@Astroteologia_Universal 14 күн бұрын
Kate, any thoughts about the coming months?
@CyclesandTrends 13 күн бұрын
Hi I’ll try and record a new video soon. Two big cycles are active now as we approach the US Election. I’ll focus on those. Thanks for enquiring
@Astroteologia_Universal 12 күн бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends Thanks! Looking forward to your analysis! Always great! May you talk about the geopolitical themes too? Take care and thank you!
@ElgoergiolorenzoDosSantos 3 ай бұрын
When you gonna post again
@CyclesandTrends 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for nudging me. I’ll get round to it soon
@ElgoergiolorenzoDosSantos 13 күн бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends weird question what it mean when got Saturn and south node conjunct in Ariea in the second house I ask because you good at interpreting things with a modern view and I like that it is much needed in today's time
@RoxanneLodise.roxanne.lodise 3 ай бұрын
@CyclesandTrends 5 ай бұрын
Enjoy the eclipse, especially if you are lucky enough to be under the path of totality. Please note the reference to a ‘bridge with traffic on’ was not the US bridge incident. This video is much older. Recording also preceded Kate’s sad announcement and the US and Taiwan quakes. Eclipses manifest before, on and after the date of totality.
@katrinaedwards2041 5 ай бұрын
Thank you, Kate. Really enjoyed this. That cross is the New Madrid seismic zone, no?
@CyclesandTrends 5 ай бұрын
Thank you! Yes, I think it’s a little further down than the tip of Illinois but def close enough. That fault line is certainly getting a lot of interest online since the NY quake!
@katrinaedwards2041 5 ай бұрын
I was born the day Pope John Paul II was shot, 13/05/81. The second attempt was exactly a year after. The Prenatal Syzygy was conjunct mars on my birthday/1st assassination. 13°Taurus. The second attempt on his life and all the dates in your videos are activating the life out of my natal chart. My Mars, PNS and Chiron are activated every time? I really need to sit with this. It's really quite extraordinary.
@CyclesandTrends 5 ай бұрын
That’s really interesting. Thanks for sharing, Katrina
@joeparker2843 7 ай бұрын
Wow this is great research, what’s also interesting in 2005 around august an israeli settler set herself on fire in protest to the disengagement plan kicking settlers out of gaza. Strange contrast considering the latest news about aaron bushnell the man who done similar in protest to the war
@CyclesandTrends 7 ай бұрын
Thanks Joe! And yes, that is interesting. Thanks for sharing.
@jamesgreaves3023 7 ай бұрын
Thankyou for your post. As the Tropical Zodiac system is clearly correlated with Northern Hemisphere seasons, how does it work in the Southern Hemisphere?
@CyclesandTrends 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! Re ‘down under’ you’ve raised an important question, one that has long been the subject of very (very) intense debate. The short answer is that it “works” the same, it’s just that Aries is in the Spring here but it’s their autumn. This obviously raises lots of questions. At each Solstice the Sun is at its highest at each Equinox day and night are equal, so the sine wave pattern is maintained but those from down under are clearly not going to be feeling the same impetus that we associate with Aries, which is symbolically connected to new shoots, rising sap and birth of new baby lambs etc, as winter approaches. The fundamental symbolism of something new appearing with Aries and longer day length starting is simply not going to apply. So my own feeling is that because our entire existence is one of duality - dual unities, we should look at the divisions of 360 in the same way i.e., as 6 sets of pairs and every spot in the outgoing 6 divisions of 360 is mirrored in the other incoming 6, hence Aries/Libra share commonalities Taurus/Scorpio etc., etc too. It does lead to lots of questions though and astrologers in countries of the Southern hemisphere have had to come to their own view. To my mind though it’s yet another reason to look more deeply into the true nature of astrology and to question some of the more arcane rules “parroted by” Ancient Greeks who lived firmly in the Northern Hemisphere.
@lento2b 7 ай бұрын
Another great presentation! This inspires me to delve further into saros cycles and eclipse pathways. This April eclipse seems a real banger and I'm currently bracing myself for it as it strongly affects my chart. Please don't stop making videos - I love them so much. Even though I'm not so into Freemasonry, I'm buying your book as a way to say thank you!
