@BrodySoundEngineer Күн бұрын
Bro really living up to his channel name. The current and only digital consoles I've ever mixed on are the Allen & Heath dLive (school), SQ5 (school portable), Avantis (church), and the Behringer x32 (Church). I've mixed on logic pro for a short time, but I never fully learned it before we got the Avantis.
@arseniylofi7066 7 күн бұрын
The way of showcasing the sense could make some more professional look. Please, show your correct attitude. Do not showcase unpleasant guy. Thank you. P.S. despite the video sense, turned off at the 1m27sec, because of the approach. Best Regards
@Vickmihaltan 10 күн бұрын
I own the allenheath for years. Never have any problems with it. What are you talking about?
@bnfdaily3356 15 күн бұрын
I connected 2 exactly like the video. Unit 2 is creating a ton of clicking noise
@MrWestStreet 16 күн бұрын
Live sound is not DAW mixing !!! This dude knows nothing about LIVE SOUND SIGNAL FLOW! He mentions trying to insert a graphic equalizer on a single channel. Imagine if you had to do that to a dozen different podium Mics how much processing with that take🥴 not to mention Ewing, the Mike individually interrupts the recording process chain everything that happens for the house will be permanently on the recording that’s done separately newbie 😵‍💫
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 12 күн бұрын
imagine owning a mixer that doesn't let you insert a graphic EQ on any channel you want
@calamativejoefan64 26 күн бұрын
Why do you look like The Deep
@WompRok 27 күн бұрын
@JohnAndersenYVIG Ай бұрын
I happen to really like the SQ series and use it often. That being said, I love this review and review format. I see it as a little bit of hyperbole while bringing up excellent points. As a heavy user of the SQ, I think almost all of his points are valid. I probably would have added metering as another area that is inferior to similar class consoles (even the X32/M32 has better meters). Even though I love working on the desk, I think it's good to objectively look at things with a critical eye. It's still a great mixer even with it's flaws. This review was entertaining and accurate. :)
@dancorrigan3506 Ай бұрын
Anyone who would listen to this tool shed after his going full on Karen bitching about this mixer 🙄
@gavinhammond3137 Ай бұрын
Some people are just not cut out to be audio engineers.
@nate6692 Ай бұрын
How do I get this idiot to stop spamming every A&H search? It's just opinionated drivel and it comes up on EVERY SQ search
@williamthesoundguybalestri1745 Ай бұрын
You are TOTALLY wrong at every angle! I currently own Allen Heath Mixers including SQ 5 and SQ 6, QU-SB. I love them and HATE HATE HATE the workflow of Midas/X32 mixers! Plus the Allen Heath preamps are truly transparent and awesome! There are many many reasons I only use A&H. Yes there are a few things I would like on the A&H mixers, especially in regards to their ipad control software. Note that I have used or owned MANY digital mixers including Soundcraft, Mackie DL1608/DL32, Behringer Xair, QSC Touchmix etc etc.. No brands are perfect, but A&H nails it for sound, workflow and quality.
@shadowplay217 2 ай бұрын
All sound like 1st world problems.
