City By Night, Lapse of Time🇺🇸
This Must Come to an End
2 жыл бұрын
Trying My Very Best to Get Lost
One Wrong Move and You're Dead
2 жыл бұрын
@apscoradiales 12 күн бұрын
"...roads in amazing shape..."!!!! Alex, I've been to many places, USA, Middle East, Europe, and the roads in Montreal are the absolute worst roads in the whole bloody World. They are full of pot holes, and pylons. Sometimes, the are fixing pot hole here and there, but the pylons have been sitting on the street for at least five years without any work being done. Construction industry, including highway construction/repairs is under the control of Italian Mafia. In the last two years, I have had to spend close to five thousand dollars fixing broken suspension parts on my car, and it's all because of crappy roads.
@apscoradiales 12 күн бұрын
Bro, don't let the immigration shiet get to you. They were probably having a slow day, and got up on the wrong side of the bed. Didn't know you had to show vaccination card. I thought they stopped that BS a while ago. Now, why in the eff do you want to come to this shiethole? Quebec in particular! If you are bored at home, hop in the car, and drive west...Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, Oklahoma, Hill Country in Texas, West Texas, New Mexico...much nicer than anything in Canada, and people are friendly.
@Texasishot105 Ай бұрын
You said you didn't have the correct documents from the start... why add all these reasons that are pure speculation. Why are you playing the victim card 🤔. I have all the proper documents required to cross. Never had an issue. My vehicle has been searched on rare occasions, I've been brought in and questioned. That's all a part of asking permission to enter another country. Stop spreading miss-information. 🙃🫤
@l.e.phillips 13 күн бұрын
Right? “People who look like me” said the straight white male. 😂
@bsparks1200 Ай бұрын
I’m not going to go thru any of this just to go to another country where I don’t even live just for a visit man please tourism generates money and that’s what border patrol needs to understand in Canada but I’m good anyway they can have it i rather stay in my country anyway if I get that bored to somewhere for a day I got fifty states to choose from 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂everybody wanna be like us anyway 😂😂😂😂😂
@Travluminatii Ай бұрын
I’m with you bro
@Travluminatii Ай бұрын
They caught me with weed and gave me a search ban for seven years I still go back, but every time they make me look like a fool first 😂.
@barrykrebs8180 Ай бұрын
Do you have Canadian Born parents? If you have a certificate of Canadian Citizenship and a Canadian Passport, you can't be turned back.
@myfastcars 2 ай бұрын
THE MORE YOU TRAVEL outside the US, The more you will appreciate the USA. Scotland is Fun and beautiful but, like I stated, there are many different customs, laws and weirdisms to conquer.
@TheAkbobby 2 ай бұрын
You don’t need a vaccine card.
@robmyckatyn 2 ай бұрын
just cause you are an american does NOT mean you can just waltz into Canada We are an independant country and do not dance to an ignorant Americans entitled expectations.
@zacharyyanders9537 3 ай бұрын
Yo dude, I found your channel through your Canadian border video! Sameeee shit happened to me lmaooo it was BURTAL, but I’m thinking about doing some videos like you do to just for fun! I wanna show my friends and family my journey to different countries!! What gear do you use? Just a standard Go Pro w/ a mount? Hope you see this!
@alexfaulkner5063 3 ай бұрын
I just use a GoPro Hero 8, basic handle, nothing crazy. If you want to make a video with audio, make sure you are using a camera with a decent internal mic so you don’t have to worry about a massive external mic. If you want to bump up your game though there’s some decent cameras made by Sony. Good luck
@captseamus 3 ай бұрын
My advice if you get in Canada you should probably think about staying there. USA is being ruined by the day. Open mass robbings. Open daylight looting in large stores, Massive carjackings, Beatdowns for no reasons. Open murders. More Americans are arming themselves because the police can't protect us anymore. More cops are being murdered while on duty. This country has turned upside down!!
@johnnyfive1412 25 күн бұрын
Not all of the USA. We are living good life in the Freedom State of Florida. Plus I dont leave my home when temps drop below 60. I would be stuck indoors for almost the entire year in Canada.
