Teach Your Kid Basic Math
11 ай бұрын
What Speed Readers Won't Tell You
I Learned Mental Math In 40 Hours
@senjutsu3400 15 сағат бұрын
Immersion + making cards from immersion with audio from the immersion is the way to go. It adds context to anki cards. You can also play with the outlier dictionary for Kanji, or the original for Chinese. It's amazing, real ethimology for kanji. It helps you leave translations behind. If you are reading something in context, knowledge of kanji ethimology will allow you to guess the general meaning of a word. It's another web, another link you can use to remember that new word.
@senjutsu3400 16 сағат бұрын
1:16 I was not familiar with the last. Two others were fuzzy but I was on the right direction. I always wondered where my English level is, but never bothered to check. Maybe I should.
@ame_9964 17 сағат бұрын
Just like many of you here in the comments, I'm so excited to have discovered such a gem!
@senjutsu3400 20 сағат бұрын
I wonder if @benjaminkeep has followed the recent advances related to anki. Instead of using universal intervals the new FSRS system learns user behavior to predict a custom forgetting curve. I am using it, and it's phenomenal. I think the methods on this video can be adapted to work with fsrs to change how people use spaced repetition. I am working constantly on improving how I use anki for vocabulary. I go through my cards in the morning and use custom study to review forgotten cards. Through the tag system I isolate words using the kanji of the word I forgot and study them using a bit of ethimology t(outlier dictionary) to create connections between words I know and words I forget.
@isisstarlights Күн бұрын
7 with blanks, 6 without blanks
@lang9134 Күн бұрын
A question, what would be the best way to memorize images, not concepts but literally the shapes, such as to learn to draw?
@repacharge431 2 күн бұрын
In the roman matchstick problem, every puzzkle can be solved by moving a matchstick to put a slash over the equals sign, making something like. 3 + 2 does not equal 6
@XAUCADTrader 3 күн бұрын
What do you think about sub-vocalization? Do you do it?
@jokelot5221 3 күн бұрын
I like the matchstick problems.
@vijaymarandi2103 3 күн бұрын
1 Money 2 Mother 3 Industry 4 Party 5 Animal 6 Water 7 Jounal 8 College 9 Person
@SirLuke007 4 күн бұрын
This helped thank you 🙏🏽
@aviananalyst404 5 күн бұрын
With foreign language vocabulary as an example. How do you track... what groups you learned a word in? Does it matter? It makes sense if you have a list of 20 words you're learning, but if you're studying a language it's more like you'd have 20 new words a day? and that seems manageable for the first two maybe three groupings, but on the fourth? And I'm sure I’m thinking about this wrong. because you want to know all the worlds, not the order u learned them or what words u learned them with. The one thing i can think is trying to do categories instead? like greetings, or colors, or verbs? and then when you finish ur color review you can decide 'i did pretty well. i want to do it again in a week' and then schedule a reminder to do that. but maybe there’s still something I’m missing? or something else you'd recommend for this problem?
@Findingdrj 5 күн бұрын
@akashverma5756 5 күн бұрын
I left the video at when he said it require a brain.
@PUTRIJAYA-rc4ul 6 күн бұрын
If only there was a way to read fast and comprehend it, like improving brain processing speed and power
@mikesmusicmeddlings1366 7 күн бұрын
I’m curious what your take is on typing/electronic note taking versus pencil/paper. I have read that handwriting tends to help retention? Do you find that to be the case?
@danieldoherty420 7 күн бұрын
In the Roman numeral problems, most matchsticks can be used to make a strikethrough of the equals sign, making it read "not equal", thus making the statement true. Easiest solution that works for all four of the problems.
@murrik 7 күн бұрын
Dingenkunnendoen, WerkOmtekunnenReizenCursusen, Filmdoel, Oogensight, gevoel/salto
@future4830 8 күн бұрын
Dr. Keep, i hope you will have a video on how to prepare for the bar examinations for lawyers.. thank you so much sir for your content..
@josephautrey954 9 күн бұрын
What about learning through reflection?
@ssmytheYT 10 күн бұрын
Hey there. What are your thoughts about using the Cornell Note Taking System by Walter Pauk while watching videos? Or mixing with the technique you recommend in the video, but instead of a pure "watch through the video without taking notes", you take notes in the Cornell system? I'm curious to hear your take. Thanks! Great channel. I really appreciate your effects to distill learning theory for the curious! Have a good one. 😀
@banerjeehome5913 13 күн бұрын
Got 5 words with blanks and 4 words without blanks.
@StudyingMachine-yg4th 13 күн бұрын
How interesting! Loved it!
@ishrakmujibift4269 13 күн бұрын
Words without blanks : 4 Words with blanks : 6
@Ash.Phoenix 13 күн бұрын
I hope you’re doing well Dr. Keep! I’ve been missing your content - all the best 😁
@User39814 10 күн бұрын
yes he hasn't posted anything for 3 months
@lystic9392 14 күн бұрын
I need to talk to you about something. Regarding problem solving.
