@SockNinja013 10 сағат бұрын
I was kind of hoping he'd use the naval blockade ability after he said gg.
@N7-SHARK 44 минут бұрын
I think he really thought he had lost at that point... He really has excellent manners lol
@junctiontime 12 сағат бұрын
4:52 extremely cheeky spin by that fallschirmpioneer XD
@N7-SHARK 11 сағат бұрын
Hahaha he probably heard my dog barking and was like "WHO IS BEHIND ME?"
@MrSmokincodz 14 сағат бұрын
Awesome cast and very skilled players. I know Kannamix has whooped my ass before haha
@N7-SHARK 11 сағат бұрын
Thanks! And yeah both players definitely know what's up
@paulfaure6210 18 сағат бұрын
Hello N7 SHARK ! I will give the answer in French, because it concerns Kannamix (WM Player). La partie est vraiment intéressante. J'ai déjà testé ce "style" de jeu avec la doctrine Luffwaffe et ses Fallshim. Il est possible de gagner comme ça (contre des joueurs qui font des erreurs dans leur composition d'armée), mais ça ne marche pas très bien en vérité. Au départ, celà fait mongoliser l'allié. Cependant, progressivement, on perd l'ensemble de la carte, et entre 15 et 20min, on a presque totalement perdu le contrôle de la map, et donc les étoiles et les tickets. La meilleure façon d'utiliser la Doc Luffwaffe est la suivante. 1/ Build order : - Early game (0-7min) : Pioneer + MG + Fallschimpioneer + MG + Fallschimpioneer + Grenadier + Grenadier + T1 Vet. - Middle Game (7-14min) : T3 + Mortar + Fallschimjaeger + ATGun. - Late Game (14min and more) : Fallschimjaeger x2 (just If no fuel), or T4 (if fuel and map control) + choice (Panzer IV vs elite troop (no bazoola) or tanks ; Stobtruppen vs ATGuns or elite troop (bazooka)). T3 + upgrade + nebel should be regarded vs US Obusiers (or big planes bomber doc on it with ammos). 2/ Tactique : - Early game : Un ingénieur de chaque côté. Il capture et donne la vue. L'avantage des Fallschimpioneers, c'est que le temps de trajet est "nul" (le temps de parachutage est aussi long que la construction en revanche). On commence donc par la MG et on parachute le Fallschimpioneer pour l'accompagner. La même chose de l'autre côté de la carte. Sur le papier, les fantassins WM ne peuvent pas rivaliser contre les fantassins alliés. C'est la raison pour laquelle, pour tenir le terrain, il faut une MG qui interdise les mouvements proches dans la ligne de front au combat, et qui force la retraite des unités ennemies. A ce stade, avec de l'expérience, il est relativement facile d'obtenir un excellent "map control" et de retarder la montée en technologie allié de 2 à 4 min. Les 2 Grenadiers sont très important également. Il permette de renforcer le côté en difficulté (celui où l'ennemi est le plus nombreux). Ils permettent de s'opposer ou de contourner. Par la suite, leur capacité sont capitales (Grenade et surtout PanzerFaust). En effet, le premier PanzerFaust étourdit le véhicule et l'endommage, forçant la retraire et la réparation, et donc, monopolise un ingénieur allié (et force sa contruction s'il n'y en a pas) et le véhicule, donnant du temps au WM de se développer. Plus tard, la destruction du moteur avec double Panzerfaust (ou PanzerFaust générant moins de 50% de vie) empêche la retraire du véhicule. Celà n'est possible qu'avec le T1 Vet. Il permet également les soins automatique des Fallschim, d'équipe des grenadiers, et l'option fusée éclairante du mortier. - Middle Game : T3 pour l'ATGun (il permet d'aider à éliminer les véhicules ayant le moteur cassé). Le mortier donne la vue et donne une solution aux positions de MG allié empêchant d'avancer. Il offre aussi un DPS sur les unités fixe au combat et rééquilibre la balance en votre faveur dans les combats (infanterie vs infanterie). Le Fallschimjaeger est à la fois un Grenadier, un PanzerGrenadier, avec le camouflage d'une troupe d'élite. Comme il a un Panzerfaust dans son arsenal, il aide grandement à piéger les véhicules et tank trop proche du front, avec l'appui des Grenadiers et de l'ATGun. Normalement, vous arrivez à 15-20min de jeu avec un bon contrôle de la carte et un grand avantage de tickets. - Late game : A partir de 15 min, vous devriez pouvoir cloturer la game. Le Panzer IV est la voie la plus facile, surtout s'il a des jupes blindés. Mais en fonction de la réponse de l'ennemi, Le Stobtruppen peut être une meilleure réponse, et le nebelweffer au préalable aussi. Dans tous les cas, si vous avez bien travaillé, l'ennemi ne peut pas opposer mieux qu'un ou deux tanks légers !!! Avec votre arsenal, et la fusée éclairante pour définir où l'ennemi se trouve, comment il est placé, et qu'elles sont les failles, il sera assez simple de le martyriser encore 5-10min de plus, le temps qu'il n'ait plus de tickets.
