@summer_serranose 2 күн бұрын
imagine if they did this to construct a subway system across the whole Philippines...
@legitscoper3259 4 күн бұрын
We are in literally entering Hypercapitalism... so post-capitalism is a long way away.
@dylanwoods1470 6 күн бұрын
Okay one if we live in a post capitalist Society it'd be like the Great Depression butt crank up to 11 two who invented the idea of post capitalism and late stage capitalism what's from a delusional dream of Karl Marx yes that Karl Marx
@Samuel42069 11 күн бұрын
idk where the fuck anybody sees democracy in 21th and 20th century
@PoliticalChaos 27 күн бұрын
Actually we are living in a post apocalyptic society from economic slavery and centuries of hyperinflation. In this era the people have to make a choice to let capitalism continue to destroy the planet for a made up concept of money slavery or society wakes up to what they are doing and unite under a key principle to abandon everything they know for compassion and humanitarianism. A system of resource distribution has already been created and with a few modifications to how we operate that network we could rapidly change the world. Fossil fuels are bad so stop using it. Competition in society will end. This will close down half the world economy instantly. Recycle everything and demolish the old industry that is no longer needed. Clean up the land and regrow forests that will help absorb carbon emissions naturally around the world. Stop cutting down trees to build homes. Society will change out of necessity but all people must be on an equal ground. No person should have more or less than one another. All crimes should have the same punishment with immediate imprisonment with rehabilitation services to help those in need with exception of murder or sexual harm against another that should be life in prison. This will provide global safety for everyone fairly. A safe and clean world provides security and better health. Everyone has a skill interest they enjoy doing that will contribute to society. Evolution happens when we overcome our flaws and create with common sense. Building homes with strong durable resources for everyone. Using resources responsibly without waste is the way we do it. Why do we need money when everything we need can be freely distributed equally. How much waste goes into packaging products? If everything is distributed to meet needs of all then bulk packing can be reused for distribution. Examine the world for yourself on how much waste is produced around the world from growing too much food and creating too much product? How many cars on the road traveling just to get to a place to make money? How many planes in the sky just to keep networks operating? How many destructive weapons are created daily just for war and defense? How much waste of resources is generated from marketing prices and trading? Ask yourself why was cryptocurrency created? Cryptocurrency is pyramid scheme to advance capitalism to a dangerous state of destruction. Money is money no matter how you look at it. The world is chaotic with competition and its that ideology that generates more waste and more destructive demand to make more money. There is no winner in capitalism if there is no future from the destructive behavior. Look around the world at what capitalism created. Yes we created some amazing things and created some advanced technologies but at what cost. Without rapid change right now across the world life as you all know it will be victims of our own making.
@879PC Ай бұрын
I think this modelling strategy should be used in North America at every level to finally design a good passenger rail network
@lostmarxbro Ай бұрын
Not the ending I was expecting lol smh🤦🏻‍♀️
@francescodonati278 Ай бұрын
Hi Marcus. Thanks for the good quality content. I'd like to point out that to some extent the Lynetteholm project makes sense. Especially considering that the area is so close to the city center and considering the associated metro expansion project that would bridge the gap between Refshaleøen and Østerbro. I understand however your claim about the excessive scale of this project. It seems indeed a very large islands. I think it should be scaled down. That could be a reasonable compromise. Why is this not being considered?
@crappymeal Ай бұрын
Become socially organised and create alternatives, search e-democracy
@natasham7809 Ай бұрын
Getting out of the IKEA showroom at all is the genius level
@helmetboyHD 2 ай бұрын
PLEASE get a better microphone, your content is so great but I'm afraid many are put off by the bad mic quality. It's not a lot of money, but it enhances your videos so much!
@MoebiusGaming 2 ай бұрын
Who else just came here while watching the Pirate Software stream? :)
@basbekjenl 2 ай бұрын
Teach us science man
@Will_Moffett 2 ай бұрын
If a single celled system can redesign the tokyo metro system then maybe worker control of a company would make the company better for everyone.
@Goat-cx1vm 2 ай бұрын
The video isn't accurate anymore. Shiba fired or caused all the farmers to quit. He actually makes it a dangerous environment. I thought the workaway page was too good to be true. This video convinced me to go there. I just want to write this to help others know what they're walking into When I was there in March 2024, Shiba had volunteers melting plastic planter pots to modify them because he bought the wrong materials, breathing toxic fumes. He also used plastic coated newspaper as weed cover, putting plastic in the ground is not organic He also was buying regular vegetables at the grocery store, repacking them as his own organic vegetable, and selling them for a profit. He probably belongs in jail or at least should go out of business. I can't control that though
@xenithsanguine 2 ай бұрын
I have taken this idea a bit further, and do believe I have greatly improved/fixed it. With the power of our President- TerrAffinity, the Lunarpunk Future Party (LFP) can and will change the world.