@JDintheDMV 3 ай бұрын
Weird how my country lets all these immigrants and refugees in but they won’t let our own fellow american neighbour brothers and sister countrymen in without a hard time. PC party ftw! Canada vote blue! 🇨🇦🇺🇸
@seaventura1 4 ай бұрын
Amazing Brazil!!! you are lucky man! enjoy
@meltuc2594 4 ай бұрын
It’s just as bad as going into,the states, sometimes they even have guards with firearms waiting for you. And you were profiled, a young slightly darker complexion male.
@mathiast3406 5 ай бұрын
They did that to me too. And I'm 🇨🇦😢
@USA-CANADA1480 5 ай бұрын
Sorry you had to go through all that. You seem decent enough so there shouldn’t be a reason to delay you. You’re a historically frequent traveler to 4 major countries and that should be good enough for the Canadian immigration authorities. A good way to overcome this is to keep crossing and when they see your history of success of entering canada it should give you a robust historical visitation records that will make it easier as you cross more often. If it’s any consolation the American side is doing the same thing to Canadians. It’s a sad post 9-11 reality we all go through. I can remember way back when when we can just cross with a wave and a smile.
@fremontpathfinder8463 5 ай бұрын
Never had a problem with the Canadian border patrol. I have my passport, no criminal record and I usually have a hotel reservation. I love going to Canada and sometimes just drive over for a few days.
@cantwealljustgetalong2 5 ай бұрын
wow dude that sounds crazy. i have to drive there soon, ive never been there before, now im nervous
@joaquinlopez7725 5 ай бұрын
Im trying to drive from Illinois but google maps says cant find a way there😂
@timwoytula5416 6 ай бұрын
Listening to your story , sorry man . its absolutely bull shit . if these tyrants had their names and address published so we know who they are and where they live ,civil society mite have some peace
@timwoytula5416 6 ай бұрын
Canadians with a passport are subject to persecution ,harassed . but immigrants get a free pass . no vaccination. When I crossed , back into Canada , my vehicle was searched , torn apart , ransacked , cut my dash open , rear seat . finding absolutely nothing . they cleared me to enter . after I put my engine back together , put everything in the back seat . I was discussed . at the amount of damage . tyrants they are . absolutely
@joestrunk9663 6 ай бұрын
same thing me and my wife two small boys we had a destination and hotel. first stop was Niagara falls. we had all documents we didn't have a junk car. we are well traveled, Europe, S.America island nations. we know how to behave. entering at buffalo middle eastern guy very berating searched the trunk he was absolutely trying to start drama. next gift shop at the falls some woman from India walked up to my wife and started in on her about how they do not like American's visiting Canada. next bus ride overlooking Buffalo average white people starting in on how stupid using Fahrenheit for temperature. and then going on about education and politics . we cancelled the rest of our plans came home the next day we will never go back
@tinav1341 6 ай бұрын
Funny we get the same thing and far worse trying to enter the US. I had my granddad and auntie with me. They took the car apart. We had a tiny old pocket knife taken away. Blade was less than inch. 😂 Was in bottle on glove compartment. Oh and the US border guy asked my hubby how long he had been out of jail. 😮 Never been. Not sure what that was about. His granny wanted to go eat lunch at Cracker Barrel for her 89 th birthday. so we took her across. Sheesh. I guess this day in age, they wish to be careful. Gets silly with the shots records. As far as suspicion for you crossing, we get illegal US guns coming across the border. I asked my neighbour who works there. We have very tight gun laws and guns used here in crime are 99% American. Just how it is. Maybe your fast turn around looked like a set up. Given how close we are, it's silly. I am 1.5 hours from a shopping mall over in US at the thousand Islands ...of course people go shopping.
@FlorenceOgbay 7 ай бұрын
Hey, nice review! I’m am image student based in UK looking for this camera for a project is there any possibility I could rent / buy yours?
@hirampriggott1689 7 ай бұрын
I remember crossing into Canada and back into the US used to be so easy. I'm old enough to remember my college spring break was going from San Diego to Tijuana, Mexico with nothing but a driver's license was all I needed.
@whatever_it_takes6691 7 ай бұрын
The Mexican official was taking a siesta in his little garita once i walked across the border into Acuña so i let him rest and kept it moving.
