@TheAdventuresOfHayesAuto 9 сағат бұрын
As an adult, how long would it take to make a difference in our face like the blonde man you showed?
@mindmusclespecialist Күн бұрын
Here are some ab movements to try, and you can use all of them to make it a complete workout circuit. Do each set as many reps as you can. Light rest (about 15 sec) between sets. If you can do all the ab exercises through, try to go again and maybe even again if you can!... it'll hurt... a lot. These mostly targert the rectus abdomius and obliques.
@mindmusclespecialist 2 күн бұрын
Pretty much every client I've had, has this issue. Tight Biceps can affect your bicep length and casue tendonitis at the area where the muscle originates at the shoulder. Some of my clients shoulder pain was actually their bicep tendon. Try this yourself. Especially if you type for work, this is most likely needed
@mudslinger888 2 күн бұрын
Turn that stupid background noise if you want to be heard dude!
@mindmusclespecialist 3 күн бұрын
Click it! Do it! But seriously hope this helps. Message me for specific questions and help. I'm accepting clients currently and I'm going to challenge you to message me or schedule a free consultation. Please share with anyone who you think would be interested.
@mindmusclespecialist 4 күн бұрын
You can get shoulder or elbow pain when doing this one wrong. Hope this helps clear confusion up about how to set this wonky machine up. One thing I will also note is that this type of chest press fulcrum makes it press more at an upward angle even when set to regular chest press. Other chest machines might have you pressing more downward as your arms go out. In which case I would suggest your elbows being raised higher than I do here/ even with your wrists and also grip position to be slightly higher than the bottom of your pecs
@mindmusclespecialist 7 күн бұрын
Yes that really was my tailbone making that noise. Don't try this if you feel pain. If you feel nerve pain shooting down your leg doing this, that may be sciatic nerve pain (look up synptoms). This one doesn't work for everyone. Some people I've done this with hear a pop, others don't. Hardest part is getting the hips high enough. Just like the SI joint/pelvic reset there may not be a pop, but activating the muscles can help neutralize the position of the pelvis or in this case tailbone. If it's off, that's due to tight muscles. Makes sense for me, since I did legs yesterday and my glutes are sore
@mindmusclespecialist 8 күн бұрын
Why people pay attention to rep range is because of how much time the muscle is under tension while doing normal tempo movements. Longer time under tension elicits different effects as opposed to maximum effort short duration lifts (aka power and peak strength training). So rep ranges do matter to a degree. But if you do very slow reps with long pauses under tension, you can elicit that same endurance or hypertrophy effect when only doing a few reps that last 15 seconds each. Most often, a controlled eccentric (lowering the weight) of about 1 second or 2 is beneficial for form especially. Also, should mention pausing when the muscle is not under tension (like when standing striaght up during a squat) doesn't count towards time under tension. I would encourage you to manipulate rep range in your workout plan from time to time. Try pauses under tension and slower eccentrics. This can help highlight areas where you might be rushing the reps or enhance mind muscle connection... If none of that made sense, please send me a message! Happy to help if I can.
@mindmusclespecialist 9 күн бұрын
You should definitely try this for a set (on any machine exercise really) to see if you can get through it. But full disclosure, I made these up. Intensifiers are a thing you can do in your sets to establish multiple interations of failure and it has some valid evidence. So basically, I just made this intensifier up. Just like everyone before that made up drop sets, full length to partial length failure, myo reps, and Mentzer theory whatevers. We do have more data and a lot of practical application from coaches on specific intensifers like drop sets and myo reps, however. The point is, you can add whatever type of intensifier you want to your program as long as they have proper place in your programming- it can help evoke a novel stimulus. Just make sure you don't do these too frequently or for an entire workout or something
@mindmusclespecialist 10 күн бұрын
The first step to changing your health and lifestyle is the hardest, but it's also the most rewarding and by far the most essential step. That which you most need to find is where you least want to look. I want to help you take the first step. Message me or use the link in my bio to schedule a free consultation. I understand everyone is in a unique circumstance and there are individual mental factors I can assist you in leveraging that will help you, specifically. There's also a FREE motivation, workout, and nutrition meal plan example in my bio for you
@thevibrancyreboot3835 11 күн бұрын
This is brilliant! And it's just the information I was looking for. Thank you!
