The Frame -- Consultation Hour
On Love --A.R. Orage (1930)
9 ай бұрын
@luizclaudio6724 19 күн бұрын
Amazing work guys!🎉❤
@ruptureswithreality 19 күн бұрын
Very nicely communicated, thank you! Winnicott's recognition and acceptance of the intersubjective space is pure gold, even the way he writes nurtures the true-self's sense of becoming.
@Keyfer62 Ай бұрын
Reading the Bible and thinking spiritually has helped me to deal with depression, fear, etc. There is much evidence that drugs, though quick and easy, can be harmful.
@76Terrell Ай бұрын
I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on Erin Manning's work regarding Autistic Perception and her critiques of the psychoanalytic tradition. The way and tone repeatedly used describing autism as primitive feels condescending and ableist af
@Gojo_satoru128 Ай бұрын
bloody brilliant!
@AlbumDumblebee 2 ай бұрын
How does one block this projection?
@gregmackinnon8098 2 ай бұрын
You need to fix the mic!! But other wise great
@unusualpond 2 ай бұрын
Wonderful thank you
@CrustaceousB 2 ай бұрын
So let me get this straight you're saying that it's probably not a good idea to brutally shut down your anxious neurodivergent Childs aggression to the point competition is traumatizing to them? Gosh what a novel fucking concept. So now instead of investing that aggression naturally into my tasks of life I completely isolate from the world and make cringey metal vocal cover videos to vent the emotions the thankless bastards I call parents degraded. Clothes food shelter. This is not parenting. This is a prison.
@naetek6430 2 ай бұрын
....Winnicott did not come up with the paranoid schizoid position... even worse...he did not accept that idea at all...only in case the infant would not looked after properly he would go in that stage....That is Klein's idea... About the Depressive position is another idea of Klein..Winnicott accepted it..and he renamed it Capacity For Concern..but Kleinians continued/continue to call the Depressive Position...PLEAAAAASE
@naetek6430 3 ай бұрын
..sorry..projective identification EXISTS even without another person....Unfortunately a lot of psychoanalysts in USA dont Know Klein/ never READ KLEIN....projective identification was mentioned by Klein In Notes On Schizoid mechanism as an UNC. PHA. ....then Bion with the concept of cointainer/cointained made it INTERPERSONAL...then Ogden Kernberg and many other elaborated it ... Grotstein Calls the interpersonal/Intersubjective version of it Projective TRANSidentification..right...ciao
@katherinei7583 4 ай бұрын
A great distillation of Ogden’s paper, thank you!
@PsychologicalExplorations 3 ай бұрын
Many thanks!
@jamesflannery-serle3489 4 ай бұрын
The Holy spirit(through the faith in Jesus Christ)gives life and all daily requirements, emotional, mental and out working to physical
@paesitopaez4302 4 ай бұрын
Winnicott was such a wise fella..
@fallonrappaport5270 5 ай бұрын
What about those that don’t hear voices
@Gojo_satoru128 Ай бұрын
then not shitzophrenic?!
@7th_Heaven 5 ай бұрын
First comment. Just wanted to thank you for this video. Manually searched it up. You are covering a more extensive compendium of what I manually searched up. Need a condensed expressed version of William James' thesis of energy reserves. This to help convey some insights for a playlist which would set in context some songs. additional comment details will be appended below
@7th_Heaven 5 ай бұрын
William James concept of Reserve Energy of human beings is correct. As is the William James Sidis postulation of the potential reversibility of the second law of thermodynamics. Look at a Lotus Flower for proof of the later, in this dimension. please don't think me a quack. But I built an quantum computing capable multi-infinite combo Turing Complete Magic the Gathering deck which kinda sort accidently proof'd Absolute Zero and multidimensional computations, along with eternal truthes that religion grasps but science has yet to understand. I'm not as smart as others but I understand things. Human Being's reserve energy or 2nd wind/tertiary wind comes from energy wells in other dimensions, channeled via spirit body allignment in relation to those wells. The energy is gifted intentionally and complies with laws of justice and mercy, with the resting state of the soul in a state of humility and neutrality being the recharge point of quantum potential. Meaning we chose what we want but eventually we will run out of steam. The check valve keeping that steam to the control system pressure sensor is NC (normally closed) and so with a net pressure loss the metaphorical boiler will re-pressurize and control system will internally reboot to keep going in a quantum manner. If we elect perserverence it might recharge a holding tank. if we elect call for help it might make a train horn noise. If we give up and pass on it will cause the entire system to fall silent and the being moves on in the next dimension without hardship. But the longer one goes the farther down the track they progress. And once the train scales the hill, all of that potential energy will change back to kinetic energy. I can share some other things except that research is protected and if I divulge it others may claim it as their own. In a nutshell both William James and William James Sidis are correct. Divine investiture of energy in times of need are given to all Children of God should they ask. 1 Corinthians 10:13; Matthew 7:7; and Matthew 10:31 (KJV) corroberate this, in addition to a multiplicity of Book of Mormon and Judeo-Christian scripts. Job and Tobit hit rock bottom and came out of it. The easiest way to explain it in a bioelectrical system