@CyclesandTrends 7 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for your very kind and supportive comment - really appreciate it!
@LucienLew 7 ай бұрын
I agree that our understanding and application of resonance and frequencies, the geometry of planetary cycles and harmonic science will transform the study of astrology whilst Pluto is in Aquarius. Most people are unaware that E= MC^2 = hf, that there is a mass/energy/ frequency equivalence
@justlina2769 7 ай бұрын
What about Vedic astrology?
@CyclesandTrends 7 ай бұрын
What about it Justlina? Could you perhaps rephrase or expand on your question so I understand better what you are asking about with reference to Vedic astrology
@justlina2769 7 ай бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends My understanding is that the difference is that Vedic studies the planets and stars as they are in the sky, versus where they are from our earthly perspective. And I believe they would almost (almost) say that the sun was just another planet
@CyclesandTrends 7 ай бұрын
@@justlina2769 Ah, ok. I understand you now. So, the answer is, Vedic astrology is a form of sidereal astrology. It uses the precession corrected chart (the ayanamsha reveals the difference between sidereal and tropical placement of the Vernal Equinox) so the positions of the planets are where they are in the constellations, instead of Tropical Astrology which uses signs. However, despite the constellation of Virgo being around 40 degrees wide and Scorpio far smaller than 30 degrees, both Western tropical astrology and Vedic/Eastern sidereal astrology use zodiac systems divided into 12 equal signs of 30. All astrology systems are fundamentally based on the movement of the Sun but Vedic astrology does also place heavy emphasis on the Moon and it divides up 360 by more numbers like 16, 27 etc. You’d have to ask a Vedic astrologer to explain it in detail but, essentially, all systems are using number to connect macrocosm and microcosm and there is not one astrology system that actually places the planets exactly as they are I.e. in sections that match the constellation width, therefore they are all systems using number symbolism. Not many people understand this, so they think sidereal systems are more “real”. I have a longer video on the astronomy of astrology. still up. I've hidden a lot of older videos as I've been promoting my book.
@justlina2769 7 ай бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends Helpful, interesting, thank you.
@GaryLet 11 ай бұрын
Fantastic video, Thank You! Connected a lot of dots in my charts.
@CyclesandTrends 11 ай бұрын
Thank you! I appreciate your comment. Glad you found it helpful
@TheFuture36520 Жыл бұрын
How about those born on year 2000? Since there's precision then those born might be Geminis instead of cancer. Nikola tesla might be a gemini. Tesla was born July 10th in 1856 during midnight in smiljan Croatia.
@CyclesandTrends Жыл бұрын
Hi, Not sure I understand the early part of your question. I can tell you though that Tesla was a Cancerian
@TheFuture36520 Жыл бұрын
Tropical, sidereal, draconic,dodecatemoria astrology
@astrob3159 Жыл бұрын
I'm slowly learning about midpoints, but still feel a bit overwhelmed with it comes to choosing what to actually look at. I see that transiting/progressed midpoints as well as the planets themselves that are important to a natal chart. But there are so many things going on at once.. how to know what's really important? I've got Ebertin's Stellar Influences, but it's not an easy read.
@CyclesandTrends Жыл бұрын
It is really complex Try the book Working with Astrology by Michael Harding & Charles Harvey. Look for a second hand copy if expensive. Michael Munkasey has a good midpoints book too but the former will give you a deeper insight x
@astrob3159 Жыл бұрын
I just discovered your videos as I'm a a recent Twitter follower. I really, really love your videos - specially this one and the one on astro cartography as I've been yearning to learn more on these subjects for some time. You explain things in such a beautiful, calm manner that makes it very easy for non-native speakers to grasp these concepts. Thank you so much and I hope that you'll keep doing more videos in the future.
@CyclesandTrends Жыл бұрын
What a lovely comment! Thank you so much for your very kind words.
