omniscient and omnipotent God. Your plans will not be thwarted. Please use me to spread the Kingdom of God. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. My tweet for today. The theme of my tweet for today is [Faith]. Details of faith are written in Hebrews Chapter 11. And today, following the words of Pastor Kenichi Nakagawa above, "There will be people who overcome human barriers and devote themselves to the spread of the Kingdom of God. God uses such pioneers to reveal His glory. Let us meditate on what barriers we need to overcome." Based on this, the common thread among great people who overcame human barriers through faith was always faith. In other words, what is faith? Faith is the belief that the Holy Spirit of the living God is with us, and that we believe in this invisible Holy Spirit. It is also the vision in our hearts that believes in God's promise, and the trust in God's covenant words and hope. It is the belief that God's words will surely come true. This faith is the conviction that we will overcome the barriers in front of us and reach the world of the future. It is the faith of the completion picture. This contrasts with the barriers of the Jewish law, which is always a state and situation in which the consciousness of the Jews is trapped by the barriers in front of them. The cross of Christ overcame the law and was completed. And the biographies of great men of faith all had faith in God. This is recorded in the historical book, Hebrews, Chapter 11. However, the word "faith" has so many elements that it can be difficult to understand. So, this time I would like to take out as many of these elements as I can think of. The following are the 12 elements of faith. ① Covenant ② Holy Spirit ③ Trust ④ Completed vision. ⑤ Confidence ⑥ Invisible guarantee. ⑦ Position = Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of faith. This Jesus gave up the joy that was set before Him, endured death on the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. = Ephesians 2:6. Awareness of the position of faith in Christ. ⑧ Self-awareness ⑨ Walking, faith that allows you to act despite all obstacles = philosophy = worldview. ⑩ We realize that encouraging, courage, and morality are not useless, but rather beneficial. ⑪ It allows us to choose a way of life that is appropriate to the position of the holy people of God who are one with His Son Yeshua. And then there are various decisions to turn away from sin. Faith is the assurance and assurance of the Bible's goal and destination = the Holy Spirit of Christ. ⑫ It is reconciliation with God. The restoration of a relationship of love. And it is the transition and turning point from death to life. I handed on to you as the most important thing what I also received. That is, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. This is the gospel. Today, I have summarized it into 12 elements. All things come from God, and are faith that leads to God. Based on this, the Bible contains a prayer to break down the wall of the legalistic worldview. This is it. 4:9 Jabez was the most honored of his brothers; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, "In pain I gave birth." 4:10 And Jabez prayed to the God of Israel, saying, "Bless me, and enlarge my border; and let your hand be with me, and keep me from evil, and keep me from distress." And God heard him. Let us pray, interpreting this not as the border of this world, but as the border of faith. An interpretation that eliminates the border of this world is a globalist idea. We Christians, with God's covenant of reconciliation, the three elements of the word of the gospel, are the domain of the territory of the spiritual border. Christianity is the worldview and values ​​of faith. It is a faith that is dead to this world. Hence the Sermon on the Mount. Christians are people of heaven. They are not of this world. "Do not store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust will destroy, and where thieves will break in and steal. (Let us give this world's wealth to the poor and store up treasures in heaven. This is faith.) Lay up treasures in heaven, where moth and rust will not destroy, and where thieves will not break in or steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." The kingdom of God in heaven exists in Yeshua. It will be realized at his second coming. Thank you, heavenly Father. Let us walk today with faith that is dead to the sins of this world. Help us. In the name of our Lord Yeshua Hamasiah. Amen. The answers are all listed in the Sermon on the Mount. Let those who have received God's abundant grace not store up treasures on earth, but give them to the poor and store them up for the kingdom of God in heaven. Do not rely on wealth. It is infidelity. This world is the kingdom of Satan. Christians are always brides who rely on the Bridegroom, Christ. The treasure is hidden in Christ. Our hearts as Christian believers are in the one who sits at the right hand of God the Father in heaven. We are with the Lord.
@shcha1505 Күн бұрын
훌륭한 드라마와 배우.