@Belgianperspective 8 ай бұрын
Another proof that Americans aren’t that always bad!!!! Canadians have real problems with their attitudes thinking they are cool!!! At least Americans are more inclined to admit their drawbacks!
@harleyquinn8202 9 ай бұрын
As a dual American Canadian citizen I think that USA and Canada should merge into a single country. Provinces should keep all their existing rights, like health care. And send those border guards to do something more useful like work in factories.
@slavetotheroad 9 ай бұрын
You got treated exactly the same way as a Canadian does when he tries to enter the US. Crossing borders is serious and border agents have zero care about you.
@schwenda3727 9 ай бұрын
So… according to the comments, know exactly what the hell you’re doing and where you’re going in the coming hours/days and don’t have anything to hide (either a criminal record or illegal items in the car) and not too paranoid or outright not giving a damn… And the whole passage through the border for the most part should be slightly worse than flying domestically in general at absolute worst?
@DavidAntrobus 9 ай бұрын
It literally happens on both sides of the border hundreds of times a day, maybe thousands. There are certain red flags _both_ sides look for: few ties to the person's home country, no clear or obvious plans, such as hotel bookings, vagueness about the return date, possibly evasive answers about who they're going to meet, and potentially working in the destination country (that's a big one). These are really common. If you trigger their concern, they will pull you into secondary and possibly even refuse you entry. It's absolutely not personal, very little to do with how you look, but more about how you answer their questions.
@andre_p 5 ай бұрын
Add to the list: trying to be funny. That never flies.
@DavidAntrobus 5 ай бұрын
@@andre_p Oh, right, good call. I left that one out.
@brocktonma.1816 9 ай бұрын
Canada; Americas hat.
@teamhop 10 ай бұрын
Hey I’ve got some really great news to share with you, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died on a cross and resurrected on the third day so you may all have eternal life. If you believe and repent of your sins and put your faith and trust in Him as you would a parachute jumping off a plane at 25000 feet up in the air, He will give you eternal life in heaven as a free gift and I promise you, He will change your life forever as He did mine. He is the ONLY way to heaven and He loves you all. Please think deeply about this with urgency because this is your eternal life and soul, you don’t know when you could die, meaning you could die at any moment, so please consider this with all your heart. If anyone tells you that Jesus isn’t the only way, they are lying to you and they don’t care about your future.
@Cambrandreth 10 ай бұрын
Most of the security precautions were put in place by both governments in the years after 9/11 in cooperation with each other. Although largely at the insistence of the U.S. government. I can remember when you didn't need a passport. In this case it sounds like a bit of an overreaction. It's not unfeasible that someone who lives near the border to begin with would be able to pop over for a day trip. However unless you are a citizen, there is no automatic right to enter Canada. Same goes for the U.S. Having said that, I agree that it would leave people visiting Canada with a very bad first impression. I've found American border officials to be generally friendlier.
@StevenKatz-xn8nf 10 ай бұрын
30 years ago when crossing the border from USA to Canada you were met with a smile, a question or two about how long you would be in Canada and what you were bringing in, and a "welcome, enjoy your stay". Now it seems to be almost trying to get into East Berlin when the wall was up. I am 72 years old and have given up all plans forever to enter Canada.
@ryans413 10 ай бұрын
As a Canadian I’ll tell you where you went wrong. First of all Canada is very strict it helps protect its citizens it may feel very rude to people wanting to come into Canada but as a Canadian I’d rather have a strict border patrol then for them too just let in a bunch of whackos. Your mistake was saying you were just staying for the night. That is odd to hear because to a border agent that comes off as you are here to do something potentially bad and then high tail it out of here. If you are coming to explore Canada that’s fine you can do that but I’d recommend you come for a week have the camping gear with you or have the money you need to sustain your stay why’ll your here to pay for fuel and hotel rooms. Then the officer would let you through no problem. It’s not against the law to go to another country to explore and enjoy yourself but you need to have the right things to justify what you tel them like money a place to stay or camp. Saying your just coming in for the night is very odd and that’s why they searched your car they probably thought you were trafficking drugs.