@N7-SHARK 18 сағат бұрын
Wow this is some analysis! Thank you for the detailed analysis of this build. Maybe I'll give it a shot and post the video :)
@paulfaure6210 13 сағат бұрын
@@N7-SHARK 😃Yes you can. I will try, with my poor english, to explain the tactic, if you want play Lufftwaffe Doctrine. 1/ First one, block 2 maps (Villa Fiore and Two beaches). Brit have just too many fuel early on it. Fast Humber just smoke you ! 2/ Let's go on the game now. Begin Engineer + T1. 3/ Each engineer on each side. Build MG + Unlock Lufftwaffe + Unlock Fallschimpioneer + "GL HF" 🙂 4/ Manage each engineer (capture) depending on when the MG will join them. 5/ When an MG joins an engineer, parachute the Fallschimpioneer with it to accompany it. 6/ Build second MG. Same thing with second Fallschimpioneer. 7/ Take control of your half of the field and part of the opponent. Here the managment of your units is VERY important. This is the first key of your victory game. - Engineer have a good range sight (like US scout). He go to show the frontline alone. - On the same time, your MG follow behind at ~ 30-35 meters (range sight), with the Fallschim. The better stay an axis Engineer and MG pointed the travel opponent since his main base or close opponent point. - Engineer is like a mouse trap. When infantry opponent appears retry your engineer on your MG, and use Fallschim to flank or cover flank MG (depending of the field). Your MG must not be flank by another opponent unit. Manage appropriately. Stay focus !!! You need to manage that on both side. - If this is an infantry. Opponent have no choice to back up (MG suppression). - If Opponent have an MG, Forces to shoot on Engineer or Fallschim (with green undercover), and use DPS MG on maximum range to DPS/Suppression opponent MG. If your Fallschim is free => Satchel charge !!! Carefull, an US player can be use scout smoke if he unlock it. 8/ At this time, your opponent have back up on both side and understand you are strong player. Use this time to cut his side fuel. Manage your units to build a new trap for the second wave. Do not forget to put some very good location mines !!! (Advantages, Fallschimpioneer can put mine too) 9/ In same time, when you fight, do not forget : Build Grenadier + Grenadier + T1 Vet (stronger units, autoheal for fallschim, collective heal / grenades / PanzerFaust for grenadiers). 10/ Now, your opponent is unhappy (poor control map, poor fuel). He go to counter attack with all his army somewhere on one side (generally on his side fuel). He probably use mortar because he understand now yours 2 MG is a big problem ! But he don t know where yours MG have taken position. Keep attention on mortar shoot. Take you ready to change your MG position and Manage the mouvement safety with their friend (Engineer and Fallschim) to maintain surprise and traps. 11/ Both Grenadier come to help on counter attack. Use it to flank ennemies, or maintain pressure if your MG have back up, and wait MG come back on frontline. 12/ 7-9 min of your game ! You have finish the early game (strong time of Lufftwaffe Doc), and you arrive on middle game (weak time of Luffwaffe Doc). But that is great. Your opponent had a poor fuel, cannot use mass vehicule, cannot use mass infantry unit (mortar needed because of your MG). You can keep the half of map control minimum (ammos and fuel income), and continue to trap. 13/ Now, vehicule or light tank can come. Build Mortar + Fallschimjaeger + T3 + ATGun. 14/ The trap of light tank, it is yours both Grenadiers and your Fallschimjaeger. When light tank come with confidence on the front line ( too close) => Jump on it !!! => PanzerFaust !!! This is the reasons you have 2 Grenadiers and 1 Fallschimjaeger. 