@蒼あお-h9x Күн бұрын
Can you pick mangoes🥭 in the mountains around you? What other fruits can you pick besides papayas? I'm looking forward to your next video😊 Take care of your health and do your best🥰
@蒼あお-h9x Күн бұрын
Hello 😊 You picked a lot of papaya this time! It looked very delicious 😋 There are lots of bamboo shoots and young shoots and other foods around you, and it's fun to watch them 🎶
@andreaskoschorreck5676 Күн бұрын
@สุขพลอยงาม Күн бұрын
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
mưa mà cháu không kiếm bộ quần áo mưa mặc chứ ướt hết về ốm mất thôi chứ hả cháu
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
bộ quần áo kia rách hết rồi cháu mua thêm bộ quần áo nữa để thay bộ rách đi cháu nhé
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
không thấy cháu có chăn màn gì cả mà bác không gửi được cho cháu
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
cháu để ít củi vào gầm giường để cho củi khô để còn đun nấu cơm chứ và cháu làm nốt tường nhà sung quanh cho kín đi cháu nhé
@dbdjddhdhgu5415 Күн бұрын
bác thấy thương cháu gái quá một mình vất vả kiếm sống bác muốn giúp đỡ cho cháu mà cháu không có địa chỉ giờ cháu xem chỗ gần chỗ cháu ở nhờ địa chỉ của cô bác nào gửi cho bác để bác giúp đỡ cho cháu
@charlesleung2224 Күн бұрын
Change may be slow, but it's nice to see your life improving
@kh.7143 Күн бұрын
@anjaliambedkar9497 Күн бұрын
Did you ever bath ?????
@tomeito-daisuki Күн бұрын
@synadm8801 Күн бұрын
if the videos are going to be like the last two videos , this one and the previous one , don't think I will watch it anymore .
@ramkiRamki-co3ol Күн бұрын
Wonderful video❤❤🎉🎉🎉
@pky424 Күн бұрын
Too much editing😢😢
@GregoryGreock-hz2mg Күн бұрын
All you guys always wanting to see more, go to another website for your needs. As to the young lady, good luck to you and your garden.
@MargWade-o7c Күн бұрын
What is the melon called she is cutting ? 5:02
@tanveerrahman8677 2 күн бұрын
You so beautiful so cute 🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕🥰💕 i like you,,,,,,,, i love you
@CarlitoStaana-dj8zu 2 күн бұрын
Strong and sefe always
@CarlitoStaana-dj8zu 2 күн бұрын
Hi yong girl good morning have a nice day and god bless you from philippine
@dukedick8646 2 күн бұрын
❤❤❤❤ Thailand
@IsraelCruz-dg3ir 2 күн бұрын
Saludos para la niña❤❤
@heythere1968 2 күн бұрын
you guys are cutting out and cropping any good parts. people will stop watching if you keep doing that. LIKE THIS COMMENT IF YOU AGREE!
@myindian007 2 күн бұрын
@myindian007 2 күн бұрын
@jonrubinski282 2 күн бұрын
I want to marry a young woman like you : )
@SUPRIANTO-mt6cj 2 күн бұрын
nex video
@douglswelsher6212 2 күн бұрын
Xin chào, tôi luôn yêu thích video của bạn. Tuy nhiên, fan của bạn không thích tôi. Buồn quá, tôi là fan bự của bạn. Ngoài ra, bạn hoặc người quay phim/người phụ nữ của bạn thậm chí không thể cho tôi một lượt thích sau khi gửi cho bạn một lời cảm ơn chân thành. Thật buồn. Nếu tôi nói điều gì đó khiến bạn khó chịu hoặc điều gì đó, tôi thực sự xin lỗi. Tôi biết tôi đến từ Hoa Kỳ, mọi thứ đều có ý nghĩa và những gì ổn ở đây lại không có ở đó. Tôi thực sự không muốn xúc phạm bất cứ ai ở đó. Hòa bình và tình yêu cho một và tất cả. 👍🐕🌺
@Wiwaldi0-mr4oj 2 күн бұрын
@stevenjoller4515 2 күн бұрын
Wish you all the best ❤