Poetry saved my life
5 ай бұрын
2022 Federal election series, part 1
Nobody trusts the news
5 ай бұрын
Disinformation on social media
The Kremlin's myths about Ukraine
How Ukraine defied Russia
6 ай бұрын
@MuratGonullu-l3x 2 күн бұрын
Martin Betty Hernandez Edward Davis Paul
@DSTH323 7 күн бұрын
I've always admired Alastair's intellect if not his all of his political opinions, and he's obviously a great broadcaster. But now I admire his vulnerability and determination as a man to carry on against terrible odds. That shows a man of great character.
@jillaynedire6999 3 ай бұрын
Promo>SM 🎊
@user-ru1mz5tf2i 5 ай бұрын
Alice springs is the truth you and inercity activeists have failed the aboriginal community in the Alice shame on you
@LadZeroUltra 5 ай бұрын
Reminder that the government spends millions of your money to send people to seminars like these cheers
@joshuasons2300 5 ай бұрын
No, one only needs to be a seeker of TRUTH.
@jessicamillman4405 6 ай бұрын
I can see the benefit of shared spaces but also quiet places within large public spaces. For example, I like to go to a cafe just to be around others sometimes without having to directly socialise. But I love to socialise when I'm in the mood and that's when I'm grateful for shared spaces.
@edwap038 6 ай бұрын
This statement is nothing more than a ‘feel good’ ‘pow wow’! It’s tragic, because Ukraine is currently on its knees (which I am absolutely not celebrating one bit - it’s tragic). The death toll is infinitely larger than the 31,000 as recently claimed by Zelenskyy. You’re very out of touch with what’s actually happening on the ground in Ukraine. Putin would not have decided to launch his strategic mission unless he knew he would come out victorious. This is another US proxy war and Ukraine are the tragic victims. Please paint the reality so that more people recognise Ukraine’s dire situation so that people call for a peace agreement (which Ukraine keeps avoiding), rather than painting a rosey, heroic image that does nothing more than encourage ignorant people to continue supporting the sending billions more in aid, which is merely being laundered and the prolonging of this conflict!
@edwap038 6 ай бұрын
Wrong! The US put Poroshenko into power via a coup. He then lead systematic persecution of Russian speaking Ukrainians throughout his Presidency. This is well documented. Putin is not trying to erase Ukrainian culture. He’s trying to eradicate Nazism and the deep state, which does exist in Ukraine (ref: Azov battalion). Over 20mil Russian’s were killed by Nazi’s in WWII, and so they are acutely aware of the threat posed by Nazism. Russia is facing an existential crisis unless they launch a strategic military operation in Ukraine - Putin had no choice but to act. NATO has been encroaching for years, and the US has funded biolabs that have been developing ethnically targeted pathogens on Russia’s door step for years. Do you think Putin should have simply allowed that to continue?! Until when exactly?! You talk about genocide! How utterly abhorrent of you!! 1) if Putin wanted to destroy Ukraine and its culture, he’d have flattened Kiev by now, but he hasn’t, because that’s not his aim. 2) there is an ACTUAL genocide taking place in Gaza right now!!!! You’re a classic case of someone masquerading as an intellectual elite, yet you seem to have no clue about putting forward hard facts, only a distorted pow-wow to garner hand claps!!
@edwap038 6 ай бұрын
Oh boy, the old ‘Putin smear tactic’ to rally everyone around your opinion! Funny how you failed to mention the US coup in Ukraine’s 2014 election to overthrow its democratically elected leader, NATO’s consistent encroachment on Russia’s border, the insane corruption of Ukraine, US-funded biolabs in Ukraine (initially denied, then acknowledged), the peace deal that Russia asked Ukraine to sign, repeated efforts by Putin to find peace, the $100bn+ dollars sent to Ukraine by Western governments that is blatantly being laundered, etc, etc! You guys are sooo out of touch with reality, it’s truly tragic, once again!
