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@allisonhugheshomes11 20 күн бұрын
Love our town. 🩷
@kedricktheheadtripMusic 3 ай бұрын There's a forced prostitution ring at 68 Farm Hill Rd Middletown CT 06457. A terrified victim who has repeatedly ran away from Gilead Community "Services" still rots there. For nearly about a year (May 2024) the same crooked cop has been getting away with raping the same victim. I don't ask questions that answer themselves like, "what's inflicted upon women at group homes?" A terrified victim who runs away from Gilead Community "Services" is forced to defend the predators she runs away from. A crooked cop, Andrew Lindberg, sexually assaults her and prevents her from even trying to escape the group home racket ever again. I risked my life protecting her from the cops when they were about to drag her into an ambulance. The victim doesn't consent to a so-called "relationship" with a cop and even if she claimed to consent, he's still exploiting and violating her because she's #autistic and he's a cop. The victim would never, ever willingly defend the abusers she has repeatedly ran away from. As for the loans, she would repay me if she were allowed to. I repeatedly loaned her more than half of my weekly $, adding up to at least a 4 digit number. The predators won't let her repay me, they're vengeful because I tried to rescue her from them. If not for me defending her, she would have been severely injured by the police. I wasn't about to let them harm her. She told the abusers she discharged herself. I.e., not A.W.O.L. There shouldn't have been a silver alert. These atrocities occur in Middletown and Bristol, Connecticut. I fear for my life and I hope the aforementioned victim will be notified when I die. The predators at Gilead Community "Services" apparently won't notify her. They detest me for trying to rescue her from them. If there were any "good" cops, the group homes would get shut down. The abusive staff members can't handle getting told off, so they fasely accused me of "harassing" the victim who runs away from them. I called them to condemn them, so they called the cops and lied to cover their asses by falsely accusing me of repeatedly calling her. I called them, not her. Lindberg forced the victim to publicly post her facial expression after he raped her. She's also forcibly drugged. #BlueLivesMurder #metoomovement #ibelieveher #AutisticLivesMatter #WhyIDidntReport #metoo #PeaceLoveUnityRespect Creepy CEO Justin Salvio: Crooked Captain Brian Hubbs of the Middletown CT PD: Deborah Rand Carprenter, case manager: A victim, Megan Prue: Psychotherapist and Addiction Counselor Mike Anthony: Edward Marchinoski, Mental Health Worker: A victim sought my help so she can have a life, so the predators sold her to Andrew Lindberg; and he’s preventing her from even trying to escape the group home racket ever again. I'll do the best I can to rescue Megan even if she had willingly ghosted me. The abuse inflicted upon her is much worse than ghosting. State Representative Cara C. Pavalock-D'Amato has jurisdiction in this matter because Bristol cops were about to drag away a #disabled woman. Also, crooks at Bristol Hospital wouldn't let me visit her. I survived psychiatry and group homes. Meg's damaged by so-called "medications" and the pushers blamed her for being "symptomatic" as a result of getting retraumatized by an involuntary admission. I got retraumatized when the cops abducted Megan. Therefore, this IS my business. Meg said she was "saving money" to get out of Gilead the "right" way. I.e , she's subjected to indentured servitude.
@lakshmp4530 4 ай бұрын
This is the best video of Middletown. The other ones were really depressing!!
@bob234-ys7tl 5 ай бұрын
Hey, why is 18th August 1985 left blank in your town’s history?
