Symptoms of a lean engine
8 жыл бұрын
Autumn twistie ride
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New bike reveal!
9 жыл бұрын
Classic Motorrace Tubbergen 2015
GoPro chest harnass test
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2015 first spring ride
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GPX 600 R 25kw acceleration
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Evening ride 2
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Evening ride
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Classic race Itterbeck 2014
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GPX 600 R Laser exhaust
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Gramsbergen TT 2014
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GPX 600 R 25kw ride
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FM transmitter and receiver
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GPX600R (ZX600C) 25kw cold start
GPX600R (ZX600C) 25kw warm start
Speling schakelpook GPX
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GPX600R startup fail
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Tactical Camp Poland
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12 жыл бұрын
Krav Maga Academy demo 1
12 жыл бұрын
Krav Maga Academy demo 2
12 жыл бұрын
Smoke bomb test
12 жыл бұрын
@Saturno3nTi 13 күн бұрын
Sería muy lamentable que un mal elemento usará esta tecnología con fines personales
@ukaszpodhajski5250 Ай бұрын
What are those wire pens called?
@tHaH4x0r Ай бұрын
Generally they are just called 'wiring pencil'. I believe there's commercial models available, but these are quite expensive for what they are. Generally people assemble their own together, using simply their favorite pencil, a blunted needle and a spool (ex. from sewing machines).
@kevinvandijk4871 5 ай бұрын
I have the same from 1991 take off the restrictions as soon as possible this bike is awesome !
@kevinvandijk4871 5 ай бұрын
I just bought the same bake from 1991! It’s still stock but it rides and runs great!
@morominaolenmina 5 ай бұрын
Great bike!!👍
@morominaolenmina 5 ай бұрын
it is loud?
@tHaH4x0r 5 ай бұрын
I don't have the bike anymore, but from memory it's loud, but not obnoxiously so. Still think one of the best exhausts available for the GPX.
@morominaolenmina 5 ай бұрын
@@tHaH4x0r thanx For answer!
I am so glad that I have cnc milling machine on my table that cost me just about 300 bucks. We live in a wonderful world.
@abcdefgh99697 8 ай бұрын
I can't believe I'm watching this legend at work. My mind is blown
@yorkwoo8748 11 ай бұрын
Great ideas that I never thought.
@ДимитърЦеков-ю1м Жыл бұрын
I have the same problem how do you fixed ive change oil oil filter spark plug air filter and I clean the carbs as well the bike start but after 5-10 min work its stop just like 💨💨that and wont start
@tHaH4x0r Жыл бұрын
First thing to check is if you have fuel in the floatbowls, and a spark at the sparkplugs. Pull the plugs hold them against the engine, see if its a clear spark. I have had a similar problem with my zxr750, where it would stop firing when warm. In that case it was the ECU. It could also be the ignition coils which stop working when warm, and the sparkplug boots! Good luck solving the issue, let me know how you get on! Intermittent problems are the hardest to diagnose and fix.
@Derrick6162 Жыл бұрын
Except the music, I find this satisfying to watch. Brings back memories of my younger days in electronics. Thank you.
@nichtverstehen2045 Жыл бұрын
that was scary!
