@PhongPham-ml6yj Күн бұрын
0:00 This melody reminded me of an anime that made me cry. The anime is called Your Lie in April.
@balagage6829 2 күн бұрын
@黒瀬美里-w4t 3 күн бұрын
@etiennebidias 4 күн бұрын
Magnifique 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 j'adore 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
@etiennebidias 4 күн бұрын
Waouh 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@Yangming1 4 күн бұрын
听着非常熟悉,发现这就是 “天涯明月刀” 游戏中的背景音乐。
@BonBon_52hao 4 күн бұрын
@408班20馮尹嫻 5 күн бұрын
@3081薛辰宥 6 күн бұрын
雖然我現在不需要會考 但是我祝學長學姊考試加油 武運昌榮❤
@靛藍-h3b 7 күн бұрын
@heycomon5086 8 күн бұрын
24:50 ~ 26:02 請問有人知道歌名嗎
@coffee01147 10 күн бұрын
國中有大鳥,止於王庭,三年不蜚又不鳴。此鳥不飛則已,一飛沖天;不鳴則已,一鳴驚人。 但倘若此鳥不飛不鳴,則終為庸鳥也。 不能再這樣苟且偷安了,再半年就要會考了。平常不讀書也能拿不錯的成績又怎樣,段考考多少、班排多少自己心裡沒點數嗎?平常書都隨便看一看,成績還可以,但有時沒讀書還是會失常啊,認真讀書的話,一定不只“還可以”的。你還有很多時間的,請不要親手葬送自己的未來。 __________一則給自己的留言 2024/11/12 01:15
@小johnjohn 10 күн бұрын
@toanlod 10 күн бұрын
Noice bgm
@Sunny-jk4yb 10 күн бұрын
@破碎之月 10 күн бұрын
@arturolin8820 11 күн бұрын
zi r
@Mr-hl3pq 11 күн бұрын
在一起六年,認識妳不久就知道妳有憂鬱症,那時我對這個疾病還很樂觀,覺得妳有在吃藥跟諮商,看起來控制的還不錯,在我面前總是表現得很開心、不受疾病困擾的感覺,那時覺得再加上我的陪伴,妳一定會痊癒。但其實妳一直在隱忍壓抑獨處的時候,時不時出現的輕生念頭,且病況越來越嚴重,我原本竟然還認為是妳不夠獨立,但是看完你的手機還有備忘錄我真的好自責,這六年來自殺未遂上百次,被送入身心病房住院治療數十次,每一次我都是在事情發生後被送到急診才知道,一度認為妳很自私,覺得不舒服都不打電話跟我們說,造成事後我和媽媽還有哥哥替妳勞碌奔波,後來知道其實妳只是不想讓我們擔心而已對吧⋯⋯。 原本以為我們步入婚姻階段、在淡水家有一個暫時遠離原生家庭的空間,也不要求妳去找工作,只要妳心情好,可以讓妳在那自由自在的生活,慢慢就會好起來。但是我錯了,直到最後一刻妳都沒有留給我們訊息,只在妳手機裡找到兩年前打的遺書,能被認為是遺書的紀錄有兩篇,其中一篇妳說到已經打算去死了,還問我會不會支持你的選擇(雖然我常常說不論你做什麼選擇我都會支持你,但是這樣的選擇我真的好不捨),然後時候希望自己的骨灰可以被灑入大海,因為你很喜歡看海也喜歡潛水,說到潛水我想起大約是兩年前我們和同事一起去小琉球潛水,總是不小心的我那一次不小心把我們一起買的GoPro 弄丟了,你一臉不可置信,且有點失望的表情我一直印象深刻,我常常對這件事感到自責,不過過了許久,每當講到這件事情,妳只會淡淡的笑一笑,甚至是事發那一天你從來沒有責備我,不像我在這半年,你對我的印象就是停留在脾氣不太好容易生氣,前陣子我們出去玩之前我情緒有點失控,踹了一下桌子把你給嚇哭了,我只顧著發洩我不耐煩的情緒,卻沒有即時好好的安慰妳真的很對不起⋯⋯。你去住院的時候我時常感到很無助,除了要犧牲自己的空閒時間過去陪伴妳,還要推掉所有原本規劃的活動或是朋友的邀約,那個時期我覺得自己好像蠟燭兩頭燒,一方面工作有時累得不堪負荷,好不容易放假了卻還要再燃燒精力去陪伴妳,一直想著難道我的餘生就是要一直過著這樣的生活嗎?看著妳的病情沒有好轉,甚至每況愈下讓我在後面其實有一點想著離婚這件事情,但我知道這樣做對妳的傷害絕對是非常大的,我內心也很清楚,自己是妳努力維持生命的最後防線,要是我離開了你,妳一定會毫不猶豫馬上離開這個世界對吧?