@lystic9392 14 күн бұрын
9:00 Yes I think we're more accustomed to linking age to beer than vowels to numbers. And I think because of the real life experience, beer vs water is easier to distinguish (more readily and clearly) than a consonant from a vowel or even from uneven numbers (even though that should be easy to do, it is unfamiliar). That is an interesting effect.
@motoboydohabbibs3153 15 күн бұрын
Blank 8 Blank less 5
@deserted955 15 күн бұрын
I think the idea of neuroplasticity is somewhat interlinked with being a good problem solver. When you believe in a subject or problem (aligned with your abilities and the confidence that you can solve the problem ), for example a math question , if you believe that you can solve it , then your neurons (while attempting to solve that question) will signal in a way trying to find a solution to that problem - that desire to find the solution can help you create derivatives or fine fragments of the possible solution.
@farzivardhan 16 күн бұрын
@UmesShrestha 18 күн бұрын
One of the biggest problems I see in education (esp in school education) is that many educators believe this: students don't need to memorize facts, them can google them, but we need to teach them critical thinking. I think this misunderstanding comes from articles and videos where "memorizing facts" are demonized. To be able to move towards conceptual understanding and procedural knowledge, one can not simply fact-memorizing and learning part.
@EngineerExpress495 19 күн бұрын
what do you think about mindmapping?
@DanielBro42 20 күн бұрын
the ending is perfect
@cheriviralakarthik 20 күн бұрын
12 words
@camimejia9885 20 күн бұрын
Words with blanks 9 With blanks 6
@bifidoc 21 күн бұрын
tooling is engineering approach. engineering is a way to automate manual efforts, therefore basically reduce it. people are lazy; laziness (in a good sense) leads to creating tools by more experienced engineers, who posses higher-level picture of the domain they operate on. to create a tool one needs to recognize patterns in that domain.
@lulprumpt4696 22 күн бұрын
this is exactly what i needed to know. i wondered if developing problem solving skills in other areas could translate to programming problems. i guess not.
@Abhishek-tj1cv 22 күн бұрын
I think you should change the thumbnail of this video and maybe add Call of duty on it. It'll gain more views. The video is far more interesting than the present thumbnail.
@Abhishek-tj1cv 22 күн бұрын
I have experienced this with Red Dead Redemption 2( a cowboy game set in Wild West America)it made me more curious about American history
@makisxatzimixas2372 22 күн бұрын
You can't really expect your brain to improve within 8 hours. You havent even slept to help it recover😅😅. At the end of the day, brain training is better than scrolling or consuming youtube. It costs more energy, thereby practices your brain.
@ishrakmujibift4269 23 күн бұрын
When we are encountering a totally novel problem, we should go deep into it to figure out a solution. Based on that solution we then develop a local rule and furthermore a general rule. So when we encounter a similar problem we can use the general rule to find solutions faster. However, if the problem is a little bit modified then we should use the local rule to figure ot a solution. I guess that is something I do quite often but only realised it after watching the video. Thanks :D
@gji2797 24 күн бұрын
You cannot encode something if you do not retrieve it in the first place. It's like running without using legs.
@Aaackermann 24 күн бұрын
Exactly my problem in school and uni. I refused at some point to take notes and started just listening. And boy did that help!
@aryanyavari3149 24 күн бұрын
my bro gained a new subscriber
@00_meghnath 26 күн бұрын
what about standardized tests like the lsat? i am terrible at them for some reason.
@theGuyWhoLovesTech 26 күн бұрын
Hey, I have an idea, i see free recall is great but when i do do free recall i tend to overlook the super minor facts or an unable to recall the most minute facts, plus i sometimes notice that the concepts i recall are in random order, so i thought can i do it in a way that while studying (1) i first do free recall (i miss some concepts) (2)look at the book and see the things i forgot (3)close the book and do a recall again but this time i try to do like im explaining it to someone (like the feynman method) and try to put the things in the order (plus the facts i forgot previously) so that like even a five year old can understand, its not perfectly original but would this be a good study technique to apply to my stuff?- how can i add some judgements of learning and judgments of confidence to my studies? love to have any feedback thanks for the great video :)
@saujanyapoudel8910 28 күн бұрын
My benchmates uses two separate notebooks taking a rough note in the lecture and making a more organised one at home yet they don't seem to grasp the concept because they just write information but not listen to understand the topic
@fernandokpatinde9965 28 күн бұрын
Hi, for my part, I noticed an incredible evolution following the daily use of brain game cognifit and neuronation, after 3 months. I've noticed a clear improvement, especially in reading speed, speed of execution for work tasks and better organization. Not to mention an improvement in my ability to maintain a work session without losing concentration.
@LeoNux-um7tg 29 күн бұрын
Mental math with inattentive adhd is just too difficult, I can calculate them as fast af on paper but once I only hear the number, they just dance in my head.