@nz2166 Жыл бұрын
I thought immediately about this video when you said we are constantly moving. Kurzgesagt: title „you are not where you think you are -> kzbin.info/www/bejne/hpuQmWmDesx4bas It’s fascinating
@astrogumbo Жыл бұрын
"Whole idea 💡 of crypto came about in 1982" Indeed 1982 is class of 2000 Graduated high school with out Internet 1982 Saturn Mars Pluto and Jupiter (may be wrong in Libra ♎⚖️ All about the air trine in regards to crypto. I have Venus at 21 Aquarius. Fwiw Gemini rising Sam B F FTX goof ball Saturn Mars Aquarius exact 🎯. Elon Saturn 🪐 Gemini That's an interesting chart for BTC chart. Tokyo....I use Sydney 😁 17 Gemini rising
@CyclesandTrends Жыл бұрын
Yes, maybe I should have expanded on that because, although you’ll know this re 1982/83 and David Chaum, some may not, so here’s a link: www.investopedia.com/tech/were-there-cryptocurrencies-bitcoin/
@astrogumbo Жыл бұрын
Fantastic 🙏 much needed for astrologers imho!
@CyclesandTrends Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@juliekemp419 Жыл бұрын
Only Lord Bacon comes through it all in a clean sweep of the appalling psychopathy, cultural richness and bedeviling complexities of his times. Lord Bacon's depth and range of Being, his Art (mind, heart and soul: One Great Personal Gestalt) gives to the intellectually honest, rigorous, humble modern researcher something of his Grace.
@zardozmania 2 жыл бұрын
Bacon wrote the works of Shakespeare. Yes. He did have some help, but mostly it was him.
@tvfun32 2 жыл бұрын
This research is illuminating and revealing. Learned something new. Thank You!
@stevenhershkowitz2265 2 жыл бұрын
Never Before Imprinted is an anagram for Be In Print For M. E De Vere
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching and for your comment, Steven. That may well be, but realistically in what era did anyone ever speak like that ‘Be in print for...’? The codes when they left them were not convoluted but clear. The cover more likely says Shakespeares Sonnets Never Before Imprinted because that is 12 letters, 7 letters and 20 which = 39 (again!) - as I say in my video you will find 39 is encoded in the dedication too, and it is Simple Cipher for F Bacon. See www.fbrt.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Baconian-Rosicrucian_Ciphers.pdf
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Please see the notes underneath the video for the previous parts to this video and links to websites mentioned. Thank you
@baconisshakespeare 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Kate, This is another important and ground-breaking contribution to Bacon-Shakespeare scholarship and our understanding of the publication of ‘1609’ edition of the Sonnets. There is little doubt in my mind (which is in keeping with the wide consensus among Baconian and orthodox Shakespeare scholars) that following the dedications to Southampton (who resided with Bacon at Gray's Inn prior to this: i. e., from 1589 onwards) of Venus and Adonis (1593) and The Rape of Lucrece (1594) that he is the Fair Youth in the Sonnets, which it is believed, were written over a period of some two decades. In the years leading up to the ill-advised Essex uprising (i.e., in the second half of the 1590s) the relationship between Bacon and Southampton began to cool. Following the uprising in February 1601 Essex was executed and Southampton (after his death sentence was commuted) was imprisoned in the Tower. On the accession of James I Southampton was released from prison. Buried away in Spedding’s seven-volume Letters and Life of Bacon is a virtually unknown letter from Bacon to Southampton where he pointedly says to him in direct reference to their previous close relationship ‘I may safely be now that which I was truly before’: It may please your Lordship, I would have been very glad to have presented my humble service to your Lordship by my attendance, if I could have foreseen that it should not have been unpleasing unto you. And therefore, because I would commit no error, I choose to write; assuring your Lordship (how credible soever it may seem to you at first) yet it is as true as a thing that God knoweth, that this great change hath wrought in me no other change towards your Lordship than this, that I may safely be now that which I was truly before. And so craving no other pardon than for troubling you with this letter, I do not now begin, but continue to be Your Lordships humble and much devoted. [Spedding, Letters and Life, III, pp. 75-6] It is not known whether Southampton replied to this letter and in light of his attitude towards Bacon following his fall from grace where Southampton was less than sympathetic and urged that strong measures should be taken against Bacon, we can assume they never rekindled their previous intimate relationship. During the period leading up to the 1609 publication of the Sonnets, and thereafter, Bacon began to have an increasingly close relationship with William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, who as you point out was Grand Master of England. It was during this tenureship that Bacon jointly dedicated to Pembroke the 1623 Shakespeare First Folio.