@slinkadoo6292 5 ай бұрын
I bought flop flops in 2014 .This was Middle town
@slinkadoo6292 5 ай бұрын
I bought flip flop
@kedricktheheadtripMusic 5 ай бұрын A terrified victim who has repeatedly ran away from Gilead Community "Services" still rots there. For nearly a full year (March 2024) the same crooked cop has been getting away with raping the same victim. I don't ask questions that answer themselves like, "what's inflicted upon women at group homes?" A terrified victim who runs away from Gilead Community "Services" is forced to defend the predators she runs away from. A crooked cop, Andrew Lindberg, sexually assaults her and prevents her from even trying to escape the group home racket ever again. I risked my life protecting her from the cops when they were about to drag her into an ambulance. The victim doesn't consent to a so-called "relationship" with a cop and even if she claimed to consent, he's still exploiting and violating her because she's autistic and he's a cop. Gilead Community "Services" = abuse. The victim would never, ever willingly defend the abusers she has repeatedly ran away from. As for the loans, she would repay me if she were allowed to. I repeatedly loaned her more than half of my weekly $, adding up to at least a 4 digit number. The predators won't let her repay me, they're vengeful because I tried to rescue her from them. If not for me defending her, she would have been severely injured by the police. I wasn't about to let them harm her. She told the abusers she discharged herself. I.e., not A.W.O.L. There shouldn't have been a silver alert. These atrocities occur in Middletown and Bristol, Connecticut. I fear for my life and I hope the aforementioned victim will be notified when I die. The predators at Gilead Community Services apparently won't notify her. They detest me for trying to rescue her from them. If there were any "good" cops, the group homes would get shut down. The abusive staff members can't handle getting told off, so they fasely accused me of "harassing" the victim who runs away from them. I called them to condemn them, so they called the cops and lied to cover their asses by falsely accusing me of repeatedly calling her. I called them, not her. Lindberg rapes a woman and his fake profile was the only 1 on her friends' list on Facebook. He forced her to block everyone else and he forced her to publicly post her facial expression after he raped her. I won't let this asshole get away with rape.
@kedricktheheadtripMusic 7 ай бұрын
Crooked cop Andrew Lindberg rapes an #autistic woman and prevents her from moving out of a #grouphome she has historically ran away from, he forces her to defend the abusers who track her phone to force her back into the group home racket. She doesn't consent and even if she claimed to, Lindberg's still exploiting her. The cops would have dragged her into an ambulance if not for me intervening to protect her from them. Lindberg forced her to block her friends she alerady had, the only friend was his phony profile. After forcing her to stop using social media for months, the abuser forced her to pubicly post her facial expression after he raped her. The victim's also forcibly drugged and had gallstones at 37. Gilead Community "Services" is so terrible, the so-called "clients" run away constantly. Main office: 222 Main Street Extension, Middletown, Connecticut 06457 #metoo #ibelieveher #stopableism #endableism #ActuallyAutistic #metoomovement #WhyIDidntReport #autism
@kedricktheheadtripMusic 8 ай бұрын
Predators are planning a rally to advertise themselves on April 7th, 2024. Summary: A crooked cop rapes a so-called "client" as revenge because she tried to escape Gilead Community “Services” in Middletown, Connecticut. If I didn't report, I'd get asked why I didn't report. The victim can't escape Andrew Lindberg, he's armed and he has blue privilege at the very least. He won't let her have any friends, the only friend on her list was his fake profile and he forced her to publicly post about what he did to her. I nearly vomited when I saw such a monstrosity on her profile months ago. She's afraid to admit Lindberg rapes her. She knows better than to consent to police, and even if she made that mistake; I don't blame the victims. The so-called "relationship" would still be inappropriate even if she claimed to consent. The longer story: Predators are planning a rally to advertise themselves on Sunday, April 7th, 2024. I got retraumatized when abusers sent the police to abduct a woman and force her back into a forced prostitution ring within the group home racket. Therefore, this IS my business. A victim was forced back into a group home because the abusers track the victims' phones, now a crooked cop rapes her for trying to escape the group home. The cops apparently have the highest rate of domestic violence of any "profession". They shouldn't be allowed anywhere near any woman, much less an autistic woman. I (Kedrick the Head Trip ) was subjected to retaliation twice for calling out abusers who tracked a woman's phone to force her back into a group home. Out of respect for the victim, I won't say her name. The abuse at Gilead Community "Services" is so severe, a woman was forced back there by the predators who tracked her phone. I risked my life to protect her from the police. If not, they would've dragged her into an ambulance. I know she would never consent to any "relationship" with a police officer and that would still be inappropriate even if she claimed to consent. The police are notoriously abusive to women. The abusive staff members allow a crooked cop to exploit