@lamkelebaai5257 4 күн бұрын
Background 😭😭😭😭i can hardly hear you
@zamikhayajonas 8 күн бұрын
I learn something today
@NomthandazoChauke 13 күн бұрын
Is a real thing
@TV-Spankyshow 14 күн бұрын
In Twi Afri means first and kan means beginning/origin
@user-pc7gx3ub8g 14 күн бұрын
Khaya or gae... or kha,,,, kai... means home in most Bantu languages.... I speak sepedi, What you call Ra, we pronounce.. Re... meaning .... we..... or us... the one in all
@user-jt8vj1vm6y 16 күн бұрын
You blackwashed my country (Algeria), putting black faces on it.
@HoraceGray-qx4qm 17 күн бұрын
North Africa was not CAUCASIAN. Why do you place white people in BLACK countries as if you are removing the true INDIGENOUS people and replacing them with white people?!
@handleisGG 17 күн бұрын
Ifrikya, the name was after an algerian tribe, ifri and ifrikya became afro and africa bec white ppl cant pronounce anything they named the whole continet after the ifri tribe that they first encountered in numidia they were and are Mediterranean peoples not sure why america made ppl think the entire continent is E1B1A, when theres also E1B1B they fail to educate yall on thats the indigenous brown race of north africa and the sahel
@ailafy 18 күн бұрын
It means "sea foam" from the greek afros, the godess Aphrodite who came from the waves of the sea. Africa came up the last continent from the sea.
@Benedir 19 күн бұрын
Fake news
@Geferulf_TAS 20 күн бұрын
AI generated ad slop
@PrinciplePauper 21 күн бұрын
"Herman Hoeh then quotes from Josephus, the Jewish historian, who himself quotes Alexander Polyhistor, who quotes the prophet Cleodemus, also called Malchus, who wrote a history of the Jews in agreement with the history of Moses. He relates that ". . . there were many sons born to Abraham by Keturah; nay, he names three of them, Apher, and Surim, and Japhran [from Apher "Africa" took its name] . . .these men were auxillaries to Hercules, when he fought against Libya and Antaeus; and that Hercules married Aphra's (that is, Apher's) daughter, and of her he begat a son, Diodorus. . ." (p.403-404)."
@Ssspaceform 22 күн бұрын
NO F AI videos
@breezyb2379 22 күн бұрын
All the user Profiles suggesting non-black are having chest pains on this content. Interesting. The amount of negativity you are throwing. It must have struck a serious nerve!
@user-dx5tb2vk1i 22 күн бұрын
molatos are the worst bull of shit afrocentrics fantasy
@africaninsights 22 күн бұрын
It’s interesting how deep and complex topics often bring out such strong reactions. I’ve been amazed-and honestly, disappointed-by the amount of name-calling, negativity, cursing and disrespect shared here. What a broken world we live in when conversations turn to insults instead of understanding. Let’s aim for a more respectful dialogue where we can all learn from each other, even when we disagree. The complexities of history and language often lead to passionate debates, but personal attacks are never acceptable. Let's focus on respectful dialogue and a shared pursuit of knowledge. Africa’s rich and diverse history deserves thoughtful discussion, not dismissal through insults. The dismissal of an entire continent's history and culture is not only disrespectful but also ignorant. Africa is a complex and multifaceted place with a rich history, and reducing it to stereotypes is harmful.
@AMAINE207 23 күн бұрын
AI generated videos should get downvoted.
@africaninsights 22 күн бұрын
If you've watched my earlier videos, you'll notice that my microphone quality wasn't the best. To improve the clarity of my message, I've opted for crisper voiceovers while I work on acquiring better equipment. I encourage you to focus on the content and significance of what we're delivering in the meantime. After all, we are also AI - African Insights-a platform dedicated to deep research and thoughtful analysis. Reducing our work to a quick output of AI capabilities would undermine the depth and meaning behind each video. However we do note that there's a concern that relying on AI for content generation could be perceived as a shortcut, diminishing the perceived value of a research-driven approach. We have used Text to Speech Largely to enhance, not replace our content. We thank you for your feedback and concern and do want to make it known that as soon as our ducks are in a row and we are able to secure proper equipment, we certainly will revert to our initial method of delivery. Do stick along with us in our journey, we have a long way to go. More than anything we hope this content remains AI (Always Interesting) as it is truly Africa Inspired (AI).