@juliekemp419 2 жыл бұрын
Most interesting to me; so good to have so sound rationale on this particular relationship. Thank you once again 'Bacon is Shakespeare' author and scholar. So so many gaps in my apprehension of dear Francis' grand life. All is connections, understanding and depth. All the anguish and disappointment and effort he had to contend with. Dear Man.
@peethagoras 2 жыл бұрын
worth a look: shakespeare's page 1
@patricktilton5377 2 жыл бұрын
The only pro-Baconian fact cited in this video has to do with the "Jan 22" date at the bottom of Keats' poem, which is Bacon's birthday. But it's also one of the 90-odd days in winter, when this poem was written ("this wintry day"). Whether Keats was singling out Bacon's birthday is a matter of opinion, but I can see why a Baconian would get all tingly about this datum. The "clouds of Albion" obviously refer to the storm-clouds that rain down upon King Lear in Act III. I don't see the 'clouds' as being Albion's sons -- i.e. your reference to Blake's 'Coban', son of Albion. Keats is describing a duel of sorts between Damnation/Fire and the rain which fell on Lear during the storm in Act III. Keats expects, it seems, to be burned up in the "Fire" -- i.e. suffer a kind of Damnation -- yet he hopes that the rains will create a steam which is himself, burnt up, transforming into a Phoenix-like cloud. "When through the oak forest I am gone, / Let me not wander in a barren dream" -- this seems to be an echo of Dante in the "selva oscura" ['dark forest'] at the beginning of the INFERNO. Indeed, the "Chief poet" he mentions -- undoubtedly 'Shakespeare' -- is an echo of "l'altissimo poeta" ["the loftiest poet"] mentioned in INFERNO IV:80, a reference to Virgil by one of the other poets dwelling in Limbo along with Homer, Horace, Ovid, and Lucan. In INFERNO, Canto I, when Dante finds out that the one who appears to him when he's at his lowest (beset by the three beasts preventing him from reaching the 'hill' behind which the Sun beckons him on, i.e. Mt. Purgatory and Paradise) is, indeed, the ghost of Virgil, Dante says: "O degli altri poeti onore e lume," ["O of all other poets honour and light," [Geoffrey Bickersteth translation]. Keats is purposely echoing Dante in this sonnet, honoring Shakespeare as HIS "Chief poet" just as Dante honored Virgil as "l'altissimo poeta" -- as HIS loftiest poet. Keats seems not to be anticipating -- let alone desirous of -- the traditional Christian salvation that a Pilgrim/Poet like Dante sought (indeed, was desperate for). Rather, Keats seems to have sought a mystical transformation whereby he -- as a sinner condemned to the fires of Damnation -- like a character in Ovid's METAMORPHOSES, might be rained down upon, as Lear was, the water dousing the fires of Damnation, leaving the steam to rise like the Phoenix: "Give me new Phoenix wings to fly at my desire." The supposed "Bacon" acrostic -- reading upwards "B...C...A...On" --well, I can see why a Baconian would get excited by that, especially in conjunction with the "Jan 22" date on which it was written, but it doesn't impress me as much. Maybe if the letters were in the proper order, but they aren't. Keats wrote an acrostic poem which spells the name GEORGIANA AUGUSTA KEATS in 21 lines, all in proper order. I don't deny that there are 4 lines which contain the letters 'O', 'A', 'C', and 'B' -- though you ignore the 'O' in the poem's 1st line and, instead, opt for the 'On' in the poem's title -- and that IS the poem's title, despite your questioning of that: the rhyme-scheme of the 14 lines beginning with "O golden tongued Romance..." is ABBA ABBA CDCD EE. The line "On sitting down to read King Lear again" may be an acceptable pentameter verse, but it doesn't rhyme with any of the following 14 lines, and isn't grammatically connected to the following line (i.e. the sonnet's actual 1st line). Properly, the 1st letters of the 14 lines are: OFLS ABMT CBWL BG, out of which