@JohnDoe-e7z 2 ай бұрын
This board is awesome. It can be a learning curve but by far the best board I have ever owned
@ngaborweber 2 ай бұрын
I love the SQ mixer, but I can agree, there are several issues, which are mostly software related. When I mentioned them to A&H support, they haven't got reasonable answers just bullshit. They should handle these kind of problems, and they should have a really exceptional mixer. Some examples below: VERY CONFUSING - When switching off and on, the outputs show a strong transient signal (bang, click). There is no such phenomenon on the DX 168 stagebox and much better on Behringer X32 series. Even in the event of a power outage, this is quite harsh, especially in a professional environment. VERY CONFUSING - In principle, the PFL Trim setting would allow me to match the audio level of the listening and the master in the headphones, which works, but I think it's a big problem that the 12-segment LED display shows the trimmed signal, not the reality. However, we want to capture the real signal level on the display, the trimming here should only change the PFL volume in the headphones. VERY CONFUSING - The routing screens should clearly indicate whether the given channel is assigned to the given mixes. At the moment this is very unclear, if the fader is at zero it is not visible at all. Since I haven't found any other screen where the assign is nicely transparent, I think this is a pretty critical problem. It is important to be easy to see, for example it would be practical to indicate it by marking the outputs numbers with different colors. VERY CONFUSING - The length of the names of the channels and Scenes is very limited, so it is difficult to give a descriptive name, 25-30 years ago this was natural, but today it is not. VERY CONFUSING - When entering Scene names, the Cancel button is right next to shift, it's easy to accidentally press it, so the entered text is lost, which is very annoying. VERY CONFUSING - There is no cursor when entering names, if you want to rewrite a character at the beginning, you have to delete the whole thing and re-enter it CONFUSING - Channel strips can only be transferred from the mixer to the MixPad application, it does not work the other way. This reduces work efficiency. It would also be great if all six layers could be synchronized at the same time. CONFUSING - In the case of channel strips, the user can choose from only eight colors, which is quite a few, and choosing black makes the display virtually unreadable, which is not a good solution. If we add to this that the red color in its current form is also difficult to read and confusing, then only 6 colors remain, which is poor compared to the competitors. Why can't an RGB palette be used? The hardware does not know, or could it be solved by software? CONFUSING - 300 Scenes is a very large number, it would be nice if it could be grouped in some simple way into at least 4-6 groups, which could be easily filtered on the screen. For example, I have live and studio configurations, as well as templates, which I use to get started. CONFUSING - On the SQ-5 but even more so on the DX-168 stagebox, the size and surface of the ventilation slots is very large, which greatly increases the chance that dirt, liquid, foreign objects (pins, screws, paper clips, etc.) will enter. into the inside. In my opinion, this is a rather serious error possibility, which is unfortunate for such an expensive and professional device. IMPROVEMENT - In the case of softkeys (especially for the SQ-5), it would be good to create Banks, i.e. e.g. the 8 soft keys organized into banks A, B, C (1 key is bank select) I could use 3*7+1= 28 functions. Different colors could be used to indicate which Bank is active.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your detailed reply. I agree with everything you've stated.
@Wolfgulfur 2 ай бұрын
Completely agree with you! On the Si. Absolute trash. Though I wish other consoles had the color led strip that runs the length of the fader channel. SQ is one of the best consoles on the market from any manufacturer right now.
@Wolfgulfur 2 ай бұрын
Find another boards that has the same I/O capabilities, And has pre’s that sound just as good as the SQs, and allows you to set up nearly your whole console from the physical surface without having to go into the GUI, all while coming in at the same price point as the SQ. I’ll wait. Justice for my boi! Thou dare speakth the name of SQ with such blasphemy. SQ is easily one of the best consoles out there right now. Most of the faults you mentioned, while mostly legitimate, aren’t SQ problems. They are A&H problems. Almost all their boards are that way. And yes, the GUI is very ‘English’ (as in the former country, not the language) which is another way of saying ‘backwards’. And yes, the way stereo channels interact with scene/show controls is really annoying. Especially when you realize that the said channel auto assigns itself to the main mix every time it’s toggled between mono and stereo (at least on Dlive). But you can program so much of the SQ console from the surface that you rarely need to go into the GUI. SQ is leaps and bounds over anything they’ve ever made (along with Avantis). I will never get tired of showing up to shows with an SQ and blowing everyone else at the festival out of the freaking water with how flexible it is with I/O, how fast it can adapt, and darn good it sounds (not that pre’s make a mix, they don’t. The engineer does. But good pre’s sure do help. Especially pre’s that like it hot! Like the SQs).
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 2 ай бұрын
I'd recommend you look at a behringer wing with a DL251 stage box which have better noise rejection than the A&H sq-series. tho I don't like AES50....
@Wolfgulfur 2 ай бұрын
@@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 The Wing hates me for some reason. Every time I patch in a stage box, or unplug an I/O connection, the LED screen either completely locks up, or just goes straight black. I’m also not a fan of how most major manufactures have slowly but surely been consolidating around a few basic principles on how a digital consoles GUI should be like, and then the wing goes and completely abandons that and makes something totally different. Last time I worked on one, I convinced the owners to swap over to my SQ halfway through the week long event. I will say, the wing does have endless I/O capabilities, but I would have much rather have had an X/M48 with a touch screen than the wing from Music Tribe. It baffles me why they didn’t make that. The GUI is so vastly different from anything else it just wasn’t worth it to me. SQ’s compressors are also waaay better than wings, and it just doesn’t have problems. It works every single time.