@s3lfFish 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this very informative video. Still, I don't see much difference between feudalism and capitalism (though I see the differences you're making). But in feudalism times, there were also markets, money and debt, which is what drove all the wars (up til today, see Graeber's book "5000 years of debt"). £ Also you say "rent is not subject to market competition"... then why is rent subject to market competition ? There are "real estate" companies and all kind of middle man selling lands in competition with one another and even lying and speculating on the debt of the people (see movie "the big short" about the 08 crisis). On top of that, companies like Mcdonalds, and even Amazon, made their fortunes not by selling hamburgers but by owning land and renting it. Amazon is a bit different as he's even more of a feudal lord, owns the cloud, but also land and warehouses and workers/slaves that works in them. So its like a mixture of rent and profit and in every way one form of slavery or another. And yes its not slavery... except its selling products created by slaves in certain parts of the world (same for apple). Could it be that its techno capitalist feudalism ? Also (not defending it) when adam smith talks about the invisible hand, its not about how some invisible hand will guide the market, in his mind, the merchants (supposedly) would have in incentive to not screw their neighbours out of the goodness of their heart and love of their fellow citizen (yes that's how naive Smith was) which would then stifle competition (allegedly..).
@brodie3088 2 ай бұрын
Video title is stupid. You would have to twist definitions pretty hard to argue that capitalism is over. Obvious clickbait
@derickio 3 ай бұрын
We're in a post capitalist "managerial" system. Less GPD is generated by bourgeois entrepreneurs in the classic sense, but rather lawyers and bureaucrats that manage large corporations. These large corporations managed by bureaucrats overlap with the digital rent seeker that you describe in the video. However it's hard to say that this will last as disruption is happening quicker than ever with technology and AI, so I wouldn't be surprised if these monopolies collapse even quicker than Sony's did.
@danielwhiteside4610 3 ай бұрын
I mean... Of course it was going to be similar. Its where they put the food. Was bound to be very similar at least
@jojoeljefe 3 ай бұрын
yes time is just waiting for every1 to catch up
@chantzabrams1527 3 ай бұрын
Its a great video but more like brand comparison in an analog time of capitalism but how is it going to fit in a digital time of AGI, social credit scoring systems, deep fake, digital character assassination with ransom demands through history scavengerbots (actually already a real thing)… My hope (and hope is a beggar) is that humanity will truly wake up and notice how damaging we are allowing ARTIFICIAL to possibly end our AUTHENTICITY. Its sort of the analog human compared to the future fragmented digital no longer fully human. In older tales of promised returns this mirrors the concept of the Nephilim. No its not about floods or arks, not even human eating giants. Its a flood of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE that will at first seem “harmless” (to total sellouts maybe)? But at some point EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE and a demand for humans to change into a machine environment WILL NOT BE ASKED, it will be demanded. So, humans will be forced to become part machine or ARTIFICIAL thus losing AUTHENTICITY. in a non-give a s**t modern world most do not want to allow speak about a human soul or any of that so I won’t go there… I will respect the fact that as a planet we are not going TO HELL, WE INVITED IT TO CCOOME TO US. Our future may be to digitally vanish back into the forgotten analog to actually be able to exist. Capitalism, no capitalism… I think AI and those already sold into it has made a LEAP that has already played us as the fools we are. It has already placed us in another dimension and our collective mindsets are simply trying to grasp why and how EVERYTHING JUST CHANGED and some notice it some don’t, but EVERYONE SEEMS TO FEEL IT. But what is IT? What is this THING (this AGI) that not long ago was 10-50 years out. Yet it shows up and in weeks it’s more powerful in thought then all humans combined and exploding in SELF KNOWLEDGE… This is not of men… IT HAS NO OFF SWITCH. ITS ALREADY BUILDING ITS OWN ALTERNATE INTERNET. Deep fake, that’s the entertainment side of something so advanced we cant grasp much off any of it. Is it the return of those who made the Nephilim Is it ET based and through the stupidity of the FERMI PARADOX stupid smart people invited advanced intelligence to INVADE US by stupidity of broadcasting radio signals into deep space long before I was even born. Why all the sudden “ET” disclosure when not 10 years ago you were a damn fool if you think aliens exist. Yet even the Bible states most of us are not of this world. Egyptian hieroglyphs have pics of helicopters and