@mindmusclespecialist 11 күн бұрын
I would have never thought your toe could matter this much for lifting. Foot mechanics are your first line of defense when taking a step or lifting and moving in general. If your foot mechanics are off, that will have negative upstream effects on the lower body joints. Try wearing wide shoes or shoes now known as barefoot shoes
@mindmusclespecialist 12 күн бұрын
Rows can target lats or more Upper back depending on elbow position and level at which you are pulling. Upper back is targeted with elbows high/away from the body and pulling the weight higher towards you. Lats can be targeted when rowing low with elbows tucked in. This is due to the fact that lats help adduct the elbow and when your elbows are close your side, you'll be able to engage in more adduction. Also, a neutral grip during rows tends to activate lats more, where as a pronated grip is better for upper back
@AmanBansil 13 күн бұрын
Thanks man. Due to understanding what a knot is, i was able to apply presure directly on it using the right massager (needed a harder pointed massager rather than a flatter area massager tip). And i was able to immediately get the knot out. I'll need fo work on strengthening excerxises now but having a quick relief from the knot (not the soreness around it) was awesome.
@mindmusclespecialist 14 күн бұрын
Here's a simple way to neutralize your knee position. This is the only example of helping knee problems I know of where you actually focus on the knee. Typically, the issue is with the ankle/ankle muscles, hips/hip muscles, quads, adductors, or hamstrings- really anything above or below the knee. This reset indicates if there's a functional issue with the knee and the muscles or joints above and below the knee. The main point is to align the upper leg and lower leg better to reduce knee issues. Like and follow for more! As always, see a specialist for debilitating issues and specific diagnoses
@mindmusclespecialist 15 күн бұрын
Many people have shoulder pain when overhead pressing. I've found reclining back and bringing the elbows forward alleviates this pain a lot of the time. When the arms are straight out to the side, there's less room in the shoulder joint to move freely. So, if there's any inflammation there, it will tend to hurt more- or if you have built up scare tissue. There's other specific issues this can help with. And I hope it helps you! If you're having recurring shoulder problems, shoot me a message and I may be able to help!
@mindmusclespecialist 17 күн бұрын
Here are two variations you can add to your bicep training arsenal. Making sure you emphasize each segment of a muscle's active range is important for joint health, muscle health, and muscle mass. Short range is when the muscle is mostly contracted to fully contracted. Mid range is between short and lengthened range. Lengthened range is when the muscle is mostly stretched to fully stretched. Certain exercises can overload each of these ranges. Facing away curls are the best at fully stretching the lengthened range for biceps. Leaning away in an isolated curl makes the curl harder at the bottom/lengthened range too. Check out the link in my bio for free resources!
@mindmusclespecialist 18 күн бұрын
Bands can be used for an entire workout if you want or are limited. They have a lot of versatility. They can be used on machines to alter resistence profiles as well. They are good for rehab movements. They are great for HIIT workouts and at home training. For muscle mass and overlal strength, bands are not the best option because band resistence profiles on their own are mostly opposite of a natural resistence profile- meaning they get heavier in the shortened ranges where you are weaker. This isn't always a bad thing, but it would be good to use free weights and machines along with band resistence for muscle mass
@mindmusclespecialist 19 күн бұрын
I understand there is a lot of nuance in this area and I want everyone to understand that as well. Medication for mental health can be necessary and you should consult with your doctor, therapist, and psychiatrist before starting or stopping it. That being said, there are other options you can utilize as well to improve your mental health. The point of psychotherapy is to make progress towards functional behavior and thoughts by confronting issues (hypersimplified, I know). The point of exercise is also to make progress towards functional outcomes. The most salient source of confidence/self efficacy is past experience. Which means, the most powerful way to improve your mood and confidence is through overcoming something you weren't previously able to do or something that makes you uncomfortable. Exercise also directly and positively impacts your neurochemistry. Use exercise as a tool to improve and maintain mental health. All of my clients arguably change more mentally than they do physically by the time they are achieving their longer-term fitness goals. You will be transformed by the renewing of your mind
@mindmusclespecialist 21 күн бұрын
This one really can work if you're having issues with random and short term knee pain. Usually this has to do with over use and inflammation. Massaging and releasing the fascia surrounding muscle and tendon can help reduce pain and inflammation. This is not a panacea for all knee pain and you should see a specialist in many circumstances. Overall, myofascial and soft tissue massaging is an extremely useful tool.