15/ ATGun position is your MG but versus ennemies tank. Keep it in the shadows behind the front line. Like MG at this time, it is your back up position of yours units frontline. Take ATGun to the front when the engines are broken only. 16/ Tighten the MG positions at this point in the game. The opponent will play grouped. 17/ Mortar is the ideal solution for static infantry fighting, MG positions. 18/ If your opponent is on trouble, with looses, or too poor infantry frontline, and he do not want come back on the fight ... No Mercy => Use Flares of your mortar vet1 to understand where he is => keep pressure on failures, or bomb MG/ATGun/Mortar positions ! 19/ You finish middle game (~15min). Normally, you are good on the map. Your opponent is underpressure. 20/ Your opponent have taken damage, and You’ll face 3 situations. - Opponent have continued to produce light vehicule to replace looses vs yours Panzerfausts and ATGun => T4 + Panzer IV + Panzer IV + Upgrades flanks => Opponent light tank cannot fight that => Opponent abandone. - Opponent go to be "crazy" with yours MG positions. He produce MortarSSS, artielleries pieces... => If he have many ATGun => T3 + unlock + Nebel to smoke that or open an assault on that. If he have no ATGun, or just one => T4 etc... - Opponent are afraid of your income fuel on the game. He produce elite troop with bazooka => MG + Grenadier + MG + Grenadier. Impossible for your opponent to fight and travel inside 4 MG + 5 Infantries + 1 Mortar... - Opponent saved his fuel but does not have enough to make a tank now. Then, you go to see an MG/Mortar/ATGun and 3-4 Infantries units => T4 etc... You go to have 2 Tanks when he build just 1. Your Flares Mortar show ennemies positions. Focus on the neutralization of his ATGun, to be sure that the excess of your tanks is not disputed. Be aggressive with your Grenadiers/FallschimJaeger if the tank appears to break its engine, mobility and facilitate its destruction. The opponent will give up seeing that the economy of an entire game is easily eliminated. . Lufftwaffe Doc is an early game strong power. Fallschimpioneer offers a free travel time from your mainbase. LG40 parachute can save you if you miss all the fight on both side (versus light tank and vehicule only, but not versus medium and heavy tank, not enough good percing at long range for that). Like you force the opponent to play with infantry, you may need to deal with elite troop bazooka. The reduction in the cost of strengthening doc is appreciable, because you will need more jaeger or stobtruppen. Luffwaffe Doc is very weak on middle game, like WM options without doc (just Stummel or Halftrack 221). You must be delay Allied technologies to arrive on late game. And to do that, yours MG are the keys vs infantries, and your infantries are the keys to stop vehicules tactics. . Tank Doc (8 Rad and Panther) are better, i think. Sure, on early game, you go to manage side with Engineer + MG only. But Reinforcing Grenadiers come early. And you go to build 4 Grenadiers. Or 3 + 1 Mortars if opponent love MGs too. But When you arrive on middle game. You call 2 Autoblindé 8 Rad + AtGun + T3 Vet. 8 Rad (x2) have huge DPS, huge sight range (specially with scope and vet1, with options), can take points ... It is pretty amazing. Ennemies vehicules want chase them ... And fall down on PanzerFaust of 4 Grenadiers 😅 !!! Or Opponent go to be affraid and make too many ATGun, and not enough infantries front line (he looses definitly map control when he make that). Generally, map control are so good, and when Panther appears to violate a tank ... Opponent understand and give up.