@Xenon777channel Жыл бұрын
Regarding my comment today in Jennifer Love-Hewitt's channel CC'd to a few senators & actors, where I typed I disagree that it's a " win-win " for the salesperson to receive ~4%, and the recipient receives spying, in " Anarcho-Capitalistic laissez-faire 3D traditional Newtonic science paradigm ", within which people preferentially assert: " They don't know they're spied on until they're hit with a bullet..., they have no knowledge and they won't be crowding your HQ's stairwells..., they'll ony be conducting their life as usual, without knowing your location, & without taking legal action against you..., so you can just pvrchase it from your pocket, or from the government taxpayer pool [(depending on who the recipient is)], and then abuse power, abuse conceptualizations in science, and abuse excuses i.e. " They're not in the stairwells and we have no letter from a lawyer in our mailbox, so we can continue as they don't know how to lodge a legal complaint to us for violating their privacy, sharing their screens 24/7. " ----- So do you get all this faux-logic, or not? It's childish. " Where is their telepathic ability to locate our HQ, and read our mind as to what our address is? " --- This type of childish logic. So, as soon as they go home, if their phone screen is shared 24/7 to 100 people, and their apartment / house has hidden cameras they don't know about, the same logic applies to them? Or is it " pick & choose logic " like " No, when it's about me, ... " --- Also, there is 100% factual objective truth in every case, ALWAYS, there is no selection of truth " I'll pick this one ", you can't pick truth, you're underneath it... which btw is why I abandon the nation of China as around 99.9% of them think truth is something you can pick on a table, while the 0.01% elite Chinese feel very frustrated by kindergarten " subjectivity " and leave the country. So this 4th paragraph is tied to that spying is 100% objective truth, and should be treated as such by all parties involved. There is no such thing as karma, however the " human-stylized karma " to spy on the spy i.e. their phone 24/7 and their house/apartment 24/7 to screenfeed the poison-subjectivity back to them, like: " But you said if people don't know it doesn't matter, why are you complaining your house and phone is screenfed on 100 screens? You said for many years that it doesn't matter. "
@hugomartinsphoto Жыл бұрын
Looks fun!
@Xenon777channel Жыл бұрын
1:07 - " Truecrypt " so inbetween the lines Finfisher is saying encryption has no value, passwords have no value, 'everything has no value' when your screen is livestreamed via remote desktop / Finfisher Etc. So like what's the point in any of it ? Come on, millions of people which are not tech savvy start to talk less, act less, feel afraid of sensitive conversations being eavesdropped so prefer face to face Etc. is it a utopia with millions of people feeling unsure about their phones? Phones are very important!
@chase6428 Жыл бұрын
I think id rather die than hand solder SMD chips with 60+ pins to a proto board. Their is a reason dev boards exist.
@dir2002usable Жыл бұрын
what is the tool at time code 0:40?
@tHaH4x0r Жыл бұрын
It is a wire dispensing tool made out of a ballpoint pen. For more information, see my older comment replying to ArcanePath360.
@simonlinser8286 Жыл бұрын
of course it had to be Japanese.
@Xenon777channel Жыл бұрын
Very interesting video, who created it?
@Xenon777channel Жыл бұрын
Logic... encryption is 'nonsense', and VPN 'doesn't work' =o), in the scenario in this video. Look at the HQ in this video.. checking the screen of the target having the Skype conversation + sending the encrypted files, they have not 'hacked' Skype, they have not 'hacked' the encrypted files, they have *** full access *** to the target's PC。  Ok、 let's continue the scenario, the target goes to his neighbor's house and starts using his/her PC with his/her Wi-Fi, the HQ doesn't know he went there.. so then? Everything which happened on the PC at the neighbor's house, is unknown by the HQ, as they're not monitoring that house (Wi-Fi & PC with Windows backdoor Trojans not visible in Task Manager processes, so formatting the PC doesn't remove the trojan), ok..? Hm, then how about if the HQ _knows_ that the target sometimes goes to his neighbors house? Would they then 'install' the FinSpy Finfisher surveillance in the neighbors house, which is cooperative with Windows as a non-detectable trojan? Without their consent / knowledge? Well.. sort of? Like: "We're going to start monitoring your PC, just in case your neighbor scuttles over to your house sometimes, we need