@Wolfgulfur 2 ай бұрын
@@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 The wing hates me, and a single DL cost almost an entire grand more than the wing itself. Every time I plug in a new stage box or swap a network or I/O connection on the back, the entire GUI completely locks up, or the entire touch screen just goes completely black. Have to restart the console or just operate without the screen. I also am not a fan of the GUI on the wing. Seems like most manufactures have slowly but surely been consolidating around a few key principles of how a digital consoles GUI should look and work, and the wing just goes and completely abandons that. It is unlike any other board I have ever worked on which makes it way harder for me if that’s the console that is being provided to me as I can’t just figure it out as I go as quickly as I can with most consoles. It also makes it difficult for someone else to jump in and cover me or pick up where I left off. It sounds decent and it does have a seemingly unlimited amount of ways to input audio into a channel. At the end of the day though, I would been happier if music tribe had made an X/M48 with a touch screen. Baffles me why they didn’t make that. Last gig I had a wing on, I had my own SQ with me for another gig I had to travel to directly after this one concluded. I convinced them half way through to ditch the wing and swap over to my SQ. GUI is a thousand times better, compressors are waaaay better, and at least my SQ just simply works without any issues every single time in heat, rain, snow, dirt, dust, and indoors. Meanwhile I can’t even get the wing to keep the screen on for me without requiring a hard reboot. Granted, I was the only tech that the wing kept crashing on for that last gig. The A2 didn’t have issues. I think it just smelled the scent of my SQ on me and got jealous. The DLs are in a completely different league and are a genuine Midas product. Not a behringer product (not saying anything bad about behringer there or Behringer products with a midas sticker) Those DLs go for 5 times what my AR2412 cost me. And that AR over SLink has always given me clean, silent signals every time.
@Wolfgulfur 2 ай бұрын
@@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 On the AES50 note, one of my gripes about SQ, beside the absolutely stupid channel meter lights, is it’s lack of AES50. So many bands, especially openers, have X32s that they carry with them. Imagine being able to patch everything via a couple AES50 lines instead of analog splits. What’s your thoughts on AES50? I’m not super versed on the specifics.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 Ай бұрын
@@Wolfgulfur well... my opinion of AES50 as a protocol in the data sense, it's simple and decent. Very low latency (3 samples). The issue is how poorly it deals with errors and long, unsheilded cables. in my opinion it should've been *designed* for regular cat5e UTP cable because that's what I see alot of people installing and it works until it doesn't. most people don't think to install cat6a SFTP like they should as it exceeds cat5e specs. IMO Dante/AVB/AES67/SMPTE2110 are the future and all products should be moving to these ethernet based protocols. AVB/Milan being my favorite as its the only one being developed by the IEEE for use in industrial applications besides audio.
@tylerburgess8709 2 ай бұрын
A lot of the things mentioned in this video are user error. You don’t know how to use the desk. Such as the PFL with automix. This is definitely the type of guy that says Denon DJ is better than Pioneer DJ.
@BobK115 2 ай бұрын
I'm looking for a digital mixer for my studio because I wanna get out of mixing ITB just for the fun of it. I'm not mixing hits, it's just local bands for fun but i'd like to get the highest quality possible when returning back to my DAW for a final mix. I do most of the work in the box. Thoughts?? I realize the SSL Bix Six is of course the way the go, i'm looking for automation and flying faders.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 2 ай бұрын
I wish you luck on your search. there are many options
@handyfm 2 ай бұрын
Hating on a fairly decent console then going on to cry about lack of graphic eq. I don’t think I’ve used a graphic since 2008, things maybe different at your church
@BoldNNBrashh 2 ай бұрын
This guy is 100% a Reddit mod
@YtSlider_Pen 3 ай бұрын
il have it if you don't want it
@Moe-kl7kf 3 ай бұрын
Dude chill xD Is this a joke? This mixer is pure gold for most situations in live mixing and considered the price. Please, who ever reads this - Don´t listen to him!