an autistic woman for trying to escape the group home racket and psychiatry. (Note : I deleted posts with the victim's name in them. I'm not about to desist from condemning the abusers.) A predator with blue privilege retaliated. Andrew Lindberg is at least 1 of the crooked cops violating the aforementioned woman. She can't be unaware of the domestic violence by the police. Therefore, she doesn't consent to them touching her in any manner. The MIddletown police covered their own asses. If enough ppl see my posts, Lindberg will be brought to justice. The CEO, Justin Salvio, interrupted me to question my intentions to shift the blame to me when I condemned him for abusing residents; including the one I risked my life to protect. He said some crap about the "clients fleeing from abusive male partners" like he forgot that the aforementioned woman fled from a group home again and sought my help escaping the group home racket. I didn't abuse her, the staff members at the group home abused her. The crooks will probably retaliate again. Ironically, a social worker agreed with me and she told those crooks the investigation should be reopened because a cop shouldn't be allowed to exploit the woman who fled to me and away from the group home racket. I don't harm anyone, I'm owed a lot of apologies. I don't deserve this. Gilead Community "Services" retraumatized me. I was feeling better until they sent the cops to abduct a woman who ran away from them and sought my help. She didn't really ghost me over miscommunications or mistakes, abusers forcibly removed her from my life. A victim who got abducted and forced back in can't "work with them" to "get out the right way". I got tortured in group homes and I knew there's more torture inflicted upon women. Lindberg lied. Falsifying a police report is a felony. I was never contacted with a reply as alleged by the cops, I had to call again months later. I believe all victims who condemn the group home racket. Did the victim really forget the good times we had for many years? Apparently not, she’s afraid to tell the truth. I suffer for trying to help a woman escape a group home she described as "like a concentration camp". I did the best I could for her. Nobody deserves torture, not even the guilty, and I'm harmless; what the cops inflict upon me is inhumane #metoo #metoomovement #ibelieveher #WhyIDidntReport #actuallyautistic #autism
@freddiedoyle472 9 ай бұрын
I see this add at least twice in every video I watch here on you tube . I am so sick of seeing this add that it would negatively effect my decision if I was in need of a realtor . Just a thought
@kedricktheheadtripMusic Жыл бұрын
Group homes = abuse Staff members = serial rapists, and especially if the so-called "clients" are specifically women. Predators at a group home are preventing my friend from contacting me because I tried to help her escape and recover from psychiatry, the group home racket, et cetera As of Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 A woman who tried to recover from psychiatry and have a better life is now subjected to much worse abuse at Gilead Community Services in Middletown, Connecticut, described as "like a concentration camp"; the sadists at Bristol Hospital sent her back there. I risked my life preventing police brutality. She ran back in to where I reside, the cops grabbed her, and I intervened; then a predator questioned my intentions because his job includes bribing the cops and hiding evidence of abuse. Justin Salvio abuses women. The aforementioned is forcibly drugged to cause damage. The predator said, "that's between her and her psychiatrist", the same torturer who lied so the woman got committed for trying to recover. The so-called "medications" are meant to cause irreversible harm. I know the abused woman is unwilling to use the pharmaceuticals damaging her. Most psychiatrists never take "no" for an answer. They're drug pushers, not merely dealers. The abusers at the group home are lying. They don't plan to ever let this woman contact me again, I survived psychiatry and I tried to help her survive. If she were allowed independence, then she wouldn't have been subjected to revenge for discharging herself and seeking a better life. She didn't choose to "take a break from friends", the abusers won't let her contact anyone and especially not me. They said she said she'll "reach out when she's ready" like they'd let her reach out. She also would've told me first if she willingly stopped using her phone and social media. The lack of contact can't be her choice. I've known her for more than years and she wouldn't cause anxiety by not telling me before "taking a break from friends". She can't be "safe" at the group home, she tried to escape and the abusers vowed revenge and meant it. They know I helped and they won't allow that ever again. These abusers are by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (rather than the Department of Developmental Services [not that area of the spectrum]). Autism is inherently devastating. Justin Salvio is a predator, a gaslighter, and a liar. His extension is 3420 at 1 860 343 5300. My friend of many years isn't allowed to unblock me. She might be posting on FB again. Predators won't let her contact me. She fled here. Therefore, she's not allowed to unblock me. DUH! Justin Salvio the predator can be found here: #metoomovement #metoo #protectwomen #ActuallyAutistic #autism #stopableism #stopdisableism #stopdiscrimination #BlueLivesMurder
@ajleblanc597 Жыл бұрын
there is nothing to do it is so boring
@NoahStrattonTwine Жыл бұрын
You sold me Jonathan! I'm movin' in!