you can get BACO (but no 'N') leaving FLS BMT BWL and G. It doesn't seem likely that Keats was aiming for any acrostic message here, but I'll grant that finding 'BACOn" jumbled up out-of-order in this -- including the sonnet's title -- ought to get a Baconian's shingle to tingle. But I'm not convinced Keats was implicitly outing Bacon as Shakespeare. And he wasn't referencing Blake's 'Coban' with his "clouds of Albion" reference, either. He was purposely echoing Dante, honoring Shakespeare as "Chief poet" just as Dante honored Virgil in the INFERNO, and aspiring to an Ovidian metamorphosis whereby the rains of Lear's storm transform his Damnation-by-'Fire' into a flying-away Phoenix. This "Fire + Water = Steam" equation Keats aspires to is perhaps also an echo of the final pair of sonnets in Shakespeare's Sonnets, #s 153 and 154. In them, Cupid, the little Love-god, falls asleep, laying his "heart-inflaming brand" aside, which is picked up by a nymph, a "maid of Dian" who plunges it into "a cold valley-fountain" ["a cool well"] which becomes "a seething bath" which acts as a "healthful remedy" to ailing folk. 'Shakespeare', however, "found no cure" in those waters, because he -- his "mistress' thrall" -- could only get the help he needs from his "mistress' eyes" which can re-ignite Cupid's doused torch: "Love's fire heats water, water cools not love." Of course, Shakespeare's poem "THE PHOENIX AND THE TURTLE" might also be alluded to by Keats in his final line about "new Phoenix wings" -- as well, perhaps, as a reference to the Eagle which Dante dreams about in PURGATORIO, Canto IX, up past the sphere of Fire to the true entrance to Purgatory proper -- it having been a lady named Lucia [Lucy] who had descended to where Dante was sleeping, and carried him up. This echoes the tale told to Dante in Canto II of the INFERNO, when Virgil explains how Beatrice had descended into Hell, into 'Limbo' where Virgil was, and she told him then that a 'Lady' ['Donna' -- undoubtedly the Virgin Mary, unnamed in this line in the INFERNO] sent 'Lucia' ['Lucy'] to go to Dante's aid, whereupon Lucia went to where Beatrice was -- seated next to "l'antica Rachele" ["the ancient Rachel"] -- prompting Beatrice to immediately descend from Heaven into Hell to draft Virgil into her service, for Dante's sake. Later, while dreaming in Ante-Purgatory, Dante dreams of being snatched up by an Eagle and passing through the fiery sphere atop the atmosphere, that dream-eagle actually being Lucia, the go-between sent from Mary to Beatrice to effect his salvation. Dante's survival of that fiery layer above the atmosphere (in his dream) prefigures his passage through the fire separating the final terrace of Purgatory where Lust is punished, through which Dante has to willingly pass in order to reach Beatrice . . . which Virgil seems to tease him about, to get him to get the courage to pass through the flames -- rather like a Phoenix -- from the Earthly Paradise at the summit of the mountain, where Dante loses Virgil, but finds Beatrice, whose name means 'Blessed Woman'. Keats was obviously riffing on Dante, and he combined that Dantean imagery with the storm from Act III of KING LEAR to produce a poem about transformation, the transcending of Damnation through a heaven-sent rainstorm. He may have been alluding to Shakespeare's final pair of sonnets, as well as his PHOENIX AND THE TURTLE . . . but he wasn't saying a damn thing about the authorship of Shakespeare. Nice try, though!
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment and interesting detail, Patrick. As I indicated in the video, I too am circumspect about the Albion reference, but as to the acrostic and the date. given Keats' association with the Rosicrucian/Freemasonic orders, I believe the message he was leaving was clear. We will just have to agree to disagree 🙂
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, links to Part One and Part Two are in the notes.