@MrSmokincodz 19 сағат бұрын
Ty so much for the cast! Sher was a excellent player.
@N7-SHARK 19 сағат бұрын
Of course! It was an awesome game
@MrSmokincodz 19 сағат бұрын
@@N7-SHARK ☺️
@ethanrohitmir7818 21 сағат бұрын
Thanks for the cast it was enlightening also well played for both players. But I agree, Dak player should have bring his ambulance a little further or even better he should have use his second UT as an forward reinforcement point and rely on soft retreats when neaded just like you said.
@N7-SHARK 20 сағат бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@Turtlewar 23 сағат бұрын
Bro the VP😂😂😂😂
@N7-SHARK 22 сағат бұрын
Hahaha at least you watched till the end of this one lol
@Schwermetalloer Күн бұрын
what a well fought game, thanks for the cast!
@N7-SHARK Күн бұрын
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!
@stevezhu4855 Күн бұрын
Was an exciting watch, thanks for the cast Shark! Fairly interesting strat that paid dividends for the USF player, prioritizing muni points, early rangers and advanced logistics carried really well into the late game against the stoß Tiger combo, can't complain about the Brit player's build at all beyond the lack of an early dingo. Seems the axis players lost due to a series of terrible decisions though: Wehr player had MP40 upgrades for grens but never used it, didn't get a stummel to put pressure on infantry when fighting in the city, didn't get another MG, PG or stoß out to even the field against rangers before he lost the first tiger to due to bad micro, didn't learn from the loss of his first tiger and bring paks or a stug for support against hellcats when he pushed city again, the wehr player simply failed to use his more cost effective units effectively beyond some good MG micro For the DAK player, the lack of any light vehicle play in favour of a tiger stall was a very bad idea if he had done any coordinating with the wehr player. He knew that the Brit player went double Aussie squads which means pretty much no snares, and there was pretty much no AT to speak from the British player until he got foot guards and Grants beyond a 2pdr, which could have easily been exploited by an 8rad or flaktrack push supported by a Leig and a squad of panzerjagers with his LMG PGs. He also made no real attempts to push against the howitzer or bishop despite focusing middle, to which a recon halftrack would have been helpful for spotting holes in the Brit player's lines. Didn't see many mines being planted by the axis players the whole game either, a rebuild on the ketten from the wehr player would have made a world of difference in that regard. Not to take away from the win, but the axis players didn't seize opportunities they would had in the mid game and it cost them the game when paired with poor decisions in the late game
@N7-SHARK Күн бұрын
@stevezhu4855 really solid analysis here, and i agree with everything you're saying, particularly the DAK transition to mechanized play on seeing the aussies. the mortar halftracks did a bunch of damage, but they obviously don't scale into the late game the way you like. at the end of the day, i think this game highlights that even a tiger needs support to be effective. it's not a "win button" by any means, but a wicked hard problem for your opponent to solve. really impressed with your take. if you have any interest in participating in a cast let me know.
@kerrypaz7576 Күн бұрын
Rangers are so balanced.
@N7-SHARK Күн бұрын
They definitely need to be locked behind another CP or two. Lately I'm noticing that gurkhas and foot guards are pretty insane too.
@nhifuu Күн бұрын
Is it me or this is an allied sided map? lol
@N7-SHARK Күн бұрын
I'm not sure. Open terrain favors mechanized play and ranged infantry, minimal garrisons, etc. I'll have to see if I can find some statistics.
@nhifuu Күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK Maybe it's because there are really good flanks on this map lol
@SoldierofFortune3 2 күн бұрын
What an ending, great cast and well played to both players!
@N7-SHARK 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, I love these games that come down to the wire. Well played on both sides!
@user-tw4ko5xt4s 2 күн бұрын
Is there a need to always turn the map and camera? In my opinion, it is very disorienting to watch cause pply used to play from one angle.