to check what's going on on your screen." ...ok? So, what would the neighbor do with that information? And, then the target would stop going there. So it 'doesn't work'.. And if the target and his neighbor were given that information、 what would they do with it? Example 1) The neighbor would ask to be paid for being monitored 7 days a week, just in case his/her neighbor scuttles over to his/her house for extra privacy. Example 2) The neighbor would 'flip out' and 'go bezerk' at the police HQ saying they've remotely installed FinSpy / Finfisher to check all activity on his/her PC. Ok, so then it's logical that in order to avoid these scenarios, the government would impose strict laws that all surveillance workers can: Paragraph A) Not inform any of the targets under any circumstances, penalty incursion $10,000 + jail. Paragraph B) Not inform any friends, relatives, nor coworkers which are external to the immediate department of placement, penalty: same. So then via this 'nifty law' the surveillance workers are suddenly all quiet mouses! Are there examples contrary to this? Well... how about the raid on the FinSpy Finfisher offices? The developers? The HQ raided the developer of the trojan software! So then they're 'very informed', like.. Finfisher created the trojan software so they know exactly what it does, they vaguely know who has it... So, the very informed Finfisher office worker, would he take the elevator to another office, i.e. Sony, to send an E-mail: " Hey, we're going to be raided tomorrow. ", or would he send it from his office PC? Of course he'd go to Sony to send an important e-mail like that, 'away from the target'. Plus, would Finfisher employees or ex-employees recommend VPN & Truecrypt? Of course not. The PC has a unique identifier i.e. a MACID, which is transmitted over all networks, so actually even if you move a PC from i.e. USA to Hong Kong, the MACID at some cafe or airport Wi-Fi in Hong Kong will still be found! So, then the authorities think: " Well kids are so smart these days and understand the unique identifier / MACID, the lack of effectiveness of VPN, so what do we do? We create a passport registration system, so every time they buy a laptop, phone, sim-card, dildo or toothpaste, they have to show their passport, and then the purchase is sent to the HQ. " ...ok? So then the government is " The Mafia ". Also, if the neighbor would ask to be paid, or go bezerk, then isn't it wrong that the neighbor isn't informed? For example... if someone is raped under sedatives, i.e. " date rape ", or while unconscious during plastic surgery, then they wake up and " don't know ", do the authorities argue that " It's ok since they don't know it happened " (..?)
@psps8030 Жыл бұрын
Great prototyping. Mitxela did this to.
@JKTCGMV13 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the reupload
@brunokener712 2 жыл бұрын
( A PALAVRA DE DEUS ) ( Efésios. 2:8-10 ) "Porque pela graça sois salvos, por meio da fé; e isto não vem de vós, é dom de Deus. Não vem das obras, para que ninguém se glorie; porque somos feitura sua, criados em Cristo Jesus para as boas obras, as quais Deus preparou para que andássemos nelas." Se eu perguntar a Deus se serei salvo por suas obras, Deus responderá com as palavras do versículo acima que não, "porque pela graça sois salvos". Se eu quiser acreditar que minha fidelidade tenha algo a ver com minha salvação, Deus dirá que é "por meio da fé". Então, enquanto eu estiver vasculhando em todos os bolsos de meu ser para ver se encontro algo que possa dar ou fazer para Deus a fim de garantir minha salvação, ele me diz: "Isto não vem de vós", e completa dizendo que é um "dom", ou dádiva. Então, se eu ainda insistir e perguntar: "Será que não tem alguma obra que eu possa fazer, Senhor?", sua resposta será que a salvação "não vem das obras, para que ninguém se glorie". Então pergunto em que parte do processo as obras aparecem e ele me diz que é depois de eu já ter sido salvo, já que fui novamente "criado em Cristo Jesus para as boas obras" que ele preparou para eu andar nelas. E mesmo que eu as cumpra, no final para quem irá a glória? Para Deus. ( Romanos. 10:9-10,13 ) "Porque, se com a tua boca confessares a Jesus como Senhor, e em teu coração creres que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, será salvo; pois é com o coração que se crê para a justiça, e com a boca se faz confissão para a salvação. Porque: Todo aquele que invocar o nome do Senhor será salvo." ( João. 14:6 ) "Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade, e a vida; ninguém vem ao Pai, senão por mim." ( Atos. 16:31 ) "Crê no Senhor Jesus e serás salvo, tu e tua casa."