is food, fat, bone marrow. If someone is eating too much they get fat. If they stop eating the body enters "uh-oh" mode and breaks down fat and stored lipids to try to inefficiently reconvert them to simple energy sources. When those go, due to starvation or when an other condition interferes the bone marrow itself is a backup. ingress of penetrating radiation into the bone marrow, or severe trauma to a nervous system due to injury can cause bone marrow breakdown simulation (either for extra blood cells or backup energy source) and can replicate certain other conditions that that person would otherwise not have. If their mind is not prepared for those events it can cause issues. Anorexia is one form of induced callback of reserve capacity where that is not healthy and not needed. Autism, ASD, Bipolar, and rhNull blood types exhibit similar traits of amplified capabilities in different areas (autism = technically an evolution of the Human brain where redundant neuron networks exist. Think multi core processor with high flash cashe memory but running tape drives). ADHD is like that but with less RAM capacity and a hige hard drive. Bipolar is an iteration of the two where the operating system is partitioned to efficiently run 2 states (masking past trauma in life or out of necessity to put on a game face for work or other reasons... whenever stress causes the update to be installed when the system reboots it might reboot to the other operating system). This is advantageous and efficient for masking sorrow and stress and trauma for those folks but there are other ways of doing it. Some folks program their brain for graphics design. others do it for sensory input and feeling and complex emotional perception. Others do it like long term storage and others do it data first in=last out. I can share how I did my brain but that will not matter for many people, so I won't. We all have energy reserve potential. Reserve energy potential of the soul; spirit reserve energy potential and physical reserve energy potential. Intelligences cannot understand those things until they gain a spirit body and agency from God. Spirit beings cannot understand higher orders of being until they are given the opportunity to accept the plan of Salvation and gain a physical body. physical beings cannot understand the higher orders of glorified perfected celestial bodies until they live and accept the laws and ordinances needed to qualify for those orders of magnitude above and beyond salvation, upon departing this life. Thus, understanding energy reserves and channeling them in times of need for the benefit of others are steps in the direction of the cultivation of Charity, the greatest of the three (Faith, Hope, Charity). Never give up Never surrender except to God and thst must be done with Love.
@PsychologicalExplorations 5 ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@bellakrinkle9381 6 ай бұрын
This was very interesting because understanding these principals also allows me to reverse roles so that I have insight into the reality of my bad mother. And also of my bad (NPD) analyst, as bizarre as this reality seems. It was his counter transference acted out through internet social networking that this phenomenon took place. It's all recorded on a specific site, unless the records have been intentionally destroyed. Thank you for uploading this.
@bellakrinkle9381 6 ай бұрын
I have long believed that the answers to becoming whole (resolution of one's personal analysis) lay in the depths of childhood and not societal influences. Psychoanalysis will never move forward because it's the family dysfunction that seems to never be the focus of examination. After 8 grueling years on the couch, I and my analyst in training were spinning our wheels; I finally terminated knowing that I had more work to do. Decades later, during a failing 12 year relationship, I finally admitted that I was lying to myself. I sought help from a psychoanalyst who was state licensed, but was not board certified. He was NPD. (Very long story.) Finally, I decided that I myself could only unwind my chaotic life, further complicated by my emotional (not physical) involvement with the NPD - acting out his destructive emotions toward his mother and two ex-wives - I became his unconscious object. I had nowhere to look, so I immediately began to recall early childhood memories (age 2+) , quickly realizing that I first needed to examine my parents relationship to each other. Then I looked at how mother and father interacted with their 4 children; I began to be aware of the dynamics between myself and each of my siblings, and how everyone related to each other. All these relationships are revealing because siblings are as important to self understanding as parents are. All children have unique relationships with parents. I was the last child - I eventually, in my self analysis realized that I had been scapegoated early in life, then this reality was compounded late in life. One sister, my fav, was BPD - another reality that became clear to me near the completion of my self analysis. (2023) I and my older brother were their second family. Our two sisters were ten+ years older. They were both in college and out of our home before I was 9. To complicate our very dysfunctional family, our parents were fundamental Christians. I finally left the church in my early 20's. Then, after a failed marriage I decided to explore psychoanalysis, having read Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams" at 17 years old. I knew where I wanted to be, I just didn't know how to get there. It's taken a lifetime, but I'm happy to say that I made myself whole.