@N7-SHARK 2 күн бұрын
I do it to try to show as much of the field as possible, since the game limits your ability to zoom out. I also rotate the camera when I play. If you haven't tried that... Give it a shot :)
@ubartheimpaler 2 күн бұрын
I agree, constantly rotating and panning makes it more cinematic, but also makes it almost impossible to properly follow the match
@michajagielski8381 2 күн бұрын
Its a huge oversight that the game doesnt allow you to instantly rotate the camera to the forward pointing position, with a single hotkey. You have to do it manually every match if you like playing with this view.
@Turtlewar 3 күн бұрын
One of the big problems is Terpene kept letting the Gustas get close enough to use flamers and not microing away from them. You can't sit there and win a close quarters engagement with Gusta/flamers
@Turtlewar 3 күн бұрын
commented before finishing the video again LMFAO Yeah Sher needed that Tiger out earlier
@N7-SHARK 3 күн бұрын
Yeah or a P3 train a la Alpenwell
@gaborchodkowski-gyurics279 3 күн бұрын
Hi, Shark! Loving the channel, but for some time I've been thinking that the post-game build order reviews could be made much more useful if they included some key tech choices. For DAK and USF in particular the timing of some of those global upgrades can be a huge part of one's gameplan.
@N7-SHARK 3 күн бұрын
That's a good point. I'll see if I can include those in the future. Thanks!
@morgrock3795 3 күн бұрын
Casts are so high quality, it's insane. Hopefully it will help to bring people back to the game through showing how good it became recently. Thank you Shark and your team!
@N7-SHARK 3 күн бұрын
Thanks man! Doing our best over here and always looking for more great play to highlight!
@DerFuchsJr 4 күн бұрын
nice cast, however i think i like a more traditional camera perspective
@N7-SHARK 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, I understand that. I try to show as much of the action as possible. Maybe I'll make a video explaining why I rotate all the time :)
@simonsaiz 6 күн бұрын
Really entertaining game. The commentary and analysis from Otto was a great. Keep up the good work Shark, I'm loving your channel. 👌
@N7-SHARK 5 күн бұрын
Thanks man! Glad you're enjoying the casts!
@SNAKEx197 6 күн бұрын
I need this, I’m just starting this games PvP.
@N7-SHARK 5 күн бұрын
Awesome! Hope it helps to be able to watch these. Sarge's discord is another great place to get advice and find teammates too
@SNAKEx197 5 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK thank you! I’ll definitely join!
@al_bundy3440 6 күн бұрын
Love the cast and in-depth analysis of strat and tactics especially as a noob to the coh3 community - learning loads - keep it up!
@N7-SHARK 6 күн бұрын
Thanks man! Glad you're enjoying it
@danlegend8486 6 күн бұрын
do allies ever win holy shit? Even with a early MG wipe and steal it wasnt even fcuking close, what an embarrassing state of balance.
@N7-SHARK 6 күн бұрын
I dunno man, if you look at the stats allies have an advantage in team games, and Dak are a little behind in 1v1, but good players find a way to win. It's always frustrating to lose... Lord knows I spend plenty of time shouting at my monitor so I'm not toxic to my opponent when I scuff something up. If you hit a rough patch try a different faction or game mode... Or better yet, forget and the elo and just try something new. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but I think the balance right now is generally in a good spot, and there is no replacement for this game. Even though I too get really frustrated by it at times.
@Turtlewar 7 күн бұрын
Cool whip suffering from the common axis Symptom of pushing your Tiger somewhere without scouting first! He walked right into a giant Anti-Tiger blob poor guy... Great match and great cast!
@Turtlewar 7 күн бұрын
I commented this before seeing the other two Tigers come out... Oof 😂
@N7-SHARK 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, and the labeling on rangers mean you can't see how many zooks they have until it's too late!