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Links to Part One and Three are available in the notes
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Part Two and Three now available. See notes
@patricktilton5377 2 жыл бұрын
As long as we're exploring ciphers in Shakespeare texts, let's look at the Dedication Page of the Sonnets [31:40]. TO.THE.ONLIE.BEGETTER.OF. THESE.INSVING.SONNETS. Mr.W.H. ALL.HAPPINESSE. AND.THAT.ETERNITIE. PROMISED. BY. OVR.EVER-LIVING.POET. WISHETH. THE.WELL-WISHING. ADVENTVRER.IN. SETTING. FORTH. T.T. [center-align the 12 lines of the Dedication, with the 'T.T.' slightly off-center & right] Notice that the text forms 3 triangles, i.e. 3 upside-down 'pyramids' of text. The first 6 lines, the next 2 lines, and the final 4 lines. We have the numbers 6, 2, and 4. Notice that each word is followed by a full-stop, or period, or dot -- except for the two dashes in 'EVER-LIVING' and 'WELL-WISHING'. If we take the 6th word, then the 2nd word after that, then the 4th word after that, and keep applying this 6-2-4 number code until we run out of words, we get the phrase: "THESE.SONNETS.ALL.BY.EVER.THE.FORTH.T." Notice that there are 19 Ts in the Dedication Page's text, which begins with a 'T' and ends with a 'T'. The letter 'T' is the 19th letter of the Elizabethan/Jacobean English alphabet (the letters 'I' and 'J' were considered the same, as were 'U' and 'V', making 24 letters rather than the 26 we reckon nowadays). Type out a grid of 19 columns to get the following: T O T H E O N L I E B E G E T T O R O F T H E S E I N S V I N G S O N N E T S M r W H A L L H A P P I N E S S E A N D T H A T E T E R N I T I E P R O M I S E D B Y O V R E V E R L I V I N G P O E T W I S H E T H T H E W E L L W I S H I N G A D V E N T V R E R I N S E T T I N G F O R T H T T Notice that in Column 12, the last 3 letters are 'TTT' -- the Triple Tau. That's 3 'T's . . . so, what about the 4th 'T' referred to in the 6-2-4- cipher [THESE SONNETS ALL BY EVER THE FORTH T]? Note that in Column 9, the name 'VERE' is spelled upside-down, with the letters 'DE' on either side of the 'V', making a rebus of the name DE VERE in the shape of an upside-down Tau cross. EVER THE FORTH [i.e. 4th] 'T' . . . the name DE VERE made into an upside-down Tau cross, or T-shaped cross . . . the 3 crosses at Golgotha being represented as the Triple Tau in Column 12, and an upside-down T-shaped cross being the "4th T" upon which St. Peter was crucified -- upside-down, according to tradition. Why the 6-2-4 cipher? The name EDWARD DE VERE is spelled with 3 words comprised of 6+2+4 letters, and DE VERE forms the rebus of the 4th 'T'. There's a whole hell of a lot more encoded in this brilliant cipher text, but I refer you to the amazing work first John Rollett and then predominantly Alexander Waugh have done to reveal what was actually being said covertly in this passage, undoubtedly by John Dee -- who signed his name to it (the 'D' in ADVENTVRER, the 'E' in WISHETH, and the first 'E' in EVER). Mr. Waugh has a video titled "Where is Shakespeare really buried?" in which this cipher text as well as the Title Page's ciphered text are fully explained. Your Bacon-ciphers are moderately intriguing, but nowhere near as convincing as the ciphers pointing to EDWARD DE VERE being the true author of the Shakespeare canon. You did say, "You decide!" . . . and my decision is wholeheartedly for the 17th Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere. Sir Francis Bacon may have had a hand in helping to type-set the First Folio, with him, Dee, and De Vere all participating in a 'glorious work' of Rosicrucian and Freemasonic importance. But it was Lord Oxford who was the Poet/Playwright. And he was the only one who was dead before the 1609 publication date of the Sonnets -- which is why he's referred to as "EVER-LIVING" : only deceased persons and God can be rightly called ever-living; mortals who accomplish great things before they die LIVE ON in their works. It was Edward de Vere.