那時候的我有一點覺得自己是個受害者,有一點被妳以死相逼,但我知道妳也不想要這個樣子,現在如果時間可以倒轉,我好想回到妳在住院的那個時候,我願意燃盡所有精力就像之前一樣照顧妳,或是回到妳一躍而下之前的那個時候,我責備自己上班下午那個時候明明是有空檔打電話給妳,但我卻沒這麼做,愚昧無知樂觀的覺得妳已經在好轉,不用這麼頻繁打電話去吵你,殊不知那時候已經到了妳的臨界點,如果我那時有打給妳,或許至少在最後我還能再聽到妳的聲音,我要跟妳說等等我回去抱抱好不好?妳下來跟我抱抱哭一哭,晚上就會好睡覺了對吧?為什麼我們日常很常知道對方彼此要說什麼,好像有心電感應似的,但是在妳不舒服的時候,我卻什麼都感應不到呢⋯⋯。妳很溫柔善良,只想把正向樂觀的那面,所有的負面不安與委屈全往肚裡吞,就像小丑一樣就算再怎麼難過還是在笑,我為自己到了最後一刻,沒能成為妳的最後一道防線感到難過、自責,一直希望時間能回溯跟妳好好討論,我可以先離職一直陪伴妳,不要放棄自己,但現實總是無法改變⋯⋯。 其實我知道妳有一天可能會因為生病而比我早還離開,只是沒有想到這一天會這樣突然到來,現在我只能替妳感到開心,不用再吃藥住院還有心理諮商了,不會再痛苦了,妳跌倒的所有傷口在那裡都已經治好了,謝謝妳這六年給了我一段精彩美好充實的愛情,我會帶著與妳的回憶還有對妳的思念繼續生活下去。
@StealthyDawg-m5n 12 күн бұрын
@StealthyDawg-m5n 12 күн бұрын
We all love this music, it brings us together
@СоваПухнаста 13 күн бұрын
Very beautiful. Thank you
@Whm-li3jd2gl9o 15 күн бұрын
How beautiful it is to say good evening to those we love, respect and cherish, as it means a lot and carries within it love, beautiful feelings and wonderful meanings. So good evening, happiness and hope to everyone who has a place and appreciation in my heart. Good evening of roses and eternal happiness to my heart and to those in whom roses bow shyly with your love and the splendor of life is revealed by your presence. You are the people of pure hearts who are steadfast in the virtues of morals between kindness, loyalty, honesty and purity. How wonderful is the metal and how good is the origin ✍️whm
@YourMoment0 15 күн бұрын
@starewell8940 15 күн бұрын
Meh, i wouldn't say this is emotional enough
@BellingZee 9 күн бұрын
aw shucks
@ache7893 17 күн бұрын
@mashimar_ 18 күн бұрын
the song named summer dream by Yang Su Hyeok is the wrong name, its name must be "Wish - My One Desperate" or "Wish - My Dearest". I think the compositor of this channel is AI
@hevadewasomaratne5595 18 күн бұрын
ඉතා විශිෂ්ට ගනයේ වාදනයක්.ධ්‍යානයකට සමවැදුනා සමානයි.මාමුසපත් උනා ඒ නාදයෙන්.....
@妙哉-g8b 20 күн бұрын
@nekoya-ch.5858 21 күн бұрын
@lumitysolaris4244 21 күн бұрын
Topaz!!! Honkai Star Rail.