@N7-SHARK 7 күн бұрын
Yeah when Ares said "tiger over here too" I was like wtfffffff
@nhifuu 7 күн бұрын
Nice Video, co-casters mic is kind of irritating lol Weird to not see AT rifles from dak, or shreks. The WH was doing so good with his MG, but DAK had no vision to use his 4x mortar halftracks. That game would have been so rough if the rangers didn't exist, not sure what USF will have if/when they get nerfed. Commandos and Airbourne don't perform remotely close to what the Rangers do lol. DAK kind of brain farted that game for sure, and weird weird build coming from them to not go light vehicles (222, flak halftrack/tank).
@N7-SHARK 7 күн бұрын
Can you tell me what about the mic is irritating? He was very quiet so I had to turn it up but I think he's a smart dude and great co caster so I can try to fix for next time. Without rangers this build for USF doesn't work. Commandos and paras can't replace them. In that case you need light vehicles to carry the mid game. While I know rangers are frustrating for some, I think they give USF more options than just the meta armored build. I would like to see them behind more CPs though.
@nhifuu 6 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK I think he echos lol
@N7-SHARK 6 күн бұрын
Ok gotcha. Thanks for the feedback!
@SteroidSupraz 7 күн бұрын
What was the point if that replay? Waste of time, no drama nothing, just alies stomp axis, if I wanna see it I can play myself...
@danlegend8486 9 күн бұрын
@34:50 wtf u mean perfect build? Thats just standard OP flak rush
@N7-SHARK 9 күн бұрын
that's the best way to counter USF early infantry, especially if you expect rangers. doesn't work nearly as well against brits with their litany of anti-vehicle options in the early and mid game.
@Suwoking 10 күн бұрын
Instant supression on quad tracks is kinda busted tbh
@N7-SHARK 10 күн бұрын
I constantly go back and forth on this. It feels very strong but it's also necessary to counter infantry spam. I think if I made an adjustment it would be that it can only suppress while stationary.
@nhifuu 10 күн бұрын
Units die too fast in COH 3!
@N7-SHARK 9 күн бұрын
Haha unless they're the other guy's... Then they're invincible!
@pqfire0950 10 күн бұрын
What do you think when it comes to DAK vs Wehrmacht? Are they pretty balanced as factions or is one generally considered more effective than the other one?
@N7-SHARK 9 күн бұрын
Everyone will have a preference based on style... I prefer DAK because I like the maneuver focused, attacking style of play. I think stats would tell you DAK is weaker in 1s and stronger in team games. But the nice thing about game balance right now is that all factions are viable.
@al_bundy3440 10 күн бұрын
Great cast! Really enjoyed it! ty
@N7-SHARK 10 күн бұрын
Thanks dude! Glad to hear it!
@paulfaure6210 11 күн бұрын
Grunt forgot ATGuns ... x2 ATGun classic when he saw the first Pumas ... and tactic of Alpenwell is over !
@N7-SHARK 11 күн бұрын
Yup. Especially the Aussie 2lbers. They'd work great in that situation!
@tokenoperator1983 12 күн бұрын
I would’ve been pissed
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
Haha well now I'm just gonna try it every chance I get
@junctiontime 12 күн бұрын
Really good casts, thanks. Recommend more and more use of "yes, and", improv style. Heard you guys using it more towards the latter half of the game, and it facilitates smooth commentary.
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
Thanks! And yeah, we're all about positivity and getting better over here. I'm still learning too :)
@alejandrogm1588 12 күн бұрын
These guys have the most creative names ever. LOL
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
Definitely some creative names in this community haha
@MrSmokincodz 12 күн бұрын
Hey bud how do i add you on discord haha. I requested sarge as a friend but cannot find you. Thanks for the help if you can. I dont use discord very much.
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
It's probably because I'm offline... Computer is shut down (doing work on the house). What's your discord username? I'll message you
@MrSmokincodz 12 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK terpeneprofile
@MrXCQT 12 күн бұрын
The flak vierling is the best counter for rangers. Zooks won't get them if it is used right. i always find it hard to get out the motor pool early enough to get an at gun when you are comitted to rangers.