@bellakrinkle9381 6 ай бұрын
I was supposed to be a boy baby. I believe my mother was greatly disappointed. She stopped breast feeding me after 2 weeks, and lied about this reality until she was more than 100 years old, when she blurted it out one day on a drive home from errands. Until very recently I have been unable to understand my lifelong relationship with her. I felt that I always loved her, yet never felt loved by her. Don Carveth's enlightening video series helped me understand the dynamics of Moral Masochism. Since then, I've gone from misunderstand my mother to realizing that she was always mentally ill as a Delusional Christian, beginning at age 16 - after the death of her mother. And now, as of today, a bad mother. It's my belief that (and many others, too) that our mothers model our love relationships, forever. Until this fundamental relationship is unraveled, all love relationships will be dissatisfying. Yes, for women, the father relationship is secondary. (I have no idea how males resolve their parental relationships. Perhaps fathers are more important to them, yet I doubt it.) Am I whole while still attempting to rework my relationship with my mother? Yes, although there are certainly aspects of my life that need improvement. Self observation becomes ingrained, psychoanalysis never ends. The goal is to live a fulfilling, relatively happy/self accepting, productive life on a daily basis. The world is not us, and we can be aware of both the outside realities while maintaining our inner reality and strength at the same time. Depression is non existent, sadness, from time to time, is part of life. And during the analytic process there are weeks and sometimes months of grieving and mourning. This is the undeniable aspect of a deep dive analytical process. Freud was correct about many things. However, I believe Winnicott deserves more importance. I respect his findings and unaware of him, I followed a similar unification of many theories. I am not a scholar; I found my answers experientially. I strive for homeostasis - on a cellular level, physical and emotional levels. How wonderful it would be if this could occur on societal level, as well. How many centuries will it take? More than one at the rate we are going.
@lecicaleoperose5106 6 ай бұрын
Thank you. Alfred Richard Orage founded the Leeds Art Club. Later, in 1906, he founded The New Age. In that year he met Beatrice Hastings, in a Theosophical Library. Beatrice Hastings started to work with him in The New Age. She was a great journalist and writer. In 1920 she left The New Age and Orage, because Orage changed the political position in his journal (no more Fabianist). In 1936 Hastings wrote "In Defence of Helena Blavatsky" ...
@beilanzhang 6 ай бұрын
I just read Ogden‘s “On projective identification” 1979, thanks a lot for sharing this , which helps me better understand the three or for phases of projective identification.
@PsychologicalExplorations 6 ай бұрын
Glad to hear it was helpful!
@angelvarghese252 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much this really helped!
@PsychologicalExplorations 7 ай бұрын
Glad it helped! Cheer!
@Gibran-w2d 7 ай бұрын
Thank You, enlightening content.
@PsychologicalExplorations 7 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! Cheers :)
@PsychologicalExplorations 8 ай бұрын
Hi All! We are working on the sound quality of this video.
@martin670125 8 ай бұрын
Great presentation! Where should be the part 2 of this topic ?
@PsychologicalExplorations 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! And thanks for the suggestion. A part 2 sounds like a good idea!
@mitmit2340 7 ай бұрын
I think Martin was asking about the reference to Part 2 that you mention in the video?
@PsychologicalExplorations 6 ай бұрын
@@mitmit2340 Ah, you are right. Yes, we have yet to upload part 2. Stay tuned! Thank you
@saatci1441 8 ай бұрын
thank you
@PsychologicalExplorations 8 ай бұрын
Your welcome!