@houseofvenusMD 19 күн бұрын
@@africaninsights As someone that uses AI I understand the logic behind it. However you need to listen to your audience. They would prefer authenticity, i.e. hearing a human on a bad microphone, as opposed to faking a high quality recording using AI. Trust me. You can see I make AI songs on my channel. I have come to understand that you have to listen to your audience. Sometimes it is a point of pride from the audience's point of view to see you progress. It lets older fans bond over their time with you as they see you get better and better. Just something to consider. If the AI voice is indispensable, it is your business you do as you see fit. Stay visionary.
@africaninsights 15 күн бұрын
@@houseofvenusMD Profound!!! The audience has spoken! Appreciate the wise words and advice.
@victoremman4639 25 күн бұрын
You don't know semitic languages. Ilah or Allah don't mean divinity, but Adoration, Dedication toward Him. You confuse translation with meaning of words. About Africa origin, you must first look for the original Phones : it is Afrika or Afriqa ? Q vs K which are not same origin and meaning. In Semitic, root FRQ means Distinction, separated, put apart side by side. The A of Africa, is it a A'in or a simple A ? See ? it's not so easy to identify an old word.
@breezyb2379 25 күн бұрын
Could have sworn the video talked about etymology - ‘the study of words and how their meaning has changed over time’ yet you talk about translation and meaning of words
@victoremman4639 25 күн бұрын
@@breezyb2379 I don't talk about translation, but etymology. Try to get the main point : identify the PHONES in Africa. Read my first com again. It seems that the strong root in AFRICA is etyma FR, and the F is the archetyp of the Gap, the Distance, so FR by itself means a strong gap. This is etymology, and morphosemantic.
@breezyb2379 25 күн бұрын
​@@victoremman4639 It's fascinating to see such a deep dive into the etymology of 'Africa'. While a phonetic and root-based analysis is undoubtedly valuable, it's essential to remember that etymology is a multidisciplinary field. Reducing a word's history to mere phonetics oversimplifies a complex interplay of cultural, historical, and geographical factors. The concept of 'archetype' as applied to the letter 'F' is intriguing, though it requires further elaboration to understand its relevance to the word's overall meaning. While the Semitic root 'FRQ' might offer clues, it's crucial to consider the word within its broader linguistic and historical context. Ultimately, etymology is about tracing the evolution of a word, not just dissecting its components. A holistic approach that considers various influences is essential for a comprehensive understanding. You might be well-versed in linguistic intricacies-no doubt-but the video is addressing the broader evolution of the word 'Africa,' not just focusing on its phonetic components or how one language interprets it. The idea that the root 'FR' signifies a gap or distance is interesting, but etymology also considers how such meanings might shift, merge, or expand as words travel across different civilizations. So while your focus on the granular phonetic elements is valid, it seems like you're missing the bigger picture that the video effectively captured. Etymology is like a complex web where phonetics, semantics, historical shifts, and cultural influences all intersect. The video isn’t ignoring the roots; it’s just looking at the entire tree-roots, branches, leaves, and all-within the environment it grew in.
@handleisGG 17 күн бұрын
Ifrikya is a tribe from algeria, named after ifri the diety celebrity... the white ppl named the entire continent after the amazigh peoples E1B1B haplogroup indigenous to north and parts of east africa and then on the atlantic coast E1B1A is the sub saharan haplogroup. From morocco to perisia iran there was always mountain people the mountains are now sand , but they gave us our tribal names like the kabylia mountains for the kabyle tribe and the atlas mountains their tribe and so on n so forth, egypt is reminiscent of petra and persepolis persia, structures like that aren't found anywhere in the subsaharan region, its unique to the Mediterranean where earliest Mediterranean civilisations were. If those people were NOT indigenous?? They wouldnt always be bombarded by white ppl tryna steal their lands , killing indigenous canaanite babies to erase their race smh
@misslifelessons 26 күн бұрын
Greetings fam 🤴🏽 Thank you for this thought provoking video essay . 🩵💙💜🪶
@tbq011 28 күн бұрын
Pseudo-pedia ! Africa, Kemet, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and many more are ancient greek names.
@josecarloelpescadero9164 24 күн бұрын
Also God & Gods which is derived from Theo in Greek, the Greeks Misinformed & Mistranslate the Ancient Egyptian Word NTR to God of, Also their Scholars, Scientists & Philosophers Came to Alexandria, My CITY to Learn How to measure Distance & Time... Then Logic & origins of words...All This Video is just stupid plain English .. I speak 5 Languages 💚💚💚🐋
@africaninsights 24 күн бұрын
@@tbq011 ‘Pseudo-pedia’! Exactly! Even in the channels description, we want to move away from his story.