@Mossytube 3 ай бұрын
Never seen anyone using one..And I'm sure theres better and cheaper alternatives! Had 2 analog allen & heath mixers, they're probably rust at this moment, always broken, some wire bands conecting everything inside it were always disconecting, randomly
@mistaowickkuh6249 4 ай бұрын
Dude's talking about sq7 as if it is ls9.
@bobc1631 4 ай бұрын
Bad planning on your part, doesn't make the SQ junk.
@williamnein4900 4 ай бұрын
I don't Understand why it took that long for you to find Dante 45 when Date is an IO card, so obviously you would chose the I.O ports on both tabs? 😂😂I mean, I use it 50 times a year and never spent 54 seconds finding that tab 😂.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 4 ай бұрын
what I was trying to demonstrate was, if someone asked "What is on Dante Output 45?" "is it a mixbus?, a direct-out? aux-send? insert-send?" there is no "birds-eye" view to see all the dante outputs at once
@10gaugesbelow 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for warning me about this piece of s***
@wesleywhite5079 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like adapting isn’t his thing. The x32 has its fair share of disadvantages and the CL series is a price point that isn’t even fair to the conversation. If “trash” is what you have concluded i’d hesitate to listen further.
@petermuller7079 4 ай бұрын
Now that I own an SQ5 by myself i see one valid point: The scribble strips are really too small and plain! Yamaha TF or even Behringer consoles show, how it's done.... The other point i see: It's really hard to get an overview over the I/O routing.... BUT: The 'double click view'-feature really helps (shows the I/O of every channel on the channel strip). No perfect solution but very helpful in most cases.
@vladv5126 5 ай бұрын
Respectfully, I use the SQ5 and some of the points that you're making are BS or maybe due to a faulty unit. The scenes save everything without the need of a USB drive and recall everything flawlessly, to mention one.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 5 ай бұрын
shows recall buss and channel config, scenes do not. shows and scenes are seperate
I wish I saw this vid 7 days ago. I fixed the pfl auto mixer issue in settings but it sucked to figure that out in show. I have to agree with all your points. It is very frustrating to mix on this console when you are used to Yamaha or Midas/Behringer.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 5 ай бұрын
just curious how you were able to fix the PFL auto-mix issue while also keeping the automixer in post-fader?
Input to PAFL source Post Preamp
@Velkus96 5 ай бұрын
Atleast 8 characters ? Are you fckin writing a novel?
@VictorCM 6 ай бұрын
Trying to get views by trashing a fine product. Someone needs attention.
@barragan_music 6 ай бұрын
I come from the Soundcraft Ui24R. (if you think you know about that specific model but never got into that specific model, shh. I'm not speaking for the Ui12 or Ui16, or the Si boards.) With Ui24R I can simultaneously multitrack record out to a DAW, including LR and AUX mixes; AND... USB drive record LR mix, and multitrack record for redundant multitrack. I hate the mute setup on the SQ. If a channel is mute grouped, I can't unmute that channel in my aux without unmuting it everywhere else. Also, I can't mute a channel in my aux without muting the channel everywhere else. IF I hit a channel mute button that is actively mute grouped, I doubly mute that channel. I have to unmute the group to activate my channel, then re-mute other channels I don't want. I hate the screen and knob setup interface for processing.. especially EQ. For context, I used the Ui24R with a Dell 27 inch touch monitor and several iPads. On the touch monitor you can see everything all the time. All meters, all send levels on all channels, LABEL ALL MUTE AND VIEW GROUPS... EXRREMELY fast and easy to create any kind of group... (view, DCA, sub, mute, etc.) A processor touch setting page becomes the whole page. I just wish somebody made a mixer that combines the preamps and sound quality of the SQ and the strengths and workflow of the UI24R. I wanted to cascade a second Ui24R unit for 20 additional inputs but the Ui24R still lacks in some areas that a major board that the SQ has.
@JoeHollywood-bf4pj 6 ай бұрын
TF5 or QU32?