@mindmusclespecialist 22 күн бұрын
Favorite 3 right now but Im sure that'll change haha. I've been using cables more this cycle, which I like mixing in because the strength profile is slightly different from free weights and machines, since cables have a lesser degree of eccentric overload. Cables I would use more for hypertrophy than strength. Cables limit momentum/inertia more than free weights and have more freedom to adjust position (like using a seat to do incline or decline chrlest press).Cables are great for doing multiple muscle groups in a quick manner since you can easily set up a different exercise too if you need
@mindmusclespecialist 23 күн бұрын
Shrimp squat challenge is rarely beaten. Hold 1 leg and stand without holding anything else or pulling yourself up. See how close to the ground you can stand up with holding one leg and go farther down over time to progress. Comment it if you tried defeating this beast!
@indriadrayton1132 23 күн бұрын
Loving this music.....
@mindmusclespecialist 24 күн бұрын
Sounds too good that just eating in this manner amd with this mindset can make a significant difference in losing weight, but it seems to hold true. It's worked for some clients I have and is shown in literature. Less eating and less mindless eating will help you overcome over eating and overindulgence. Use these 2 tricks and once it becomes habit, you'll accidently be eating less and healthier. Your relationship with food is more important than most realize. Check out the nutrition section in my free guide- follow the link in my bio
@mindmusclespecialist 26 күн бұрын
Here's a pretty intense workout for you to try. Shoulders a back is an odd split. So you can always just take the exercises and implement them into your split too. Some of these are some different kinds of movements I don't see people do much. Please leave a like if you can and follow for more. Checkout my free guide in the link in my bio
@maxmyers69 27 күн бұрын
I’m going to try this, not sure if it’s my issue though Ive felt a sharp pain while squatting in my lower short head for a while now. Tired of the restricted range of motion
@Mrlovalova576 Күн бұрын
How’d it go?
@mindmusclespecialist 28 күн бұрын
Anywhere from 6 inches and in is passing, I'd say. It depends on some individual variables. But if you found this difficult even far away, you can improve your mobility. 1) Wall slide drills 2) Strengthen External rotators with resistence bands and weights 3)Massage and stretch the pec major and pec minor 4)Massage and stretch the anterior deltoids 5)Practice thoracic extension drills to help posture 6)Improving posture overall helps with shoulder mobility 7)Just practicing this exact drill that covers these degrees of range of motion can help. If you need specific help with this let me know! I'm putting together a stretching and myofascial release masterclass. So if intrested, send me a message. Free workout and eating guide in my link in bio!
@mindmusclespecialist 29 күн бұрын
I provide the accountability, motivation, workouts, and nutrition. All you have to do is bring a little effort to the table and that physique and fitness you've always wanted or need to get back to is yours. 90 days is all it takes to see a transformation in your body. And after that, you will have transformed your mindset around health and fitness so that it's easier to keep progressing. The hardest part is the first month or 2. That's what separates those who will make a lasting difference and another yo yo workout and diet. Message me or follow the link in my bio for a free consultation. I also have some free resources on my bio link for workouts and nutrition. If you doubt me and you think that you can't change, DEFINITELY message me
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Subtle tweak that makes a big difference. Hamstrings are involved in knee stability and muscle imbalances in hamstrings can lead to knee joint dysfunction or pain. This also is something worth learning that alterations in the wrists or ankles can affect muscles worked during exercises. Always try to make sure you're not neglecting major muscle heads and emphasize different areas when you can. E.G. Upper pec head and lower pec head, inside and outside quad muscles, etc. Checkout my free workout, motivation, and eating guide in the link on my bio. Message me for specific issues and fitness goals!
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Cable crunches can be great for the 6-pack abs (rectus abdominus). If you don't do a crunch but instead do what I first demonstrated, you'll use the transverse abdominus (under/lower abs). I like to use Cable crunches somewhat often and use a twisting version to involve my obliques more and make it more challenging.
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
I've felt like life has put its boot on my throat and pressed harder and harder as of late. But I don't stop thinking there. I interrogate why that's what I feel. It's because of pressure. I'm an entrepreneur and self-employed. I have a wife and 7 week old child now to support. I chose that pressure. I chose to be with my wife. We chose to raise a child. I chose to be greatly rewarded and untethered in my career. I chose those greatest things in my life because I want the most out of life. If that means immense pressure, then I find comfort in the pressure because it's indicative I'm on the right path for my life. When you interrogate your fears: they become familiar. You become less afraid. You understand your emotions better. You gain PERSPECTIVE. The anxiety and depression can only control you if you forget the bigger picture. Once you focus on yourself and negative emotions, that's when you become susceptible to spiraling down a dark path. I also remind myself of the greatest support systems I have with the relationships I've built and my family. So thank you, pressure and failure. Thank you for motivating me to be better.