@dantheman4life 2 жыл бұрын
Krav Maga definitely helped me gain more confidence when it comes to defending myself. I should join a academy/gym again. I always had a great time learning new techniques from the instructors.
@planker 2 жыл бұрын
@MrSabotax 2 жыл бұрын
"They called me a madman"
@mmotorcycles9497 2 жыл бұрын
Riding at the way you’re supposed to very nice
@typedef_ 3 жыл бұрын
Only to find out the design is completely wrong.
@prometheus4130 3 жыл бұрын
Was this a new olympic sport?
@aubreymarsh2309 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely incredible.
@izzyramos-gunn9895 3 жыл бұрын
What kind of glue is used to hold the chip down?
@primuss3s 3 жыл бұрын
монтажници в 73 цеху еще и не такое виделивали
@NeoAnthony 3 жыл бұрын
Hands of a surgeon, patience of a saint!
@Rand0081 3 жыл бұрын
What's the meaning of the japanese description when it says not to use the small solder tip?
@johntoe6127 3 жыл бұрын
This takes about as much time as ordering a breakout board from China and waiting for it to arrive.
@RobMoses 3 жыл бұрын
Damn that looks like a lot of fun!
@dylankane5919 3 жыл бұрын
This is great for when society collapses and you can't get a pcb made
@a.ijuhasz135 3 жыл бұрын
U mean right now?
@bgtech-tips6826 2 жыл бұрын
@@a.ijuhasz135 lmao
@ingenierocristian 2 жыл бұрын
Let me tell you that proffesionals on electronics use these types of prototyping all the time, because they need the prototype right now, and they don’t have the time in order to wait their PCB manufactured in China, for you amateurs, it’s ok to wait a week for a PCB, not for a company who spend millions!
@robowaifutechnician Жыл бұрын
Cope. If the company has many resources they'll have some kind of machine that can print custom pcb's anyways.
@GoGoGoRunRunRun 3 күн бұрын
​@@a.ijuhasz135Yeah, society collapsed 3 years ago.
@tvpostel 3 жыл бұрын
Total crazy:))
@BACSITUANTU 4 жыл бұрын
so clean sound
@RaccoonEatingCacti 4 жыл бұрын
That wire pen idea has me pumped and kind of angry. mindblowing video
@mortenlund1418 4 жыл бұрын
Really nice to see it can be done. Thou I would do it as last solution.
@MrLeonard750 4 жыл бұрын
Good old school bike,very reliable.i hope you stil have it.I have two Gpz 750 in my garaje and a 2000 Triumph rs 955. Greetings from Romania,i watch this during quarantine. :)
@za3imbacha629 4 жыл бұрын
I want your opinion on this
@prashkd7684 4 жыл бұрын
Waring !! This hack requires extreme level of patience and eyes of a hawk
@oyukiyurei1931 4 жыл бұрын
Spionage-Trojaner FinFisher ""
@ivan868 4 жыл бұрын
Most stupid method ever. Use PCB instead.
@АлександрБурчиц-ы1ч 5 жыл бұрын
Осел старт простирает
@GeorgeGeorge-xj2bc 5 жыл бұрын
And how many weeks took to finish a project that in case of something went wrong it is almost impossible to find the error and fix it?Just for impression only.
@tHaH4x0r 5 жыл бұрын
You can check out his website, and see he has a lot of finished projects. Also, you have to realize that it has been only fairly recently that affordable PCBs have been available for hobbyists. Before that you didnt have a lot of choice except point to point wiring or strip board.
@werwolf6746 5 жыл бұрын
Schrecklich, wenn Staaten solche Software verwenden. Wissen die denn nicht, dass Gamma International und die ganzen anderen Firmen ebenfalls Zugriff auf die Daten haben? Und generell ist es sehr gefährlich, seine Bürger auszuspähen, Stichwort "Selbstzensur". Da geht die Meinungsfreiheit effektiv dahin...