An easier ledge grab in Godot 4
You aren't doing game dev "wrong."
ENCOUNTER | Fanmade Sonic Music
Melina disapproves of your feet
[Liminal Music] Poolroom Vibes
@appakling 13 сағат бұрын
how do I add a slide???????
@atbeheij Күн бұрын
This is pretty cool! Could you also make a video on the basics of a character controloer and the other aspects like slide?
@angelxwind12 3 күн бұрын
Amazing tutorial! I started my game dev journey recently. This will deff come in handy later. Thank yoou for making it! <3
@Skeffles 3 күн бұрын
Fantastic video! It sucks seeing so many comments and videos that insist that game dev can only be done in one way. IMO everyone that does game dev should be celebrated as it is hard to do. Once you're regularly developing games then you can focus on getting it right for players, not other game devs.
@Xendra 4 күн бұрын
At 1:35 I would consider pushing your perspective on this a bit further. You say you can't imagine how the first system would be good, but Dome Keeper and Feed The Deep use physically collected objects exactly like what you originally had, to great effect! A powerful question can be "what would it take to make this system good?" combined with "how would the game change if I added the things required to make this system good?" Then, even if you end up with the same conclusion, you end up with a stronger understanding of why a system is or isn't the right fit. I find this also helps me get a broader perspective on what kinds of games would be drawn towards a given type of system, which is super helpful for designing new systems and games in the future
@Squiffel 4 күн бұрын
I think you've hit the problem where the basic mechanic is working (platforming) and it becomes obvious that it isnt enough to carry the game, the game needs a unique "hook" or "set of constraints". Then explore the ramifications of the established game constraints, find the fun within the boundaries. We tend to deeply involved in technical challenges of Programming and Art and skip over game design. I would spend sometime outlining what "cant you do" in your game, what are the unique constraints of your game, it will help you identify how to make living within those constraints exciting for the player and a journey of discovery.
@lewa1938 4 күн бұрын
we are all rooting for you You got this 👍 we all have bad days and struggle nothing will ever be easy, if it was we all would be living the perfect life (and look around that's not the reality we are in) oh and those voices of you should have finished the old build, don't let them get to you and push past that *its in the past after all* it would be kinda cool if it was in the final release of the game like an old demo inside the new fully released game (and you can see how far you have come from humble beginnings) another thing you could do is talk to other game devs, I see that AIA has commented on this video maybe you could reach out to the for advice and there are so many other game devs out there you can connect with but hey that's a suggestion don't want to push you to do that, just putting it out there is all the ending of the video is fitting you saying I can't do this and transferring it into (I can't do this today, but I am gonna try again tomorrow) progress takes time some days are faster than others, and some feel like an entirety all that matters is that you made progress baby steps because before you know it you can walk a mile, then 5 miles, 10, etc. Hang in there Swinkly it might take alot of time but before you know it your game will be done and ready to send out into the world 🖖
@nicktreleaven4119 4 күн бұрын
Good progress. It would be nice to have clearer indication of where you are e.g. vertically. Not sure but possibly another closer parallax layer in background of walls or maybe the light could be brighter with height. I also wondered about a mini map overlay that shows only some of what's off screen in each direction. Perhaps it could only work for directions you've been in.
@nicktreleaven4119 4 күн бұрын
Great video. Tried the demo, was a bit awkward adding the opengl command line option but it worked. It would be nice to have a smaller size window option when not full screen. I reconfigured the keys to arrow keys, that's probably more usual and comfortable than awsd. 4 wall jumps seems a bit hard to visualise before doing it. Maybe 3 would work? Overall I like it. Maybe when approaching the dead woman the run should slow to walk speed as it looks abrupt to suddenly stop.
@Swinkly_ 3 күн бұрын
Good suggestions! Those are definitely things I can think about changing/adding in the new version!
@Absorbet 4 күн бұрын
This is so true lol
@WhatBeDaPointMon 4 күн бұрын
If you haven't, try playing The Beginner's Guide. It might help.
@Garmichael1 5 күн бұрын
I appreciate that you're watching the original Frasier, and not the revival series. That alone tells me you have the mental capability to solve this project.