@LakeCompounce1123 Жыл бұрын
6:22 - the best part
@mayatuck Жыл бұрын
Now the green is littered with purple flags. Wait until the green is taken over by the homeless. I grew up here in the 70s. Not the same cozy, small, friendly town it used to be.
the guilford green looks so different now!
@willinnewhaven3285 Жыл бұрын
i love Branford. Lived there for quite awhile and it was nice seeing it again. One thing you didn't mention. For no reason I can think of, it has two of the best Mexican restaurants I have ever been to.
@3thomasdm Жыл бұрын
born in 1954 I grew up in middletown and mostly across the bridge in portland. it was a great place to be a kid in the 60s and 70s, but I moved out in 1979 and would never live in connecticut again. mainly because of it's garbage politics.
@chickensoupisapoopieface Жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ what a DINOSAUR.
@jamesbenson7041 Жыл бұрын
🌸 'PromoSM'
@carolroberts3974 Жыл бұрын
@carolroberts3974 Жыл бұрын
It's a beautiful and there's a person living in your town that God put in my heart❤
@LucysHeart360 8 ай бұрын
Is there an update? 😊
@Jgilliaan Жыл бұрын
I live in Madison and I can say visitors and new residents are always welcome! It is an amazing place to grow up in
@kledy1069 Жыл бұрын
I livehere!
@SenorZorrozzz Жыл бұрын
Evil Middlefield teachers 1960s Ottie Kirkpatrick Hennessy Monaghan Palmer Scarlatto Whited The list continues…..
@michaelpieczynski9340 Жыл бұрын
Lots of lesbians at Wesleyan
@johngomes684 Жыл бұрын
You go girl.
@bluewater3028 Жыл бұрын
Bradford is awesome to visit. I have been here for a year in Sardegna Italy the beaches are mindblowing. Some of the clips I have uploaded if someone is interested can watch on my channel. Wish everyone happy time ahead
@jean9174 Жыл бұрын
@thesoccertrotter1 Жыл бұрын
Not anymore 😹
@batchagaloopytv5816 2 жыл бұрын
@RAE0822 2 жыл бұрын
This is a gorgeous home if I had money this would be my dream home and fortunately I'm on disability thank you Jonathan Carbutti for sharing ❤😊
@Aries61 2 жыл бұрын
Love Milford !!! CT politics chased me away.
@lcuas47 2 жыл бұрын
Hotdog water
@williamvasquez7889 2 жыл бұрын
I used to live in Hamden and I used to drive to Branford because of the beautiful green! I live in Florida now and I’ve been here for over ten years. He was talking about the Indian Neck area and I was wondering if they still have The Indian Neck 5K road race that I used to run in. Anyway, I hope every body is all right and God bless✝️❤️!
