@lukaszspychaj9210 Сағат бұрын
Garden of Words has nothing to do with social anxiety, how is it relevant to this discussion in any way?
@tanya48163 9 сағат бұрын
I didn't enjoy watching this video before starting college and just shrugged it off like it was nothing. Until my first day starting college I was super excited to meet new friends and probably become one best students in our class. But after the first day nothing changed. I was still me and still am after a month in college. During those few days I really really missed my friends in high school. It felt like I can never have that level of connection with people again. Even now, that I'm in a friend group with my college classmates, I still only see them as colleagues and my heart still yearns for that deep connection. I got depressed realizing I could never go back to the way it was. Then I realized it's fine. To not go way back to the way things were, it's fine to have friends that you know backstab you, vice versa nd only approach you because they need something. Because who cares, loving myself and a stable job for me is already enough. I don't care if I have friends or a girlfriend. I don't care if I didn't experience any of things that I should've done when I was younger. I can do all that when I have a master's degree. I don't care if Im going just be a sheep to my higher ups or the system that exploits me. I don't care if this is grammatically wring or have any sense of cohesion. I just want to fucking live on my own.
@Tuinuiski 11 сағат бұрын
It's not so much a terrible anime as an indication of your terrible taste.
@BuildVFX 13 сағат бұрын
How the fuck can people claim that the anxiety depicted isnt "realistic" everyones reality is different. Its great that usually conor can being the other two back to earth its like they dont understand how privileged they are sometimes awfully annoying
@VangoliaIsNotMe 20 сағат бұрын
i dont think joey is wrong at all, some people just dislike seeing anxiety being portrayed in media and bocchi is an anime thats 90% just talking about anxiety, to people that cant relate to that feeling it just comes off as the main character being a crybaby or annoying, so you cant really say joey is wrong for seeing bocchi that way because its just how he sees anxiety as a whole and its exagerated portrayal only adds insult to injury
@hologomes1388 21 сағат бұрын
Sorry for being harsh but Joey's just always been kind of an asshole
@jovanovic1327 Күн бұрын
Video starts at 7:28
@spaghetti0356 Күн бұрын
Trash Taste is like a Train Crash full of candy, Sure... people died, but Candy!
@Vaxii Күн бұрын
I wouldn't really say this just applies to Japan, it's really all over the world, everyone is always obsessed with their high school days, wishing they could go back, as much as it says about Japan it also says it about everywhere else in the world, just happens to be more extreme in Japan, In the UK we (at least I) always hear from my adults how they wish they could go back to secondary school, wishing they could be young again as the stresses from adult life have hit them.
@ghosty_waaa Күн бұрын
I really personally relate to bocchi, i litterally cant speak to people, the only difference id put between myself and her is that shes super loud and dramatic about interaction, i internalize and just suffer, i cant possibly ask or speak to anyone about something, an fear of embarrasment so strong that comes from the subconscious, i shake and sweat from speaking. Saiyng that no one has the same anxiety as her is kinda crazy to me, cuz i felt so seen in that anime. Often i see other anxiety animes and they make it seem like speaking is so easy, bocchi and the silent voice were like the only two anxiety representations ive ever seen myself in.
@MrJacksspleen Күн бұрын
Most anime is made to sell manga.
@Rolanmp Күн бұрын
How is this a hot take? He didn't say that people can't relate to Bocchi? He just say that it is unrealistic to be as anxiety as Bocchi 😭 like Bocchi is a good media to portray anxiety and represents anxiety but is it NOT how people w anxiety can be Bocchi
@BambamCZ Күн бұрын
I kinda dropped off watching TT, it stopped being fun and the guys turned into generic youtubers. Joey always had weird takes, he gives off the impression of someone who thinks they are way smarter than they really are. Comparing Garden of Words to Bocchi, is the same as trying to compare drama to a comedy that deal with the same themes, the tools to illustrate the same point will be wildly different along with the tone. The quiet, understated scenes work for GoW because it's drama, Bocchi plays up the gags to get it's themes across with humour due to its genre.