@edwap038 6 ай бұрын
Hilarious and tragic!! The second male speaker just spoke nothing but mis- and disinformation about RFK Jr. Described him as “fringe” in his intro remarks, indicating a derogatory framing. He’s actually become an expert on vaccines, and cites peer reviewed journals in the medical field backing up his claims ALL THE TIME. Have you not read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci? Yet, you say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about! In this tragically titled “critical thinking“ talk, you could have pointed out any number of critical thoughts, such as, how big pharma profits from keeping people sick and not curing them, has a track record of HUGE fraud, and somehow is able to dodge liability for it’s so-called ‘safe and effective’ products. You also fail to point out that many MSM outlets are funded by big pharma (through advertisement sales), and so too are many ‘fact checkers’ - hence the reporting bias. Honestly, this is hilarious and tragic in equal measure - you are preaching about critical thinking and demonstrating anything but!! Have you even taken a look at the ‘official’ figures (VAERS) for adverse reactions to the MRNA jab?! It’s off the charts, just like your own lack of critical thought!!!
@huntergaastra2770 6 ай бұрын
In 2014 Ukraine backed out of the neutrality treaty after their revolution. Knowing it would be the cause of issues between Ukraine & Russia. That means u broke contract before Russia invaded meaning they did not have to follow by the treaty either. (Im sure the good ol usa was encouraging it the whole time)
@johnk-pc2zx 7 ай бұрын
It's the upper middle-class accidentally discovering that most people live in shit houses...and then demanding soviet-style solutions. Socialism is the opiate of the upper middle-class.
@johnk-pc2zx 7 ай бұрын
Her big black identity-glasses are distracting, but on point.
@keza3250 7 ай бұрын
Yes we all understand that we have a severe housing shortage and extreme poverty an homelessness But to start your argument an topic with, oh colonisation is bad agenda ha ha lame just lame so called academic ha ha 😢
@PromQWearsPrada 7 ай бұрын
Get a job
@celic190 8 ай бұрын
Do you know what its like to be surrounded by people but having no one to talk to? Yeah this stuff doesnt work and its a waste of money. To get rid of loneliness we must first get rid of the internet.
@Censored.225 10 ай бұрын
“Suck it, suck my tongue” - Dalai Lama
@smilingjack7622 11 ай бұрын
Anyone saying anything any of the cults preach be they christian jewish muslim hindu or whatever is in fact spreading disinformation. CLEARLY. Time to criminalise them all
@faithvirtue6524 11 ай бұрын
You lost me at RFK Jr. is a ‘fringe’ political candidate… Ridiculous statement. Promoting censorship snd narrative control under the guise of protecting democracy is truly despicable. And spare me the disgusting Russophobic garbage.
@RFKJrforPresident- 11 ай бұрын
I agree that it is inaccurate to say RFKjr is a fringe candidate. He commands too much attention and has too much positive polling to call him ‘fringe.’ I also agree that banning people from speaking/ deplatforming people is highly problematic. At the same time, there needs to be a way to distinguish false information from true information. Ideas about “flat earth“ do not have an equal standing with ideas about the solar system, and the universe as described by astronomers and physicists. RFK junior rejects scientific consensus, where it serves him, most prominently with his claims about vaccines. He basically says that the mainstream scientific community ( including but not limited to 99% of doctors, epidemiologists, virologist, immunologists , and public health department officials from essentially every country in the world) is either outright lying to us, or themselves have been deceived by big Pharma. He basically rejects scientific consensus by saying there is an organized Powerful group that resides in big Pharma and the regulatory agencies that claim to be working in the public interest, but in fact are not. He claims that they are in fact working for their own selfish interest and deceiving us,the public, and all of these medical experts are in cahoots with them and cannot be trusted. That is the definition of a conspiracy theory. He says a lot of things that resonate with a lot of people, but the core of his rhetoric is rooted in conspiratorial thinking, and that does everybody a disservice
@edwap038 6 ай бұрын
Well said!
@edwap038 6 ай бұрын
Well said!@@RFKJrforPresident-
@mid2k 3 жыл бұрын
Who split you up in the first place ...and is the division, manipulation and exploitation over?
@abodetidings8392 3 жыл бұрын
@lotsofsparks32 3 жыл бұрын
the nanny state gave me health problems through years of eating only donated food like cream buns and other junk food. Every day for a decade was a losing battle for survival to me. Fuck you rich cunts that regulate poor peoples lives like they know what is good for us. I hope they all burn in hell every one of those fuckers.