@PoringPoring951 21 күн бұрын
@sei3052 21 күн бұрын
@小johnjohn 21 күн бұрын
@jolly8268 21 күн бұрын
@rachmat_hidayat197 22 күн бұрын
@3081薛辰宥 22 күн бұрын
@yee-c1r 23 күн бұрын
47:27 居然是望春風欸!
@zihanliu620 23 күн бұрын
space uk?
@uni0000uni 23 күн бұрын
@Jeff-zb7vl 23 күн бұрын
@Whm-li3jd2gl9o 25 күн бұрын
On the sidewalk of life, we wait for the caravans of days to pass by, waving to us from afar, and small pieces of our time are presented, and the leaves of the hours fall.. On the sidewalk of life, colorful, warm, cold, painful, and joyful memories pass before us. We extend our hands to grab crumbs of happiness that departed in its corners and will not return after life has let down its golden braids on the shoulder of the silent blue present in its slumber that has extended for decades.. On the sidewalk of life, people passed by us with stories that memory tells about their fingerprints on the walls of the heart, and they still support our heads that sway with the winds of patience.. On the sidewalk of life, flocks of people passed by us, flying in the sky of our lives, then departed and retreated behind the clouds of dark oblivion
@Whm-li3jd2gl9o 25 күн бұрын
So that you do not reap regret before it is too late Because when it is too late, regret becomes just a voice without an echo, like the one who announces repentance at the hour of death. It is difficult for someone who cheapened you in a situation to raise your status with him, and it is impossible for someone who sold you out in a bargain to come back to buy you, and it is rare for someone who lost you on the paths of life to deliberately come back to search for you. Do not spend your life sitting in front of a great holocaust that they lit inside you and then went on to complete their lives. If you were their victim at some point, do not be a victim of yourself. Those who sow sorrow do not care about your eyes or the sadness of your heart. Seize the opportunity and learn the art of life✍️whm
@Whm-li3jd2gl9o 25 күн бұрын
The most beautiful and wonderful gifts are those sweet letters that are written to you, or that you write to someone else. They have an unparalleled effect and magic in the heart, because they come from a sincere heart and because they express love and care. How beautiful it is for someone to dedicate a thought to us that describes his feelings towards us, in which he writes details about us that we ourselves may not pay attention to. Whoever reads us will write us with the craftsmanship of creativity. He will write us as if he is searching for precious pearls inside us and he alone sees them, despite our flaws. Whoever loves you gives you letters that are more precious than all jewels, letters that stay with you, remain immortal, and witness to the sincerity of hearts. Writing is a written confession when the tongue fails and stutters on the threshold of expression.✍️whm
@Whm-li3jd2gl9o 25 күн бұрын
The biggest and most terrible disability remains the emotional disability. When the heart becomes a barren desert. No trees of kindness, mercy and tolerance grow in it, no roses of friendship and love bloom in it, and no breezes of loyalty blow in it. In short, it becomes a mass grave for the most wonderful human feelings. Woe to those who seek warmth and dream of spring, while their hearts know no seasons except winter ❄️ whm✍️
@taro-orange 26 күн бұрын
@想不到-g9d 26 күн бұрын
@Mo.Ling-1060 27 күн бұрын
和自己“認為”最好的朋友,有點隔閡了,明明自己被拋棄被丟下不是第一次,但每次被這樣對待,心口都會一抽一抽的疼,就好像被一勺一勺的挖走了自己的胸口,空落落的,不是很好受 可能我的瘋狂,我的自卑,我的依賴 不適合深交,這些東西只會在未來傷害到我的朋友 明明恐懼新的社交,但又希望有新的朋友 明明很想哭泣,卻要裝作堅強 成為一個堅強的孩子好累,我好想當一個永遠能抱住媽媽哭泣的孩子
@珺奕張 16 күн бұрын
加油!!! 用長大會越發現身邊的朋友不再是朋友了,別刻意交新朋友。 懂你的,適合你的人總有一天會來到你身邊
@金苡嬡 27 күн бұрын
@aster-z5q 29 күн бұрын
@ЯнаТарнавская-л3б 29 күн бұрын