@FelixNothus 5 күн бұрын
First tutorial? This is great brother, keep it up!
@DragonplayerDev 5 күн бұрын
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The idea is you should already have your entire game, from start to credits, roughly planned out before you ever open the engine for the first time. This way you can avoid the "I don't know what to do" feeling AND you have an idea of when the game could be considered "done". You can find Diablo 1's game design document easily nowdays, and they had the first few months scheduled exclusively to planning. No music, no art, no code.
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
If I can play devil's advocate: While the importance of planning isn't to be understated, I don't think it's a comprehensive fix for the feeling of being overwhelmed or not knowing what to do. Especially as a solo developer, the scope and direction of your project may change significantly over time, as you learn what you can and can't reasonably accomplish. A studio with resources to create virtually anything they wish will usually benefit greatly from careful planning, whereas a hobbyist or new developer might benefit less, as their original plan may or may not stay completely accurate or relevant. Case in point: when I first began this project I planned for something completely different - to have the levels exist within a mockup operating system, as bits and pieces of a game that the main character was creating in their free time. Needless to say, I soon realized that that would be an overly complex undertaking for my first project, and I shifted the vision accordingly. If I'd spent months planning that first vision from start to finish, it would've been mostly wasted time. With that said, I do have the foundation for my game outlined - the gist of the story and cutscenes, the areas and levels, and many of the new mechanics that are introduced over time. And I definitely think that as the vision for the game solidifies I'll want to get my plans down on paper in greater detail. But until then, it's all subject to change. Planning can be immensely helpful, but it's not a guarantee for a project free of frustration or burnout.
@sleepinbagz 5 күн бұрын
i had a similar experience yesterday and even today as I woke up on my day off. this video came at weirdly similar time for me. I only clicked on this video as something to watch while Godot loaded. I appreciate the reality of this video! keep going =)
@deepcosmicspacewizard 5 күн бұрын
glad to see I'm not the only one who goes through this
@TonyTheTGR 5 күн бұрын
1. This really is a challenge of momentum + combat... ORRRRR... 2. This might be seasonal affective disorder rearing it's head with diminishing sunlight. Try a multivitamin or a Vitamin D supplement.
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
Ironically, I've recently started taking vitamin D supplements! So I guess it might be the first option, haha!
@TonyTheTGR 5 күн бұрын
It's a good call. o.o b Here's hoping you break that rut soon! It certainly is a mood, I know.
@ThomasStewartDev 5 күн бұрын
Super unrelatable. I've never felt like this in my entire life... 👀🥲 Keep up the great work! Way to use a difficult weekend as an authentic learning opportunity
@foldupgames 5 күн бұрын
I recently posted a short vid about being a funk. It's OK to let it run its course like a cold and to be kind to yourself.
@TechnoSuperguy 5 күн бұрын
Sounds like you... lost resolve. *ba dum tss* But in all seriousness, sometimes you just need a day (or several days, or longer) to just let your mind rest. Game dev is fun, but also incredibly draining. Don't be afraid to give yourself time off now and then.
@AIAdev 5 күн бұрын
Love this video. progress, not perfection.
@kikijewell2967 5 күн бұрын
The lesson here is: listen to your audience.
@CleosetricVlyers 5 күн бұрын
Looking around indie games to motivate only to get overwhelmed by how many good indie games out there that I dont have any certainty if my game could compete. And I just fallen to bed and be depressed once again
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, there's a lot of great games out there! But it doesn't matter how many "better" games are out there - a flawed game made with passion is just as meaningful as a polished masterpiece made by someone more experienced!
@creamyballs 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience on this topic. These valleys can be extra tough when we work alone. Creamy Balls out.
@eduardomoura2813 5 күн бұрын
I mean... godot... you are using a engine that is most of the time working against you.
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
I disagree. I find Godot to be an awesome and extremely accessible engine. At the end of the day, the engine you're using isn't going to determine your success at making games - passion and creativity are!