@peteschwartz111 Ай бұрын
Thanks for putting on sock bro😂
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Here's most of what could be going on with plantar fasciitis. It's not just the foot. It's mostly always the issue starting from somewhere else that is the real problem- like the hip or calf. Massaging the tissues is vital, not just stretching. Internal rotation of the hip causing collapsed arch: massage and stretch the hip adductors/groin, tfl, glute medius, hip flexors. Strengthen the glute max, glute medius, and hip flexors. For the lower leg: massage and stretch the calf muscles, extensors, peroneus and bottom of the foot muscles/plantar muscles. Strengthen the calves, anterior tibialis, and plantar muscles. All that will help the remaining muscles of the foot and ankle. Track your ability to Dorsi flex as well using the knee to wall test to ensure better mobility since immobility can create issues with the plantar fascia too. Hope this helps!
@aaronhills6036 Ай бұрын
You could also just not give a shit, get out of a/the controlled environment, and do something useful instead of making videos about nothing. Use all that strength to build a home, or shingle a roof, or fix a truck. Wiggly plates, wow, how fuckin' important and mind blowing.
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
There's of course way more variations but these are some general ones you can progress through. Pull ups are an awesome goal to have that a lot of my clients do set. The key, like anything, is progression. Which means consistency doing what's hard but you're capable of, then make it harder. Start with assistance hanging for instance. Then, Band assisted half pull ups, then full pull ups, then lighter band full pull ups, and finally no band.... then you can do some of the other crazy stuff I did haha.
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
This was actually really hard. The reason being the grip hurts. But mainly keeping 45lbs above each shoulder as a lateral raise is bonkers. You can try this with dumbbells that are suitable for you for fun. Plates just hurt. Let me know how much you can do keeping the weight even with your shoulders (unlike me with 45s haha)
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Dips can target more chest or triceps. Learning the difference between the 2 can enhance your understanding of the function of these muscle and establish a better mind muscle connection.
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Do you want a built-in BS detector? Try this. Because the scary thing is most exercise science info on social media is wrong or deceptive. How can you ever know what is going to actually help you? I would encourage you to look into exercise science papers to get down to the source where the info people are spouting comes from... or doesn't come from. You won't know til you learn. It's not all too hard to understand once you learn a few terms. Use scholar Google or pubmed to find a lot of these papers and all the sudden you have a built in BS detector
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
I know this one is a bit contentious but that's a risk I'm willing to take. If you like slow/steady state cardio, by all means have at it. If it's a way for you to relax and it has a psychological benefit for you, great. There's still benefit to steady state, especially for long distance sport training. It's better than sitting for sure. But, if you're doing slow steady state cardio to lose weight, it's the most time consuming way and has the greatest diminishing returns. I see much better and faster results in clients that utilize higher intensity training for all reasons listed and more. Combining HIIT with abs can also potentially help reduce fat on that specific area. High intensity cardio has less of a blunting effect on hypertrophy and strength as well. If you disagree with all that, something that is more practical than anything, is that HIIT cardio is much less time consuming. Meaning, you are more likely to stick with it if you don't have an extra 3 to 5 hours in your week for long distance cardio, which most people don't. Interval or HIIT can be done a lot of ways. Some wide parameters are by doing 95% - 70% max speed/pace for 30sec - 2 minutes respectively (the faster, the less time needed to go fast). Then, doing a slow pace of around 30% - 50% speed for 5x - 2x longer (repspctively) than the fast interval (the faster you go, the longer the slow speed should be). Example: 75% max speed for 1minute 30 sec, then a 3 minute slow pace at 45% speed. Or 90% speed for 30 sec, then a slow pace of 35% speed for 2 minutes 30 sec. You can do around 3 sets when new and increase how many sets you can perform after that. To ensure progress, you can also increase speed, reduce slow speed amount of time, increase fast speed time, or increase your slow speed. Cardio math is fun
@martijnvandewetering5952 Ай бұрын
Deadhangs are my favourite
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Ya those are great for the shoulders and back
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
This is my favorite lower back stretch for the QL. Other strethes Ive never felt as much. Its not always the case that your low back needs to be stretched or that both sides need to be stretched even. Often, if the pelvis is rotated or tilted this will cause a constant stretched state on one side and tightness on the other. When fixing back pain you can often look at the hip muscles and release/massage and stretch those as well to help reduce low back issues. Muscles in the hips to stretch and release include: TFL, glute medius, & hip flexors. These muscles can alter your pelvic angle/tilt and strain the QL. You can also try massaging and releasing the spinal erectors to help low back pain. Finally, strengthen all of those mentioned muscles to really fix low back issues
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
If you have struggled to start or really get into an exercise or nutrition program that gets you results, you are like so many others out there. Plenty of my clients come to me for that exact reason and I help them find their motivation to actually make a difference. I can show you how to view fitness as a long-term change that will yield better results than another yo-yo diet or exercise fad. I can make an exercise and nutrition plan that will get you results faster than expected. The hardest part is taking the first step. I know everyone is different and has unique motivation and goals and that's why I have a free consultation for anyone. I'm currently looking for 5 new clients who want to seriously make a difference in their health and fitness. Message me or follow the link in my bio to get started today. I genuinely look forward to helping you change your life.