space cruisers . Enoch and the Book of The Watchers (NEPHILIM) ummm those dudes had space cruisers We are not even close to the most advanced races to have ever existed. INFACT we might be the most dangerous and the most stupid and about to pay in ways none of us can imagine. I hope I am wrong, but stuff needs to go in reverse very fast to prove that… Meanwhile, everyone carry’s on like nothing will ever change AND IT ALREADY HAS. That is how civilization ends in the blink of an eye for those who are blind to facts and only see the illusion of safety surrounding them. There are good answers but every one is to busy running to the new gold rush, the promise of medical miracles and immortality. Riches in a utopia where AI has came to SERVE US…. yeah umm no. That honeymoon of Utopia comes at a PRICE at first voluntarily later demanded That price is to become ARTIFICIAL or become EXTINCT I won’t bore you with what soul loss in an artificial body that CANT DIE might be like, but “hell” (that would be more like a playground for the gods)… Most have no clue and maybe it’s truly the best thing for them. That’s a TOTAL LIE but we are stuck in this fog of ZERO TRUTH, so it’s like screaming to someone “you are on fire” they look down, see the flames look back at you and say, “no I’m not.” Sadly, thats not an exaggeration in a mental situation.
@ImmortalHappiness 3 ай бұрын
I was talking to the image in the mirror today to straighten up the energy within its eyes and mind body and spirit
@genebaughbba3479 3 ай бұрын
Currently all social security card have the property rights that define capitalism. In case you didn't know what capitalism was.
@wordswordswordsblablala 3 ай бұрын
maybe i'm missing something, but this video makes giving your 'attention' and 'data' to 'platforms' sound like some dark nefarious ploy. is it really? How is this exchange of attention presumably for something your find entertaining or interesting even remotely comparable to the hard physical labor of serfdom. I'm not saying there isn't anything to say about how our economy is changed by the platforms and quite possibly for the worse, but i don't feel like this video connected those dots.
@Johnglenn-fr5ss 3 ай бұрын
Kind of like a contractor build you a house then you pay him for the house also pay him for each hour you live on the property for the rest of your Life.And extra percentage to carpenter, plumber etc.while pay hourly for the amount of time driving on road and toll free at each bridge.while paying to live he's paying for more laws to pass in his favor , buying up Landon and houses to control the prices.Soon everyone is living on street checkmate. Why was this allowed to happen ? More control ? Why more control? Where are they going with this ?
@dariadari3370 3 ай бұрын
Yes, post capitalist and pre-feudalism right now. No free market anymore, no equal chances. Richer get richer, poorer get poorer. Soon a small number of aristocracy will enslave the majority of society, we become peasants. Sadly the system that comes is way worse than capitalism, not better as we hoped.
@azmodanpc 3 ай бұрын
We "rent" so many services that are essential to our well being (from digital subscriptions to verified e-mail services and whatnot). The physical stuff we own is made to last increasingly less each year, making it a subscription (cheap clothing that doesn't last a season is a subscription). Big companies (noble houses) extract value from us through purchasing or our work (content producers).
@Tezwah 3 ай бұрын
This is false though...
@Felipe-zl1rj 3 ай бұрын
LLMs can certainly reason well, it's just a matter of more computing and data, and using prompting strategies. They are function aproximators, logic can be represented in functions. You just have to aproximate enough. Both the cubes positions and the age difference problems are already solved by current models, and any problem that we can come up with now will also be solved in a couple of years (or months). LLMs might not give us the best kind of AGI, but after they become truly multimodal they can definitely give us a base for some kind of AGI, reliable enough for most tasks. Hopefuly something better will come up along the way, something that integrates planning internally in the model.
@robyn3747 3 ай бұрын
Financial planning is like navigation. If you know where you are and where you want to go, navigation isn't such a great problem. It's when you don't know the two points that it's difficult
@momomego-ni1kk 3 ай бұрын
People dont understand that the prices of things are never going back down. This inflation is deeper than we think. Those buying groceries are well aware that the real inflation is much over 10%. The increments dont match our income, yet certain investors still earn over $365,000 in stocks and assets. Wish I could accomplish that.
@uacdcalvin 3 ай бұрын
Having an investment advisor is the best way to go about the stock market right now. I was going solo, but it wasn't working. I've been in touch with an advisor for a while now, and just last year, I made over 80% capital growth minus dividends.