@vicinter954 3 жыл бұрын
Try to come to a place of forgiveness. It has an amazing healing capacity.
@harshathennakoon6852 4 жыл бұрын
I'm from srilanka . Same situation here . Just read ur book. Thank u very much leah.
@marcilubia 4 жыл бұрын
So sad, just finished reading the book. I now have a different perspective of life. Will pray for her healing.
@williamarthurfenton1496 5 жыл бұрын
I can sympathise with the conventional establishment reaction at the time-- they really didn't like the idea of the cretinous hippy brigade feeling vindicated in their idiotic meaningless happy-happy hysterical fawning. Also didn't Lovelock himself concede the idea was rather underdeveloped in the early days? Is it not also the case that many new big ideas are often received with utter contempt and at best ridicule?
@elfootman 5 жыл бұрын
26:26 to the actual hypothesis, skip the gossip.
@rd264 6 жыл бұрын
Lovelock et al should get the Nobel Prize for their efforts to teach GAIA within a neurotically rejectionist western materialist culture.
@FilmFrontiers982 7 жыл бұрын
I like realistic and practical speech, yes I'm strongly agree students should thing big ideas, broad approach.
@jerryrhee7748 8 жыл бұрын
"But to be in doubt- as I am- to speak while one is still in search for answers, is a slippery and dangerous path...What I fear is that I may mistake the truth, foundering and dragging my friends with me into error, just at the point where a slip of this sort would do the most damage... For I truly believe that killing a man involuntarily is a lesser crime than misleading men about the nature of law and its relation to beauty, goodness and justice." ~Section on the Woman Drama, Book V, Republic
@sameerbasheer8512 8 жыл бұрын
This is a church-like prayers and can not be Islamic.She is a sick minded woman.She does not lead but she MISLEADS.
@ruyperez8276 8 жыл бұрын
a speech that motivate anyone
@rolandgo6744 8 жыл бұрын
adjust that to 450.org, by then we are overcooked.
@mydogskips2 7 жыл бұрын
We'll be there shortly, then we're toast. We're already overcooked.
@carynjohansen4737 8 жыл бұрын
4:12 Lesley Hughes- IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Working Group II overview 19:25 : Rosemary Lyster - The Role of Law 35:50 : Dale Dominey-Howes - Disaster risk reduction and climate extremes 49:12 : John Conner - The Climate Institute
@paulchiuk 8 жыл бұрын
II liked his very last statement; a piece of advice to a young boy in the audience: "I do have a suggestion - Get outside. In Canada today the average child your age spends eight minutes a day outside and six hours a day in front of a cell phone, tv or computer screen. That's something fundamentally wrong. So get outside and fall in love with Mother Nature because we'll only fight to protect what we love."
@roybarzilai6002 8 жыл бұрын
@Meshwork123 9 жыл бұрын
Professor Schmidt should really clarify what he means by the word 'universe'. At the end of his talk in question time he holds that there could well be infinite universes, which of course means separate universes. Separate universes in multiverse theory, however, distorts the established meaning of 'universe', since universe, as a non-entity, means everything. So, with separate universes, one would have to redefine these entity universes as perhaps super galaxies, which would then mean that the universe, under its established meaning, would not be expanding at all, since it would by established definition be infinite. In conclusion, unless Professor Schmidt redefines what he means by 'universe', the infinite universe by established definition cannot be expanding. It is already infinite.
@ton1 9 жыл бұрын
The interesting questions were at the end. Also a machine only becomes sentinent, if you tell her how to do it and that would require a higher understanding of the human mind, mathmatics and semantic context then the noobs of the current AI programming generation have. The moment a machine breaks it's box, is the moment it has to play by our rules of imperfection/corrosion/contest.