@Rental-jz4oo 2 ай бұрын
I don’t see anything wrong with visiting a city just for a night
@brianhalliday2384 10 ай бұрын
Don't care, I live near the border and will never set foot in Canada again. Prices are outrageous, the Government is a disaster. Nothing to see in Canada.
@richardreweti8671 10 ай бұрын
I love the Canadian Border they're very professional, the crap they put up with American's it's any wonder they get sick of the entitlement.
@AthiestDing 10 ай бұрын
Make sure everything is legit and all your answers square. I went to the Canadian boarder for insurance on my american truck. The officer held my truck papers and my work permit and said "Why should I give you these papers back, how do I know you are going to leave Canada when your work permit is up?" I said "Well officer I have done everything by the book up until this point and I intend to carry on doing so." He seamed mad, but his senior officer told him that i had given my word and he should give me my papers back.
@277mitchell 10 ай бұрын
That very same thing happened to me back in 2016, but at the time, I was a 48 year old man they took EVERYTHING out of my car did not put it back questioned me 3 times?? I just wonder how many Americans get treated like that. I answered all there, questioned, but 1 I stumbled on where I was staying, that was all it took. Y does Canada have to be like that??? I am VERY reluctant to ever go back to Canada again, thanks to their border agents!
@rb239rtr 10 ай бұрын
I was going from Kingston, Ontario, Canada to Watertown NY for a one day conference, I said Jamestown and got searched. Good for CBP. Only an incompetent officer would have let me pass without a closer look. I did have the conference agenda in my briefcase, clearly it was at a hotel in Watertown. When there is a hole in your story, all of the spider senses go off in the Officer, no matter what border you are crossing, anywhere in the world.
@cdnrednek1027 10 ай бұрын
Just remember, your going into another country, the USA is not God of the world. Also know that I went through the same every time I crossed from Cda to the USA, and I was a truck driver that crossed the border every week for 40 yrs.
@jeangodding6348 10 ай бұрын
Thank goodness we have thorough immigration & customs officers , you would have struck me as sketchy too , glad you made it in eventually in spite of your poor planning . Make a better plan , come back and explore Montreal & Quebec City for a weekend there’s a lot to see & do you really you really can’t do it justice in a day .
@BlacqueJacqueShellacque_ 11 ай бұрын
I used to go to Montreal for the day all the time. Sometimes a few times a month. Never really had an issue, but this was also pre-2001. I've crossed into Canada dozens of times since 2001, and only had one issue where I was taking some china to my cousin in Michigan and didn't really know details about it. I think they searched my car that time because I didn't know exactly what was in the boxes. So if someone gives you something (even a family member you trust 100%) make sure you go through the boxes so you know exactly what is in there so you can tell the agent). I ended up having a really nice conversation with another guard while they searched my it made it more interesting. I wasn't in a hurry at the time so no biggie.
@rookiebird9382 11 ай бұрын
4:40 bro, I don't think they discriminate against your appearance.
@rb239rtr 10 ай бұрын
what he said is probably he handles his life. Meeting a Quebec accented officer put the officer at a status below him and he acted accordingly.
@jonheredia8789 11 ай бұрын
I have traveled to over 30 countries and Canada has the hardest entrance requirement... fortunately I know what they will ask and can fluently give them answers.... I have always been able to get in after's not just the border guard told me they most likely will not allow anyone in deemed suspicious.
@northlander4370 11 ай бұрын
Southern Canada ??? how did you come up with that ??
@calf1100 11 ай бұрын
blame it all on trumps dumb ass decisions we use to be good
@highendservicesbarrieont8347 11 ай бұрын
Umm..if you look like a crackhead..and thinkyou see Montreal in a day..and Quebec city..yes friend...reason to visit didnt add up...its why they. Inspected your wheels....truth..will get you easy suspicion
@gordd7348 11 ай бұрын
If you gave them the same attitude you are exhibiting in this video, I am surprised you got in. You need to show respect, and you need to be humble. Your attitude was about entitlement like it is your right to enter Canada. It's not.
@rosalindastourian3985 11 ай бұрын
Which border crossing did you use?