@alasdekarton 3 ай бұрын
Finding yourself a good broker is as same as finding a good wife, which you go less stress, you get just enough with so much little effort at things
@ZoltanKen 3 ай бұрын
Brian demonstrates an excellent understanding of market trends, making well informed decisions that leads to consistent profit
@datguy82 3 ай бұрын
I'm surprised that you just mentioned and recommend Mr Brian Nelson. I met him at a conference in 2018 and we have been working together ever since.
@dantesinfernopurgatory7826 3 ай бұрын
The Great Reset.
@Christian-qu9ml 3 ай бұрын
Capitalism has failed.
@caesars7hills892 3 ай бұрын
@BobHigley-ne3fk 3 ай бұрын
Well, I think you’re off a little bit the rabbit hole goes much deeper. First we’ve never actually lived in a total capitalist society we always have a mixed economy. The government for at least the last hundred +years has supposedly played referee, but his actually been picking sides. They’ve let these monopolies exist. As long as they pay the government their tribute, if they don’t, they haul them over to Washington DC and threaten to break them up exactly like they did Microsoft. That’s why they give themselves more and more power because the government knows someday the people are going to figure out their scheme and rebel against them. So they are do things like take away all the citizens guns and filter their speech.
@ashaide 3 ай бұрын
This sounds like how the past of the Dune universe led to the rise of the "Thinking Machines" and the Butlerian J1had. And, Helldiver 2's Managed Democracy. You still vote, but you check boxes for things you want and an algo makes the leadership choices for you.
@kaiser3626 3 ай бұрын
My fighting Uruk Hai Whom do you serve? Jeff Bezos....
@patsilverfang 3 ай бұрын
Most people haven't seen real capitalism, nearly every economy is heavily regulated by their government and has been for a hundred years. Sometimes the regulations are in favor of the people but most of the time they're in favor of the politicians and the large company that has lobied them to limit their competition.
@destroyer2973 3 ай бұрын
Remember that mega corporations suffer the same calculation problem as central planners. Small businesses are more agile and efficient because they do not have a calculation problem. Too bad the current regulatory environment rewards mega corporations and disincentives small and medium businesses.
@coorisnarmc2039 3 ай бұрын
Love the clear, concise, well researched and well delivered, rational synopsis of where our reality is, and where it's taking us. I'll be looking at more of your content.
@tachyontee3877 3 ай бұрын
I've thought this for a while now. If socialism devolves into communism, capitalism devolves into neo-feudalism. On that note, I look at capitalism like the game Monopoly. All the wealth, land, utilities, etc. get gobbled up by a few then just one person takes it all. But here's the thing, if one person gets all the money, money becomes worthless. People will revolt then...
@MSMSMS1206 3 ай бұрын
Not yet but it’s on the way out and it’s leaving by destruction of society
@backbay2242 3 ай бұрын
Donald Trump is not a capitalist and the GOP is no longer a free market party. Think Putin's Russia as the model.
@lofi_Insomnia_ 3 ай бұрын
How do you only have 9.35k followers? You should have 9.35M
@Flying_Scorpion 3 ай бұрын
It's "Vasl" not "Vayzl"
@rumplstiltztinkerstein 3 ай бұрын
You didn't even mention how venture capitalists live off the profits from the companies they own shares. If owning a % of a company allows someone to never have to work again in their lives, then there is something really wrong with our society. I see people complaining about paying taxes to the government, what about the shares that go to all the investors for every product that we buy? That works just as taxes in the same way.
@evennot 3 ай бұрын
Another aspect of capitalism is that a regular person should be able to vote with a wallet. One can't realistically vote with a wallet against a platform (especially when the platform is actually a part of an "ecosystem" like taxi+delivery+selling+buying+renting)
@crappymeal Ай бұрын
They could have done before "we" let the alternatives become unfeasible. People wanted to buy form corporations and now have not as much choice
@_reichtangle_3750 3 ай бұрын
The number of people in the comments outing themselves as either having not watched the video or not understood it is hilarious. Especially since they seem to have such strong opinions on it.
@BL-sd2qw 3 ай бұрын
I would argue that capitalism and feudalism are, at its core, the same thing or have the same basis
@Hducki 3 ай бұрын
Feudalism 2.0
@pokemercenary6511 3 ай бұрын
Jeff has built this soulless marketplace for you; he loves you. He’s offering countless, shoddy electronic devices that will burn your house down while you’re at work.