Youths Christmas Celebration
Jubilee By Excellence
6 ай бұрын
Children Christmas Party
6 ай бұрын
@LovelynKelvin 41 секунд бұрын
Father, I declare that my dreams are sanctified by Your Holy Spirit. No demonic insect can harm or disturb me in Jesus' name. This is the best channel for dreams and interpretations. Thank you Pastor, your prophetic prayers has transformed my life.
@ogechinyereRaphael Минут бұрын
What a blessing Pastor Paul S. Joshua is! His profound insights and prayer points have brought us closer to God and transformed our lives.” Nobody can cut my days short. I will walk into my destiny Amen.
@LovelynKelvin 2 минут бұрын
Father, let Your divine light shine into my dream world, exposing and destroying every plot of the enemy. Thank you Pastor, your teachings are a true blessing.
@LovelynKelvin 4 минут бұрын
Lord Jesus, I plead Your precious blood over my mind and my dreams. I rebuke every evil attack symbolized by dog bites. Thank you, Pastor, for guiding us in prayer.
@ogechinyereRaphael 5 минут бұрын
The impact of Pastor Paul S. Joshua’s teachings is undeniable. Our family has found peace and liberation through his powerful prayer points.” My good news is coming in a big way Amen
@CyrilChristopher1 6 минут бұрын
Heavenly Father, I come against every demonic attack symbolized by dog bites in my dreams. I declare protection in Jesus' name. Thank you, Pastor, for your powerful prayers.
@ogechinyereRaphael 8 минут бұрын
Thank you, Dr, Pastor Paul S. Joshua, for your incredible guidance. The prayer points have brought profound change and deliverance to our family.”
@CyrilChristopher1 9 минут бұрын
Father, I stand on Your promise that You are my refuge and fortress. No evil, including demonic insects, shall come near my dwelling.
@CyrilChristopher1 15 минут бұрын
Father, I renounce and reject every demonic attack in my dreams, represented by harmful insects. They will not prevail against me.
@CyrilChristopher1 16 минут бұрын
In the name of Jesus, I take authority over every demonic force trying to torment me with harmful insects in my dreams. I command them to leave now.
@CyrilChristopher1 16 минут бұрын
Heavenly Father, I pray for Your divine protection over my sleep. I declare that my dreams will be filled with Your peace and presence.
@MBright001 18 минут бұрын
Lord, cleanse my mind and my room with Your Holy Spirit fire, driving out every demonic presence that appears as insects in my dreams.
@MBright001 19 минут бұрын
Father, release Your heavenly host to fight on my behalf, removing every demonic insect from my dreams and my life. I decree, every deadly sickness coming to me, my address is not visible.
@MBright001 20 минут бұрын
Father, destroy any virus coming for my health before it reaches me. Let your mercy speak for me in Jesus' name Amen! Thank you for your prophetic message and prayers MOG.
@MBright001 23 минут бұрын
In the name of Jesus, I bind every spirit of infestation and declare that my dreams are protected and purified by the Holy Spirit.
@MBright001 27 минут бұрын
Father, let Your divine light shine into my dream world, exposing and destroying every plot of the enemy symbolized by harmful insects.
@Solomonjoel88 29 минут бұрын
Lord Jesus, I plead Your precious blood over my mind and my dreams. I rebuke every evil attack symbolized by insects and command them to flee.
@Solomonjoel88 29 минут бұрын
Heavenly Father, I come against every demonic representation of harmful insects in my dreams. I declare that they have no power over me in Jesus' name. Thank you MOG for your powerful message.
@Solomonjoel88 31 минут бұрын
Father, I declare that every cell in my body is aligned with Your divine health plan. Sickness and disease must flee in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
@Solomonjoel88 32 минут бұрын
Father, let Your healing fire burn away every sickness and disease in my body. I claim complete healing in Jesus' name Amen!
@Solomonjoel88 34 минут бұрын
Lord, release Your healing power into my body, driving out every trace of disease and restoring me to perfect health in Jesus' name Amen🙏
@EllaThomas24 Сағат бұрын
Lord Jesus, I plead Your precious blood over my health. I rebuke every demonic attack of disease in Your mighty name. Thank you MOG, you are indeed a God sent to humanity.
@EllaThomas24 Сағат бұрын
Lord, I declare that Your plans for my life are to prosper me and not to harm me. Every assault of the enemy is defeated. Thank you for this wonderful prophetic message.