@eduardomoura2813 5 күн бұрын
​@@Swinkly_ for the first game I made years ago I had to wait days to release it after it was done because the engine itself had a bug when loading scenes on androi, even a small 2d plataformer was too much for godot back then. earlier this year I tried godot again, full of bugs, not even physics are working, I loaded a model and the fps droped by half and googling this problem got me nowhere. the engine is just a tool, but godot is a broken one where if you go too far from the basic 2d plataformer path you will find bugs no one found before, this reflects on the engine not having a single complex game.
@wedge_one 5 күн бұрын
This is pretty common. Some devs take a week or two off to recharge energies, breathe new fresh air, then come back with new ideas and new vision with fresh eyes. Play some games to gather inspiration.
@mypersonaldata846 5 күн бұрын
well said.
@MasterHigure 5 күн бұрын
2:05 What constitutes a "full game" is *extremely* flexible. You want to make a platformer with some cool gimmick, and you can only make a level or three before you've exhausted what the gimmick can do? Does it take 10 minutes to complete? Cool, then that's a full game. Burnout is real, and some of it comes from actual exhaustion, but it could just as well come from high expectations.
@benjoe1993 5 күн бұрын
@borb5353 6 күн бұрын
do you even have a todo list ? "wandering around aimlessly in the game" to find a bug to fix waiting for some idea to come this is all wrong you dont get ideas sitting in front of the project you get ideas in bed, at the toilet, in the shower, when youre bored which of course has the prequisite of not constantly distracting yourself with content and your phone, or "too many episodes of farsier" or whatever. once you get those ideas flowing you inevitably gonna have to write them down if you dont wanna forget them, the start of a todo list. and once u have a todo list u dont have to sit there wondering what to work on. i would have said i dont even know how you got as far as u did (playable prototype) without these things but fair enough i used to be like this back when writing minecraft datapacks
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
To be fair, let me just say: I have PAGES of ideas and planning written down in notebooks. I switched to a flip phone almost a month ago to cut down on distractions, and only use my smartphone once or twice a day when on Wi-Fi. And I'm fully aware that the best place for inspiration is not aimlessly scrolling through a project - it was an act of desperation as all my usual avenues of inspiration had seemed to run dry While I appreciate your concern for how I approach the creative process, you did make a lot of assumptions that simply aren't the case. Game dev can be hard sometimes, no matter how smart you are about it. This was just meant to be a helpful little story for people who are feeling discouraged. :)
@MrGamelover23 6 күн бұрын
It's healthy to take breaks. It's okay to not even bother for a weekend. You don't have to push yourself. Just take a break.
@kikijewell2967 6 күн бұрын
This has been every single day for me. I want to start a work group online because I think being with other game devs, helping others and encouraging others is what we all help ourselves...
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
That's a great idea! And I totally agree - fellow devs need support!
@ozaiozado 6 күн бұрын
never work on only one game... get some game jams to break the pace
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, I've done a couple jams so far and they were super fun! Not only did it help with inspiration, it was like a super-concentrated learning session, and I came away with a ton of new knowledge!
@lmao01 6 күн бұрын
A few things that helped me over the years: - Just like learning programming, motivation itself can be improved by learning about it. The topic is vast and finding good information about motivation is walking through the dark forest scared, naked, and cold. Most KZbin channels did not have much use for me. - Instead of looking for ideas to spark out of nowhere. You could try finding a tool / systematic way to develop ideas. I always remember that: One: Just because I had an idea that sparked for a week motivation doesn't mean it's a good idea. Two: Just because I'm attached to the idea doesn't mean it's a good idea. - Finding ways to switch motivation from intensive sparks of motivation once a month like a firework to more grounded and gradual like a gentle fireplace, may be a good idea to increase motivation for any work. - Allow yourself to be a redacted child again, with mistakes, dark humor, with emotions that at first glance are not masculine. Don't limit the unconscious, let it play. - There Is usefulness in silence and laziness. The problem is it's not the same as watching/driving/talking to someone. - Reduce the problems created by yourself. Even if hurtful. Say things as they appear. Avoid lying. Save the unconscious mental space to think about the thing that you care about. - Motivation itself is very let's say... greedy. It takes from your entire personality and experience. One single thing from the past can debuff you by a huge percentage. One bodily condition can usurp your entire conscience. Learn what's poking you. Watch your back... against yourself. Take care.