@ohw5306 Күн бұрын
I will always appreciate youtubers that make vudeos of anime food ❤️💕. Its seriously so high quality when it doesnt have to be and im forever gratefull for it as a foodie 🤤 💦
@domenico26752 2 күн бұрын
Nice video. Just one comment: I find you use of "20 years advanced/behind" very incorrect because modern day Japan is not advanced at all if compared to many countries. It is a paradoxical country where they simultaneously have high speed trains and toilets that play music, and people literally opening doors as their main job, a cash-based society, and websites that run on internet explorer. Even if you completely ignore these aspects, arguably S.Korea, Northern Europe, and other places in the world are far more advanced for many different aspects. I would also add that social cohesion cannot be measured in a positivistic manner as you do, probably 20 years ago Japan had better social cohesion. It happens frequently that it gets worse over time.
@rexykoh 2 күн бұрын
is that the church from Code Vein or am i high
@Notllamalord 2 күн бұрын
Obviously you don't bend reality into a puppet show when you have to talk to someone. It's played up for comedy
@NavyaJohri 3 күн бұрын
Hot take your opinion is invalid if you haven't watched the show. He allowd to have his trash opinion but to criticize a show hes never finished and the anxious audience that relate to it is shitty behavior.
@danih.5675 3 күн бұрын
"Young, Dumb, and Full of Cum" im getting that as a tattoo now, thank you
@Ookamiryoshi 3 күн бұрын
The Anime Men >>> The Anime Man
@yaelfeldman6965 3 күн бұрын
I got nervous when you started showing clips from wonderegg priority and then you instantly redeemed it
@minervasrefrain 3 күн бұрын
Weird to criticize hyperbole in *Anime & Manga* of all media.
@Elge703 3 күн бұрын
What’s the anime of the anime in 0:43 until 0:48 ?
@vixo551 3 күн бұрын
Doesn't he like lolicon? Why are people taking him seriously on anything?
@donitomojito5295 3 күн бұрын
3:42 I saw that same guy in a different video!! Wtf!? Not the same KZbinr though, I don't know the other KZbinr. I'm good with face so I remember this guy lol...
@isabellaceleste5756 3 күн бұрын
he's a lolicon, can't take him seriously at all
@96tax 4 күн бұрын
getting nervous and having anxiety are 2 completely different things
@MtchndraLrd 4 күн бұрын
I’ve had severe debilitating social anxiety all my life and Bocchi the Rock perfectly encapsulates these struggles while also being a motivation and a message that I’m not alone and am worthwhile. I’m scratching my head how he can have such a visceral reaction towards something so heartfelt I could only dream to be that confident (without that lack of self awareness) lmao.
@fireblare 4 күн бұрын
@guitarhero640 4 күн бұрын
He hates me 💔
@thejedioutcast804 4 күн бұрын
You shouldn't start feeling old till 30 minimum.
@Tommy3 4 күн бұрын
I don’t know who Joey is, but hate ‘em.
@gaurav_W 4 күн бұрын
as someone who has had social anxiety. social anxiety is like adhd there is no one kind of adhd its different from person to person. i have met many people who are very anxious and i have also tackled in improving those peoples mindsets so i know how people get anxious and mostly they get anxious on small things rather then large things.
@gaurav_W 4 күн бұрын
joey has taste for the sake of taste if you get what i mean. he has no actual good opinions but ig he needs to be like that as a reviewer/creator on anime.
@theonlycatonice 4 күн бұрын
1:29 Having been in a student band and been there live it was very relatable (although exaggerated for me personally which is absolutely fine for comedic purposes) also there were a lot of musician related jokes that I found hilarious especially the drummer going into the music store and feeling left out because there's nothing for her to buy or play 😂 3:54 garnt was in a band tho right?
@The92Ghost 4 күн бұрын
Chrono Odyssey is the only one that caught my interest. Ashes of Creation is something I will try but I don't think that the system is fair there.
@cupof_jo924 4 күн бұрын
Everyone can certainly say their opinion on the matter, but unless you’ve dealt/dealt with with those issues you can never truly give an accurate take on it.