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Patrick, My apologies, I have held all comments for review as it is such a controversial topic but I have only just seen these messages or I would have replied sooner. I am always open to hearing other views. Thanks for writing all this out. It was all known to me and I have actually covered it all in Part Two kzbin.info/www/bejne/rpKYh6Wircd_g8U There is a Part three as well now.
@RobertFowler 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing! Captivating and even for an old Baconian you offer fascinating new information! Beautifully done!
@cgwaldmanauthorfrancisbaco5320 2 жыл бұрын
At your convenience, I was wondering if you could give references where people could read more about the tracing of the 1589 book, "The Art of Poesie," back to authorship by Francis Bacon, please. Thank you for explaining the various symbolisms.
@CyclesandTrends 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, Thanks for your comment. For the most extensive discussion of Lord Bacon’s authorship of The Arte of English Posie see Walter Begley, Bacon’s Nova Resuscitatio or The Unveiling of his Concealed Works and Travels (London: Gay and Bird, 1905), I, pp. 1-80. For a detailed discussion of the extensive influence of the work throughout the Shakespeare canon see William Lowes Rushton, Shakespeare and ‘The Arte of English Poesie’ (Liverpool: Henry Young and Sons, 1908). Info courtesy of independent.academia.edu/APhoenix1
@cgwaldmanauthorfrancisbaco5320 2 жыл бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends Just came across this, that Shakespeare did not invent the word "inaudible," "George Puttenham" (a.k.a. Francis Bacon via your references) did! "…our odde sillable is not altogether of that nature, but is in a maner drownd and supprest by the flat accent, and shrinks away as it were inaudible and by that meane the odde verse comes almost to be an euen in euery mans hearing." -George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie, 1589. (from Merriam Webster, "10 Words Shakespeare Never Invented," online. March 25, 2022).
@SirfrancisbaconNet 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, Kate! Fascinating and captivating!
@SpiritualFreemasonry 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderful! A real treat for all of us who study esoterica and very well explained and presented! The way you explained a complex topic in an easy-to-understand way is remarkable. More please!
@sarrah1413 3 жыл бұрын
Listening to this in june 2021.. everything you said makes sense now.. greaat job.. no ifs and buts.. wow im amazed
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Sarrah. Apologies for the delay in responding, I have only just seen this.
@jag4947 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Excellent video. I learnt a lot. Needed knowledge, especially that Pluto is in 10 minutes` tight conjuncton with my Sun/Moon midpoint in Virgo. Will observe that point from now on!
@believeyoucanclub2981 3 жыл бұрын
Kate, this is mind-blowing stuff. I've just watched it for the second time and so many of the strands of your narrative fit with themes and observations I've been reading about from various sources since my first viewing many weeks ago. I'm truly in awe that we seem to be on the threshold of one of the momentous times in modern civilisation. I thank you for playing a part in opening awareness to the phenomenon of cycles and their influence. Your painstaking work deserves a much wider audience and I am so grateful to you for taking the time to present it and share it here.
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, thank you! Comments like this keep me going.
@thrinedemol 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful video, I love the way you explain astrology. Thank you 🙏🏼
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching.
@astrogumbo 3 жыл бұрын
That's a yuge 2/8 axis! Using quads has worked well for you?
@dlhoffman7616 3 жыл бұрын
Check out Lavette's channel here on yt. She has many videos explaining this as far back as 2012. This is the real 2012.
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
I'll take a look. Thanks
@ronnykhalil 3 жыл бұрын
I went to “absolutely fascinating” only to see the previous comment begin that way. The sentiment is still there. I’m grateful to have found this channel ams your work 🙌
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
How lovely. Thank you so much for your kind comment..
@deciaraB 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Kate, fascinating video! My sun and moon are conjunct in my natal chart so the mid-point is on the sun and moon. What does that mean?