@FireflySA Ай бұрын
The mzungu people have been busy in Africa 😩
@glorymasangu8377 29 күн бұрын
Bro tell me about it. We are one
@Nghilifa Ай бұрын
@slambk Ай бұрын
BA ntu. plural for of U m Ntu or Ntu. Basically the nTu means HEAD. People are called Ba nto Ba Tho in singular is Mu `ntu
@siyabongalizo930 Ай бұрын
if everyone in the worlds dna is similar to the khois down in southern africa, south africa is the craddle of mankind, then how is you all believe we migrated to east africa only to come back?
@freetruth123 Ай бұрын
I learned so much, thank you!
@chilombomululu6034 Ай бұрын
We are all abantu 🎉
@chilombomululu6034 Ай бұрын
We already know we are .and our stories must be told by ourselves 🎉
@blackman3964 Ай бұрын
Because we understood that their was an Hidden Unseen Entity present , their is another Realm and Dimension of Reality know as Spirituality or the Spirit Realm ............... smile
@GrootmanSipho Ай бұрын
I’m Xhosa, more specifically Cirha on my dad’s side and Maduna on my mom’s side. I’ve learned that both my mom and dad’s clans have their roots in Khwe tribes. What I learned is that Cirha are half Xhosa and half Khoi. And when I say Xhosa I’m not talking about the nation but the sub-group of the Xhosa nation. My mom’s side which is Maduna actually traces its roots to a !ora Clan known as Matona whom were called ‘Meivolk’ by the Dutch. I’m not surprised by this because my mom is a fair skinned woman, but despite that my dad is the one with strong ‘Khoisan’ features. His eyes and cheekbones which I also have but not as prominent as his.
@valensnkubana7905 2 ай бұрын
In my language peoples is abantu from Rwanda
@zanellatutu6735 2 ай бұрын
Our history must not be reduced to white peoples documentation of us. We go back way further than what they can fathom but because they have an inherent need to put things into the boxes they understand they have minimised us into those boxes. We must not agree
@bantumother2656 2 ай бұрын
All of your videos are too short
@collinsmwangi2079 2 ай бұрын
Proud Bantu🇰🇪
@Brave15157 2 ай бұрын
Those peoples we have all of them in Rwandan history more than 6000years brothers they original is in big country was Rwanda not as small as we see today
@PowerStation550 2 ай бұрын
I still don't know why we entertain europeans, why we use their language, and why we accept their culture of death.
@Thr3egod 2 ай бұрын
Bantu - Children/Offspring of the Supreme Goddesses Queen Ntu. "Ba" denotes belonging to. The Zulu people are the people of/from heaven/the sky. Bantu have been on this planet for millions of years and are on many other planets as well. All human beings are derived from Bantu through mutation. Bantu are the Annunaki. The Zulu word "Ningizimu" is derived from Ningishzida. The Watcher in the book of Enoch called Samjaza is Somagwaza, an ancestor of the Xhosa. Anything else they teach you about us is bs
@siyabongangubeni9042 2 ай бұрын
Lathi izimuzimu "kwanuka sa Ntungwa Ntungwana LA"
@siyabongangubeni9042 2 ай бұрын
Lalichaz ukuthini izimuzimu ?
@childofthesoil1163 2 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as Naledi is a monkey .human were never monkeys
@stevebaldwin2374 2 ай бұрын
Set the record straight. The world needs to hear the truth.
@Okalekale 2 ай бұрын
Point of correction,we're not bantu people,when you say bantu people you simply mean,"people people"it doesn't make sense. If you're an African you know that bantu means people White people just named us anyhow without knowing the meaning of the word. Chinese are bantu,europeans are bantu etc.We are the jews,white people just chose a word that's common in our languages just to kill our jewish identity.There's no people in Africa or the world called bantu NO!.We're the chosen people,the actual Israelites is us.We need to wake up!