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
I guess this kinda counts as a pass. It at least touched my buns. I should have done this with a glute pump then I would have stood a better shot of having definitive cheeks for weeks. I also dont do isolated glute work, unlike my clients that want to have a perfect peach. Let me know if you pass. If you want to pass, but haven't, let's talk! I know how to take you there like some of my other clients with similar goals. Message me for a free consultation or follow the link my bio to schedule a consultation
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
My clients tend to like to track progress and this is a fun way of doing it once you get to the stage when you can start seeing muscle. Its really encouraging to see new bunos and cuts. Progress pictures are still very important and learning this anatomy can help you identify subtle changes. Not everyone starts here, but it will be a point you can reach. Everyone has to start somewhere. Use this as motivation not discouragement if you aren't at this point yet.
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Nancy has an amazing transformation physically and even more so mentally. Consistency in the gym and outside the gym was pivotal for her health journey. This means eating right and engaging in the healthy beha iirs she knew she needed to be doing. She didn't starve herself and she didn't hate her workouts. As much credit as she wants to give me, she should be giving herself. It was all her work. I just helped guide her along the way. I'm currently accepting clients. Message me to get started. Use the link in my bio to schedule a free consultation. I have something for everyone an any situation as long as you're willing to give the necessary effort.
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
Even if it is a 15 minute workout 4 times a week, that's enough activity to make a difference in your health compared to being sedentary. 1 hour a week can make a significant difference when you lift. You can even tone orbgain muscle like this. Is this optimal? No. If you can do more, of course that's better. The main point is even if all you have is 1 hour a week for fitness, that's not futile. Do what you can now. It makes such a difference in long term functional health as well- for your brain and body
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
It's almost as painful as it is necessary. I would advise anyone to utilize this because the calves control the foot and really help to mobilize your ankle. If there are issues with ankle immobility you can certainly ly find upstream issues at the knee and hip. The knee tries to make up for immobility of the ankle. One example is if you have a collapsed arch or over pronation. This release targets muscles that, when tight, can contribute to collapsed arch issues. Overpronation is associated with Anterior pelvic tilt issues, knee valgus, and femoral antiversion aka twisting of the femur which inserts at the hip.Target muscles to release here are gastrochnemius, soleus, fibularis, and peroneus
@mindmusclespecialist Ай бұрын
The best thing for joints and muscle is a full range of motion. For muscle, this helps maximize intramuscular force and mechanical tension at more lengthened positions. For joints, this uses the full range of the joint and pumps synovial fluid into the joint (for joints like shoulder and hip, you will improve the roll slide glide function in a broader range). Also, joint health is tide to muscle, ligament, and tendon health which full range of motion helps as well. To progress this positive effect, increase load more and more. ALWAYS START WITH A WEIGHT AND RANGE OF MOTION THAT IS PAIN FREE FOR YOU. Then you can increase range of motion, then load/weight. This is how I help my clients heal. Movement is medicine. Think of your joints and muscles as abiding by a use it or lose it principle.
@Unsp0ken99 Ай бұрын
Great song & band choice.
@animariani6768 Ай бұрын
Run to you🎉😢😢😅😅