@youtubedennis5223 8 ай бұрын
reading is WAY too slow has to bump this to 2x to not fall asleep
@mitmit2340 8 ай бұрын
Gosh - the discussion and subject matter in this video are just gob smacking! I don't have anything intelligent or intelligible to say for now - i need to think some more (and probably watch again). But deeply grateful for your work on this channel 🙇‍♀🙇‍♀
@PsychologicalExplorations 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! We appreciate you engaging with our work :)
@mitmit2340 8 ай бұрын
The discussion around women as consumers of true crime entertainment and people that enjoy horror films is interesting. It reminded me of things I've read in child development literature about how young children regulate themselves in response to fear by recreating the fear in a controlled way and then playing the fear scenario out over and over. For example a child might be scared of a particular scene of a tv show or movie but will watch the movie or show repeatedly, often from behind the sofa or under a blanket or run out of the room until the scene is over (almost like a ritual). Also appreciated the genuine acknowledgment of what the experience of psychosis might be like for patients around the 48 minute mark.💔
@PsychologicalExplorations 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your associations and thoughts. Right on about how children regulate themselves in response to fear!
@amirahaidary4187 8 ай бұрын
Taking another look at this. Thanks.
@Me_ThatsWho 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this. More please !
@PsychologicalExplorations 8 ай бұрын
You're welcome! More to come :)
@milonmitra 8 ай бұрын
Strangely I observed the phenomena of My blankie or My teddy in almost all the children but its significance never occurred to me.
@gavin7677 8 ай бұрын
Thank you
@amirahaidary4187 9 ай бұрын
So interesting to learn about this and start to become aware of the dynamic. Thank you!
@PsychologicalExplorations 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for tuning in, Amira!
@gphilipvirgil355 9 ай бұрын
Excellent presentation. Thank you for posting.
@PsychologicalExplorations 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
@catalystcomet 9 ай бұрын
I just figured this out with my mom, telling her at 34 that I don't share her beliefs about certain things, but more importantly that I wasn't the person I realized she'd formed me to be. She lost it and the guilt was immense. But yesterday, I looked in the mirror and thought I was actually pretty good the first time. It was like I hadn't seen myself before. I've come to realize, with the help of an amazing therapist, that I have lived with structural dissociation. I've gone my whole life with a level of depersonalization and had no idea until about a month ago my husband touched my hand and I felt it in the first person. It's a trip. Hugging my children was... unspeakable, it was the love between a mother and child I realized I'd never had with mine. It led me to allowing myself to finally realize who she was and what I was to her. But I didn't know the name of it until you popped up in my feed. Thank you.
@PsychologicalExplorations 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! We are glad to hear this video was helpful and meaningful.
@mindkindmom 6 ай бұрын
This helped me understand my maternal grandmother who I looked on as my surrogate mother after my mother's death. She projected all her repressed feelings onto me and I began feeling what she was feeling. Getting her out of my head was one big block to overcome.
@bellakrinkle9381 5 ай бұрын
Wow! Good on you! I'm still absorbing the reality that mom was always a delusional christian. Structural disassociation. Many thanks I will reflect on this since I've been unable to understand her "craziness" and her effect/affect on me.
@talkingpsychology 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this very interesting video. I wonder what Greenacre would have said about the Ideal ego of imposters if she had used that concept. Anyway thanks again for the video!
@PsychologicalExplorations 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for tuning in!
@mitmit2340 9 ай бұрын
This was truly excellent - thank you for taking the time and effort to step thru this paper in such a careful and considered way. These are amazing ideas that more people should know about. I would have struggled with W’s paper - you made it much easier to engage with his work ❤
@PsychologicalExplorations 9 ай бұрын
Thank you! We are happy to hear you enjoyed this presentation. Winnicott's work is very special to us.
@psychoanalyticinterviews 9 ай бұрын
Great inflection and explanation!
@PsychologicalExplorations 9 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@amirahaidary4187 10 ай бұрын
Thank you all. That was so interesting. I picked up some good nuggets of wisdom and food for thought and resonated with many of the questions you all asked. I think as far as holding tension and impulse are concerned, practicing yoga, meditation and breathing (pranayama) is the best training I’ve experienced for this.
@PsychologicalExplorations 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, Amira! We are so glad you found this topic interesting and you picked up some good nuggets. Yes, I couldn't agree more about holding tension and impulse! Thank you for engaging in the content. It's much appreciated.
@JohnEpto-ng6ml Жыл бұрын
Can I email a question?
@PsychologicalExplorations Жыл бұрын
Of course! You can reach us at: [email protected]