@calebmurenn7616 2 ай бұрын
wow beautiful
@BoikanyoTabane 2 ай бұрын
Yo my brother you have been greatly misinformed.bantu is a term african origin
@bantusworshipingpraisingan4294 2 ай бұрын
Arab did bring language in Tanzania but they came and took Bantu language. Those Arab who kicked out on 1963 during Zanzibar revolution. They went oman. Thus why you see or hear some people speak Swahili there. But you can not hear Arab from saudia arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Lebanon, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco whose speak Arabic language can understand someone speak Swahili. Ask our sisters who went to work as house maid will tell . Swahili was not come from Arabic. Swahili is the corruption of the word "ziwa hili". Ziwa means body of water and hili means here. When few Arab come they asked where are you came from. The reply we are from ziwa hili. Those Arab and white corrupted it and came up the word Swahili. Is the same to mount Kilimanjaro. The real name is kilima kyaro.
@KiogoraKimaita 2 ай бұрын
content is fine by please, for the love of God, work on your narration. You sound sleepy & it was hard to follow what you are saying without dozing off.
@africaninsights 2 ай бұрын
Will certainly aim to do so throughout.
@KiogoraKimaita 2 ай бұрын
@@africaninsights all the best 🙏🏾
@childofthesoil1163 2 ай бұрын
I have been trying to tell my fellow SAn that we should research our history im from a Ndebele tribe my Great mother was birn in 1800 her ancestors date back to Damara of Namibia which means all of us we are Khoi in this land thats why some of us we are lighter than other Africans we are indegenous to the land Bantu migration never occurred thank u my brother
@collenmatsheni 2 ай бұрын
Your surname?
@NuAege2302 2 ай бұрын
I understand scholars talked about bantu migration from the regions of Cameroon to Southern Africa, but I have doubts about that. 1. The tribes in Nigeria and from Cameroon where I came from all say their ancestors came from somewhere else. Other tribes are splinter from amongst a larger group founding villages. 2. I don't know of any, but if anybody knows, please do enlighten me of any of our ancestors' bones older than those in Southern Africa dug up from these regions around Cameroon? Sometimes, foreign researches form their own opinions to fit their narratives and not listen to the natives. They dismiss oral history as not reliable without taking a second look as to what the natives are saying.
@MasimbaMusodza 2 ай бұрын
It is the language which spread out from the Cameroon/Nigeria border region, but Bantu-speaking people came from all over. Bantu-languages in southern Africa, for instance, contain many Khoi and San words. They also contain Cushitic/Nilotic words, particularly relating to animal husbandry and pastoralism, which supports the theory that the Bantu speakers were Iron Age farmers, but only became cattle, goat and sheep herders when they migrated east and encountered the pastoralists peoples, on whom they impressed their Bantu languages. My DNA population test links me in the male line to East Africa, with a tiny connection to the Yoruba, Mende and other West African people. Possible male ancestors include Pharaoh Ramsese III, and a man who lived in Ethiopia around 3450 BC. Given that e1b1a2b2 (v2403) is one of the most widespread haplogroups in southern Africa, I'd say our physical origins are predominantly in East Africa, but the languages we speak are from that Mambila region in Nigeria/Cameroon. It is in the Great Lakes region that we began to form ethnic groups and a culture that we would recognise as related to us.
@NuAege2302 2 ай бұрын
@@MasimbaMusodza Thanks for the explanation 👍
@ohlangeni 3 ай бұрын
There is no language phylum called 'Niger-Congo'. African scholars must develop Africa's research without referrence to Euro-American academics on Africa. Bantu language originate in North-East Africa (west Sudan/southern Libya). Niger-Volta is a language of Western Sahara and were part of Kiffian Culture. Mande of North-West Africa is not related to Niger-Volta. Since Mande, and Bantu are not related to Niger-Volta; there is no Niger-Congo phylum.
@southernafricanboy4148 3 ай бұрын
There is no way im descended from people who came from west and central Africa. I think we have always been in Zimbabwe and people moved around Southern Africa but i dont buy it that we came from Gabon or West Africa 😢
@AlkebulanSOUL 2 ай бұрын
Thank you.. Dont let them tell you otherwise
@southernafricanboy4148 3 ай бұрын
@misslifelessons 3 ай бұрын
Hey fam , thank you for another very informative video . Siyabonga ka kakulu 🩵💙💜🩵🪶🪶
@africaninsights 3 ай бұрын
The pleasure is all mine fam!!! 🥰
@tombimashri8149 3 ай бұрын
But only shoeed one Koisan person Why?
@alchemicalcatalyst2798 3 ай бұрын
The label "african" did not even exist to the ancetors who called the continent in question LIBYA. Now go bck to kindergarden and reasses