@peraltag23 2 жыл бұрын
Food is absolutely delicious. 😋🇪🇨🥰
@nanapam1267 2 жыл бұрын
I’m from Yalesville but we moved to Florida when I was ten. I was too young to explore Wallingford so I didn’t know all of this. Of course it’s grown a lot since 1979!
@azizjad6315 2 жыл бұрын
Is this canada
@Jgilliaan Жыл бұрын
No it’s American
@azizjad6315 Жыл бұрын
@@Jgilliaan were ?
@Jgilliaan Жыл бұрын
@@azizjad6315 it’s in Connecticut USA
@azizjad6315 Жыл бұрын
@@Jgilliaan i love ct it s better than montréal loooool
@azizjad6315 Жыл бұрын
@@Jgilliaan it is only few hors from here
@demxn1c744 2 жыл бұрын
Ice-cream stores, coffee shops, and many still there! Branford isn’t how good they make it look, oof.
@miriammigliacci3527 3 жыл бұрын
I love Branford! Nice town, nice people, nice atmosphere!
@outdoormusings7688 3 жыл бұрын
Loved being at Wharton Brook State Park in Wallingford recently. It’s one of the 2021 Connecticut Sky’s the Limit hiking challenge.
@savannahcampbell1669 3 жыл бұрын
Middletown Connecticut is a great place
@bridgetndangelis-cappello9315 2 жыл бұрын
@kedricktheheadtripMusic Жыл бұрын
Apparently not. Forced disappearance of "client" who tried to escape group home and recover from psychiatry - A woman who tried to recover from psychiatry and have a better life is now subjected to much worse abuse at Gilead Community Services in Middletown, Connecticut, described as "like a concentration camp, the sadists at Bristol Hospital sent her back there. I risked my life preventing police brutality. She ran back in to where I reside, the copa grabbed her, and I intervened; then a predator my intentions because his job includes bribing the cops and hiding evidence of abuse. Justin Salvio abuses women. The aforementioned is forcibly drugged to cause damage. The predator said, "that's between her and her psychiatrist", the same torturer who lied so the woman got committed for trying to recover. The so-called "medications" are meant to cause irreversible harm. I know the abused woman is unwilling to use the pharmaceuticals damaging her. Most psychiatrists never take "no" for an answer. They're drug pushers, not merely dealers. The abusers at the group home are lying. They don't plan to ever let this woman contact me again, I survived psychiatry and I tried to help her survive. If she were allowed independence, then she wouldn't have been subjected to revenge for discharging herself and seeking a better life. She didn't choose to "take a break from friends", the abusers won't let her contact anyone and especially not me. They said she said she'll "reach out when she's ready" like they'd let her reach out. She also would've told me first if she willingly stopped using her phone and social media. She can't be "safe" at the group home, she tried to escape and the abusers vowed revenge and meant it. These abusers are by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (rather than the Department of Developmental Services [not that area of the spectrum]). Autism is inherently devastating. Justin Salvio is a predator, a gaslighter, and a liar. His extension is 3420 at 1 860 343 5300.
@outdoormusings7688 3 жыл бұрын
I love the old town feel and the historical homes there. The New England trail starts on the shores there.
@johnn2638 3 жыл бұрын
I just love the suburban feel of Madison. I also love the the access to the beaches. Am out of state Philadelphia. I am currently residing in the New Haven area. I am looking to buy up property on the shoreline.
@Jgilliaan Жыл бұрын
I live in Madison Connecticut y’all are always welcome
@rangerrick1169 3 жыл бұрын
brown town
@forehandify 3 жыл бұрын
I lived in Guilford most of my life and my grandfather came to Guilford in the 1920's
@tinamagnuson2 3 жыл бұрын
No way is it 1 hout 10 by train to NYC!!!
@epapferdestudiumde5250 3 жыл бұрын
@alphonsemele6493 3 жыл бұрын
I live in Branford with my wife and daughter and i love it.
@10Briguy 3 жыл бұрын
As long as your white, you’ll fit in. Is not a pleasant place to be if you are anything but yuppie white.