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, Thank you for the compliment and that's a good question. So you were born on a New Moon and in this case there's a slight difference in interpretation according to the exact minutes after the decimal point, so a) do you know your precise birthtime (not rounded up) and if so b) do you know the degree and minutes of your Sun and Moon? I ask because you may like to share them here in a further reply. I'm looking to see if your Moon is what we call Cazimi or if it is Combust, as it makes a difference to the interpretation. However, either way your Sun and Moon degree become your midpoint and you can still count all the 45 degree positions to that Sun/Moon position as having resonance. I can say more when I see the exact degree and minutes of your Sun and Moon.
@deciaraB 3 жыл бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends Thanks for the reply! I know my exact birth time. My sun is Sun 18° Cancer 33′ 30″, Moon 17° Cancer 47′ 19″
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
@@deciaraB OK, so your midpoint is 18.10 Cancer. Natal planets at - or transits and progressions to -18 degrees of cardinal signs and 3 degrees of mutable signs will hold resonance to this midpoint. I can't give you any truly useful delineation without the whole chart, but for everyone who has a New Moon in Cancer at these degrees and minutes, the Moon is combust (swallowed up by the sun's light) but it is strengthened greatly by being in its own sign. With any New Moon the Moon becomes invisible leading up to, and until a few days after they meet, but when this close the Moon is completely invisible to onlookers. Symbolically then, this would point to any person with this in their natal chart being strongly Cancerian, with all that implies, (love of home, the past, very nurturing, entrepreneurial etc) but the outer identity may act like a mask for a far more emotional, inner sensitive nature or there may be a need to retreat or hide away from time to time - to cocoon. This decan is 'scorpionic' so there's often something secretive or secrets and a love of psychology or 'depth' . With combustion there can be some difficulty in being objective, whereas if the Moon was just a little more close to the heart of the Sun there would be a one pointed focus and almost perfect integration between conscious and unconscious. Anyone interested in knowing more should read up about New Moons and someone like Liz Greene is a great Jungian analyst.
@deciaraB 3 жыл бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends I really appreciate this insight. Thanks!
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
@@deciaraB Pleasure. Remember a full chart overview is always needed and these are only potentials ways a natal New Moon can manifest.
@clementcomes1516 3 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy all your videos! As a Gann enthousiast, I can't find the site about Hans Kayser, can you please share the link? Thank you
@clementcomes1516 3 жыл бұрын
hanskayser.com, simple as that ;-)
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
Ah you beat me to it! Yes: hanskayser.com/EZ/kayser2/kayser2/index.php Thanks for your comment and I hope you like that site.
@clementcomes1516 3 жыл бұрын
@@CyclesandTrends yes indeed, very insightful, just like your work!
@SophiaCycles 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful, as always!
@astrogumbo 3 жыл бұрын
Ever pulled the chart for Windsor Proc 1917 denouncing all German titles? Ever realize that Royal Proc was made one day before partial solar eclipse that lead up to the big annular one in Dec 2017 over the South Pole? Since familiar with politik there, could you check the official time? I got 22:00. (HELLO ♒, Vargottama too) If the ayanamsa I use continues to do service, come June 2021(Rahu/Saturn) those things you speak of shall come to past in London. Appreciate your work, dont stop please....just don't be an astro groupie, as discussed in the pulpit. Tis is why I put the "learned" astro folk on blast. All about money and subs when in reality most don't know the first thing about "local space." Btw my horror show (Mars Saturn and Pluto in 5) is in the 12th from the 🦂. Only grahas squared up in fixed rasis are Moon (♉), Jupiter (♏) , and Venus (♒) fwiw😉
@therainbowwarrior4729 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking your time with this, an excellent presentation!
@CyclesandTrends 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@sweetycotty3541 4 жыл бұрын
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@clementcomes1516 4 жыл бұрын
Vast subject, nice explanations! Thank you.
@vivianachamorro6152 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fascinating video, I loved your explanations and the link to history. Looking forward to hearing more in the near future 🙂
@CyclesandTrends 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Viviana x
@koliver5847 4 жыл бұрын
Fascinating article, thank you!
@CyclesandTrends 4 жыл бұрын
Glad you found it interesting, thanks for watching. K