@williamfreimuth 9 жыл бұрын
Checkout James Hansen's 'Golden Opportunity' and compare it with Charles Krauthammer's "Tax gas - a lot". This is the best way to put a Price on Carbon (pollution). It would transform the world's fossil fuel addiction and create millions of jobs leading to the well-being of people and the Planet. www.daily-times.com/farmington-opinion/ci_27333148/commentary-use-cheap-gas-window-levy-revenue-neutral csas.ei.columbia.edu/2015/01/12/golden-opportunity/
@richardcrossman3892 9 жыл бұрын
I didn't get round to looking at the screen for the first twenty or so minutes and could have sworn that Ken Dodd (who really is a great reader) had turned his thoughts to philosophy. This talk had me captivated - it was invigorating to see so many famous names pulled out from the ether and thread like beads on to a string, in fact the string of organicism. By not falling prey to premature discursive endings, Ruse shows himself to be a fantastic and sharp contributor to getting us to slow down, enjoy the power of language and talk, and feel inspired to look for ourselves at the subtle patterns that ideas have imprinted on history. Brilliantly entertaining without compromising the heart's search for meaning and integration.
@rd264 9 жыл бұрын
Global Warming is not likely to get adequate attention in the US now that Congress and the Senate are dominated by Republican majorities. The IPCC Reports are in any case steadfastly downplayed or ignored by Congress, the media, and mainstream academia here in the US, notwithstanding significant public interest, eg the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline from Canada was widely opposed by the public and climate experts; it was approved by Congress but fortunately it was defeated by only 1 vote in the US Senate.
@blurryimage4585 10 жыл бұрын
Splendid lecture. The Earth clearly shows signs of homeostasis, but so do buffering solutions. The criticism of the original hypothesis is in place, especially when it comes down to gaia altruism, however, a more thorough scrutiny of what looks like global homeostatic mechanisms may be very interesting and even important.
@scholtzspider 10 жыл бұрын
Super interesting talk! Thanks so much for the UL.
@ValarMorghulis... 10 жыл бұрын
The sun has become twice as hot but the earth stays, like a human, at a certain temperature - uh 98.6 degrees if you will.... So there was no scorching solar maximums and ice ages? The earth's temp bounces around everywhere. Either way the earth is not a being/organism, it's a collection of elements that allow for organisms. Yes it's beautiful and wonderful but it's also deadly and deprave on earth, no not just human activity that's not what I'm referring to. Yes the earth RESPONDS but that doesn't make it alive, it makes it MATTER - a collection of elements that are influenced by the plasma/electromagnetic sun/universe as a whole...I mean you can say the universe is alive, because it is, but it's not a being. The whole god(s) thing is simply a mere reflection of the human psyche. We mirror the mysterious after our own thoughts, basically we are human and we can only conceive of being human therefore god(s) we create are human with our characteristics BUT BETTER! Superman etc is just as relevant as any other god or super being/entity... It's called personification. Check out the expanding earth, NOT growing earth, and the electric/electromagnetic/plasma universe and the Thunderbolts Project... That's some real interesting shit right there. New Age woo woo will always be here because it's always a new age, every moment. Time doesn't exist, it's another figment of imagination. It's always been NOW, we just use distance to measure something that is ALWAYS happening yet nobody realizes it. It's always NOW and always has been, no matter birth or death. Nothing also doesn't exist because there is only everything, or else we wouldn't be here. The big bang is a mainstream science institutional religious idea, they had to come up with their own "creation" but the fact is this place has always been here and it always will and it evolves and interacts etc etc etc. I might be wrong on the last few sentences but that's what I'm in belief of (somewhat for now) and researching at the moment.
@nightingale801 10 жыл бұрын
Can you please correct the typographical error on the title? It's Yang Lian Not Yang Ling. "Sydney Ideas: Yang Ling"
@plankton8978 10 жыл бұрын
radicals invest in energy companies like Exxon Mobil and Shell.
@BluwSerj 10 жыл бұрын
I find this to be a very interesting lecture, thanks! :)
@bonnieleec 11 жыл бұрын
Idea: Form a Facebook Group in which you select 20 to 40 people (Bohm's idea of the proper no. for dialogue) - for instance, a socialist, a Tea Party Member, a housewife, an artist, a clerk, an investigative reporter, a social worker, a Libertarian, people from different countries, religions etc. Ask them to form a dialogue group of the kind one would see in a deliberative democracy in which they discuss issues most important to them on an ongoing basis for one to two years. We all listen in.