@stickguy9109 6 күн бұрын
Relatable stuff. Also your voice sounds like Mattias Pilhede even the style of this vid.
@therealsuper5828 6 күн бұрын
literally me fr
@Deadlock-art 6 күн бұрын
Something that's as creatively intense as game dev is indeed to say the least tough, but this is how I like to look at it, it's all ebb and flow, and when it ebbs it's really difficult to output, but do you know something Thor said? "If you can't output, input." If you can't make the game, play a game instead, something inspiring, something with really fun mechanics or completely story driven, because when the flow gets going, you might have found a new idea that you can't wait to get programming.
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
That's solid advice - and it reminds me that I may have to play Elden Ring again soon, lol!
@TheUncutAngel 6 күн бұрын
Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone lol
@GlowingOrangeOoze 6 күн бұрын
It's like that sometimes! I think I've fallen into despair and picked myself back up enough times now that, finally, my heart--not just my mind--knows that frustration is just a step on the way to success. Every pursuit is frustrating sometimes. It turns out, that's not in itself an indication that it was a poor decision to walk that path.
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
I really like this and totally agree - whatever it may be, if it's worth doing, there will be some days you feel like you can't do it. And that's okay! You always pick yourself back up and go again.
@ZeroTraceOperative 6 күн бұрын
I feel attacked. Jk, I feel this sometimes. I just take breaks, and allow myself not to think about it for a few days. After a while I get inspired for some small part of the game but then it turns into hours of flow work. Creations turn out better this way.
@Crits-Crafts 6 күн бұрын
Why do people keep posting these videos just as I'm about to quit game dev lol Thank you for sharing
@Swinkly_ 5 күн бұрын
Because you shouldn't quit! You should keep doing what you love, even if you have to take a break for a little while :)
@K1ngH3r0 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for this. Don't stop man! (:
@magicaggy 6 күн бұрын
really great message, thank you for sharing this!
@aaronleonard1337 6 күн бұрын
I think this technique would also work for 3D platformers too. Pretty cool, thanks for sharing this Swinkly, I wouldn't have thought that a 0 height slightly wider collision box above the player could be used👍
@ManaCoder-h4y 6 күн бұрын
You don't have to be locked to this project. Also, you can't force productivity your body and mind doesn't like it because it feels like a JOB. You can start something new that inspires you and you can actually get done. If this is your first game you might be overscoping as a beginner and need to start smaller. This happened with the game I was working on, but then after 2 weeks I got motivation back and finished a lot of more progress. You truly do also need to care for sleep. When working on my game my sleep quality was horrid, so my motivation went out the window. Make sure you have quality sleep and take a few weeks of the project for a fresh mindset if you have to. Remember working on a game is like climbing a Avalanche (some progress will eventually finish), not a marathon or sprint.
@lialiiz 6 күн бұрын
Nice video! Not exactly related (could be, though, code architecture is wide) but i think it would be for your benefit to add a "transition time" option for your state changes, in a way which you could cancel transitions c:
@Warrior200020000 6 күн бұрын
You said it yourself, allow you to be unproductive and try again tomorrow. This is a marathon, not a 100 meters sprint. You are doing great, we support you!
@Schottr 6 күн бұрын
Hey Swinkly, it's fine not to devote every free minute to a project. Take your time, play a few games, or simply relax. Keep in mind if you burn out, nothing will get done in the time you need to recover. Continue even if it takes longer, its fine. Your health is much more worth :)
@Yaso_Nex 6 күн бұрын
When one is chasing a butterfly, they are never able to catch them. Once the chasing stops, butterflies are more likely to approach people rather than flying away. so does the Creaivity and Inspiration. so take your time with your break!
@TheGameEar 6 күн бұрын
i am not trying to prove anything, but personally, if i cannot continue my project, i am just writing an essays about stuff like game design, and after that, because i remembered it after writing an essay, i have more tools to brainstorm. I also make a game and i know how it feels, but you could try to write some things down before you even try to be creative. It is hard to be creative if you have small visual library, and to expand it, i personally chose to write an essays, because it is enough cognitive stress for me to start thinking about stuff and remembering them