@EllaThomas24 Сағат бұрын
Father, I release Your warring angels to fight against the principalities and powers trying to destroy me. Let Your victory be manifest.
@EllaThomas24 Сағат бұрын
I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens me. Every scheme of the enemy will fail.
@EllaThomas24 Сағат бұрын
Lord, empower me with Your Holy Spirit to stand firm and resist every attack of the devil. I claim Your protection and victory.
@KennyAndy24 Сағат бұрын
May God continue to bless you Prophet, This channel is a blessing to my life. I cancel every assignment of the enemy against my life and declare that his plans are defeated by the power of Jesus.
@KennyAndy24 Сағат бұрын
I cover myself and my family with the blood of Jesus, declaring that we are hidden in Christ and the enemy cannot touch us. Thank you MOG for always being there for us.
@ademolajohn720 Сағат бұрын
Thank you lord for the amazing teachings and powerful prayers today,I am blessed and I pray my testimony remain permanent. Thank you so much MoG. May the lord continue to increase you as you bless us with the gift God has given to you.
@KennyAndy24 Сағат бұрын
Lord, Your Word says that the battle is Yours. I trust You to fight for me and bring me victory over every demonic attack.
@KennyAndy24 Сағат бұрын
In Jesus' name, I take authority over every spirit of infirmity, accident, and calamity. You have no place in my life.
@KennyAndy24 Сағат бұрын
Father, I ask for Your divine intervention to thwart every plot of the enemy. Surround me with Your hedge of protection.
@EnosJ22 Сағат бұрын
I proclaim that the power of Jesus' resurrection is alive in me, rendering every deadly assault of the enemy powerless.
@EnosJ22 Сағат бұрын
Lord Jesus, I declare that Your light will expose every hidden trap set by the enemy. Guide my steps away from danger.
@EnosJ22 Сағат бұрын
By the power of the Holy Spirit, I break every chain of darkness trying to bind me. I declare freedom and protection over my life.
@EnosJ22 Сағат бұрын
Heavenly Father, I bind every spirit of destruction and command it to leave my life immediately in the mighty name of Jesus.
@EnosJ22 Сағат бұрын
Lord, give me the strength and courage to stand against the devil’s schemes. I claim victory in Jesus' name.
@JohnUsman1 Сағат бұрын
I declare by the authority of Jesus Christ that every evil plot against my life is nullified and voided right now.
@JohnUsman1 Сағат бұрын
Father, release Your angels to surround me and fight on my behalf against every demonic force seeking to harm me.
@JohnUsman1 Сағат бұрын
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke every spirit of fear and declare that the enemy's attacks will not prevail against me.
@JohnUsman1 Сағат бұрын
Lord, cover me with Your precious blood and shield me from every deadly assault of the enemy. I stand firm in Your protection.
@JohnUsman1 Сағат бұрын
Heavenly Father, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. In Jesus' name, I break every plan of the enemy aimed at my destruction.
@ademolajohn720 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you lord for the amazing teachings and powerful prayers today,I am blessed and I pray my testimony remain permanent. Thank you so much MoG. May the lord continue to increase you as you bless us with the gift God has given to you.
@ademolajohn720 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you lord for the amazing teachings and powerful prayers today,I am blessed and I pray my testimony remain permanent. Thank you so much MoG. May the lord continue to increase you as you bless us with the gift God has given to you.
@ademolajohn720 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you lord for the amazing teachings and powerful prayers today,I am blessed and I pray my testimony remain permanent. Thank you so much MoG. May the lord continue to increase you as you bless us with the gift God has given to you.
@ademolajohn720 2 сағат бұрын
Thank you lord for the amazing teachings and powerful prayers today,I am blessed and I pray my testimony remain permanent. Thank you so much MoG. May the lord continue to increase you as you bless us with the gift God has given to you.
@AliyahSTuray 3 сағат бұрын
Kumba from sierra leone I dreamt a child following me. What does it significance
@LisaMacathy 3 сағат бұрын
Holy Spirit thank you for your word over my lift, good health is my portion I will never be sick in Jesus name. Powers fighting against my health will not succeed in Jesus name. God bless you man of God for these prayers.
@ann-marieturner9747 9 сағат бұрын
@Ogedeone 10 сағат бұрын