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 6 ай бұрын
X32 is better than both of those. TF and QU routing are a joke. sometimes I want XLR #8 to show up on channel 8&9 but double patching is impossible on those. don't buy a TF, dont buy a QU
@recproduction2522 6 ай бұрын
Dumb take = click bait
@deadpool1901 6 ай бұрын
I agree with the geq routing shit. Been wanting to send a drum mix to a bus where I can compress and EQ but you can't do that with this!!! I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYMORE "AUX" CHANNELS TO DO THAT COMPLICATED ROUTING SHIT BECAUSE EVERYONE'S USING MONS AND I GOT 6-7 SPEAKERS!!
@laujovo5368 6 ай бұрын
channel name checks out...
@sidstewart7399 6 ай бұрын
Dont think theres any desk that could improve your whiney voice!
@timhartnell2472 6 ай бұрын
As an SQ user...... everything you've said is addressed at a higher budget. You DO get what you pay for. But in my biased opinion, on the SQ you get more than what you paid for at this price point compared with the competition. I actually think the biggest floor on the SQ is the amount of parameters that can only be changed on the surface by the single general purpose rotary encoder (which went faulty on my first SQ). But again..... budget.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 6 ай бұрын
some of these issues can also be solved with a lower budget option.... but not from A&H
@timhartnell2472 6 ай бұрын
@@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 fair enough…. once, I was working on a broadcast out in the sticks, on a Calrec in the OB truck… my semi normal environment, and the 70k Calrec decided to die at midnight the night before the show. We should have been on air at 9 in the morning. And … we were, because an SQ was available from one of the other crew members on site, and at this short notice, was all we could get. Not only did it run the show flawlessly, I finished the setup (including all OB truck integrations) by 5am which meant I even had time for a couple hours of sleep before the 3 day broadcast began. That little desk has been my friend ever since!! 😂 Told you mine was also a biased opinion !! 🫡
@T-H-X 6 ай бұрын
All can be fixed by Firmware Upgrade.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 6 ай бұрын
yes, the system is flexible enough where it could be fixed with firmware. but it wont be fixed.....
@pslproductionsltd4722 6 ай бұрын
If you're crying about not having a graphic eq to eq a podium mic, you're stuck in the 1990s. A parametric with sharp notch filters is the better option.
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 6 ай бұрын
I agree. the concept of a 31-band graphic EQ should be removed from modern digital consoles
@robertodellepiane9095 6 ай бұрын
I have been working all year round for at least 6 years with SQ5 and SQ6 and I have also worked with Digico and Midas, SQ is my favorite console for ease of use, if you don't need many matrices and many buses this console is the best !!!
@amanjyotsingh783 6 ай бұрын
I think you are super delusional buddy U can save a scene without a USB stick I have been using Allen and Heath for almost 6years and even SQ series when it launched was most efficient and best series for storing and recalling scenes please get your facts right and don't dish a brand most professionals use 2:03
@completelybiasedaudiorevie661 6 ай бұрын
Stereo/Mono channel configuration is *not* saved with the scene. Saving a *SHOW* file REQUIRES a usb flash drive. shows and scenes are different
@getloudrecordstampa2474 6 ай бұрын
People, it clearly states that these are COMPLETELY BIASED reviews. Wanna hate A&H on a larger format? Try an Avantis. Personally, I love those but don't really dig the q, sq 5,6, or 7. Makes no sense but that's where I am.
@genemikhaylov5076 6 ай бұрын
Dude, it is a superior mixer for it's value. Please do not compare it to a CL/QL5, it is not even close to the price range but has a greater sound quality with 96k FGPA processing. It has cheap expansion cards, awesome add-on plugins and you can supercharge it with A&H Prime top of the line preamps or just DX168 equipped with D-Live's preamps.
@CarinedeGraaf 7 ай бұрын
Dude! You CAN pfl when using the automixer. RTFM and stop being a sh*thead!
@markkapner 7 ай бұрын
The thing these consoles, and a lot of A&H consoles lack for me, is output trims.
@ValentinZopp 7 ай бұрын
Comparing a SQ with a QL/CL. 😂 If you need hours to setup your Scene, it's not the consoles fault. 🙈