@VaterOrlaag 4 күн бұрын
Nah pretty sure it's a creepy sex thing.
@SuperbananaGaming 5 күн бұрын
This is one of the reasons I can’t stand that guy
@demomanmane1888 5 күн бұрын
ima give my 2 cents on this. i still like joey for some of his takes, doe i did think this take was retarded, he doesent like bocchi and thinks its worse k-on. das fine, thats alright, his take on anxiety is def bullshit, but i dont hate him for that, im not no messiah who casts away sinners for doing 1 thing wrong. doe if you stop watching trash taste because of their opinions, thats fine, the entire show is filed with shit opinions and its fucking hilarious to me.
@sagemaster1357 3 күн бұрын
I find their conversations interesting despite being trash. But people seem to take it too seriously and then they'll be trending on Twitter like with Connor and his Oshi no ko take.
@Lassenissen 5 күн бұрын
I use anime and video games to experience power trip, not escapism. Then again I live in Norway so my life is pretty great. C:
@smgb4087 5 күн бұрын
i dont even think bocchi is really that exaggerated tbh, i have a girlfriend, a relatively big group of friends and i sometimes genuinely break down to the level of bocchi, its not for lack of trying or lack of social interaction its just there and always will be
@yuujiiiiii 5 күн бұрын
It’s worse when you realise some people never made friends. Some people were alone in the time of their life where they were meant to be their happiest. Like Hikikomori’s and loners who never have ‘their story’. I feel bad for them
@sbodahandsum8055 5 күн бұрын
No no no no cant fantasy remain fantasy anymore everyone is a scientist nowadays and the dumb kind fuvkk
@feeeefifififififi 5 күн бұрын
bocchi is more like a sports anime but for music and moe girls.
@sanuku535 5 күн бұрын
Peopel forget those 3 blokes aren't sages or psychologists.
@dimmacommunication 5 күн бұрын
I didn't get the Shinzo joke 🥲
@olincekongo 6 күн бұрын
7:00 MT
@olincekongo 5 күн бұрын
14:40 that's a awesome story!
@olincekongo 5 күн бұрын
15:30 -> 40 50 *escapism is important and don't let anyone else tell u otherwise!*
@ProcrastinationQueen 6 күн бұрын
‼️ Warning ‼️ I’m stupidly about to trauma dump to strangers on the internet. Sorry in advance lol 😬 I enjoy high school anime and, in fan fiction, a college setting, mostly because I never had those experiences myself. I dropped out of middle school when I was 13-14, and have gone to a few special schools (for people with mental disabilities or disorders) on and off, but that environment was nothing like the traditional school setting. I usually sat in a room with just one other student, and was mostly left to my own devices. No classes, no real proper teaching, no sense of having classmates, and no homework. That might sound great to some, but it was really f*cking lonely. (Not to mention that I am mostly self taught in a lot of stuff, since I stopped having proper lessons at 13. Having no formal education sucks) Basically it’s like a fantasy for me. It makes me lament over the friends and connections I never made, experiences I never had. I can never relate to anyone my own age, or even just people who talk about their high school years, because I never had that. Even now I’m still in the system trying to get an internship, just so they can test out my limits on how long I can be functional in a work environment without completely burning myself out. I’m 26 and can’t even provide for myself yet, I’m not even sure if I’ll ever get a job, or if they decide that an early pension is the way to go for me. I feel so disconnected from everyone around me, that these types of stories and settings just satisfy a certain need in my brain, that I will probably never get fulfilled in real life. Christ, sorry for the rant! Tl;dr - high school and college settings makes me feel more connected to people, since I never experienced going to either because of my mental disabilities.
@ridleyroid9060 6 күн бұрын
Im 26. It is so over. I was a low self esteem teenager discovering anime and now im a lpw self esteem adult watching it still (although much much less). I feel there were a lot of non highschool anime around the mid 00s and late 90s. Monster, ergo proxy, cowboy bebop, kaiba, seirei no moribito, etc. I guees it is when the medium as allowed to breathe more.