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
Agree on both points. You either fully commit to rangers and have no vehicles or at, or you use them sparingly as part of a more balanced build
@MrXCQT 12 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK Btw it was really nice that Alpenwell was there in the end to comment on the game.
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
I agree. I love when I get to ask these guys about their matches.
@JohnstyPonst 12 күн бұрын
Felt like this game was over in the first 5… also yes, DA BOYS do get upgraded zooks
@dewdodu 12 күн бұрын
I felt the game could've swung to toilet guy, it looked like a lot of guys were going down but he had advance logistics. Resources, pop were remained fairly even because the mortar team was doing work burning Alpenwell's manpower. I think a few slight things like if the krad or half-track going down, maybe keeping the second scout alive. This could have allowed him to get solidify his AT defense. Props to Alpenwell for winning with DAK and it was entertaining seeing the half-track suppressing the entire USF.
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
Thanks for this... Always fun to have a question mid cast that you can't answer
@N7-SHARK 12 күн бұрын
Yeah I agree toilet guy was never really out of this one, even when the engagements always seemed to go alpenwell 's way
@SargeGG 13 күн бұрын
Ohh interesting, very neat tactic with the Ketten.
@N7-SHARK 13 күн бұрын
@MrSmokincodz 13 күн бұрын
Great cast shark. I got a nice one for you to cast if you want. Its lower elo but a fun one. Lots of good action.
@N7-SHARK 13 күн бұрын
Thanks! And yeah, send it to me! Always looking for fun games to cast and learn from
@MrSmokincodz 13 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK awesome! How can i send it to u
@N7-SHARK 13 күн бұрын
i'm in the SargeGG discord... find me and send me a message! kzbin.infoEIK-CJLrpi8?feature=share
@MrSmokincodz 13 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK kick ass I will for sure when I get home from work. Thanks a lot shark.
@reaklyf3451 13 күн бұрын
Thats pretty cool👍
@N7-SHARK 13 күн бұрын
Hahaha it didn't feel very cool when I looked over and my mortar was gone! But agreed it's pretty cheeky
@reaklyf3451 13 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARK oh yeah thats for sure
@JohnstyPonst 14 күн бұрын
I think it’s pronounced “mai-rin”, like…. Are you ADMIRING, bro?
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
Lol maybe... UMB a lot easier to say haha
@wargumbyx 14 күн бұрын
im no expert but i was thinking he needed to just get 3 or 4 greyhounds to clear the ww...but then i saw that the ww beat literally everything but heavy armor
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
Yeah the Greyhounds are a little too squishy to hard counter a WW. Maybe if you had two against one you'd take that fight. A chaffee would do better
@JohnstyPonst 14 күн бұрын
WW are extremely strong, esp 2. Will counter even AT guns by rushing them.
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
Especially the way they chew up infantry... If you don't have healing they bleed you hard
@c.1303 15 күн бұрын
Nice cast !
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
@Turtlewar 15 күн бұрын
Good cast and analysis! You're right about how USF struggles on the backfoot, Lattouf really needed to keep both of those hellcats alive at the end.
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
Yeah but at least he smoked that tiger!
@JohnstyPonst 14 күн бұрын
@@N7-SHARKbig cat hunting is peak dopamine rush
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
Sometimes it takes a cat (or two or three) to kill a cat
@ccettel3275 15 күн бұрын
Great work shark ❤ keep it up! I love the ending especially. Maybe you can show the map in the buildorder overview.
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
Thanks! Tell me more about the map in the build order. You think the graphic would be helpful in the breakdown?
@ViezeFredsel 15 күн бұрын
At 6 minutes I think the mortar got dropped by the weasel mate!
@N7-SHARK 14 күн бұрын
It did! I caught it in the post match but not during the cast... Just a step slower than you!
@Turtlewar 17 күн бұрын
The rare drop top Whizbang lmao! What a match for the allied players they kept the pressure on. The double whizbang shot was crazy.
@N7-SHARK 16 күн бұрын
Oh yeah. I had to turn up the mic volume so it didn't drown us out!